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Universal Access

Enabled Environment

Presented By- Anurag Nayal

● Universal design is the design of
products and environments so that
they can be accessed and understood
by users regardless of their age, size,
ability or disadbility.

● An environment (or any building,

product, or serice in that environment)
should be designed to meet the needs
of all people who wish to use it.
Benefits of Universal
Enabled Design
• Curb cuts and power-assisted doors are necessary for
access for people with mobility impairments.
• Captions are necessary for individuals with hearing
impairments in order to access information presented
by audio.
• They also benefit someone who wants to watch a video
in a library or a quite office environment without
disturbing others.
• The ability of a person to remain as independent as
possible can be influenced by how accessible and
usable products, services and environment are.
• They also benefit a worker transporting items with a
cart, a parent pushing a small child in a stroller,
someone who is using a wheeled briefcase, and a
person who is carrying a bulky item and is trying to
open on exterior door.
• Principle 1 : Equitable Use
The design is useful and marketable to people with
diverse abilities.
• Principle 2 : Flexibility in Use
The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences
and abilities
• Principle 3 : Simple and Intuitive Use
Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user's
experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
• Principle 4 : Perceptible Imformation
The design communicates necessary information effectively to the
user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities.
• Principle 5 : Tolerance for Error
The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of
accidental or unintended actions.
• Principle 6 : Low Physical Effort
The design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with a
minimum of fatigue.
• Principle 7 : Size and Space for Approach and Use
Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach,
manipulation, and use regardless of user's body size, posture, or mobility.
Merits of Universal Enabled Design
• Universal design increases usability, safety and health of environments, products and systems.

• With attention focused on the changing demographics, differences in functional ability and preferences are
a growing part of the everyday life experience globally.

• Universal Design creates inclusive design solutions and promotes accessibility and usability, allowing
people with all levels of ability to live independently.

• The human- centered approach to design that Universal Design supports is user-friendly and convenient,
but is also respectful of user dignity, rights and privacy.

Demerits of Universal Enabled Design

• There is still pressure to prepare students for success on standardized tests.

• Standardized tests are not differentiated.

• Students and teachers are evaluated based on how well students are able to read random passages, make
sense of them, and write their responses all within a given time limit. The content itself is often not
engaging, the format is even less engaging, and the stakes are high, which create stress for all.

• States and districts are having trouble in attempting to retrofit existing tests to be more inclusive. However,
this difficulty will be eliminated or reduced if tests are developed from the beginning to be inclusive of all
Types of Disabilities
1. Visual impairment
2. Hearing impairment
3. Loco motor impairment
4. Mental retardation and Mental illness
5. Children with learning disabilities

Includes people that are completely or partially deaf, (Deaf is the politically correct
term for a person with hearing impairment). People who are partially deaf can often
use hearing aid to assist their hearing.

There are hundreds of thousands of people that have minor to various serious visual
disability of impairments. These injuries can also result into some serious problems
or diseases like blindness and ocular trauma, to name a few.


Disability of the bones, joint or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the
movement of the limbs or a usual form of cerebral palsy.

It is a term used when there are limits to a person's ability to learn at an expected
level and function in daily life. Levels of intellectual disability vary greatly in
incomplete mental developement. Mentally retarded persons are those whose
normal intellectual growth was arrested at some time before birth, during the birth
process, or in the early years of development.

Tactile warnings provide a distinctive surface pattern of truncated domes which are
used to alert the vision impaired of approaching streets.

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