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Vinz Reginald O. Pangilinan, R. Crim
4 th Placer (National), December 2017 C.L.E
Junior National Review Lecturer for C.L.E
1. It refers to any facility used for illegal manufacture of
any dangerous drug. The presence of any controlled
precursor and essential chemical or laboratory
equipment in a clandestine is a prima facie evidence
proof of manufacture in a dangerous drug.
a. Illegal Drug Laboratory
b. Clandestine Laboratory
c. Dangerous Drug Laboratory
d. Crime Laboratory
2.What is the policy making and strategy formulating
body in the planning and formulation of policies and
programs on drug prevention and control? It shall
develop and adopt comprehensive, integrated, unified
and balanced national drug abuse prevention and
control strategy.
a. PDEA c. DDB
3. It is a single cell organism that is produced
by fermentation process, such that by which
beer is made. It is caused by Bacilius
Anthracis and affects the exposure and
include severe infection that attacks the skin,
lungs and gastro intestinal tracts.
a. Choking Agents
b. Nerve Agents
c. Blistering Agents
d. Anthrax
4. Any act of introducing any dangerous drugs
into the body of any person, with or without
his/her knowledge by injection, inhalation,
ingestion or other means, or of committing any
act of indispensable assistance to a person in
administering dangerous drug to him/her unless
administered by a duly licensed practitioner for
purpose of medication refers to___.
a. Administer
b. Dispense
b. Deliver
c. Use
5. It refers to any act of knowingly
passing a dangerous drug to another,
personally or otherwise, and by any
means with or without consideration.
a. Administer
b. Dispense
c. Deliver
d. Sell
6. Any act of giving away, selling or
distributing medicine or any dangerous drug
with or without prescription refers to__.
a. Administer
b. Dispense
c. Deliver
d. Sell
7. Any act of knowingly planting,
growing, raising or permitting the
planting, growing, raising of any plant
which is the source of dangerous drugs
refers to___.
a. Cultivate
b. Manufacture
c. Culture
d. Both A and B
8. How many ex-officio members are
there in Dangerous Drugs Board?
a. 17
b. 3
c. 12
d. 2
9. It is a place where any dangerous drug
and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemicals are administered,
delivered, stored for illegal purposes,
distributed, sold or used in any form.
a. Den
b. Dive
c. Resort
d. All of the Above
10. What pillar of Anti-Drug Campaign wherein its
purpose is to neutralize transnational drug
syndicates, minimize drug trafficking to and from
country; exchange of information and ideas; and
multi-lateral, regional, sub-regional and bilateral
assistance and cooperation?

a. Drug Supply Reduction Strategy

b. Drug Demand Reduction Strategy
c. Interpol Global Communication Strategy
d.International Cooperation
11. What is the rank of the head of the
PDEA Academy?
a. Undersecretary
b. Director General
c. Superintendent
d. Director
12. This refers to the illegal cultivation,
culture, delivery, administration,
dispensation, distribution, importation,
exportation and possession of any dangerous
drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical.
a. Drug Smuggling
b. Drug/Illegal Trafficking
c. Drug Pushing
d. Human Trafficking
13. Golden Triangle approximately
produces 60% of opium in the world,
90% of opium in Eastern part of Asia.
What are the member countries that
comprise the Silver Triangle?
a. Peru, Bolivia, Colombia
b. Myanmar, Laos, Thailand
c. Laos, Thailand, Burma
d. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Inda
14. It is a central nervous system stimulant
and sometimes called “upper or “speed”. It is
white, colorless crystal or crystalline powder
with a bitter numbing taste. Can be taken
orally, inhaled (snorted), sniffed (chasing the
dragon) or injected.
a. Amphetamines
b. Cocaine
c. Shabu
d. Heroin
15. What is the most powerful psychedelic
obtained from ergot, derived from the
fungus claviceps purpurea which infects
wheat, causes perceptual changes so that
the user sees color, shapes or objects more
intensely than normal and may have
hallucinations of things that are not real?
a. Ecstasy c. LSD
b. Marijuana d. Shabu
16. The world’s oldest cultivated plant as a
source of prohibited drugs.
a. Marijuana
b. Coca Plant
c. Opium Poppy Plant
d. Caffeine
17. A person who habitually takes or use
any intoxicating alcohol liquor and while
under the influence of such, or in
consequence of the effect thereof, is
either dangerous to himself or to others.
a. Alcoholism
b. Alcoholic Liquor
c. Drunkard
d. Chronic Alcoholic
18. Police Chief Master Sergeant Ramirez
induced Marshall Atayna to sell cocaine and
arrest him after selling of the said cocaine.
Without the inducement of the former to
the latter, the crime would not be
committed. This situation refers to?
a. Instigation
b. Treachery
c. Voluntary Surrender
d. Entrapment
19. This method believes that prostitution is both a
crime and a vice and therefore, should be repressed and
totally prohibited. It maintains the chastity and
continence should be the rule of conduct to everybody
and to allow prostitution would be to immorality and
white slave trade. As to licensing of prostitution, this
school of thought argues that it invites men to enjoy
promiscuity free and easy and without fear of the law.
a. The school of total repression
b. The school of regulatory control
c. The school of positivism theory
d. The school of classical theory
20. This method is based on conversion and
fellowship. It emphasizes that alcoholics
understand alcoholism better than anyone else.
Man is dependent upon God and must turn to him
for a help. That the alcoholic must sincerely desired
to stop drinking. He must admit that he is an
alcoholic and cannot drink in moderation.
c. Program of alcoholic anonymous
d. All of the above
21.What are the rules to be observed in
I. One question at a time
II. Avoiding implied answer
III. Simplicity of the questions
IV. Saving faces
V. Avoid close ended questions
VI. Positive Attitude
a. III & IV only c. II, IV only
b. I, V only d. All of the above
22. This is applicable when there is
more than one suspect. The
suspects are separated and one is
informed that the other has talked.
a. Shifting the blame
b. Jolting
c. Mutt and Jeff
d. Bluff on a Split Pair
23. This refers to the questioning of a law
enforcement officer on a person under
custody and otherwise deprived of his
freedom or liberty. This is the stage where
there is strict observance of the Miranda
a. Custodial Interview
b. Custodial Investigation
c. Interrogation
d. All of the above
24. The following are the rules in taking confession or
admission except:
I. Confession or admission must be taken preferably in
writing and under oath.
II.  It must be written in the language known and understood
by the accused, if not it must be clearly translated
III. It must be freely and voluntarily given by the accused.
IV. Under the new Constitution, it must be taken in the
presence of competent and independent counsel chosen
by the accused
V. It must be taken in the presence of the victim and
a. I c. V
b. II, V d. All of the above
25. The investigator should show to the witnesses a
variety of photographs which does not necessarily
represent the criminal in order for the witnesses to
approximate the nearest description of the unknown
fugitive. The features about the degree of baldness,
shape of nose or face, scars will help witnesses to
arrive at a clear description. This paragraph refers to?
a. Verbal description
b. Photographic Files (Rogues Gallery)
c. General Photograph
d. Cartographic Sketch
26. What is the process of identification by
witnesses of the unknown fugitive who is mixed
with innocent persons lined before the witness.
a. Police Line-up
b. Physical Show-up
c. Physical Line-up
d. Both A and B
27. What is the term used to a person to
whom the surveillance is conducted?
a. White Rabbit
b. Subject
c. Black Rabbit with black head
d. All of the above
28. The following should not be done
during shadowing, except?
a. Meet the eye of the subject
b. Adopt a stinking, sleuthing, creeping
c. Don’t wear story book disguises
d. All of the above
29. It is the conduct of processes, more particularly,
the recognition, search, collection, handling,
preservation and documentation of physical
evidence to include the identification and interview
of witnesses and the arrest of suspect/s at the crime
a. Criminal Investigation
b. Investigation
c. Crime Scene Investigation
d. Instrumentation
30. The Crime Laboratory established the so-called
SOCO which is field operation is now an innovation
because the SOCO now gathers all evidence at the
crime scene and takes custody of them, marking and
tagging them which otherwise the duty of the criminal
investigator before, SOCO stands for?
a. Scene of the Crime Operatives
b. Scene of the Criminal Operatives
c. Scene of the Crime Operation
d. Scene of the Criminal Operations
31. What constitutes a Crime Scene?
a. Crime Scene can be understood to include all
areas in which the criminal, any possible
victim and any witnesses move during the
time the crime was committee.
b. The boundaries must be established so that
the entire crime scene can be effectively
c. In some crimes, however, the crime scene
may actually comprise several different sites.
d. All of the above.
32. Who is the very first person to arrive and
respond at the crime scene? He must be able to
properly preserve the crime scene in order get
the maximum scientific information that will
help in the successful prosecution of the
perpetrator of the crime.
a. Crime Investigator
c. First Responder
d. Witness
33. In the operation Neptune Spear, who
directly killed Osama bin Laden?
a. CIA
b. Seal Team 6
c. U.S Airborne
d. U.S Navy Seals
34. What type of pictorial view when
the photograph shows the minute
details of physical evidence?
a. Long Range View
b. Extremely Close-up view
c. Close-up View
d. Mid-Range View
35. The following are guides in photographing
crime scene except:
a. Photograph should be taken as soon as
possible, before note taking, sketching or a
search for evidence begins
b. It should be taken only without spectators or
police personnel
c. It must form an organized sequence and
show all relevant locations
d. It must be taken from specific to general. 
36. It is made by the investigator at the
crime scene which is full of important
details. But without the scale of proportion.
This is used as the basis for the finished
a. Rough Sketch
b. Finished Sketch
c. Sketch of locality
d. Sketch
37. This is a sketch with a scale of
proportion and drawn by a draftsman.
The rough sketch and the finished
sketch are for courtroom presentation.
a. Rough Sketch
b. Finished Sketch
c. Sketch of Locality
d. Sketch
38. These refer to the articles and materials which
are found in connection with the investigation and
which aid in establishing identity of the
perpetrator, or the circumstances under which the
crime was committed or which, in general assist in
the prosecution of criminal. It embraces any object,
living or inanimate, solid, liquid or gas taste.
a. Corpus Delicti
b. Associative
c. Tracing
d. Physical
39. What is the method of search in which
the searchers will proceed at the same pace
along the path parallel to one side of the
a. Strip or Line
b. Double Strip
c. Spiral
d. Wheel
40. What are the procedures needed for
the care of physical evidence?
a. The article must be properly
b. Chain of custody must be proved.
c. The evidence must be relevant and
d. All of the above.
41. It is the knowledge/data which an
investigator acquires from other persons
and records.
a. Information
b. Interview
c. Interrogation
d. Intelligence
42. What kind of information is
gathered upon the initiative of the
investigator from informants, vendors,
taxicab driver, GRO and others?
a. Grapevine Sources
b. Cultivated Sources
c. Regular Sources
d. Closed Sources
43. What is the sketching method that makes
measurements along from the single
reference line, which can be established by
using a length of string, chalk line or some
other convenient means?
a. Rectangular
b. Triangulation
c. Baseline
d. Compass Point
44. What method of search is to be
used if the area to be searched is
divided into four quadrants and each
searcher is assigned to one quadrant
a. Point to point
b. Zone
c. Strip
d. Line
45. Random bombing make a considerable
impact on a population, because more people
fear on a bomb attack than being kidnapped
or taken hostage. What is the most common
form of terrorist tactics?
a. Assassination
b. Hostage Taking
c. WMD
d. Bombing
46. What is the oldest form of terrorist
a. Assassination
b. Hostage Taking
c. WMD
d. Bombing
47. Who is the first person convicted in
the violation of R.A 8792?
a. Onel de Guzman
b. JJ Maria Giner
c. John Dellinger
d. Al Capone
48. What is the category of terrorist
organization which is aimed at establishing
a dominant or superior race that will be
looked upon the entire populace in the
a. Ethnocentric
b. Revolutionary
c. Political
d. Nationalistic
49. The criminal follows the victim by sending e-
mails and frequently entering the chat rooms that
causes intentional, substantial and unreasonable
intrusion into the private life of a person. This
statement refers to___.
a. Stalking
b. Cyber Stalking
c. Hacking
d. Malicious Sending of E-mails
50. How many years will be the
patent of an invention will be
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
51. It can effectively assist the law
enforcement agencies in combatting
Organized Crime and Terrorism
b. DND
c. Community
d. Police
52. What is the initial stage of money
laundering which is the physical disposal
of money by putting them into the
financial system, usually through smurfing
or immersion?
a. Placement
b. Layering
c. Integration
d. Spin Dry
53. What is the name of the military dog
employed in the Operation Neptune
a. Al Jazura
b. Geronimo
c. Al Jazeera
d. Cairo
54. Al Qaeda, in Arabic means “The
Base”, “The Foundation”, “The
Fundament”, was founded by Osama bin
Laden and he was the first leader
regarded as the ___of the organization.
a. President
b. Emir
c. Executive
d. Caliph
55. The root causes of terrorism which is
considered as fearful terrorist for the
reason that they are not afraid to die
refers to?
a. Religious Fanaticism
b. Political Ideologicalism
c. Political Terrorism
d. Religious Terrorism
56. What form of connection between organized
crime and illegal business wherein members of
criminal organization require legitimate or illegal
entrepreneur to pay a fixed or percentage amount
but in return provides such restricting market entry,
debt collection and arbitration?
a. Parasitic
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Reciprocal
d. Patrimonial
57. What crimes that have actual or potential
effect across national borders and crimes
which are intra-state but which offend
fundamental values of the international
a. Globalization
b. Transnational Crimes
c. Transnational Organized Crime
d. White-collar Crime
58. It refers to the rapid spread of western
culture that ultimately affects other cultures
in the world brought by intellectual and
technological advances, in which some crimes
occurring in other countries are attributed.
a. Globalization
b. Transnational Crimes
c. Transnational Organized Crimes
d. White-collar crimes 
59. What are the crimes perpetuated by
organized criminal group with the aim of
committing one or more serious crimes or
offenses in order to obtain, directly or indirectly,
a financial or material benefit?
a. Globalization
b. Transnational Crimes
c. Transnational Organized Crime
d. Serious Crime
60. What is the most influential
organized crime group in Japan?
a. Bakuto
b. Boryokudan
c. Yamaguchi gumi
d. Inagawa-kai
61. Who is regarded as the Big Six in worldwide Organized
Crime stage?
a. Sicilia and American Mafia Families, Russian Mafia,
Yakuza, Triads, Colombian Cartels, Mexican
b. Nigeria, Panama, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominican
Republic, Colombia
c. Red Army, Shining Path, Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia, People’s Irish Republican Army, Al-
Qaeda, ISIS
d. Gambino, Colombo, Profaci, Lucchese, Bonnano,
Genovese Crime Families
62. The process of giving training and practice in the
actual application of traffic safety knowledge is called___’

A. Traffic Engineering
B. Traffic Education
C. Traffic Enforcement
D. Traffic Economy
63. The investigator who collects physical evidence should
take it to the laboratory by himself whenever this is possible,
otherwise, he should obtain a receipt from each person to
whom he gives or receives evidence. This statement is
applicable to__.
a. Chain of custody of evidence
b. Cardinal Rules in Investigation
c. Three tools in Investigation
d. To establish the guilt of the accused
64. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more
traffic accidents than any other in the area. The police
unit assigned to the area should:
a. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for
b. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention
to the intersection.
c. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from
d. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to
caution motorists.
65. The effectiveness of a traffic law enforcement
program is best measured by__:
a. A reduction of traffic accidents and delays
b. An increase in traffic enforcement actions
c. A decrease in the ratio of conviction of
enforcement actions
d. None of the above
66. Several persons were injured as a result of
bus skidding on a wet pavement. In
preparing an accident report, the term
“Apparently in good condition” should not be
used in reference to-
a. The muffler
b. The Brakes
c. As injured persons
d. The operator
67. Where 2 or more emergency vehicles, operating
as such approach the same intersection from
different directions, creating a probability conflict,
an officer directing traffic at the intersection must
give preference to one and cause the others to yield
the right of way. Of the following, the type of vehicle
which should generally be given preferences over any
of the vehicle is the___.
a. Ambulance
b. Police car
c. Fire truck
d. Wrecker
68. A powerful operated traffic control
device by which traffic is warned of
directed to take some specific action is
a. Object markings
b. Club markings
c. Reflectorized Markings
d. Traffic light signal
69. It is the conveying of persons, goods and
things from one place to another.
a. Traffic
b. Transportation
c. Movement
d. Shipping
70. If the accident has resulted to serious physical
injury, the most important thing for the
investigator to do with regard to the injured
person if no doctor is at hand is___.
a. Move him to a place where he may be
b. Bring him to the hospital as quickly as possible
c. Give him first aid as necessary and call for an
d. Ignore him, because medical care is not part of
the work of the investigator

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