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Adultery &

extramarital sex or
relationship that is
objectionable on
social, religious, moral
or legal grounds.
Definition of terms
*Adultery means the *Concubinage is committed
carnal relation between a by any husband who shall
keep a mistress in the
married woman and a man conjugal dwelling, or, shall
who is not her husband, have sexual intercourse,
the latter knowing her to under scandalous
be married, even if the circumstances, with a
marriage be subsequently woman who is not his wife,
declared void or shall cohabit with her in
any other place
(RPC, Article 333).
*(RPC, Article 334 ).
*Infidelity *Destierro 
the action or banishment or only a
state of being prohibition from
residing within the
unfaithful to a
radius of 25 kilometers
spouse or other from the actual
sexual partner. residence of the
accused for a specified
length of time.
* Communication barriers
*Lack of love and affection
*A poor sexual relationship
*Lack of intimacy
•It has painful consequences, affecting the adulterers
physically, emotionally and spiritually.
• One reason for divorce.
•A few negative results include illegitimate births and
abortions. Other physical damage from adultery
includes life-threatening sexually transmitted diseases
like Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
*The emotional scars of guilt, fear and anxiety
can devastate everyone affected by adultery.
the emotional effects can lead to an early
*Adultery usually leads to divorce, hurting
everyone connected to the offenders,
including grown children.
* Deuteronomy 22:22, “If a man is found sleeping with another man's
wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.”

* Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

        Confucianism, (The Confucian Analects)
* He who commits adultery is punished both here and hereafter; for his
days in this world are cut short, and when dead he falls into hell.
        Hinduism (Vishnu Purana 3:11)
* Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor
adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves
nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit
the kingdom of God.
        Christianity (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
* Do not go near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and evil,
opening roads (to other evils)
        Islam (Quran 17:32)
* Ye have been forbidden to commit murder or adultery
        Bahá'i Faith (Kitab-i-Aqdas)
Thou shall not commit Adultery
Why adultery and
threatens the
If I committed adultery
/ concubinage...
• My relationship with God would suffer from a break in • My wife might divorce me.
fellowship. • My children might never speak to me.
• I would suffer from the emotional consequences of guilt. • Our mutual friends would shy away from us and break fellowship.
• I would spend countless hours replaying the failure. • I would bring emotional pain to the woman.
• My wife would suffer the scars of this abuse more deeply • I would bring reproach upon the woman.
than I could begin to describe. • If the woman is married, her husband might attempt to bring harm.
• My wife would spend countless hours in counseling. • He might divorce her.
• My wife's recovery would be long and painful. • An unwanted child could be produced.
• Her pain would grieve me deeply and compound my own • My part in conception might trigger an abortion, the killing of an
suffering and shame. innocent child.
• Our relationship would suffer a break in trust, fellowship, • Disease might result.
and intimacy. • Some might conclude that all Christians are hypocrites.
• We would be together, yet feel great loneliness. • My business could fail because I couldn't be trusted.
• The reputation of my family would suffer loss. • My leadership among those I have led in the past might also be
• My sons would be deeply disappointed and bewildered. diminished in impact.
• My grandchildren would not understand. • My zeal for ministry would suffer and possibly result in others not
• My friends would be disappointed and would question my continuing in ministry.
integrity. • My health would suffer.
• My testimony among my wife's family would be damaged. • I might have to start life over again.
• This same sin might be visited upon my family for generations.
Who can file the action for adultery or concubinage?

Only the offended spouse can legally file the

complaint for adultery or concubinage. The marital
status must be present at the time of filing the
criminal action.
Maximum penalty for adultery is imprisonment of six
years. Maximum penalty for concubinage for the
husband is four years and one day; penalty for the
mistress is destierro 
Psychological violence under RA 9262
"Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004” 
*In Canada, the crime of adultery applies to both a man and a
woman when either of them has sex with someone outside the
*in Korea punishable by up to two years in jail.
*the United States, Russia, Canada, Israel and Poland, adultery
represents as ground for divorce.
*Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen punish adultery by death
however, there have been no recent executions unless other
crimes were involved .
Recommendations and
An adulterous spouse is a temporary condition that will appear only
as a bump in the road when:

*You focus your attention on creating the best possible marriage.

*You do not blame or condemn.
*Never give up!
*Adultery and Concubinage tears apart marriages and families which
are the building blocks of society. The most common causes that
lead to committing Adultery and Concubinage are loneliness, lack of
intimacy, communication barriers and poor sexual relationship. It
affects the family which is a vital part in the formation of a person’s
character and commitment.
*Biblical law in general, and the 7th commandment in particular, is
held up as the standard for Christian behavior. Although Adultery
and Concubinage cannot be really removed from the society, it can
be remedied.
* http://
* http://

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