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Stroke Prevention &

Treatment: Diet & Nutrition

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Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain.
According to WHO data, stroke is the number 1 cause of death in the world
during the period 2000 – 2012. Stroke occurs when the blood vessels that carry
oxygen and nutrients to the brain are blocked or burst. Blockage is caused by the
presence of plaque attached to the inner walls of blood vessels. When this
happens, the part of the brain that is associated with these blood vessels does not
get oxygen and nutrients, which results in the cells in that area dying. While the
rupture of blood vessels as a result of high blood pressure that occurs
Stroke Can Affect Eating And Nutrition
Stroke can devastate a person's nutritional health because it may limit his or her ability to perform daily
activities associated with eating, such as grocery shopping, preparing meals and feeding oneself.

Stroke can also impair a person's ability to swallow. Swallowing problems may result from weakening of the
tongue or loss of coordination of tongue movements. Food can become pocketed between the cheek and teeth
and drooling may occur because of an inability to seal the lips.

The person may also:

● Choke and cough during and after meals
● Be unable to suck from a straw
● Lack a gag reflex
● Suffer from chronic upper respiratory infection
If calorie and nutritional needs cannot be met, the person may
become malnourished, a condition characterized by weight loss and
a poor appetite.

Diet modifications need to be individualized according to the type

and extent of these impairments. A registered dietitian (RD) can
develop a plan of care that will provide a satisfying and nutritionally
adequate diet.
Management and treatment

Some tips for eating well with swallowing problem.

● Liquids of thicker consistency are easier to swallow.

● Drink eight cups of liquid each day to meet fluid needs.
● Very warm and well-chilled foods make swallowing easier.
● Eat small meals frequently throughout the day to meet nutrient needs.
● Eat moist foods, such as casseroles and foods with sauces.
A healthy diet can reduce your risk for acquiring medical conditions such as hypertension (high
blood pressure), diabetes, high lipid levels (high cholesterol), coronary artery diseaseand obesity.
All of these conditions can increase your chance of having a stroke. Your genetics, history of
prior stroke, age, sex, current weight, distribution of body fat, eating habits and fitness level also
influence your risk.
Factors that tend to increase blood pressure:
● Being overweight
● Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle
● Stress
● Smoking
● Low intake of some minerals, such as calcium and potassium
● High intake of sodium (salt)
To lower your risk of stroke, follow these guidelines:
• Eat a variety of foods.
• Maintain a healthy weight by balancing the calories you eat with
physical activity.
• Choose more whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
• Choose foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
• Choose foods with moderate amounts of added sugar.
• Choose foods with moderate amounts of salt (sodium).
• If you drink alcoholic beverages, consult your physician and do so in
Practical tips for getting started on a healthier diet and lifestyle:
• Be realistic: Make one or two small changes every month and stick to
them, such as including a fruit and/or vegetable with each meal.
• Be adventurous: Expand your tastes and try a greater variety of foods.
• Be flexible: Balance what you eat and your physical activity over
several days.
• Be sensible: Enjoy all foods; just don't overdo it.
• Be active: Walk the dog; don't just watch the dog walk.
• Seek assistance from a registered dietitian (RD) to help guide you in
making these significant lifestyle changes toward healthier eating.

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