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Performance Management and Evaluation System

… is a set of procedures that account for and report on
both financial and nonfinancial performance.

Used to identify
How well a company is doing
Where it is going
What improvements will make it more profitable

What to Measure, How to
Performance measurement
The use of quantitative tools to gauge an organization’s
performance in relation to a specific goal or an expected
 To succeed, managers must be able to distinguish between
what is being measured and the actual measures used to
monitor performance

Other Measurement Issues
A unique set of performance measures must be
developed that are appropriate to each
organization’s situation
Issues to consider other than what to measure and
how to measure it.
What performance measures can be used?
How can managers
 Monitor the level of product or service quality?
 Monitor production and other business processes to
identify areas that need improvement?
 Measure customer satisfaction?
 Monitor financial performance?

Other Measurement Issues
Are there other stakeholders to whom a manager is
What performance measures do government entities
impose on the company?
How can a manager measure the company’s effect on
the environment?

Responsibility Accounting
Define responsibility accounting, and describe the role
that responsibility centers play in performance
management and evaluation
As part of their performance management
systems, many organizations
 Assign resources to specific areas of responsibility
 Track how the managers of those areas use those
 Evaluate managers at all levels in terms of their ability
to manage their area of responsibility in keeping with
organizational goals.

Responsibility Accounting (cont’d)
Is an information system
Classifies data according to areas of responsibility
Reports each area’s activities by including only the
revenue, cost, and resource categories that the
assigned manager can control
Responsibility center
An organizational unit whose manager has been
assigned the responsibility of managing a portion of
the organization’s resources
 The activity of the responsibility center dictates the
extent of a manager’s responsibility

Types of Responsibility Centers
1. Cost centers
2. Discretionary cost centers
3. Revenue centers
4. Profit centers
5. Investment centers

Cost Center
A responsibility center whose manager is accountable only for
controllable costs that have well-defined relationships between the
center’s resources and products or services.
Performance is usually evaluated by comparing an activity’s actual
cost with its budgeted cost and analyzing the resulting variances.
Assembly plants in manufacturing organizations
 Relationship between the costs of resources and resulting
products is well defined.
Food services in hospitals and nursing homes
 Clear relationship between costs of food and direct labor and
the number of inpatient meals served.

Discretionary Cost Center
A responsibility center whose manager is accountable
for costs only and in which the relationship between
resources and products or services produced is not
well defined
Cost-based measures cannot usually be used to evaluate

Discretionary Cost Centers (cont’d)
Administrative activities
 Accounting
 Human resources
 Legal services

Research and Development

 Might measure number of patents obtained and number of cost-
saving innovations developed
Service organizations
 United Way might measure administrative activities by how low
their costs are as a percentage of total contributions

Revenue Center
 A responsibility center whose manager is accountable primarily for revenue
and whose success is based on its ability to generate revenue.
 Performance is usually evaluated by comparing its actual revenue with its
budgeted revenue and analyzing variances.
 Car rental reservation center
 Clothing retailer e-commerce order department
 Performance measures for both manufacturing and service organizations
may include:
 Sales dollars
 Number of customer sales
 Sales revenue per minute

Profit Center
A responsibility center whose manager is
accountable for both revenue and costs and for
the resulting operating income.
Local store of a national chain such as Showa
shopping center, Fantu Supermarket, Xavior mar,
Chuchu supermarket…etc
Performance evaluated by comparing figures
from actual income statements with figures in
its master or flexible budget income statement.

Investment Center
A responsibility center whose manager is
accountable for profit generation and can also
make significant decisions about the resources the
center uses
Performance of both manufacturing and service
organizations usually evaluated using measures
such as
Return on investment
Residual income
Economic value added

Return on Investment
Takes into account both operating income and the
assets invested to earn that income
Common measure

Operating Income
Return on Investment (ROI) 
Assets Invested

Assets invested is the average of the beginning

and ending asset balances for the period

Return on Investment (cont’d)
Income and assets specifically controlled by a
manager must be properly measured
Critical to the quality of ROI
ROI may be used to evaluate the manager of any
investment center
An entire company
A unit within the company
 Subsidiary, division, or other segment

Performance Report Based on Return on Investment for the Café
Cubano Restaurant Division

Return on Investment (cont’d)
The ROI computation is the aggregate
measure of many interrelationships
The basic ROI equation can be rewritten to show
the many elements a manager can influence

Operating Income
Assets Invested

Operating Income Sales

ROI  
Sales Assets Invested

ROI  Profit Margin  Asset Turnover

Return on Investment (cont’d)
 Two important indicators of performance
 Profit margin
 Ratio of operating income to sales
 Represents the percentage of each sales dollar the results in profit
 Asset turnover
 Ratio of sales to average assets invested
 Indicates the productivity of assets
 Number of sales dollars generated by each dollar invested in
 Profit margin and asset turnover help to explain
 Changes in ROI for a single investment center
 Differences of ROI among investment centers
 ROI formula is useful for analyzing and interpreting the elements that
make up a business’s overall return on investment

Return on Investment (cont’d)
A single ROI number is a composite index of many
cause-and-effect relationships and interdependent
financial elements
Managers can improve ROI by
Increasing sales
Decreasing costs
Decreasing assets

Return on Investment (cont’d)
ROI should be used cautiously in evaluating
Affected by many factors
If overemphasized
Investment center managers may make business
decisions that favor their personal ROI
 At the expense of companywide profits or long-term success of
other investment centers
To avoid this problem, always use other performance
measures in conjunction with ROI

Return on Investment (cont’d)
Other performance measures to use in
conjunction with ROI
Comparisons of revenues, costs, and operating income
with budgeted amounts or past trends
Sales growth percentages
Market share percentages
Other key variables in the organization's activity
Ratio of ROI to budgeted goals and past ROI trends
 Changes in this ratio over time can be more revealing than any
single number

Residual Income (cont’d)
RI is the operating income that an investment center earns above a minimum
desired return on invested assets.
 Developed because of pitfalls in using ROI as a performance measure.
 Is not a ratio but a dollar amount
 Amount of profit left after subtracting a predetermined desired income
target for an investment center.

Residual Income  Operating Income  (Desired ROI  Assets Invested)

As with ROI computations, assets invested is the average of the

center’s beginning and ending asset balances for the period

Residual Income (cont’d)
The desired RI will vary among investment centers
depending on the
Type of business
Level of risk assumed

Performance Report Based on Residual Income for the
Café Cubano Restaurant Division.

Residual Income (cont’d)
Comparisons with other RI figures will strengthen
the analysis.
To add context to the analysis, the following
questions should be answered.
How does the division’s RI for this year compare with
previous years?
Did actual RI exceed budgeted RI?
How does this division’s RI compare with the RI of
other investment centers of the company?

Residual Income (cont’d)
When comparing a division’s RI with the RI of
other investment centers of the company, caution
should be used.
For RI figures to be comparable, all investment centers
must have:
 Equal access to resources
 Similar asset investment bases

Managers may be able to produce a larger RI simply

because their investment centers are larger
 May not reflect better performance

Economic Value Added
EVA is the shareholder wealth created by an investment center
Used as an indicator of performance
Is a registered trademark of the consulting firm Stern Stewart
& Company.

Economic Value Added (cont’d)
Calculation can be complex
 Makes various cost of capital and accounting principles
EVA is expressed as a dollar amount

EVA  After - Tax Operating Income  Cost of Capital in Dollars


EVA  AfterTax Operating Income 

[Cost of Capital  (Total Assets  Current Liabilities)]

Cost of capital is the minimum desired rate of return on an

investment, such as assets invested in an investment center

Performance Report Based on Economic Value Added
for the Café Cubano Restaurant Division

Economic Value Added (cont’d)
Caution should be used when evaluating performance
using EVA.
Many factors affect the economic value of an
investment center.
Compare the current EVA with
EVAs from previous periods
Target EVAs
EVAs from other investment centers

Economic Value Added (cont’d)
An investment center’s EVA is affected by a
manager’s decisions on:
Product sales volume
Cost of capital
Capital investments
Other financial decisions

Economic Value Added (cont’d)
The EVA number is a composite index drawn
from many cause-and-effect relationships and
interdependent financial elements
Managers can improve the EVA of an investment
center by
Increasing sales
Decreasing costs
Decreasing assets
Lowering the cost of capital

End of Chapter 5

Thank You!!!


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