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Corporate Strategy, TQM,

Talent & Competency


All Africa & Middle East International

HRM Congress
Accra, Ghana
9-11 July 2007
Discussion agenda
Structure of discussion

• Talent

• Competence For what?

• Work
HRM strategy

Corporate strategy

HRM strategy

HR systems HR activities
HR Development strategy

Organisation strategy

HRM strategy

Talent strategy
Reward strategy
HR systems HR activities
Total Quality Management
≠ programme; = philosophy to enhance customer
1. Visible top management support
2. Strategic planning
3. Focus on customer (espoused value)
4. Employee training & recognition
5. Employee empowerment & decision-making
6. Quality measurement & analysis
7. Quality assurance
8. Quality and productivity improvement results
The issue around talent
• PC
• Which talent do enterprise need?
• Danger: too narrow
• Danger: too wide
• Talent to “work”
• Competent to “work”

If have talent
can develop competence
Talent & competence?
If have talent
? then
can develop competence
Talent = skilled people?
Talent = employees?
Talent = potential?
Talent = innate ability?
Competency = KSA?
Competency = situational success factor?
• Everyone has potential
• (Everyone incl. organisation & country)
• Potential = latent
• Potential = capacity to develop
• Has everyone got the same
• Has everyone got the same amount of a
specific potential/talent?
Potential & competence
• Potential = Capacity to develop competence
• Competence is situational: job specific

Do you:
•assess potential during …?
•assess competence during …?
Are you sure?
How do you know?
Potential is latent; assessment is a
sophisticated affair affected by many
(psychological, cultural…) factors.

Competence = degree mastery of situational

success factors: assessment related to
“past behaviour predicts future behaviour”.
Situation-specific assessment
Situation 1: The job
Situation 2: The organisation
Situation 3: The society
Situation 4: The cultural context
Situation 5: The world-view context

Situation-specific development
Situation 1: The job
Situation 2: The organisation
Situation 3: The society
Situation 4: The cultural context
Now, add…
Situation 5: The world-view context

Competency = situational success factor
What is included?
Skills? To “work”
To “perform”
Physical characteristics?
Innate ability?
Work to perform

WORK is:
• The use of discretion and judgement
• in making decisions,
• in carrying out a task,*
• backed by knowledge, skills,
temperament, wisdom, and driven by
Use of discretion to make decisions
= Critical competency
Must know capacity to make decisions
required by job
Must know individual’s capacity to make
Must create a work environment that
allows the individual to exercise capacity
to make decisions
Work decision-making requires
quantum differences in capacity,
talent and competence
Life of enterprise in environment

Serving Q.
Integration of enterprise systems

Optimisation of a system
Overcome obstacles in procedure
Achieve quality standards
Your challenge
• Consider your own potential
• Develop your competence at least to match the
organisation’s strategic requirements or your potential
• Consider what the organisation needs:
now & (if you are willing & have the potential…)
• Hunt the potential down – there are many people in
Africa with talent, but they are neglected, and/or not yet
discovered and not yet competent
• A new African legacy…
leave something bigger than just you behind: in
stead of the protector of your own comfort & the
status quo; become the releaser of potential.

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