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Accelerate: Azure Fast Start for

Mobile Application Development

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The Missing Link

Use Case
• I want to access my data securely from anywhere
• Outsource static content
• Sync / Orchestrate processes in the cloud

How Microsoft Azure can help?

• Highly available infrastructure
• Representational State Transfer (REST) enabled and Software Development Kit
(SDK) multi language/platform
• Timely secured access
• Messaging

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Network Mobile Application


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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Module Overview
• Section 1: Storage Features

• Section 2: Storage Security

• Section 3: Blob Storage

• Section 4: Table Storage

• Section 5: Queue Storage

• Section 6: Azure Files

• Section 7: Premium Storage

• Section 8: Content Delivery Network

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 1: Storage Features

Understanding Storage
• Storage in the cloud
o Scalable, durable, and available

o Anywhere, anytime access

o Only pay for what the service uses

• Exposed via RESTful Web services:

o Use from Azure compute

o Use from anywhere on the internet

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Azure Standard Storage Account
• Can CDN-enable an account
o Blobs delivered via 24 global Content Delivery Network (CDN) nodes

• Can co-locate a storage account with a compute account

o Explicitly or using affinity groups

• Accounts have two independent 512-bit shared secret keys

• 500 TB per account

• 10 storage accounts per subscription (default)

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Storage Features
• Local redundant storage (LRS)
• Zone Redundant – block blobs only, no metrics
• Geo-replication (Geo Redundant storage)
• “Read access - Geo Redundant Storage” (RA - GRS)
• Storage analytics
o Logs: Provide trace of executed requests for your storage accounts
o Metrics: Provide summary of key capacity and request statistics for Blobs, Tables, and Queues

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Storage in the Compute Emulator
• Provides a local mock storage
• Emulates storage in the cloud
• Allows offline development
• Requires SQL Server 2008 Express / SQL Server 2005
Express or later
• There are some differences between Azure Storage and the
Storage Emulator
o Refer

• A good approach for developers:

1. To test pre-deployment, push storage to the cloud first
2. Use Dev Fabric for compute connect to cloud-hosted
3. Finally, move compute to the cloud

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Storage Libraries in Many Languages
• C# / .NET • Android 0.4.1
• Python 0.9.0 • C++ - 1.0
• Ruby 0.6.2
• Perl
• JavaScript (Node)
• Java SDK 2.0
• PHP 0.4.0
• Erlang
• Common LISP
• Objective-C
• C#/Visual Basic on Windows Phone 7
• Node.js 0.4.2

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 2: Storage Security

Storage Security
• Azure Storage provides simple security for calls to storage service
o HTTPS endpoint

o Digitally sign requests for privileged operations

• Two 512-bit symmetric keys per storage account

o Can be regenerated independently

• More granular security via Shared Access Signatures (SAS)

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Shared Access Signatures
• Fine grain access rights to blobs and containers

• Sign URL with storage key—permit elevated rights

• Revocation:
o Use short time periods and re-issue

o Use container-level policy that can be deleted

• Two broad approaches:

o Ad hoc

o Policy-based

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Ad Hoc Signatures
• Create short-dated SAS
o Signedresource blob or container

o AccessPolicy Start, Expiry, and Permissions

o Signature HMAC-SHA256 of above fields

• Use case
o Single use URLs

o For example, provide URL to Silverlight client for upload to container

&sig= dD80ihBh5jfNpymO5Hg1IdiJIEvHcJpCMiCMnN%2fRnbI%3d

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Policy-Based Signatures
• Create container-level policy
o Specify StartTime, ExpiryTime, and Permissions

• Create SAS URL

o Signedresource blob or container
o Signedidentifier optional pointer to container policy
o Signature HMAC-SHA256 of above fields

• Use case
o Providing revocable permissions to certain users/groups
o To revoke: Delete or update container policy

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Client Side Encryption
• Encryption via the ‘envelope’ technique using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES)
• Blobs
o Supports encryption of whole blobs only
o Must use UploadFrom methods or OpenWrite method
o The wrapped CEK and some additional encryption metadata are then stored as blob metadata along
with the encrypted blob on the service
o Downloading an encrypted blob involves retrieving the content of the entire blob using the
DownloadTo*/BlobReadStream methods
o All blob types supported

• Queues
o Since queue messages can be of any format, the client library defines a custom format that includes
the Initialization Vector (IV) and the encrypted content encryption key (CEK) in the message text

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Client Side Encryption (continued)
• Tables
o Supports encryption of entity properties for insert and replace operations
o Due to these additional reserved properties required for encryption, users may now have only 250
custom properties instead of 252. The total size of the entity must be less than 1 MB
o Only string properties can be encrypted

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Blob Encryption Service: Sample Code
// Create the IKey used for encryption.
RsaKey key = new RsaKey("private:key1" /* key identifier */);

// Create the encryption policy to be used for upload and download.

BlobEncryptionPolicy policy = new BlobEncryptionPolicy(key, null);

// Set the encryption policy on the request options.

BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions() { EncryptionPolicy = policy };

// Upload the encrypted contents to the blob.

blob.UploadFromStream(stream, size, null, options, null);

// Download and decrypt the encrypted contents from the blob.

MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();
blob.DownloadToStream(outputStream, null, options, null);

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Azure Storage Abstractions

Azure Files
Server Message Block
Blob Queues Tables (SMB) storage with
Simple named files Reliable storage and Structured storage.
drive mapping
along with metadata delivery of messages A table is a set of
capability. Based on
for the file for an application entities; an entity is a
blob storage (includes
set of properties
tech support)

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 3: Blob Storage

Blob Storage Concepts

Account Container Blob Pages/Blocks


images Block/Page


videos VID1.AVI

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Blob Details
• Main Web service operations
o PutBlob
o GetBlob
o DeleteBlob
o CopyBlob
o SnapshotBlob
o LeaseBlob

• Associate metadata with blob

o Standard HTTP metadata/headers (Cache-Control, Content-Encoding, Content-Type, etc.)
o Metadata is <name, value> pairs, up to 8 KB per blob
o Either as a part of PutBlob or independently

• Blob always accessed by name

o Can include ‘/‘ or other delimiter in name
for example, /<container>/myblobs/blob.jpg

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Blob Containers
• Multiple containers per account
o Special $root container

• Blob container
o A container holds a set of blobs
o Set access policies at the container level
o Associate metadata with container
o List the blobs in a container
o Including blob metadata and MD5 message digest algorithm
o No search/query, that is to say, no WHERE MetadataValue = ?

• Blobs throughput
o Effectively in partition of 1 partition key
o Target of 60 MB/s per blob

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Two Types of Blobs Under the Hood
• Block blob
o Targeted at streaming workloads or individual file uploads
o Each blob consists of a sequence of blocks
o Each block is identified by a Block ID
o Size limit of 200 GB per blob
o Optimistic concurrency via Entity Tags (ETags)

• Page blob
o Targeted at random read/write workloads
o Each blob consists of an array of pages
 Each page is identified by its offset from the start of the blob
o Size limit of 1 TB per blob
o Optimistic or pessimistic (locking) concurrency via leases

• Append blob
o All writes to append blob and added sequentially to the end of the blob
o Ideal for logging scenarios
o Size limit 200 GB per blob

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 4: Table Storage

Table Details

Not an Relational Create, Query, Delete

Database Management Tables can have metadata
System (RDBMS) Table

Merge – Partial update
Entities Replace – Update entire entity
Entity Group Transactions
Multiple CUD Operations in a single atomic transaction

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Table Storage Concepts

Account Table Entity

Name =…
Email = …
Name =…
Photo ID =…
Date =…
Photo ID =…
Date =…

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Entity Properties
• Entity can have up to 255 properties
o Up to 1 MB per entity

• Mandatory Properties for every entity

o PartitionKey and RowKey (only indexed properties)
 Uniquely identifies an entity
 Defines the sort order
o Timestamp
 Optimistic concurrency
 Exposed as an HTTP ETag

• No fixed schema for other properties

o Each property is stored as a <name, typed value> pair
o No schema stored for a table
o Properties can be the standard .NET types
o String, binary, bool, DateTime, GUID, int, int64, and double

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No Fixed Schema


Wade Wegner 2/2/1981

Nathan Totten 3/15/1965 Canoeing

Nick Harris May 1, 1976

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?$filter=Last eq ‘Wegner’


Wade Wegner 2/2/1981

Nathan Totten 3/15/1965

Nick Harris May 1, 1976

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Purpose of the Partition Key
• Entity Locality
o Entities in the same partition will be stored together
 Efficient querying and cache locality
 Endeavour to include partition key in all queries

• Entity Group Transactions

o Atomic multiple Insert/Update/Delete in same partition in a single transaction

• Table Scalability
o Target throughput—500 tps/partition, several thousand tps/account
o Azure monitors the usage patterns of partitions
o Automatically load balance partitions
 Each partition can be served by a different storage node
 Scale to meet the traffic needs of your table

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Partitions and Partition Ranges

Bikes Super Duper Cycle … 2009

Quick Cycle 200

Server A Bikes Deluxe … 2007
Table = Products
[MinKey - Canoes) … … … …
Canoes Whitewater … 2009

Server A Canoes Flatwater … 2006

Table = Products Rafts
PARTITIONKEY 14 ft Super Tourer
ROWKEY … 1999
… … … …
Rafts 14ft SuperBack
Fabrikam Tourer … 1999
Server B Skis … 2009
Table = Products … … … …
[Canoes - … … … …
MaxKey) Fabrikam Back
Tents Super Palace …
… 2009
… … … …
Tents Super Palace … 2008

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 5: Queue Storage

Queue Storage
Account Queue Message

customer ID
order ID
adventureworks order processing

customer ID
order ID

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Queue Storage (continued)
• Simple asynchronous dispatch queue
o No limit to queue length (subject to storage limit)
o 64 KB per message
o List queues—list queues in account Add Message to Queue (C#)
• SAS Security
• HTTP/REST queue operations
o CreateQueue
o DeleteQueue
o Get/Set Metadata
o Clear Messages

• HTTP/REST message operations

o PutMessage—adds a message to the queue
o GetMessages—reads one or more messages and hides them
o PeekMessages—reads one or more messages without hiding them
o DeleteMessage—permanently deletes messages from queue

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Queue Storage Reliability
• Guarantee delivery/processing of messages (two-step consumption)
o Worker de-queues message, and it is marked as Invisible for a specified Invisibility Time
o Worker deletes message when finished processing
o If worker role crashes, message becomes visible for another worker to process
o Remember to handle poison messages, remove messages if de-queue count is above the threshold

P2 1 C1
1. GetMessage(Q, 30 s) msg 1
5. C1 crashed
Producers 4 33 2 1 Consumers
0 0 1 1

1 C2
2. GetMessage(Q, 30 s)  msg 2
3. C2 consumed msg 2
6. msg1 visible 30 s after Dequeue
4. DeleteMessage(Q, msg 2)
7. GetMessage(Q, 30 s)  msg 1

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Demo: Azure Storage
Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 6: Azure Files

Azure Files
• Files – A PaaS solution to a network share in cloud
o SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 support on shares

o Enables “lift and shift” of applications

 Applications use native operating system APIs to access files

o Enables on-premises applications to use a file share in Azure with encryption—must open port 445

o REST interface to access files access from anywhere

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Azure Files Concepts
• A share can have multiple directories
• All directories and files must be created in a parent share
• An account can contain an unlimited number of shares, and a share can store an unlimited
number of files, up to the capacity limits of the storage account

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Azure Files - Scenarios
• Share data across virtual machines and applications
o Multiple writers, multiple readers using standard file system semantics

• Share settings throughout services

o Virtual machines can read settings and files from a common, shared location. These virtual machines

can be updated externally via REST.

• Dev/Test/Debug
o Very useful to have a shared location for installing applications, setting up virtual machines, running

tools, and keeping notes while developing, testing, and debugging cloud services.

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Website Served From Azure File Share

Load Balancer

Azure Azure
Virtual Virtual
Machine Machine
SMB 3.0

Azure File Share

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Azure Files - SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 Protocol
• Enables moving on-premises applications that rely on shared file storage to Azure
o Azure virtual machines can “net use” to a share

• Natively supported by operating system APIs, libraries, and tools

o Windows (CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, …)
o CRTs (fopen, fread, fwrite, …)
o .NET (FileStream.Read, FileStream.Write, …) and many more

• Supports standard file system semantics

o Move and rename files and directories
o Read-only, write through, overlapped
o Change notifications

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Recently Added Features
• Copy File – server side copy of a blob or file to a destination file within the Storage account or across
different Storage accounts
• Abort Copy File – abort a pending copy file operation
• File share size quota – limit the size of file shares
• Get File Properties – returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system
properties for the file. It does not return the content of the file
• Set File Properties – set system properties on the file
• CORS Support – allow browser access using Set File Properties, Get File Properties, and Preflight File
• Get Share Stats – get usage data for a file share.
• Shared Access Signatures – provide SAS based access to file shares and files with REST APIs.
• Get Share ACL and Set Share ACL –shared access policies on a share for use with REST APIs.

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Azure Files – Linux Client Operating System Support
• Linux SMB client does not support encryption
• Mounting from Linux still requires the client to be in the same Azure region as the file share.

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Azure Files: Getting Started
• Request a token
o Users are usually auto approved

• Redeem token
o Create new storage account in the approved subscription

o Create share (using PowerShell)

o Put files into share (azcopy)

o Connect to share from virtual machine

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Demo: Azure Files
Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 7: Premium Storage

Azure Premium Storage
• Premium storage account can be created via the Azure Preview Portal, Azure PowerShell or the
Service Management REST API
• Supports only Azure Page Blobs that are used to hold persistent disks
• Available in the following regions - West US, East US 2, West Europe, East China, Southeast Asia
and West Japan
• Only support Locally Redundant Storage (LRS)
• Must use DS-Series or GS-Series disks for virtual machines
• Cannot be mapped to a custom domain
• Storage analytics not currently supported
• No support for Block blobs, Azure Files, Azure Tables or Azure Queues

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Azure Premium Storage Scalability
• Three types of Premium Storage disks

• Scalability Targets

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Premium Storage – Disk Traffic (only)

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Creating a Premium Storage account

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Module 3: Microsoft Azure

Section 8: Content Delivery

Content Delivery Network (CDN)
• High-bandwidth global blob content delivery
o 31 locations globally (US, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America), and growing

o Same experience for users—irrespective of how far they are from the geo-location where the storage

account is hosted

• Blob service URL vs. CDN URL:

o Azure Blob URL: http://<StorageAccount>

o CDN URL: http://<id>

o Custom Domain Name for CDN:

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CDN (continued)

To enable CDN: Edge Edge
Location Location
1. Register for CDN via Dev Portal
2. Set container images to public
TTL Content Delivery
 Network

pic1.jpg Windows

Microsoft Partner Ready

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