FastStart Azure Marketplace

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FastStart Azure Marketplace

Module 1: Azure

Section 1: Azure Marketplace Overview

Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 1: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Azure Marketplace

Overview Overview

Challenges for customers
Meeting customer needs can be difficult

Additional cloud platform Discovering the right A scalable deployment New applications and services
functionality is required to application or service is often mechanism is required for must integrate and work with
meet business and technical problematic third party applications and existing solutions
needs services

Azure Marketplace is the answer
The Marketplace can help address customer challenges

Growing portfolio of Provides a one-stop shop to Configure and create scalable Third party applications
complementary applications discover, search for, and deployments of third party and services can be easily
and services on Azure purchase applications and applications and services integrated with existing
services solutions on Azure

Multiple audiences
Azure Marketplace appeals to different Azure users

Independent Software Vendors Commercial

Azure ISV customers benefit from simplified and Azure commercial customers benefit from choice,
streamlined application development, reducing flexibility, and access to applications and services in a
time to market. single location that extend the functionality of Azure
Microsoft Azure Marketplace
An online store for Microsoft and ISV
applications and services available for
deployment on Microsoft Azure
• Growing ecosystem of 3,000+ offers
• Easy discovery and evaluation of offerings for
customers, all in a single location
• Streamlined configuration, deployment, and
• Integrated platform experience

Two ways to access the Azure Marketplace
Azure Marketplace Webpage Azure Management Portal

 Accessed through,  Accessed by users daily to

specifically by those who are manage their offerings running
evaluating Azure on Azure
 Visitors can search for and learn  Enterprise customers can
about offerings that run on Azure discover, purchase, and deploy
new Azure offerings

What’s in the Azure Marketplace
Virtual Machines*
Microsoft and partner applications that are configured to run
in Azure Virtual Machines

Application Services*
Partner services that can be combined with Azure services
to build powerful cloud applications

Data Services
Data services such as demographics and financial
information that can be used in custom applications

Web Applications
Free open source applications pre-configured to run in
Azure Websites

Azure Active Directory

Free pre-integrated and ready-to-use SaaS applications
configured with single sign-on
*Offerings can be transacted through the Azure Marketplace 10
Sample multi-tier application

Demonstration: Using the
Azure Marketplace

Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 1: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Value of Azure

Overview Marketplace

Extending the value of Microsoft Azure
With a broad ecosystem of ISV partners that expands Azure functionality

Azure Marketplace

The value of Azure Marketplace
Offer applications and services from industry leading providers

Win New Business Grow Deal Size Broaden Reach Bundle Solutions
Sell into new customers Enhance business value Appeal to a wider range of Complement and extend
and markets with an and increase deal size potential customers by Azure functionality by
expanded portfolio of with existing and new selling Azure Marketplace bundling Marketplace offers
solutions on Azure customer accounts applications and services with Azure services

Drive Azure consumption
With the Azure Marketplace

• The Azure Marketplace is an excellent means for

customers to consume additional Azure resources
• ISV solutions within the Marketplace expand the
functionality of Azure services
• The Marketplace empowers your customers to
unlock the benefits of the cloud

Module 1: Azure

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Details

Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Licensing and Pricing


Pricing options available

Free Trial Monthly

Free (Try It Now) BYOL Subscription Usage Based
Free SKU. Customers are Promotionally free SKU for Bring-Your-Own-License Customers are charged a Customers are charged
not charged Azure a limited period of time. (BYOL) SKU. Customers fixed monthly fee for use based on the extent of
Marketplace fees for use of Customers will not be obtain, outside of the of the offering. Monthly their use of the offering.
the offering. Prices for free charged Azure Azure Marketplace, the subscriptions begin on the
SKUs may not be increased Marketplace fees for use right to access or use the date of customer
to non-zero amounts. of the offering through a offering and are charged purchase, and monthly
trial period. Upon applicable fees by the fees are not prorated for
expiration of the trial Marketplace publisher, mid-month customer
period, customers will rather than MSFT. cancellations or in the case
automatically be charged of unused services.
based on standard rates The customer deploys the
for use of the offering. service from the Azure
Marketplace, using a
license key obtained from
the Marketplace publisher.

Applicable to: Applicable to: Applicable to: Applicable to: Applicable to:
• Virtual Machine Images • Virtual Machine Images • Virtual Machine Images • Services • Virtual Machine Images
• VM Extensions • Services
• Services
• ARM Templates

Azure Marketplace Availability
Via multiple Microsoft licensing channels
Microsoft Azure Enterprise Programs Enrollment For Education
Agreement (MAA) (EA/EAS) Solutions (EES)
Add Marketplace applications and Add Marketplace applications and Add Marketplace applications and
services to Azure deployments and pay services to Azure subscriptions without services to Azure subscriptions without
for them with an existing credit card. having to sign any additional EA having to sign an additional EES
amendment. amendment.
Marketplace services are billed
separately each month. - EA Direct Commercial Marketplace services cannot be applied
- All EA/EAS Enrollments, including: towards the Azure monetary
- EA Indirect Commercial commitment balance and are billed
- EA for Government Partners quarterly in arrears.

Marketplace services cannot be applied

towards the Azure monetary
commitment balance and are billed
quarterly in arrears.

Licensing and pricing
Program rules
• Customers must have a Microsoft Azure Subscription
• Azure Marketplace Terms are embedded in the Azure Licensing agreement (MOSA, EA, etc.) via the
Microsoft Online Services terms signed by the end customer
• Marketplace publishers set unique terms and conditions (EULA) presented to the end customer upon initial
purchase of a specific marketplace offering
• Azure Service Alignment rules do not apply to the Marketplace
• Marketplace BYOL, pay-as-you-go, and month-to-month offer terms are auto renewal
• Customers must be in an enabled Marketplace sell-to country (see appendix for a full list)
Offers and pricing
• Marketplace publishers set prices at the SKU (offer) and country level
• Marketplace publishers can create new SKUs (offers) at any time, which will be available on the Marketplace

Subscription model
Similar to the deployment of individual Azure Services on an Azure subscription,
Marketplace services can be deployed from the Azure Management Portal

Subscription Marketplace
Subscription Offer/Plan
Can have multiple
Marketplace subscriptions Separate pricing and Usage based plans
(children) billing from Azure EAs *can only be deployed on parent

Alignment to Azure Inherits parent attributes

channels, geos, and offers Prepaid monthly plans
(PI, billing, and tax
in progress information)

*Only the Enterprise Administrator has the ability to enable or disable the
purchase of add-ons from the Azure Marketplace 22
Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Using Azure Marketplace


Purchasing a VM subscription

While browsing VMs within Azure, a user discovers A user can learn additional
product and technical information
a Marketplace VM they would like to use by selecting the VM offer

PLEASE NOTE: Must have an Azure subscription to view these screens 24

Purchasing a VM subscription (continued)

2. Before deployment, the

user sees the ISV’s EULA terms
and is prompted to contact
their reseller for pricing
information prior to

1. Selecting ‘Create’ will

prompt the user to provide
more details

Purchasing an app/data service subscription

When in the Azure Management Portal, the When the user finds a service that they would like to
user can find all Marketplace offers here add, the following screens will provide more
information before prompting a purchase
PLEASE NOTE: Must have an Azure subscription to view these screens 26
Purchasing an app/data service subscription (continued)

Pricing details is not available, the user will be Before purchasing, the user is prompted to contact
prompted to contact their reseller for pricing the reseller once more, and is presented with the
information ISV’s EULA and privacy terms
Purchasing an app/data service subscription (continued)

After deployment, the user sees their After deployment, the user sees their Marketplace
Marketplace subscriptions in the Azure services running in the management portal, along
Account Portal, under the “Store” tab side the rest of their Azure services
Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Managing Azure

Details Marketplace Subscriptions

Management of Marketplace subscriptions
Enterprise Agreement customers
• Azure Marketplace
subscription details and billing
information are available on
the “Azure Marketplace” tab in
the Microsoft Azure Enterprise
Portal (MAEP)
• At this time, pricing details are
not available and will not be
displayed in MAEP for EA
Indirect customers

Management of Marketplace subscriptions (continued)
MAA customers
• Azure Marketplace
subscription details, billing
information, and VM
creation details are available
in the MOSP customer

Subscription details for non VMs

Running Marketplace services,

side by side with Azure services

Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Extending Azure

Details Marketplace

Publishing to Azure Marketplace
• Anyone who has data or a Microsoft Azure application or an Azure service they
want to publish on the Windows Azure Marketplace
• Publishing process
• Register as a publisher (if not already registered)
• Publishing phases
• Draft
• Submitted
• Approved
• Published

• Track sales

Develop a Marketplace application
• The Azure Marketplace is a global online market where you can publish and sell
Azure applications, services, and building block components.
• Your application, service, or component is not required to access Marketplace
data to be sold on the Marketplace.
• All data from the Marketplace is exposed as RESTful OData feeds.
• Every access to a Marketplace dataset, must authenticate the user before access
is granted.
• Anyone with a Microsoft Azure application or service can market that
application through the Azure Marketplace store.

Technical requirements
Virtual machines Application services Data services
• Test and prepare your application to • Confirm that your application • Provide the API, data schema, and
run well in Azure Virtual Machines service can be provisioned authentication information for your
• Package your application in a VHD, programmatically data service, along with appropriate
as described in the Azure • Provide the API, single sign-on technical documentation
documentation for Windows Server endpoint, and usage reporting • Prepare your licensing system to bill
and Linux endpoint for your application customers directly, or have
• Prepare your application’s licensing service, along with appropriate Microsoft bill customers via credit
system to work with the Azure technical documentation card
Marketplace’s hourly billing model • Prepare your licensing system to • Pass validation tests that confirm
• Pass validation tests that confirm work with the Azure Marketplace’s your data service is compatible with
your application is compatible with monthly billing model Azure and delivers a high-quality
Azure Virtual Machines and delivers • Pass validation tests that confirm customer experience
a high-quality customer experience your application service is • Ensure your service offers high-
compatible with Azure and delivers availability and reliability
a high-quality customer experience

What Azure Certified does
Microsoft Azure Certified provides assurance
that your applications and services have been
tested for usability, readiness, and
compatibility with the Azure Platform

The path to the Azure Marketplace

Enables you to sell through the Azure


Co-marketing assistance and promotion

Technical and business planning support

Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 2: Azure Marketplace Lesson: Provide Feedback on

Details Azure Marketplace

Provide feedback
Recommend new products for the Marketplace

• Suggest new applications and services for

the Azure Marketplace with the ‘Frontline
Microphone’ feedback tool
• Help grow and expand the ecosystem of
applications and services to sell
• To recommend new Marketplace
applications and services, use Frontline

Provide feedback
Lost opportunities

• Occasionally competitors win deals, let

us know how we can be more
• Provide us with details about the lost
opportunity and we will work to help
you win the deal next time
• To provide feedback on lost
opportunities, please use the
Frontline Microphone tool

Module 1: Azure

Section 3: Building an Azure Marketplace


Module 1: Azure Marketplace

Section 3: Building an Azure Lesson: The Building Blocks

Marketplace solution

The building blocks
Virtual Machines

Three types of VM images:

• VM Depot
A community managed repository of Linux and Free BSD virtual machine
• Azure OS Images
First and Third Party Operating Systems ready to run on Azure
• Azure Certified
Certified, production ready VMs with complete billing mechanism

The building blocks
VM Images
• Windows base OS images

The building blocks
VM Images
• Windows base OS images
• Linux base OS images

The building blocks
VM Images
• Windows base OS images
• Linux base OS images
• Pre-installed
application images

The building blocks
VM Images
• Windows base OS images
• Linux base OS images
• Pre-installed application images
• Community images

The building blocks (continued)
VM Extensions
• Security

The building blocks (continued)
VM Extensions
• Security
• Deployment

The building blocks (continued)
VM Extensions
• Security
• Deployment
• Configuration

The building blocks (continued)
VM Extensions
• Security
• Deployment
• Configuration
• Others
• Visual Studio debuggers
• Diagnostics agents
• Monitoring agents
• Access recovery
• Docker extension
• Backup helper
The building blocks (continued)
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates
• Single VM deployment
• Multi VM solution
• Multi application solution

VM images
Entity that encapsulates complete storage profile of a virtual machine from which
to create a single VM

VM extensions
• Extending the power of your VM
• Enable easier management
• Support partner ecosystem
• Full control still with you!

Agent Marketplace
of Extensions

Azure 53
Azure Resource Manager Templates
Deploy and manage the lifecycle of a collection of resources through declarative,
model-based template language

Resource Group
s On
end Controller
Server Depends On
n ds
Resources: 1 VNet, 3 VMs Server

The Azure Marketplace and
Azure Certified

Module 1: Azure

Section 4: Resources

Support resources
Customer Policy & Billing Inquiries – End customers with inquiries related to contract, amendment,
commitment orders, and billing can leverage the same support resources for Azure questions. MOSA
customers, click here. EA Direct customers, click here. EA Indirect customers please contact your reseller.

Marketplace Technical Support – For inquires requiring technical support contact the Marketplace publisher
directly. Support details are located on the offer listing page on See the next slide for
more information.

Customer Azure Technical Support – For Azure technical support, click here. Note: customers must have a paid
support plan and must be an Account Owner, Service Administrator or Co-Administrator.

Field Support – For billing and subscription questions related to your EA accounts, click here. For billing and
subscription questions related to your MAA accounts, click here.

Additional Support – For all other support resources, click here.

Helpful links
Microsoft Azure Enterprise Portal – To view your enterprise level accounts, subscriptions,
monetary commitment, overage balances, and to create accounts and subscriptions, visit:

Microsoft Azure Management Portal – To deploy and host your applications once you have
created a subscription on the Microsoft Azure Enterprise Portal, visit:

Microsoft Azure Account Dashboard – To update your subscription name or Service

Administrator information, visit:

Requesting Quotes for Marketplace Services – To request a quote for a country that does not
have a pricelist, visit:

Lesson Knowledge Check
Question: What is Azure Marketplace?
Answer: Online marketplace to discover, purchase, and provision integrated applications and
services that complement and extend the functionality of Azure services.

Question: How does it help the customer?

Answer: The Azure Marketplace offers a centralized catalog of applications and services that
easily integrate with existing solutions on Azure.
Question: How does it help our partners?
Answer: The Azure Marketplace brings the quality, choice, and strength of the Azure partner
ecosystem to customers around the world.

Module Summary
• Azure Marketplace is an online store for Microsoft and ISV applications and
services available for deployment on Microsoft Azure
• ISV solutions within the Marketplace expand the functionality of Azure services


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