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By Manisha rout, 46,B.Sc Ag 6th sem., Practical crop production –II
• Botanical name- Psidium guajava
• Family- Myrtaceae
• Center of origin-Tropical America
• Pollination system- Self pollinated
• Chromosome no.- 2n=22,23

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• The guava has been cultivated and
distribution by man, by birds & 4- footed
animals for so long that its place of origin is
uncertain , but it is believed to be an area
extending from southern Mexico into or
through central America and tropical

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• It is common throughout all warm areas of tropical America and in the west
indies, the Bahamas, Bermuda and southern Florida where it was reportedly
introduced in 1847.
• Early Spanish and Portuguese colonizers were quick to carry it from the new
world to the East Indies and Guam.
• It was soon adopted as a crop in Asia and in warm parts of Africa. Egyptians
have grown it for a long time and it may have traveled from Egypt to
• It is occasionally seen in Algeria and on the Mediterranean coast of France.

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• INDIA is the largest producer of GUAVA in world.
• Production of guava in INDIA 20-21 is 4.36- 4.43 million metric tons.
• Total area under cultivation of guava is 0.15 million hectare.
• BIHAR is the leading state in Guava production followed by Andhra Pradesh
and Uttar Pradesh.

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Planting time & no. of plant in 1 acre.
• February-March or August-September month is optimum time for
planting of Guava. For planting use spacing of 6x5 m. Use of planting
distance of 7m, then in square system, 132 plants can be
accommodating in one acre. Roots should be sown at the depth of 25

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Soil requirement
• Guava is a hardy plant that thrives Soil
in a variety of soil conditions. It characteristic
thrives on soils that are well-
pH 4.5 to 8.2
drained. It is, nevertheless,
susceptible to waterlogging. region Tropical & Sub tropical
Because guava is surface-rooted,
the best soil is well-drained, deep texture Well drained & loamy soil
friable soil with rich top soil . The
soil should have a fertile surface.
Guavas cannot be grown on
alkaline or saline soils.

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Land preparation

Deep ploughing, cross ploughing, harrowing, and soil leveling are the first steps.

Before the monsoon, dig holes measuring 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 0.6 m.

Allow 15-20 days for them to breathe.

Then fill them with soil using 500 grams of superphosphate and 20 kilograms of organic
In the event of bad soil, larger pits of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m must be dug. More organic manure
should also be added.
Start planting as soon as the monsoon arrives.

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Climate Required
• Guava farming is possible in both subtropical and tropical climes. It can
reach a maximum height of 5000 feet (1500 metres) above sea level.
• Guava blossoms best in the months of June to September, when the
annual rainfall is less than 1000 mm.
• Because young plants are more susceptible to cold and dry
environments, they require more care.

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Allahabad Safeda: round in shape and is The smoothness of the skin and less seed offers
not very large. The skin of the fruit is very mild top notch quality. This variety grows tall and has
and the flesh is white with not many seeds inside an upright growing tendency, bears a lot of fruits
it. in its long shoots covered in dense foliage
Sardar:Fruits usually are huge and round The tree of this variety is lively, spreading and
shaped, primrose yellow skin shading, white bountiful bearer, weighty fanning type with level
fragile flesh and seeds are in bounty and harder. crown. 

 Lalit:high yielding pink fleshed guava tinge weighing between 175 to 210 grams. Its
assortment delivered by CISH, Lucknow. Fruits tissue is firm and pink with a decent mix of sugar
are of saffron yellow shading with red and acid. 

Shweta:Tree is semi incredible with medium velvety white skin with red spots and nearly-
stature and is a productive carrier. It is an white flesh. Fruits are appealing and highly
assortment with medium size spherical fruits, nutritious. 

Allahabad Surkha:It is a remarkable variety of organic products in the 6th year of fruiting. Trees
enormous size with pink colour and has pulpy are lively, dome shaped and compact. The
pink flesh. The plants produce up to 120 kg organic product is sweet and unequivocally
enhanced with a couple of seeds

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Cultural practices
• There are names for different flowering seasons in guava farming. Each season features
different qualities in fruits. It includes Bahar treatment that helps increasing the quality of
fruits and increase the vigore of the tree.  n guava production, fruit drop can be a source
of concern. Due to a variety of environmental and physiological conditions, the decline
can be as high as 45-65 percent. Fruit drop reduction using GA spray is successful.
Flowering Flowering
ripening Preference  
pattern  period  

February-March July-September Not preferred much due to poor quality

Ambe Bahar  
(spring)  (monsoon)  fruits 

June-July November-January Most preferred due to excellent quality

Mrig Bahar  
(monsoon)  (winter)  fruits 

February- Usually practiced in South and West India.

Hasth Bahar   October (autumn) 
April (spring)  Fetches good prices.  

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Weed management
• Manual weeding is better. Mulching twice a year discourages weeds and
conserves moisture. Spray of  Gramoxone is effective in weed
• Plow soil twice a year (once in October, next in January) for effective
management of guava orchards.  
• The problematic weeds of guava fields are Cynodon dactylon and
Cyperus rotundus among monocots and Bidens pilosa, Tridax
procumbens, Acanthospermum hispidum and Lagasca mollis among
dicots. As reported earlier, Cynodon dactylon caused 50 per cent
reduction in plant height of guava.

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Cynodon dactylon Cyperus rotundus

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Training & Pruning: 

• Fruit quality and yield are improved by training. The main goal of
training is to provide a productive foundation for the tree, with robust
branches capable of bearing a high-yielding crop.
• Shoots that are 30 cm or less from the ground are chopped off. Allow the
centre to be clear. Allow for the growth of four scaffold branches.
Maintain a wide enough angle between the stem and the branches to
allow sufficient sunshine to reach the centre.
• Light pruning is done once a year to keep the tree's framework in good
shape and encourage the emergence of new branches.

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• The guava tree does not require much watering. Guava plants in their
early stages require 8-10 irrigations per year.
• Dry locations and light soils may require hand watering during the
summer. Between May and July, full-grown and fruit-bearing trees
require weekly watering.
• Fruit drop is reduced and fruit size is increased with winter watering.
The guava crop benefits greatly from drip irrigation. It saves up to 60%
of water and increases the number and size of fruits significantly.
• To keep moisture in the soil following pre-monsoon showers, make a
saucer-shaped, half-moon, or V-shaped basins.

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Inorganic fertilizers and organic manure are quite beneficial for guava cultivation.

Every year, give your plants 100 grams of nitrogen, 40 grams of phosphorus, and 40
grams of potassium. In the sixth year, you should be able to maintain your current
level of stability. In August and January, divide them into two equal portions.
Spray the trees with 0.34 kg slaked lime and 0.45 kg ZnSO4 (Zinc Sulfate) dissolved
in 16 gallons (72.74 l) water if the trees are deficient in zinc. Determine how many
sprays to use based on the degree of the deficit.
Apply pre-flowering sprays of 0.3 percent ZnSO4 and 0.4 percent Boric Acid to your
guava crop to boost fruit size and yield.

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• Scale insect: In Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra, there

is a serious problem. These flat, green insects that seem like scales cling
to plants, stems, and fruits. Spray a mixture of fish oil rosin soap, methyl
demeton, and dimetholate in a crude oil emulsion or water.
• Guava fruit fly: A dangerous pest that induces fruit dropping. Pluck
and burn the infested fruits. Spray 0.5 ml phosphamidon and 2 ml
malathion per liter of water.  
• Mealybug: These tiny oval-shaped insects sucking sap from young
plants have a white waxy surface. Underneath the leaves, in bunches.
They have a significant impact on yield. Dimethoate, methyl parathion,
or monocroptophos can be sprayed. Thimet, malation, or aldrin can be
used to treat soil. Block the upward movement of nymphs on plants by
covering the plant base with polythene fabric.

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• Scale insect

• Guava fruit fly:

• mealybug

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• Guava wilt: A serious fungal disease that causes yellowing of leaves, followed by drying,
wilting, and dying. More serious in alkaline soils and during monsoon. Remove dry and wilted
parts. Drench with Brasicol at trunk base. Spray Bavistin at earliest infection stage. Injections
of 8-Quinolonol Sulfate is effective.  
• Anthracnose: Causes spots on leaves and fruits. Remove affected parts. Spray Dithane,
Oxychloride, or Difolatan. To control this disease in post-harvest fruits, dip them in
Aureofungin and Thiabendazole solutions.  
• Fruit canker: It decreases market value of fruits, as the disease disfigures them. Dip
harvested fruits in Ocimum sanctum leaf extract. Or wash them with 1200 ppm
Aureofungin. Spray 0.2% Dithane Z-78, 0.3% Difolatan, and 1% Bordeaux mixture.  
• Stem canker: Infected stems crack and produce lesions. Stem tissues collapse and the
twigs wilt.  
• Cercospora leaf spot: The affected leaves develop water-soaked brown patches. Spray
0.3% Copper Oxychloride or lime sulphur at 1:30 ratio.  
• Bronzing is a nutritional disorder that happens due to deficiencies of phosphorus,
potassium, and zinc. It occurs because of poor soils or poor cultivation and management
practices. Apply NPK, Zinc, and Boron in recommended doses. 

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• Guava wilt

• Anthracnose

• Fruit canker

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• Stem canker

• Cercospora leaf spot

• Bronzing 

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• Guava fruits should be picked as soon as they mature. The fruit is ready

for harvest when its dark green color changes to light and shows
yellowish green patches.  
• Hand picking is recommended.  
• Seedling trees take 4-5 years to reach the bearing stage, while layered,
budded, and grafted trees take 2-3 years to bear. 

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• Grafted trees can yield up to 350 kg per tree, whereas seedling plants can yield up
to 90 kg.
• In ideal conditions, a 3-year-old Lucknow 49 tree may produce somewhere
between 55 and 60 kilograms.
• Yield varies by variety, cultivation tactics, location, and orchard management.
• Guava leaves can be used to treat toothaches, mouth ulcers, and inflamed gums at
• Guava contains pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) and niacin (Vitamin B9), which aid to
increase mental capacity. It increases flow of blood in brain and improves
cognitive performance
• Guava is an anti-aging fruit. It improves the appearance of the skin. It has
astringent properties.
• Guava is a stress buster thanks to its magnesium content. So, if you have had a
hard day at the office, eat a guava and relax! 

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