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Multi stage towers

• Analytical method
1.Sorel method
2.Lewis modification
Graphical method
1.Mc cabe thiele method
2.Ponchon savarit method
McCabe-Thiele method
McCabe and Thiele (1925) developed a graphical method to
determine the theoretical number of stages required to effect the
separation of a binary mixture . This method uses the equilibrium
curve diagram to determine the number of theoretical stages (trays)
required to achieve a desired degree of separation.
• Less rigorous, enthalpy data not required
• MB calculations and VLE data is required
• Uses graphical solutions for binary mixtures on equilibrium
diagram(x-y plot)
• Provides number of theoretical trays required for a given
• Pressure is assumed constant –entire column
• Limitations-only for binary mixtures and no of plates not more
than 25
Schematic of column separation for binary
Mc cabe thiele method
• Assumptions:
1. Constant molal heat of vapourisation
2. No heat losses
3. No heat of mixing
The operating lines on the xy dig can be
considered straight for each section of a
fractionator b/w points of addition or
withdrawal of streams
For a column to be designed for the separation of a binary
mixture. The feed has a concentration of xF, and a distillate xD
and a bottoms having a concentration of xW is desired.
In its essence, the method involves the plotting on the
equilibrium diagram 3 straight lines: the rectifying section
operating line (ROL), the feed line (also known as the q-line) and
the stripping section operating line (SOL).
An important parameter in the analysis of continuous distillation
is the Reflux Ratio, defined as the quantity of liquid returned to
the distillation column over the quantity of liquid withdrawn as
product from the column, i.e. R = L / D. The reflux ratio R is
important because the concentration of the more volatile
component in the distillate (in mole fraction xD) can be changed
by changing the value of R.
• The steps to be followed to determine the number of
theoretical stages by McCabe-Thiele Method:
• Determination of the Rectifying section operating line
• Determination the feed condition (q).
• Determination of the feed section operating line (q-line).
• Determination of required reflux ratio (R).
• Determination of the stripping section operating line
• Determination of number of theoretical stage.
Enriching section

The number of theoretical stages required for a given separation

is then the number of triangles that can be drawn between these
operating lines and the equilibrium curve. The last triangle on the
Under constant molal overflow assumption:
L1 = L2 = .......... Ln-1 = Ln = Ln+1 = L = constant
V1 = V2 = .......... Vn-1 = Vn = Vn+1 = V = constant

In addition, if xn = xD, then yn+1 = xD .

Thus, the operating line passed through the point (xD , xD) on
the 45o diagonal line.
Exhausting section
• The operating line connects the concentrations of the more volatile component
in the vapour and liquid between 2 adjacent phases. By plotting the operating
line on the equilibrium curve, we can graphically construct using the "staircase"
construction to determine the number of theoretical stages required for the
separation in the rectifying section and stripping section
• The method starts off by identifying the point xD on the diagonal. Starting from
(xD, y1) on the diagonal (note: y1 = xD), draw a horizontal line to the left until it
touches the equilibrium curve: this gives the point (x1, y1).
• From this point (x1, y1) draw a vertical line down to the ROL: this gives the
point (x1, y2). In this manner we had obtained one triangle (no.1) where the
horizontal distance is (xD - x1) and the vertical distance is (y1 - y2). One triangle
is equivalent to one theoretical tray
• The difference (xD - x1) represents the decrease in the concentration of the
more volatile component in the liquid phase as its moves down one tray, i.e.
from tray 1 to tray 2. The difference (y1 - y2) represents the increase in the
concentration of the more volatile component in the vapour phase as its moves
up one tray, i.e. from tray 2 to tray 1
Representation of rectification operating line
Introduction of feed
• The feed may consists of liquid, vapour or a
mixture of both. The quantities of the liquid
stream and vapour stream in the rectifying
and stripping sections may change abruptly
because of the addition of the feed stream.
feed tray and consider F moles/hr of feed,
with fraction q of liquid; thus

liquid flow = q F moles/hr

Q-fraction of feed
vapour flow = (1-q) F moles/hr
that is liquid

Overall material balance:

L' = L + q F
V = V' + (1-q) F Component balance

Rectifying section : V y = L x + D xD
Stripping section : V' y = L' x - W xw
At the feed point where the two operating lines
( V - V' ) y = ( L - L' ) x + D xD + W xw
we have:
V - V' = ( 1 - q ) F
L - L' = - q F
• In addition, from component balance around
the entire column:
• F xF = D xD + W xw
• Thus, ( 1 - q ) F y = - q F x + F xF
• Re-arranging in the form y = f(x), we have:
• q = The moles of liquid flow in the stripping section
that results from the introduction of each mole of
• The value of q can be controlled by adjusting the
amount of preheat the feed stream is subjected to
before entering the column.
• if the feed is a mixture of liquid and vapour, then q is
the fraction of the feed that is liquid. For example, if
a feed is 25% liquid and 75% vapour, then q = 0.25.
• For different feed conditions, q has the
following numerical limits :
• · cold feed (below bubble point) q > 1
· feed at bubble point (saturated liquid) q = 1
· feed partially vapour 0 < q < 1
· feed at dew point (saturated vapour) q = 0
· feed superheated vapour q < 0
Effect of various feed conditions on vapour and liquid
loading in column:

As an example, consider the Figure above whereby

the feed is a cold liquid. In this case, all the liquid
feed will go to the stripping section. In addition,
because the feed is cold, it will also condense some
of the rising vapour. As a result, the amount of
liquid flow in the stripping section L' is much larger
than the liquid flow in the rectifying section L. The
vapour flow in the rectifying section V, is lower than
the vapour flow in the stripping section V' because
of the condensation into the liquid. Hence for case
(a), we have L' > L and V' > V.
The q-values
• If the condition of the feed is known to be either saturated
liquid or saturated vapour, then the value of q is either 1 or 0.
However, if we are not certain of the feed condition, then we
must calculate the value of q. We can do so by deriving a
formula for q using enthalpy balance around the feed plate f.
This is shown in the Figure below:
Values of HF, HV and HL can be obtained
from enthalpy-concentration diagram for
the mixture concerned.

Based on this definition, we can derive the formula for the case whereby q > 1
(cold liquid feed) and q < 0 (superheated vapour feed). Thus, we have for cold
liquid feed,

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