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one that is of equal
standing with
another. one belonging
to the same or not

Who is your always same societal

group especially based
on age, grade, or status
Peer pressure can happen
when we are influenced
to do something we
usually would not do, or
What is stop us from doing
something we would like 3

peer pressure? to do.

Kinds of peer pressure

Spoken peer pressure Unspoken peer pressure

When someone says When you feel that you are
something directly to you supposed to act or dress a
that puts a lot of pressure on certain way becasuse it
you and makes it hard to say seems like everybody else is
no. doing it or becasuse it’s the
cool thing to do, even though
nobody has said anything
about it
The only reason…

do we have ACCEPTED BY
peer pressure? PEERS

1 2 3
Positive Neutral Negative
peer peer peer
pressure pressure pressure
• Good peer pressure is being pushed into
something that you didn't have the
courage to do or just didn't cross your
mind to do.
• Good peer pressure can also be a
situation when your friends convince you
not to do something you were going to do
because it wasn't in your best interest.

Positive • Good peer pressure is when you get

pushed into something that you didn't
want to do and it turned out well.
peer pressure • As example, Our peer encourage us to
study hard for mid-term.
Influence of good peer pressure
• Friendship-We can find friendship and acceptance, and share experiences that can build lasting

• Feedback and Advice- Our friends listen and give us feedback as we try out new ideas, explore
belief, and discuss problems. Peers can help us make decisions. And also, our peers can give us
advice and do the right things.

• Socializing-Our peer group gives us opportunities to try out new social skills. Getting to know
lots of different people and help us to build a relationship.

• Encouragement-Our friend can encourage us to study hard and not to give up easily if there's
any problem. This is a big encouragement.

• New Experiences- Our peers might get us involved in clubs, sports, or religious groups. Our
peers might bring us to experience good that we had never experienced before.
How can you benefit from good peer pressure ?
• You may learn something new and have a new experience, can find talents,

• You can overcome a fear.

• You will avoid breaking the law, getting into trouble with your parents and
hurting your health.

• Friendships, socializing, encouragement and good advice

• Occurs when peers pressure one to
go along with the crowd in a way
that's not harmful to others.
• This type of pressure occurs
frequently in the teenage years and
should not be considered a problem.

Neutral • For example, your friends invite you

to go fora party which many friends
will go. 10

peer pressure
• When your friends persuade you to do
something that maybe you don't really
want to do, or is not in your best interest.
• Negative peer pressure is usually the
result of wanting to be accepted by your
• As example, skipping class, fighting,

Negative smoking cigarettes, stealing, using alcohol

or other drugs, lying to parents about
where you're going,
peer pressure vandalism ,trespassing, skipping class.
How can bad peer pressure affect you?
• Bad peer pressure usually leads to doing something bad such as drinking
alcohol, using drugs, or smoking.

• It can lead to trouble with the law, with your parents and it can affect your
How can you respond to negative
peer pressure?
• The key to dealing with negative peer pressure is self-
• Be yourself, make your own decisions, regardless of what
others think
• Listen to your gut
• Learn to feel comfortable saying "no.“
• Hang with people who feel the same way you do.
• If a situation seems dangerous, don't hesitate to get an adult's
Although peer
pressure has it's good
and bad, we have to
accept the good and
face the bad. If not, we
will be influenced by
our peers to do
something which is
dangerous and
Think for yourself ?
Let’s Face It
We must learn to say "NO" to those things that we don't
• Saying No- want to do or which is not right. Explaining to people in
a calm way why we don't want to be part of something
is one way of handling it..

Take Action Sometimes we are able to tackle peer

pressure because we feel more comfortable in our
environment, Standing up for someone may help us
• Take Action- exercise our beliefs or rights. Both of these are ways
in which you may be able to create a positive vibe
out of peer pressure
• Plan for possible pressure situations-
Think ahead of how we can handle situations.
Decide ahead of time- and even rehearse- what we’ll
say and do. Learn a few tricks

• Hang with people who feel the same way we do

Choose friends who will speak up with us when we're
in need of moral support, and be quick to speak up for a
friend in the same way.
Choosing friends is very important for us. We can't live without
friends but we also can't have a bad peer pressure. Good
pressure can improve us but bad one won't. Having a true and
good friend is important. We should choose our friends

Know who is the good peer and who is the bad.


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