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Birdavinder Singh (2019), Harleen Singh (2157), Harsimran Kaur (2046)
, Nidhi (2082), Sahil Kumar (2164)
Table of contents





Introduction About
• Agriculture Productivity
Productivity Level of Ag­riculture defines as the amount of crops
production in per hectare land.

 Agriculture productivity = Total agriculture crop production /

Total land area (hectares)
• Agriculture Productivity
Productivity levels in Indian agriculture in very low as
compared to the productivity levels of other countries, in terms
of global rank, the productivity levels of India in major
agricultural crops is very disappointing.

Productivity of Land in some Countries


Countries Productivity In 2021-2022

India 101.5
USA 49.69
China 134.25
Pakistan 27.0
Productivity of Land in some Countries


Countries Productivity In 2021-2022

India 122.7
USA 91.14
China 148.3
Pakistan 8.42
• India being one of the largest producers of most of the agricultural
crops (both food grains and non- food grains) but ranks are very
low in terms of productivity.

• As per the above table, the productivity of wheat and

rice crops in China is higher than the other countries.
Moreover, India is the second largest producer of rice
and wheat in the world.

• Thus, after the tremendous effect of Green Revolution,

productivity (yield per hectare) has not improved much.
Factors Determining
Physical Factors
Physical factors affecting Agriculture are
Climate plays a dominating role in agriculture. Plants require sufficient heat and
moisture for their growth. Normally, regions having maximum temperature of less than
10°C are not suitable for plant growth. In the tropical regions, where temperature is high
throughout the year, agriculture is successfully done.

The richness of soil is another important physical factor affecting agriculture. Soils differ
in respect of physical and chemical composition. The chemical composition of the soil
determines its productivity. The fertility of the soils decreases with excessive cultivation.
Soils become infertile if the fertility is not renewed. This can be achieved by leaving the
land fallow, by rotation of crop and by use of manures and fertilizers.
Economic Factors
The most important Economic factors affecting Agriculture are
Market is an important economic factor in agriculture. The distance from the market
determines the cost of transportation. Agricultural crops like vegetables etc. are grown
near the market.

Transport Facilities
The development of efficient means of transportation widen the market for agricultural
Economic Factors
Agriculture, in the modern times is becoming mechanized. This involves huge capital
investments. Purchase of machinery, fertilizers, pesticides and high yielding variety
seeds require plenty of money. In India, the farmers are poor.
They cannot afford use of modern farm technology; thus, it affects agricultural

Government Policies
The policies of the Government also influence agricultural land use. The Government
may restrict the cultivation of a crop or may force the farmers to grow a particular crop.
Government provides subsidies on fertilizers and pesticides which help to increase the
productivity of crops
Technological Factors of Agriculture
The Technological factors affecting Agriculture are
Improved productivity from mechanization of agriculture
To reduce manual labour and make the processes faster, combine harvesters are
finding greater use. Indian farming is characterized by small landholdings, and the need
is to partner with others to take advantage of modern machines.

Irrigation facilities
The availability of proper irrigation facilities not only brings more area under cultivation but also
motivates the farmers to produce different types of crops. This brings an overall improvement in the
quality and quantity of agricultural production. In some parts of India, farmers are still dependent
on rainfall for the irrigation of the crops. Due to lack of irrigation facilities, crop productivity affects
with the change in level of rainfall.
Technological Factors of Agriculture

Fertilizers and pesticides

Effective Use of fertilizers and pesticides helps the farmers to increase the production of
crops and protect the crop from pests. The government has allocated nearly Rs 79,600
crore for fertilizer subsidies in the 2021-22 Budget

High yield varieties seeds

High yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds are those seeds which produce huge quantities of
crops particularly wheat and rice. Regular supply of water, maximum use of fertilisers
and use of pesticides in an accurate proportion is needed in to use these seeds.
Trends In
Index Number Of Agriculture Production
Base : Triennium ending 2007-2008=100

Crop 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice 111.1 116.8 120.0 124.0 126.5 130.1

Wheat 123.7 132.1 133.9 138.9 144.6 146.9
Cotton 134.3 145.8 146.9 125.5 161.4 158.4
Sugarcane 106.1 93.2 115.7 123.5 112.9 121.6
Jute 97.8 102.6 94.3 93.4 92.9 89.7
Maize 138.8 159.3 176.9 170.5 177.0 193.9
Figure Showing
Trends in Agricultural Production (Million Tones)
Trends in Agriculture

As per Estimates for 2020-21, total food grain production in the country is estimated at a
record 308.65 million tons which is 11.15 million tons higher than that during 2019-20. The
production of rice, wheat and coarse cereals has increased at compound annual growth
rates (CAGR) of 2.7, 2.9 and 4.8 per cent respectively during last six years i.e., 2015-16 to
2020-21. The CAGR for pulses, oilseeds and cotton has been 7.9, 6.1 and 2.8 per cent,
respectively during the same period.
Index Number of Agricultural Production (Million Tones)
Causes of
Backwardness of
Following are the causes of our backwardness in

1. Lack of Education 2. Lack of Capital 3. Soil Erosion

The majority of our
The farmers of our
farmers are poor, and
country are mostly un- In some areas of our
they often live in a
educated and lack country, especially in
hand to mouth
technical hilly regions, the upper
position. Most of them
knowledge .They are fertile soil is being
are always under
unable to understand eroded by different
heavy burdens of
the modem scientific natural agents of
debts. So due to lack
methods of agriculture change .Thus the
of capital they cannot
and often remain fertility is poor, and
afford to purchase
ignorant of good soils are becoming less
modem scientific
means to protect and productive.
implements, chemical
increase their yield.
manures, improved
Their production is
types of seeds etc.
therefore low.
4. Pests and Crop 6. Poor Means of
5. Scarcity of Water

Our farmers must face The agricultural

many problems due to activities in our country
scarcity of water are performed in rural
Due to lack of
which is one our major areas, but most of
agricultural education
problems. Large tracts our villages have no
and methods of
of land estimated to be road or railway
modern research, our
about 22 million areas links with our markets.
farmers cannot control
is uncultivated due to So, farmers must face
the various diseases of
shortage of water. innumerable hardships
crops and attacks of
Rainfall is uncertain to sell their products.
pests and insects.
and the existing Hence the farmers take
The result is low yields.
irrigational facilities in very little interest in
our country are quite their profession and
insufficient and need production suffers.
to be extended.
7. Following the Old
8. Lack of Credit Facilities
The resources required
Most of our farmers
for agricultural
are still stuck to the old
operation are land,
traditions of their
layout, livestock, farm
forefathers. The
equipment, seeds,
circumstances have
fertilizers, irrigation,
compelled them to use
transport etc. For the
the crude implements,
convenient and timely
because due to small
procurement of these
holdings of land and
resources the farmers
poverty they are
must have easy access
unable to acquire and
to credit. The
use modern scientific
commercial banks
methods. That is why
provide loans to the
their standard is lower
farmers which are
than that of cultivators
insufficient because
in developed countries.
our farmers are very
Suggestions or
Remedies to
Overcome The
The following are suggestions for removal of low productivity of Indian

(i) Better Irrigation Facilities

Indian agriculture is mainly dependent on monsoon. So permanent means of irrigation should

be developed.
There should be large number of tube wells and canals for irrigation

(ii) Supply of Quality Seeds

Quality seeds should be sold through co-operative societies or village Panchayats. Farmers
should be given awareness regarding various varieties of seeds. Marginal farmers should be
given seeds on loan.

(iii) Green Manure

Production of chemical fertilizers should be increased, and it should be made available to

farmers at sub-sided rates. Farmers should be educated for firing green manure. Oil cakes may
be used as fertilizers.
The following are suggestions for removal of low productivity of Indian

(iv) Credit Facilities

Farmers should be advanced loans at reasonable rates of interest. Regional Rural Banks should
be opened. Commercial banks should be directed to provide loans to small farmers on easy
terms. Local moneylenders should be scrutinized to stop their malpractices.

(v) Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural marketing should be improved so that the farmer gets proper price for their
produce warehousing facilities should be improved. Means of Transport should be
strengthened. Regulated markets and Co-operative marketing societies should be established.

(vi) Education

Agricultural Department along with Extension Education Department of Agricultural Universities

should educate the farmers in general and farming operations in particular. They will get new
ideas of latest methods of cultivation. They will increase their production.
The following are suggestions for removal of low productivity of Indian

(vii) Helping Small Farmers

Small and marginal farmers should be helped with high yielding variety seeds, fertilizers and
new agricultural techniques. Loans should be given to farmers at concessional rates of interest.

(viii) Price Stability

Due to mechanised farming and Green Revolution, production of crops will increase. So, price of
crops will fall. Govt. should ensure that prices should not fall, and proper price should be made
available to farmer.

To sum up, it can be said that the agriculture sector is of vital importance for the region.
It is undergoing a process of transition to market economy, with substantial changes in
the social, legal, structural, productive and supply set-ups, as is the case with all other
sectors of the economy. These changes have been accompanied by a decline in
agricultural production for most countries and have affected also the national seed
supply sectors of the region. Also, it is a great contributor to the GDP of country,
especially for the developing countries, and hence, proper attention should be given in
this context to increase the productivity.
Thank You
For Listening

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