Tone Assessment Tools 07-01

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Tone assessment in neonates

Presented by: Moderator:

Dr. Pranaya Kumar Mall Dr. Swati upadhyay
SR, Neonatology Asst. Prof. Neonatology

11-01-2021 1
❑ Development of tone
❑ Important tools for assessment
❑ Amiel tison method
❑ Conclusion
11-01-2021 2
• Muscle Tone- state of relaxed muscle under the spontaneous
excitation by the central nervous system.

• Human fetus extended posture in very early phase &

progresses to flexed posture.

• Rule is same whether develops intrauterine or extra uterine.

• Progression caudocephalad and centripetal.

11-01-2021 New ballard score monograph 3
Progression of tone with age

Gosselin J, Gahagan S, Amiel-Tison C. The Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term: conceptual and methodological
continuity in the course of follow-up. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11(1):34-51
Tone assessment tools in neonates
Tools Applicable age Tone Time Normative data
items required
APGAR At birth 1 (5) In instance -

APIB (Assessment of preterm infant behavior) 0-1 month 6(280) 60min -

37-42 weeks corrected age -
ATNAT 9(35) 5min
ENNAS (Einstein neonatal neurobehavioral
37-42 weeks PMA 5(20) 30-45min 118 LBW & 76 full term
assessment scale)

HNNE 37-42 11 (34) - 224 Term

KNES (Kathmandu neonatal encephalopathy scale) 0-24 hr 1(7) - -

NAPI (Neurobehavioral assessment of the preterm
32 weeks CA-term 7 (41) 30min 521 preterm

125 full term healthy,344

30 weeks GA-<46-48 Weeks
NNNS (NICU network neurobehavioral scale) 10 (115) 20min healthy,
1388 opiate exposed
Premie Neuro 23-37 Weeks PMA 8 (24) 30-60min -

Goo, M., Tucker, K. and Johnston, L.M. (2018), Muscle tone assessments for children aged 0 to 12 years: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol, 60: 660-671 .
Tone assessment tools in babies < 2 years
Tools Applicable age Tone Time Normative data
items required
ATNAT (0-1) 0-1 year 17 (55) - -

92 infants at 12 mo,43
HINE 2-24 months 8(37) 5-10 min
infant at 18 mo (no risk)

412 term
HINT (Harris infant neuromotor test) 2.5-15.5 months 2(21) 15-25 min

INFANIB (infant neurological international battery) 4-18 months 6(20) - -

MAC (movement assessment in children) 2-24 months 3 (53) 30 min -

MAI (movement assessment in infant) 0-12 months 5(65) 30 min -

TINE (touwen infant neurological exam) 1 year 1 (50) 15-20min 521 preterm
Tone assessment tools in babies >2 years

11-01-2021 7
Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination 
• Quick, practical and easy.

• Initially developed by Dr Lilly Dubowitz and Prof Victor

Dubowitz in 1981.

• Updated later by Dr Eugenio Mercuri, in 1998.  

11-01-2021 9
• Tone

• Tone patterns
HNNE contains
• Reflexes
34 items divided
in 6 categories
• Movements

• Abnormal signs/patterns

• Orientation & Behaviour

11-01-2021 10
• Takes about 10–15 min.
• No formal training required
• Inter-rater reliability - 96%
• Each individual item gets a score of 0, 0.5, or 1.Compound score is
calculated by simple summation of the optimality scores of individual items.
• Score < 30.5 – Suboptimal for term
• For Preterm at term equivalent age <26 suboptimal
• Video HNNE

11-01-2021 15
HNNE : Score
• Raw score (1-5)

• Optimality score for individual items (0,0.5,1)

– Optimal >10thcentile----------------------score =1
– Borderline >5th centile ------------------score=0.5
– Suboptimal <5th centile ------------------score= 0

Dubowitz L, Mercuri E, Dubowitz V. An optimality score for the neurologic examination

11-01-2021 17
of the term newborn. J Pediatr. 1998 Sep;133(3):406-16
• Compound optimality score for a group

• Total optimality score

<30.5 suboptimal for term
<26 suboptimal for preterm at TEA

11-01-2021 18
Dubowitz L, Mercuri E, Dubowitz V. An optimality score for the neurologic
11-01-2021 19
examination of the term newborn. J Pediatr. 1998 Sep;133(3):406-16.
Dubowitz L, Mercuri E, Dubowitz V. An optimality score for the neurologic examination of the
11-01-2021 20
term newborn. J Pediatr. 1998 Sep;133(3):406-16
Dubowitz L, Mercuri E, Dubowitz V. An optimality score for the neurologic examination
11-01-2021 21
of the term newborn. J Pediatr. 1998 Sep;133(3):406-16.
• Whom to use- Any neonate
• How often to repeat- Depends upon clinical scenario. But one
shortly before discharge and at term gestation is most reliable
• If items are missing- Acceptable up to 5 items (for research
purpose) and up to one (for clinical purposes).
• Min gestation to use- Any ( But prior to 34 weeks only assess
change in pattern, no normative data)
• How long- 2-3 months post term

11-01-2021 22
Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination 
•Cranial nerve function

• posture
HNNE contains 26 items divided in 5
categories along with assessment of
motor milestones and behavior
• Reflexes & reactions

• Movements

• Tone

11-01-2021 30
• Aimed to be used between 3 to 24 months of age.
• No formal training required
• Video HINE

Assisted ventilation of the neonate, Sixth

11-01-2021 32
edition, 2017
Haataja L, Mercuri E, Regev R, Cowan F, Rutherford M, Dubowitz V, Dubowitz L. Optimality score for the neurologic examination of
the infant at 12 and 18 months of age. J Pediatr. 1999 Aug;135(2 Pt 1):153-61.
11-01-2021 34
< 5 months > 5 months
MRI 86-89% Sensitive MRI 86-89% Sensitive

GM 98 % sensitive Developmental assessment of

young children 83 %
HINE 90 % Sensitive HINE 90 % Sensitive

Novak I, Morgan C, Adde L, et al. Early, Accurate Diagnosis and Early Intervention in Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment [published correction appears in

JAMA Pediatr. 2017 Sep 1;171(9):919]. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(9):897-907 .

• Easy to use
• Minimum resources needed
• No training required
• Freely available
• Objective scoring and quantification possible
• Good sensitivity to diagnose CP even below 5 months of
• Important especially in low resource settings.

11-01-2021 37
Amiel-tison neurological assessment at
term (ATNAT)
ATNAT : History
• Andre Thomas (1952) first assessed brain status in infants by
using passive and active tone.

• Saint Anne-Dargassies (1960) added primitive reflexes.

• Amiel Tison (1985) added vision and hearing.

11-01-2021 Illingsworth development of infant and young child, 10th edition, 2012 39
• Valid for both term and preterm (at term equivalent).

• Depends on the individual development of an upper and lower motor control


• Lower system (brainstem and cerebellum) matures early (begin at 24 weeks) in

an ascending pattern to maintain posture against gravity and flexor tone in the

• Upper system (cerebral hemispheres and basal ganglia) matures later (begins at
32 weeks) in a descending pattern to control the lower system, with relaxation of
limb & finally allowing for fine motor skills, erect posture, and walking.

Gosselin J, Gahagan S, Amiel-Tison C. The Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term: conceptual and methodological
continuity in the course of follow-up. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11(1):34-51
Physiological basis for exam development

• Brain injury (HIE & PVL) in neonate most commonly affects

the upper system.
• Best predictors of injury should be found in responses that

depend on the upper control system.

Gosselin J, Gahagan S, Amiel-Tison C. The Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term: conceptual and methodological
continuity in the course of follow-up. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11(1):34-51
• Takes about 5 min.
• Full-term should be assessed in the first week of life.
• Preterm at 40 ± 2 weeks.
• 35 items clustered in to 10 domains
• Scoring system for each involves a non quantitative three-point scale

(0 normal, 1 mod abnormal, and 2 abnormal, X abnormal not gradable)

• Do not add items to get a total score.

Gosselin J, Gahagan S, Amiel-Tison C. The Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term: conceptual and methodological
continuity in the course of follow-up. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11(1):34-51
• An optimal status defined by the absence of abnormal
neurological signs
• Non- optimal status for full-term infants can be graded into
mild, moderate and severe
• For preterm infants only two categories – mild to moderate
and severe to avoid effect of prolonged extra uterine life.
Gosselin J, Gahagan S, Amiel-Tison C. The Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term: conceptual and methodological
continuity in the course of follow-up. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11(1):34-51
1. Cranial assessment
2. Neurosensory function and spontaneous motor activity
3. Passive muscle tone
4. Axial motor activity (active tone)
5. Primitive reflexes
6. Palate and tongue
7. Adaptation to manipulation
8. Feeding autonomy
9. Medical status
10. Unfavourable circumstances at the time of exam
Paro-Panjan D, Neubauer D, Kodric J, Bratanic B. Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at term age: clinical application, correlation
with other methods, and outcome at 12 to 15 months. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Jan;47(1):19-26.
11-01-2021 59
Paro-Panjan D, Neubauer D, Kodric J, Bratanic B. Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at term age: clinical
11-01-2021 application, correlation with other methods, and outcome at 12 to 15 months. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 60
11-01-2021 61
Take home message
• Repeated neurological examination is the key for
early suspicion of neurological abnormality in later

• Early suspicion: early intervention: better outcome.

11-01-2021 62
Thank You!!
Thank you

11-01-2021 63

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