Employee Health and Safety

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• Workplace safety is a composite field related to safety, health and welfare of people at
work. It narrates the strategy and methods in place to ensure health and safety of
employees within a workplace.
• Workplace safety includes employee awareness related to the knowledge of basic safety,
workplace hazards, risks relating to hazards, implementation of hazard preventions, and
putting into practice necessary safer methods, techniques, process, and safety culture in
the workplace.
• Workplace safety is about putting a stop to injury and sickness to employees in the
workplace. Therefore, it is about safeguarding assets and health and life of the employees.
It also features in cutting down the cost of lost-work hours, time spent in putting short-term
help and the schedule and services that may fall off due to less of service providers,
pressure on those providers who are selecting the absent employees portion or poor case,
having to shut out or shut down a program due to lack of providers.
• To Say no to Accidents − Accidents are fallouts of recklessness and lack of responsibility. When we don’t follow
required safety norms we end up in getting injured or even in ending our valuable lives. It is true with regard to
our home and workplace alike.
• To Stay Healthy and Energetic − We should have a healthy food habit, which is itself a safety measure, to keep
us healthy and lively for work at home and in workplaces.
• To have Longevity in Life − We should take care of ourselves everywhere we are and of others for leading a
safe and meaningful life.
• To create Public Awareness − Promotion of safety norms everywhere creates public awareness and discipline.
It is true of workplaces and motivates new employees to take up safety measures necessary for their safety.
• To avoid loss of Property and Life − The basic aim of safety measures is to prevent the occurrences of
mishaps and hazards that sometimes cause heavy loss of life and property.
• To Devise Planning for Safety − Need for safety paves the way for devising an effective planning for all-round
safety of employees in an organization.

• Helps in preservation of and assistance for employees’ or workers’ health and well-being.
• Enhances workability of employees by ensuring a safe and congenial work environment.
• Contributes to growth of the organization that remains free from prospective hazards and
• Encourages a favorable social climate in the organization that motivates the employees to
work efficiently towards organizational progress and prosperity.
• Secures the health and safety of workers and workplace by eliminating or minimizing risks.
• Achievement of higher productivity among the employees by providing a safe and secure
• Focus on employees’ safety and health arising from chemicals and hazardous elements
used at workplaces.
1. Being Aware and Identifying workplace Hazards: Employees should be aware of the
types of equipment and know the hazards in their workplace. This enables them to stay clear of such
hazards and unfortunate situations. Also, employers should train employees in the proper operation of
machinery and equipment.
2. Implementing Workplace Safety Programs: The first step in building a safety program is to get all
employees to commit to workplace safety. One way to do this is to include workplace safety in the
company’s mission statement. It should be the duty of every employee to carry out the safety policies.
Employers should investigate all accidents in the workplace. They should encourage employees to
follow all safety procedures.
3. Providing Proper Safety Training to Employees: Employers should provide employees with the
necessary training to reduce workplace accidents. Employees should operate all equipment and
machinery properly and safely.
4. Using Protective Safety Equipment: The usage of equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards
that cause workplace injuries is very important. Not doing so can cause injury or even death.
5. Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions: Employees must inform any kind of safety hazard or work
risks to the management. Employers are legally obligated to ensure safe working environments for their
employees. It is their duty to end workplace safety hazards and promote safety in the workplace.
6. Practicing Correct Posture: Bad posture is one of the main reasons for back pain. It is imperative to
practice good and correct posture to reduce the risk of getting hurt.
For example, if you have to sit for long hours, use specially designed chairs. Also, always sit upright..
7. Reducing Workplace Stress: Workplace stress can cause many health problems like anxiety,
depression, etc. Job insecurity, workplace bullying, high workload, etc. cause workplace stress. Learn
how to combat workplace stress and avoid its negative effects. Workplace stress can have drastic effects
on workplace productivity and employee health.
8. Promoting Regular Breaks: Employers should encourage employees to take regular breaks.
Taking regular breaks will prevent tiredness and fatigue. This will further prevent injuries or
illnesses. Breaks help employees stay fresh and focused.
9.Staying Sober and Alert: One of the major reasons for workplace fatalities is substance abuse. 
Substance abuse causes around 40% of all industrial workplace fatalities. Individuals under the
influence of alcohol or drugs are less alert. Their decision-making ability, coordination,
concentration, and motor control gets compromised. This creates risks for workplace injury and
10. Easy Access to Exits in Case of Emergencies: If there is an emergency, it is important to
have easy access to emergency exits. Easy access to emergency exits will reduce injuries and
casualties. Also, it is important to have quick ways to shut down equipment in case of
11. Using Mechanical Aids: An industrial job may need employees to work with heavy
equipment. There are many injury risks involved in trying to lift and move heavy objects.
Employees can use a conveyor belt, forklift or wheelbarrow instead of lifting manually.
A safe work environment is a feature of good companies throughout the world. All
employees want assurance of their safety and protection.

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