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Introduction: Attitudes Towards and Perceptions of

GEC104: Mathematics in the Modern World

Trilbe Lizann E. Vasquez

Kindly fill out the Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey (MAPS) [1],
which you can find uploaded with the other course materials.

Have your answers ready and on hand before proceeding with this lesson.

[1] Code, W., Merchant, S., Maciejewski, W., Thomas, M., & Lo, J. (2016). The Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions
Survey: an instrument to assess expert-like views and dispositions among undergraduate mathematics students.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (IJMEST), available online, 21 pages.
Department or Program Title Here 1
Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
19. We use this statement to discard the survey of people who are not reading the
questions. Please select Agree (not Strongly Agree) for this question.

If you answered Question 19 with anything other than Agree, please answer the
survey again and make sure to read each question

Department or Program Title Here 2

Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
1 point if your answer coincides with the responses below, 0 otherwise

1. D or SD 11. A or SA 21. D or SD 31. D or SD

2. D or SD 12. A or SA 22. D or SD 32. D or SD
3. D or SD 13. A or SA 23. D or SD
4. D or SD 14. D or SD 24. D or SD
5. D or SD 15. A or SA 25. A or SA
6. A or SA 16. D or SD 26. D or SD
7. D or SD 17. D or SD 27. D or SD
8. D or SD 18. D or SD 28. D or SD
9. D or SD 19. filter statement 29. D or SD
10. D or SD 20. A or SA 30. D or SD
Department or Program Title Here 3
Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
The total expertise index is calculated by averaging the scores for all questions
except 19, 22, and 31.

● An index of 1: perfect agreement with the expert consensus

● An index of 0: perfect disagreement with the expert consensus

Department or Program Title Here 4

Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
● Confidence: confidence in, and attitudes towards mathematics
● Problem Solving: persistence in problem solving
● Growth Mindset: a belief about whether mathematical ability is static or
● Interest: motivation and interest in studying mathematics
● Real World: views on the applicability of mathematics to everyday life
● Sense Making: learning mathematics for understanding
● Answers: The nature of answers to mathematical problems

Department or Program Title Here 5

Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
Subscale scores are calculated analogously, with the question numbers
comprising each category given in the following table.

● Confidence: 1, 14, 17, 20
● Problem Solving: 8, 10, 24, 29
● Growth Mindset: 5, 6, 22, 31
● Interest: 12, 26, 32
● Real World: 13, 15, 21, 25
● Sense Making: 3, 4, 11, 18, 23
● Answers: 2, 7, 9, 16, 28, 30

Department or Program Title Here 6

Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey
In which category did you get the highest index? the lowest index?

● Confidence: confidence in, and attitudes towards mathematics
● Problem Solving: persistence in problem solving
● Growth Mindset: a belief about whether mathematical ability is static or
● Interest: motivation and interest in studying mathematics
● Real World: views on the applicability of mathematics to everyday life
● Sense Making: learning mathematics for understanding
● Answers: The nature of answers to mathematical problems

Department or Program Title Here 7

Watch the following videos:

Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world | Roger Antonsen

Math isn't hard, it's a language | Randy Palisoc

Conquering Math Anxiety - The Power of Yay Math | Robert Ahdoot

Department or Program Title Here 8

Next Lesson:
Preliminary Reflections
on the Nature of Mathematics

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