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Multimedia 17.

3 creating the
game and sway
Bradley emmens
list for the game
and sway use

Game maker folder When the player walks down

Game maker folder When the player walks left

Game maker folder When the player walks right

Game maker folder When the player walks up

Game maker folder weapon

Game maker folder Collectable item

Game maker folder Music for the game 3min 12sec

Assets Link/Location use
Game maker folder Collectable item used to increase score

Game maker folder Collectable item and used to open locks

to progress

Game maker folder To hinder the players progress a key is

used to remove the lock

Game maker folder Enemy

Game maker folder Trap

Game maker folder Enemy

Game maker folder Move on to the next level

Assets Link/Location use
Game maker folder Sound is used when picking up an item

Game maker folder Sound used when the player wins


Game maker folder Sound is used when the player loses


Game maker folder Sound is used for the 0.53sec

Game maker folder Sound is used for the players footsteps


Game maker folder Used for the walls

Game maker folder Info button used for the controls it shows
a message with the controls when clicked
Assets Link/Location use
Game maker folder Play button used to start the game

Game maker folder Back button used to go back to the


Game maker folder Quit button used to quit the game

Photoshopped onto an empty button in Retry button used to retry if you get a
game maker folder game over

Game maker folder The sound is used for using a key


Game maker folder Used to go to the win screen when the

player collides with it

Game maker folder Used to show how many lives the player
has until they get a game over
Assets Link/Location use Background for level 1
o4xXA Background for the Menu

NaqCWn7 Skull used for the background of the you

ewu2Mu9 lose screen Gold used for the background of the you

NSA win screen Background for level 2

They didn’t have a retry button
In photoshop I edited the available so I made one in photoshop
skeleton animation strip

In photoshop I added the sword from

the game maker folder onto the
explorer character
They didn’t have a retry button available so I
made one in photoshop with the blank
template in the gamemaker folder.
In photoshop I edited the
skeleton animation strip
In photoshop I added the sword from
the game maker folder onto the
explorer character
Made the level design for level
1 added enemies and spikes

Added movement code for the player and

also added collision to enemies to jump
back to the start

Added buttons to the menu.

The buttons have code where
Added code for collectables
if you left click on the button it
and an info button to look at
will react, for example left
the controles
clicking the play button will
take you to the first level and
left clicking on the quit button
will close the game
Added new enemy type which
moves up and down and added
codes for keys and locks

Added collectables for the player to

collect and added the ability to attack
enemies with the sword
Added lives to the player and collisions with
enemies and spikes loses a life and started
designing level 2 and added a new object and
sprite for the exit for level 2 that goes to the win
Added draw lives code so you
can see how many lives you have
and tested level 2
I used obs to record gameplay of level 1 and two of the game.
After getting the footage of the levels I opened premiere pro
and opened a new project I added a crop effect to to crop the
video without zooming and exported both levels as separate
video files

Today I have added the graphics, sounds, music, videos

and the game itself onto the sway I also added a section
for the assets used in the background

I changed the design and font of the sway based on the

feed back I received from class mates
Assets list for the sway
Assets Link/Location use

Gameplay footage1 N/A Showing the gameplay footage on the

gameplay page

Gameplay footage 2 N/A Showing the gameplay footage on the

gameplay page

Game downloadable file OneDrive link So, users can download the game
Game test plan
Test Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes
Player movement When pressing the movement keys, the Player movement works when pressing the
character moves around. movement keys

Collision When colliding with enemies or hazards Wall collision keep getting the player stuck
results in the player lose a life resulting in the
player being moved to the beginning. And
colliding with a wall will stop the player.

Collectables When the player collides with collectables the The sword works fine however you must hold Add code to make it so when the player taps F
players score increases. And keys can destroy the button rather than pressing it the sword swing sound plays, and it isn’t held

Sword When pressing the attack button, the sword

will swing and if it hits an enemy it takes
damage. If the enemy is hit 3 times, it dies

Music and sound effects Sounds effects play when the player picks up
a collectable, lands a hit and defeats an
enemy, opening locks, swinging a sword and
the win and lose screens. Music should play
through out apart from the win and lose

Score score increases by defeating enemies and

collecting collectables.

Animations Animations like the sparkle effect on

collectables and player movement play when
the player loads the game

Menu buttons When selecting an option in the menu for

example start starts the game and exit closes
the game down.

Enemy movement Enemies moves towards the player

test plan
Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes

The link The link to the game works The links to the game opens
and the user can download up in OneDrive
the game from OneDrive and
play it

Transitions Animated transitions between Automatically works with sway

slides like fading out of the
slide and fading in the next

Graphics and Audio The graphics like character, All the graphics used in the
enemies, collectables and wall game are all visible and the
sprites and audio like sound sound effects load in and users
effects and music load in and can play. The music has to be
users can play the audio played via a OneDrive link

Video The gameplay videos plays Both videos play

when users clicks on it
Spelling and Grammar The sway doesn’t feature any There are no spelling errors or
spelling or grammar mistakes grammar mistakes
Information All of the information on the All the information is correct
sway is correct
test user 1Likes Dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and The controls were smooth Got stuck on walls sometimes The walls can use a bit of
functionality resize on the Collison mask
but its not that bad
Graphics (sprites) The sprites all worked and look The spikes in level 2 looked a
nice to fit the environment hard to notice
Does it meet the intended I think it does Could be a bit difficult but
audience 8-12 year olds that’s just because I'm bad
Does it meet the adventure The game fits the theme well
maze theme
Sound effects I like the addition of the
walking sound effects
music The music worked well and
fitted the theme
Difficulty I think the difficulty has a nice
balance to it
Enemy movement They moved in a good
predictable way
Traps functionality The spikes made it more It can still hit you sometimes Maybe make the hitbox more
challenging when the spikes aren’t out smaller for when they aren’t
Does the score increase yes
Does the weapon damage Yes the weapon works well
test user 2Likes Dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and responsive Add more spikes to level 1 +
functionality enemies
Graphics (sprites) Decent Add more collectables to level
Does it meet the intended yes Fix the sword add sound effect
audience 8-12 year olds
Does it meet the adventure yes
maze theme
Sound effects yes Add a sound effect for the
music yes
Difficulty Hard but not to hard
Enemy movement Works fine
Traps functionality Works fine
Does the score increase yes
Does the weapon damage yes
Does the keys work on the yes
Level progression Moves to the next level
test user 3Likes Dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and responsive Add more spikes to level 1 +
functionality enemies
Graphics (sprites) Decent Add more collectables to level
Does it meet the intended yes Fix the sword add sound effect
audience 8-12 year olds
Does it meet the adventure yes
maze theme
Sound effects yes Add a sound effect for the
music yes
Difficulty Hard but not to hard
Enemy movement Works fine Have more random enemy
Traps functionality Works fine
Does the score increase yes
Does the weapon damage yes
Does the keys work on the yes
Level progression Moves to the next level Have a bigger map
Game test response
Changed the collision mask on the
player sprite so the user can stop
getting stuck on walls.
Added a sound effect for the sword however I
couldn’t fix the issue where you can just hold the
button down and it would still defeat enemies.

Added more collectables, enemies

and spikes in level 1 I couldn’t make level 1 bigger as level 2 is already
Removed some of the empty a big level and I didn’t want to add random
images on the spikes sprite strip. enemy movement as I felt that would break level
1 too much but would have helped level 2
test user 1
Likes Dislikes Improvements

transitions The transitions between each

section is clear with each
graphics The sprites for the game were The list of sprites and the
very clearly shown and description at the spikes
described section looks a little out of
audio The audio loads and I believe
there is audio

video Both videos play and load well The 2nd video may be a bit too
and show the base game long

information You describe the game at the Maybe say why you chose
start very well certain images for
Does the download link work Yes yes yes

Grammar and punctuation From what I can tell your

grammar and punctuation is
test user 2
Likes Dislikes Improvements

transitions Smooth, no lag No improvements

graphics Smooth images, good

resolution not grainy at all

audio Nice continues music through Little bit grainy but not to
all levels and good sound much
video Crisp, relatively high
resolution with no sound to
video delay
information Good info on game and all Maybe use different fonts
subjects lay out is good connected to theme of game

Does the download link work Link works

Grammar and punctuation Good spag throughout

test user 3
Likes Dislikes Improvements

transitions Are fine

graphics Are good and visible

audio Is clear

video Are fine

information Is detailed

Does the download link work Download link works

Grammar and punctuation Fine

Sway test response I didn’t cut the level 2 video because I
felt it was fine however I did agree.

In response to feedback I have changed the font of

the sway to fit more with the theme of the game.

I have fixed the spikes sprite strip because it was showing the full
sprite sheet rather than just showing the spikes so I went into
photoshop and removed the empty sections of the sprite strip. And finally I added some text to the background
section explaining why I chose those assets and
where I used them.
Game evaluation
My game is suitable for the intended audience because It doesn’t feature any blood and gore or swearing. My game is suitable
for the purpose of entertainment because it is challenging and user requirements because it is beatable and isn’t too hard.
I got feedback from others for my game a major complaint where that the player sometimes got stuck on the walls of the maze I
fixed this by shrinking the collision mask on the walls. another complaint I got were that the spike sometimes would get you
before appearing again I fixed this by removing some of the sprite sheet that didn’t have anything visible. A problem I couldn’t fix
was the issue with the sword where you can hold the F button and it would still defeat enemies. Another problem I couldn’t fix
was the hit box for the spikes but I did fix an issue where you could get you after retracting I also could fix the sound effect for the
spikes where they would play once and wouldn’t play again after opening.
I originally planned to use the gun however I chose the sword because I felt it was less complicated to implement, I planned for
enemies to have sounds however didn’t implement it because I forgot it was in my plans. I had Ideas for power ups however
didn’t use it because of time. I only used the statue sprite with the red eyes as it wasn’t really necessary to use the other sprites
as it didn’t have a sprite strip.
3 improvements for the game I would do is maybe adding enemies sounds to make the enemies more interesting, fix the spike
sound effect so it loops when, improve the retry buttons text to fit the game better.
sway evaluation

The sway is fit for the intended audience as it doesn’t feature any blood/gore or swearwords. The sway is fit for the intended
purpose because it gives users information on the game and the graphics that were used and is fit for the user requirements as
all you really need is the link, speakers and headphones and phone/computer.
I got feedback from others for the sway one of the complaints I had was that the spikes in the sprite list looked off I fixed this by
removing the parts of the sprite sheet where the spikes are not visible. Another complaint I got was for the video on the second
level which may have been too long however I didn’t fix it as I thought it was okay as it was a longer level. Another complaint I
received was to add more information on why I chose each background asset which I added and the final complaint was to
change the font for the sway so it fit the theme of the game. when adding the music and sounds in. the file type for the music
wasn’t compatible I fixed this by adding a OneDrive link to the music.
I originally planned for the OneDrive link for the game to be at the bottom of the sway however to make it more accessible I put
the link at the top, I decided to use the pyramid background I used for the game rather than using a screen shot for the game.
3 things I would improve on the sway is changing the colour of the background to fit the game better, cut down the videos abit to
make them less of an hassle to watch the whole thing and explain why I chose each sprite so it makes them more interesting.

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