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Advertising worldwide


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

01 Overview
Global advertising revenue 2012-2026 02
Growth of advertising spending worldwide 2000-2023 03
Distribution of global advertising spending 2023, by medium 04
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2020 05
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2023 06
Global ad markets with highest major media spend growth 2023 vs. 2020 07
Ad spend growth 2016-2018, by country 08
Most creative advertising markets worldwide 2020 09
Expected increase in marketing budgets according to CMOs worldwide 2019, by country 10

02 Regional advertising
Advertising spending APAC 2012-2024 12
Advertising spending APAC 2021, by medium 13
Latin America: advertising spending 2010-2024 14
Table of Contents

Latin America: advertising spending 2021 & 2024, by medium 15

Advertising spending in Western Europe 2017-2024, by medium 16
Advertising spend in Central and Eastern Europe 2017-2024, by medium 17
MENA advertising spending 2000-2024 18

03 Traditional media
Global magazine ad spend share 2014-2020 20
Global newspaper advertising expenditure 2000-2023 21
Global television advertising revenue 2015-2024 22
TV advertising spending worldwide from 2000-2023, by region 23
Global radio advertising expenditure 2000-2023 24
Global OOH ad expenditure 2000-2023 25

04 Digital & mobile

Digital advertising spending worldwide 2019-2024 27
Table of Contents

Global internet advertising spending 2007-2023, by format 28

Digital ad spend growth 2016-2022, by format 29
Digital Market Outlook: digital advertising spending in selected countries 2021 30
Mobile advertising spending worldwide 2007-2023 31
Global mobile app install advertising spending 2017-2022 32
Mobile in-app creative ad share worldwide 2019, by format 33
Global DOOH ad spend 2017-2027 34
Digital ad fraud losses worldwide 2018-2023 35

05 Agencies
Most creative agency networks worldwide 2020 37
Leading PR agencies worldwide 2020 38
Leading digital agency networks worldwide 2019 39
Revenue of the Publicis Groupe 2008-2020 40
Interpublic Group's revenue 2006-2020 41
Table of Contents

Omnicom Group's revenue 2006-2020 42

WPP: annual revenue 2006-2020 43
Number of acquisitions carried out by major ad holdings 2016-2019 44

Advertising media owners revenue worldwide from 2012 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global advertising revenue 2012-2026


1,000 948.16
Spending in billion U.S. dollars

800 763.2

643.03 622.97
600 542.1
455.34 475.73
406.99 421.87


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025* 2026*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2012 to 2021; excluding U.S. political ad spend

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 46.
2 Source(s): GroupM; ID 236943 Overview
Growth of advertising spending worldwide from 2000 to 2023
Growth of advertising spending worldwide 2000-2023


11.3% 11.2%

6.5% 6.4% 6.8% 6.8%
5.6% 6%
5.1% 5.4% 5.3% 5.5%
4.6% 4.9%
4.4% 4.3%
5% 3.9%
Year-on-year growth

0.1% -0.3%




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2000 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 47.
3 Source(s): Zenith; ID 272443 Overview
Distribution of advertising spending worldwide in 2023, by medium
Distribution of global advertising spending 2023, by medium



Share of advertising spending




3.76% 3.53%
Internet Television Outdoor Radio Newspapers Magazines Cinema

Note(s): Worldwide; June 2021; forecast; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 48.
4 Source(s): Zenith; ID 269333 Overview
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets in 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2020

Spending in billion U.S. dollars

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

United States 240.25

China 84.2

Japan 45.99

United Kingdom 27.86

Germany 24.16

France 12.46

South Korea 11.19

Indonesia 10.86

Brazil 9.97

Australia 9.89

Canada 9.6

India 8.45

Italy 7.75

Russia 6.54

Switzerland 5.72

Note(s):2020; estimates; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 49.
5 Source(s): Zenith; ID 273736 Overview
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2023

Spending in billion U.S. dollars

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

United States 304.5

China 102.5

Japan 53.7

United Kingdom 37.37

Germany 27.19

France 15.25

Canada 14.67

Indonesia 14.63

Brazil 13.52

South Korea 13.27

India 12.51

Australia 11.08

Italy 9.12

Russia 8.4

Spain 6.46

Note(s): Worldwide; June 2021; forecast; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 50.
6 Source(s): Zenith; ID 275916 Overview
Advertising markets with the highest major media expenditure growth worldwide between 2020 and 2023
Global ad markets with highest major media spend growth 2023 vs. 2020

Growth rate

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Chile 75.2%

Mexico 60.8%

Turkey 58.9%

Philippines 57.6%

Lithuania 55.4%

Canada 52.9%

India 48%

Egypt 45.5%

Ukraine 39.1%

Hong Kong 38.8%

Note(s): Worldwide; 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 51.
7 Source(s): Zenith; ID 795825 Overview
Year-over-year change of advertising expenditure in selected countries from 2016 to 2018
Ad spend growth 2016-2018, by country

Year-over-year change

2016 2017 2018

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

India 15.2%
Russia 31.7%
China 4.7%
Australia 8.6%
United States 3.3%
Brazil 12.9%
Worldwide 3%
United Kingdom -3.5%
Italy 0.7%
Japan -1%
Germany 0.1%
France -1.3%

Note(s): Worldwide; January 2018; forecast; current prices; worldwide data based on 12 major markets
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 52.
8 Source(s): WARC; Website (; ID 276805 Overview
Most creative advertising markets worldwide in 2020 (index score)
Most creative advertising markets worldwide 2020

Number of points

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000

United States 3,603.2

United Kingdom 1,111

Brazil 1,083.6

Germany 844.1

Canada 825.1

France 762.7

Australia 710.7

India 703.5

United Arab Emirates 700

Japan 576.4

Note(s): Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 53.
9 Source(s): WARC; ID 271359 Overview
Increase in marketing spending according to CMOs in selected countries worldwide as of May 2019, by country
Expected increase in marketing budgets according to CMOs worldwide 2019, by country

Share of respondents

Increase by up to 5% Increase by more than 5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

China 42% 41%

United States 44% 27%

Spain 40% 19%

Russia 35% 17%

Germany 49% 16%

Australia 38% 15%

United Kingdom 45% 14%

Italy 54% 11%

Japan 28% 8%

France 48% 7%

Note(s): Worldwide; May 2019; 1,000 respondents; among CMOs and senior-level marketers across 10 countries
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 54.
10 Source(s): Dentsu Aegis Network; Horizont; ID 939905 Overview

Regional advertising
Total advertising expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region from 2012 to 2021 with forecasts up to 2024 (in billion U.S.
Advertising spending APAC 2012-2024


250 234.88
Expenditure in billion U.S. dollars

200 189.22 187.67
150 139.01



2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): Asia, APAC; 2012 to 2021; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 55.
12 Source(s): Zenith; ID 273739 Regional advertising
Advertising expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region in 2021, by marketing medium (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending APAC 2021, by medium

Ad spend in billion U.S. dollars

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Internet 118.38

Television 54.91

Outdoor 15.83

Newspapers 10.12

Radio 5.79

Magazines 2.13

Cinema 1.52

Note(s): Asia, APAC; 2021; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 56.
13 Source(s): Zenith; ID 800062 Regional advertising
Advertising spending in Latin America from 2010 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Latin America: advertising spending 2010-2024


35 34.33

Spending in billion U.S. dollars

25 23.73 24.1
22.93 23.35

20.44 21.04
20 19.32
15 14.1


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): LAC; 2010 to 2021; at current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 57.
14 Source(s): Zenith; ID 429025 Regional advertising
Advertising spending in Latin America in 2021 and 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Latin America: advertising spending 2021 & 2024, by medium

2021 2024*


16,000 15,636
Spending in million U.S. dollars






2,000 1,308 1,291 1,376 1,153 1,469

237 197 63 98
Television Internet Newspapers Radio Outdoor Magazines Cinema

Note(s): LAC; 2021 and 2024; at current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 58.
15 Source(s): Zenith; ID 790402 Regional advertising
Advertising expenditure in Western Europe from 2017 to 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in Western Europe 2017-2024, by medium

Newspapers Magazines Television Radio Cinema Outdoor Internet



Ad spend in million U.S. dollars






2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): Europe; 2017 to 2021; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 59.
16 Source(s): Zenith; ID 799801 Regional advertising
Advertising expenditure in Central and Eastern Europe from 2017 to 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Advertising spend in Central and Eastern Europe 2017-2024, by medium

Newspapers Magazines Television Radio Cinema Outdoor Internet



Ad spend in million U.S. dollars





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): CEE; 2017 to 2021

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 60.
17 Source(s): Zenith; ID 800118 Regional advertising
Advertising spending in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 2000 to 2024 (in billion U.S dollars)
MENA advertising spending 2000-2024


Advertising spending in million U.S. dollars


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): Africa, MENA; 2000 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 61.
18 Source(s): Zenith; ID 455371 Regional advertising

Traditional media
Share of magazines in advertising spending worldwide from 2014 to 2020
Global magazine ad spend share 2014-2020

8% 7.6%


6% 5.8%







2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2014 to 2019; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 62.
20 Source(s): Dentsu; ID 273710 Traditional media
Newspaper advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global newspaper advertising expenditure 2000-2023


Expenditure in billion U.S. dollars





2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2000 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 63.
21 Source(s): Zenith; ID 273708 Traditional media
Global television advertising revenue from 2015 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global television advertising revenue 2015-2024

162 161 163 161 162
157 159 159
160 151
Revenue in billion U.S. dollars







2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2014 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 64.
22 Source(s): PwC; Statista; ID 237803 Traditional media
TV advertising spending worldwide from 2000 to 2023, by region (in million U.S. dollars)
TV advertising spending worldwide from 2000-2023, by region

Middle East & North Africa Central & Eastern Europe Latin America Western Europe Asia Pacific North America


Advertising spending in million U.S. dollars









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2000 to 2020; curent prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 65.
23 Source(s): Zenith; ID 268666 Traditional media
Radio advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global radio advertising expenditure 2000-2023



Expenditure in billion U.S. dollars





2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2000 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 66.
24 Source(s): Zenith; ID 272947 Traditional media
Outdoor advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global OOH ad expenditure 2000-2023


40.29 39.62
40 39
37.62 37.5
34.63 33.85
35 33.65
Expenditure in billion U.S. dollars

30 28.68 28.67 29.15
27.58 28.34
25.99 25.33
25 23.82
20 18.88 19.02 18.89



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2000 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 67.
25 Source(s): Zenith; ID 273716 Traditional media

Digital & mobile

Digital advertising spending worldwide from 2019 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Digital advertising spending worldwide 2019-2024


600 585.96

Spending in billion U.S. dollars


400 378.16




2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2019 and 2020; includes advertising that appears on desktop and laptop computers as well as mobile phones and tablets and other internet-
connected devices, and includes all the various formats of advertising on those platforms; excludes SMS, MMS and P2P messaging-based advertising
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 68.
27 Source(s): eMarketer; AdColony; ID 237974 Digital & mobile
Internet advertising spending worldwide from 2007 to 2023, by format (in million U.S. dollars)
Global internet advertising spending 2007-2023, by format

Display - total Display - online video Display - social media Display - other Classified Search


Spending in million U.S. dollars





2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2007 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 69.
28 Source(s): Zenith; ID 276671 Digital & mobile
Change in digital advertising spending worldwide from 2016 to 2022, by format
Digital ad spend growth 2016-2022, by format

Display Online video Social media Paid search Classified



Year-on-year growth rate





2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021* 2022*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2016 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 70.
29 Source(s): Dentsu Aegis Network; ID 260117 Digital & mobile
Digital advertising spending in selected countries worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)
Digital Market Outlook: digital advertising spending in selected countries 2021

200,000 190,426



Spending in million U.S. dollars




20,000 12,852

United States China United Kingdom Japan Germany

Note(s): Worldwide; October 2021

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 71.
30 Source(s): Statista; Statista Digital Market Outlook; ID 459632 Digital & mobile
Mobile advertising spending worldwide from 2007 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)
Mobile advertising spending worldwide 2007-2023


350,000 339,041

Spending in million U.S. dollars


200,000 190,701

100,000 81,665
50,000 32,601
21,110 26,650
12,139 11,642 11,560 18,490
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2007 to 2020; current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 72.
31 Source(s): Zenith; ID 303817 Digital & mobile
Mobile app install advertising expenditures worldwide from 2017 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global mobile app install advertising spending 2017-2022



Ad spending in billion U.S. dollars


80 76.2




2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021* 2022*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2017 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 73.
32 Source(s): AppsFlyer; ID 986536 Digital & mobile
Distribution of mobile in-app advertising creatives worldwide in 2019, by format
Mobile in-app creative ad share worldwide 2019, by format



Share of mobile ad creatives




10% 7%

Video Banner Playable

Note(s): Worldwide; 2019; based on measurements on Apptica platform; broader industry metrics may vary
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 74.
33 Source(s): Various sources (Apptica); ID 1108329 Digital & mobile
Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising market size worldwide from 2017 to 2027 (in million U.S. dollars)
Global DOOH ad spend 2017-2027


Spending in billion U.S. dollars

12,000 11,450.8
10,000 9,232.4
8,000 7,472.6
6,000 5,506



2017 2018 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025* 2026* 2027*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2017 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 75.
34 Source(s): The Insight Partners; ID 272951 Digital & mobile
Estimated cost of digital ad fraud worldwide from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Digital ad fraud losses worldwide 2018-2023



Cost in billion U.S. dollars



40 35


2018 2019* 2020** 2021** 2022** 2023*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 76.
35 Source(s): Juniper Research; Statista; ID 677466 Digital & mobile

Most creative agency networks worldwide in 2020 (index score)
Most creative agency networks worldwide 2020

Number of points

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Ogilvy (WPP) 2,186.1

BBDO Worldwide (Omnicom Group) 1,409

DDB Worldwide (Omnicom Group) 1,128.9

Network (holding company)

FCB (Interpublic Group) 1,088.9

Publicis Worldwide (Publicis Groupe) 918

McCann Worldgroup (Interpublic Group) 743.8

TBWA Worldwide (Omnicom Group) 724.7

Havas Creative Group (Havas Group) 635.1

MullenLowe Group (Interpublic Group) 536.7

Accenture Interactive (Accenture) 518.4

Note(s): Worldwide; 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 77.
37 Source(s): WARC; ID 271358 Agencies
Leading PR agencies worldwide in 2020, by fee income (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading PR agencies worldwide 2020

Income in million U.S. dollars

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Edelman (U.S.) 840.02

Weber Shandwick* (U.S.) 820

BCW* (U.S.) 715

Agency (headquarters)

FleishmanHillard* (U.S.) 615

Ketchum* (U.S.) 500

Brunswick* (UK) 367.16

MSL* (France) 365

BlueFocus (China) 363.99

Real Chemistry (U.S.) 345

Hill+Knowlton Strategies*

Note(s): Worldwide; 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 78.
38 Source(s): PRovoke; ID 276055 Agencies
Leading digital agency networks worldwide in 2019, by revenue (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading digital agency networks worldwide 2019

Revenue in million U.S. dollars

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

Accenture Interactive [Accenture] 10,287

Deloitte Digital [Deloitte] 7,862

IBM iX [IBM Corp.] 5,595

Agency [Company]

PwC's Digital Services [PwC] 4,296

Publicis Sapient [Publicis] 2,125

Wunderman Thompson [WPP] 1,870

Epsilon [Publicis] 1,192

Havas Creative [Vivendi] 1,049

Dentsu Japan Network [Dentsu] 1,022

Ogilvy [WPP] 971

Note(s): Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 79.
39 Source(s): Advertising Age; Accenture; ID 466411 Agencies
Global revenue of the Publicis Groupe from 2008 to 2020 (in billion euros)
Revenue of the Publicis Groupe 2008-2020

Revenue in billion euros

2008 4.70

2009 4.52

2010 5.42

2011 5.82

2012 6.61

2013 6.95

2014 7.26

2015 9.60

2016 9.73

2017 9.33

2018 8.97

2019 9.80

2020 9.71

Note(s): Worldwide; 2008 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 80.
40 Source(s): Publicis; ID 196525 Agencies
Interpublic Group's revenue from 2006 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Interpublic Group's revenue 2006-2020


10 9.71
9.05 9.06

Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

8 7.54 7.61
6.94 7.01 6.96 7.12
6.54 6.51
6.19 6.01

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Note(s): Worldwide; 2006 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 81.
41 Source(s): IPG; ID 273491 Agencies
Omnicom Group's revenue from 2006 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Omnicom Group's revenue 2006-2020


16 15.32 15.13 15.42 15.27 15.29

14 13.36 13.17
12.69 12.54
Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

12 11.38


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Note(s): Worldwide; 2006 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 82.
42 Source(s): Omnicom; ID 192696 Agencies
Revenue generated by WPP from 2006 to 2020 (in billion British pounds)
WPP: annual revenue 2006-2020


14 13.23
13.15 13.05
12.24 12
12 11.53
Revenue in billion British pounds

10 9.33

8 7.48

5.91 6.19

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 2017** 2018** 2019** 2020**

Note(s): Worldwide; 2006 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 83.
43 Source(s): WPP; ID 273877 Agencies
Number of acquisitions carried out by selected advertising holdings worldwide from 2016 to 2019
Number of acquisitions carried out by major ad holdings 2016-2019

WPP Dentsu Publicis Havas Omnicom Interpublic

Accenture DEPT Capgemini Hakuhodo Finn Partners Alpine
Altavia Lieberman Research Next15 S4



Number of acquisitions





2016 2017 2018 2019

Note(s): Worldwide; 2016 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 84.
44 Source(s): JEGI; Clarity; ID 629186 Agencies

Advertising media owners revenue worldwide from 2012 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global advertising revenue 2012-2026

Source and methodology information
It is estimated that media owners ad revenue worldwide fell to 622 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, representing a
Source(s) GroupM decline of roughly 3.1 percent compared with the previous year. In 2021 the figures grew by 22.5 percent as the
market recovered from the impact of the coronavirus. North America is expected to remain the largest regional
Conducted by GroupM ad market , closely followed by Asia Pacific. Western Europe ranks third, with ad spend amounting to less than
half of these of North America.
Survey period 2012 to 2021
What are popular ad media used globally?
Region(s) Worldwide
As digital is driving the future, internet advertising is one of few media exhibiting double-digit positive growth in
Number of respondents n.a. investments. In 2022, internet ad spend will grow by some 13.5 percent . Outdoor and cinema advertising are
projected to also experience a significant growth that year. What is not a revelation is that print media are
Age group n.a.
seeing negative growth in investments and are expected to do so in the foreseeable future. Sadly, all media
experienced a decline in 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak, however, each one of them, with the exception
Special characteristics excluding U.S. political ad spend
of magazines, was back to positive growth in 2021. In 2022, magazines and newspapers will both see negative
Published by GroupM growth once again.

Publication date December 2021 Who is the largest global advertiser?

Original source This Year Next Year: The Global End-of-Year Report December 2021, page Most recent data indicates that the title of the largest global advertiser can be awarded to Procter & Gamble .
20 The consumer goods giant spent eight billion U.S. dollars on promoting its products worldwide in 2020. What is
worth noting is that for the longest time this position in the ranking was occupied by Procter & Gamble,
Website URL visit the website however, in 2019 Amazon took the crown for the first time. In 2020, L’Oreal, Unilever, Amazon, and Nestlé close
the list of top five advertisers.
Notes: * Forecast. Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

46 References
Growth of advertising spending worldwide from 2000 to 2023
Growth of advertising spending worldwide 2000-2023

Source and methodology information
The global advertising market experienced some fairly turbulent times between 2000 and 2010, seeing growth
Source(s) Zenith rates as high as 11.4 percent as well as lows reaching -9.7 percent during that time period. However, since 2011
the situation has stabilized, and advertising spending growth remained on average at roughly five percent. Yet
Conducted by Zenith 2020 brought the coronavirus outbreak and with it a high drop in ad spend surpassing again four percent
(though previous forecasts expected a nine percent drop). According to projections, by 2023 the industry will
Survey period 2000 to 2020 see expenditure growth return to around 5.5 percent.

Region(s) Worldwide Global advertising in 2022

Number of respondents n.a. Not surprisingly, the internet will be the largest advertising medium in 2023 , accounting for a little over 61
percent of global ad expenditures that year. Television, which has been the undisputed favorite among
Age group n.a.
advertisers, will be overtaken by digital media. Between 2021 and 2023 TV is forecast to gain only around four
billion U.S. dollars, while mobile internet is expected to gain 63 billion dollars in the same period . Most of major
Special characteristics current prices
media are projected to have small gains in investments during the measured period, while newspapers and
Published by Zenith magazines are projected to lose by roughly three and two billion respectively.

Publication date July 2021 All in all, North America will still be the most prominent region, with the U.S. poised to hold the crown for the
largest advertising market in 2023 . Canada and Mexico will take the second and third spots within the region,
Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021 but on a global scale are not predicted to rank anywhere close to the top three markets. As a matter of fact,
Asian countries, China and Japan will close the top three, making Asia the second leading region in terms of ad
Website URL visit the website expenditures.

Notes: * Forecast.

Back to statistic

47 References
Distribution of advertising spending worldwide in 2023, by medium
Distribution of global advertising spending 2023, by medium

Source and methodology information
The forecast data on the global advertising market shows that in 2023, newspaper advertising spending is
Source(s) Zenith expected to account for 3.53 percent of all ad spending worldwide. Internet is projected to account for more
than 60 percent of ad expenditures that year.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period June 2021

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics forecast; current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

48 References
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets in 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2020

Source and methodology information
The leading global market in terms of advertising spending is, and has been so far, the United States. The
Source(s) Zenith country invested roughly 240 billion U.S. dollars in promotional activities in 2020. This figure is roughly two
times higher than that of its closest competitor, China, which in comparison only spent 84 billion dollars that
Conducted by Zenith year. Japan was third in line for the crown, with advertising expenditures surpassing 45 billion dollars. In Europe,
the UK and Germany are leading the pack and in Latin America Brazil is the frontrunner.
Survey period 2020
A closer look at the ad market in the United States   
Region(s) Worldwide
Television was the largest medium based on spending share in 2018 , accounting for 36 percent of total ad
Number of respondents n.a. expenditures in the country. However, its strong position is being challenged by digital media. Already in 2021,
internet ad spend surpassed TV spending in the country. This may be in response to trends in general
Age group n.a.
consumption of advertising in the U.S., where more than half of surveyed adults admit to not paying attention to
commercials . Digital media, in contrast to TV, offers the opportunity for better targeting and personalization of
Special characteristics estimates; current prices
ads. The only exception to this rule is addressable TV, which combines the best of both worlds. Addressable TV
Published by Zenith advertising is constantly growing and seems to be the future solution to diminishing TV investments.

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures have been rounded.

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49 References
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in the world's largest ad markets 2023

Source and methodology information
It is projected that Japan will be the third largest ad market in 2023, with a total advertising expenditure of 53
Source(s) Zenith billion U.S. dollars. The United States will remain on the throne with ad spend surpassing 304 billion dollars, and
China will take second place that year.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period June 2021

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics forecast; current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

50 References
Advertising markets with the highest major media expenditure growth worldwide between 2020 and 2023
Global ad markets with highest major media spend growth 2023 vs. 2020

Source and methodology information
According to recent projections Chile will be the highest growing ad market worldwide between 2020 and 2023,
Source(s) Zenith with advertising expenditures in the country increasing by 75 percent in the measured period. At the same time
Mexico ranks second with a 60-percent growth in media spending.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

51 References
Year-over-year change of advertising expenditure in selected countries from 2016 to 2018
Ad spend growth 2016-2018, by country

Source and methodology information
The graph shows a forecast of ad spend growth in selected countries from 2016 to 2018. The source projected
Source(s) WARC; Website ( that Italian ad spend would increase by 3.4 percent in 2018. Change in advertising expenditure in selected
countries The source of this forecast is WARC (formerly known as World Advertising Research Center) – a
Conducted by WARC privately held company headquartered in London, England. In November 2016, WARC projected that worldwide
advertising spending would decrease by 0.3 percent in 2017. ZenithOptimedia – a media agency which also
Survey period January 2018 regularly provides ad spending information – offered a similar projection of ad spend growth . According to
ZenithOptimedia the ad spending growth will amount to 4.4 percent in 2016 and 2017. ↵ The WARC forecast
Region(s) Worldwide presented above expects the fastest-paced development to take place in India, China and Russia, leaving
developed markets such as Germany, Japan or France behind. ↵In 2016, China was the second largest
Number of respondents n.a. advertising market in the world . Chinese advertising spending was estimated to be to 79.59 billion U.S. dollars
in 2016, and according to figures published by the same source it is expected to reach 92.1 billion by 2017.
Age group n.a.
↵The Russian ad market is on the rise; however, it is not developing as fast-paced as in China. In 2016, ad
revenue in Russia was forecasted to be 8.7 billion US dollars, and additional growth by 750,000 U.S. dollars was
Special characteristics forecast; current prices; worldwide data based on 12 major markets
expected in 2017. Digital ads are gaining more importance in the Russian market. In 2016, digital advertising
Published by Website ( spending was estimated to amount to 1.53 billion U.S. dollars, and in the following year an additional increase of
140,000 U.S. dollars was prognosed.
Publication date January 2018

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

52 References
Most creative advertising markets worldwide in 2020 (index score)
Most creative advertising markets worldwide 2020

Source and methodology information
In 2020, the United States was named the most creative advertising market worldwide, having accumulated
Source(s) WARC 3,603 points in the presented creativity ranking. The United Kingdom and Brazil followed, with 1,111 and 1,034
points, respectively.
Conducted by WARC

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WARC

Publication date December 2021

Original source WARC Rankings Creative 100/ Countries

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

53 References
Increase in marketing spending according to CMOs in selected countries worldwide as of May 2019, by country
Expected increase in marketing budgets according to CMOs worldwide 2019, by country

Source and methodology information
The graph shows the expected increase in marketing spending according to CMOs in selected countries
Source(s) Dentsu Aegis Network; Horizont worldwide as of May 2019. During the survey, 27 percent of responding marketers from the United States
stated their marketing budgets would grow by more than five percent in the following 12 months. The same was
Conducted by Dentsu Aegis Network true for seven percent of French CMOs.

Survey period May 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents 1,000

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics among CMOs and senior-level marketers across 10 countries

Published by Horizont

Publication date July 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Question: How would you expect your marketing budget to change over the
next 12 months? The source did not provide the exact survey date. The survey
was fielded in : Australia, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United
Kingdom, United States, Russia, Spain.

Back to statistic

54 References
Total advertising expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region from 2012 to 2021 with forecasts up to 2024 (in billion U.S.
Advertising spending APAC 2012-2024

Source and methodology information
Advertising expenditure has sky-rocketed across the Asia-Pacific region throughout the past decade. The region
Source(s) Zenith experienced an increase in advertising spending from just over 129 billion U.S. dollars in 2012 to approximately
208.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2012 to 2021

Region(s) Asia, APAC

Leading ad markets
Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Throughout the past decade, the Asia-Pacific region has experienced a huge transition with the development of
Special characteristics current prices
many of its economies. In turn, the region’s ad spending and revenue have increased dramatically. China and
Published by Zenith Japan remain two of the largest ad markets not only across the Asia-Pacific region but throughout the world.

Publication date December 2021

Original source

Website URL visit the website COVID-19 impacts

Notes: * Forecast. Figures have been rounded.

The Asia Pacific region is known for its strong advertising economy. Having previously fallen behind North
America in terms of advertising spending , the region was expected to overtake North America by 2021.
However, forecasts for 2020 advertising spending had conveyed expectations that ad spending would decrease
significantly alongside a reduction in advertising revenue. This decline in the industry is attributable to the
fallout of the coronavirus outbreak which cascaded throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, total and
partial lockdown measures caused the economic shutdown of many vital Asian economies and impacted their
economic growth . As well as Asia Pacific’s ad economy, global advertising spending was deeply affected by the

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55 References
Advertising expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region in 2021, by marketing medium (in billion U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending APAC 2021, by medium

Source and methodology information
In 2021, the highest expenditure in advertising spending in the Asia-Pacific region went into internet marketing,
Source(s) Zenith approximately 118.4 billion U.S. dollars. In comparison, just over 1.5 billion dollars were spent on advertising in
cinemas that year.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2021

Region(s) Asia, APAC

An increasingly digital region
Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

The Asia-Pacific region has undergone a digital transformation throughout the past few decades. As such, its
Special characteristics current prices
advertising industry has acclimatized to the region’s new, digital culture. By 2021, it has been estimated that
Published by Zenith there will be an even greater focus on digital advertising formats over traditional advertising. Social media is
expected to play a significant role in the digitization of Asia Pacific’s ad economy, with the number of monthly
Publication date December 2021 Facebook advert clicks already increasing per user.

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures have been rounded. Different mediums of advertising

The Asia-Pacific region is famed for its advertising sector, ranking in second place globally after North America in
terms of advertising spending. Previously, Asia-Pacific nations spent significant amounts of money on traditional
forms of advertising, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. However, the region has begun to
focus on digital advertising, with expectations that digital advertising spending will increase in the Asia Pacific
region. As internet penetration throughout the region continues to increase and more citizens gain internet
access, increasing the digital ad spend appears to be the next logical step for Asia Pacific, as digital advertising
can appeal to a larger audience.
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56 References
Advertising spending in Latin America from 2010 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Latin America: advertising spending 2010-2024

Source and methodology information
In 2021, total ad expenditure in Latin America amounted to nearly 27 billion U.S. dollars and it is expected to
Source(s) Zenith increase over 34 billion by 2024. Brazil is the largest ad market in Latin America, with 2020 spending of
approximately 9.97 billion U.S. dollars.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2010 to 2021

Region(s) LAC

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics at current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date December 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts December 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

57 References
Advertising spending in Latin America in 2021 and 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Latin America: advertising spending 2021 & 2024, by medium

Source and methodology information
In 2021, TV ad spend in Latin America amounted to 12.15 billion U.S. dollars and it is expected to increase to
Source(s) Zenith 14.27 billion by 2024. Television is expected to remain the strongest ad medium in 2022. However, internet ad
spend is growing rapidly and is projected to overtake television remain the strongest ad medium by 2024.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2021 and 2024

Region(s) LAC

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics at current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date December 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts December 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.

Back to statistic

58 References
Advertising expenditure in Western Europe from 2017 to 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Advertising spending in Western Europe 2017-2024, by medium

Source and methodology information
Total advertising spending in Western Europe in 2021 amounted to 123.5 billion U.S dollars, out of which
Source(s) Zenith internet accounted for 70.9 billion that year. TV was the second largest medium in that regard, with 27.6 billion
in ad spend in the region in 2021.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2017 to 2021

Region(s) Europe

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date December 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts December 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.

Back to statistic

59 References
Advertising expenditure in Central and Eastern Europe from 2017 to 2024, by medium (in million U.S. dollars)
Advertising spend in Central and Eastern Europe 2017-2024, by medium

Source and methodology information
The internet surpassed television as the advertising channel with the highest spending in Central and Eastern
Source(s) Zenith Europe in 2021. In total, advertisers in the CEE region spent approximately ten billion U.S. dollars on online ads
in that year, compared to nearly 7.7 billion U.S. dollars on TV commercials. Furthermore, the internet was
Conducted by Zenith forecast to remain the dominant advertising medium by expenditure in the next four years, expected to reach
15.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2024.
Survey period 2017 to 2021

Region(s) CEE

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Zenith

Publication date December 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts December 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast Figures refer to advertising expenditure at current prices.

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60 References
Advertising spending in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 2000 to 2024 (in billion U.S dollars)
MENA advertising spending 2000-2024

Source and methodology information
In 2020, ad expenditures in the region amounted to almost eight billion U.S. dollars and they are projected to
Source(s) Zenith decrease to 12.26 billion U.S. dollars in 2024. Between 2019 and 2020 expenditure on advertisement in the
region decreased by 8.2 percent.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2000 to 2020

Region(s) Africa, MENA

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date December 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast.

Back to statistic

61 References
Share of magazines in advertising spending worldwide from 2014 to 2020
Global magazine ad spend share 2014-2020

Source and methodology information
In 2020, magazines' share in global advertising spending was projected to amount to 3.1 percent, down from
Source(s) Dentsu 4.5 percent a year earlier. The share has been decreasing steadily in the presented period.

Conducted by Dentsu

Survey period 2014 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Dentsu

Publication date January 2021

Original source Dentsu Group Financial Fact Sheet 2020, tab 'Market Data'

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. Figures have been rounded.

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62 References
Newspaper advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global newspaper advertising expenditure 2000-2023

Source and methodology information
It was calculated that newspaper advertising spending worldwide reached 31.39 billion U.S. dollars in 2020.
Source(s) Zenith According to industry forecasts, this figure has been declining since 2007, when it amounted to 110 billion
dollars, and it is projected to further drop to 25.9 billion dollars by 2023.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2000 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.

Back to statistic

63 References
Global television advertising revenue from 2015 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global television advertising revenue 2015-2024

Source and methodology information
According to the calculations, the revenue from TV advertising worldwide is expected to reach 159 billion U.S.
Source(s) PwC; Statista dollars in 2022, up from 151 billion generated in 2021 and increase of 17 billion on 2020, the year when the
pandemic caused large declines in advertising spending over the world. A different source projected that TV
Conducted by PwC would account for 26 percent of the global ad revenue in 2022. It would be the second largest advertising
medium that year, behind the internet.
Survey period 2014 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date February 2021

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast. Totals were calculated internally based on data provided by the

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64 References
TV advertising spending worldwide from 2000 to 2023, by region (in million U.S. dollars)
TV advertising spending worldwide from 2000-2023, by region

Source and methodology information
In 2020, TV advertising spending in the MENA region amounted to 676 million U.S. dollars, while in Asia Pacific
Source(s) Zenith ad expenditures on TV surpassed 51 billion dollars in the same period. North America remained the region with
the highest TV ad spend that year.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2000 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics curent prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.

Back to statistic

65 References
Radio advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global radio advertising expenditure 2000-2023

Source and methodology information
In 2020, radio advertising spending worldwide amounted to nearly 26.4 billion U.S dollars. Industry projections
Source(s) Zenith indicate that after a decline in 2020 caused by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the medium will bounce
back slightly but remain at the level of roughly 27 billion dollars in the following years.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2000 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics current prices

Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast.

Back to statistic

66 References
Outdoor advertising expenditure worldwide from 2000 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global OOH ad expenditure 2000-2023

Source and methodology information
In 2020, out-of-home advertising spending reached close to 29 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. The drop in
Source(s) Zenith expenditures was caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. However, this figure is forecast to
increase in the following years, with global expenditures projected to amount to 39.6 billion U.S. dollars by the
Conducted by Zenith end of 2023.

Survey period 2000 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide What is out-of-home advertising?

Number of respondents n.a. Out-of-home advertising (OOH) refers to any visual advertising media that is found outside of the home.
Examples of OOH media formats include digital and non-digital billboards, street furniture and transit ads, or
Age group n.a.
place-based advertising in arenas and stadiums. Bulletins or billboards that are located on highly frequented
roads are among the most impactful OOH media formats due to their size and consumer exposure. In 2020,
Special characteristics current prices
JCDecaux was the leading outdoor advertising company worldwide, with annual revenue of over 2.6 billion U.S.
Published by Zenith dollars.

Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021 Out-of-home advertising is going digital

Website URL visit the website Out-of-home advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising worldwide. While these types of ads have
been around for several decades, they are now becoming more relevant than ever, thanks to the ongoing
Notes: * Forecast. technological advancements in the media industry. By going digital, or gradually replacing physical ads with
digital formats, media buyers can offer potential customers a wide array of exciting new features like brighter
colors, movement, and ad variation. In 2018, DOOH accounted for roughly 18 percent of the global OOH sales,
with over 6.08 billion U.S. dollars in spending. In the following years, the shift towards digital is forecast to pick
up the pace.

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67 References
Digital advertising spending worldwide from 2019 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Digital advertising spending worldwide 2019-2024

Source and methodology information
It was calculated that the digital advertising spending worldwide amounted to 378.16 billion U.S. dollars in 2020,
Source(s) eMarketer; AdColony increasing and not contracting versus the 2019 figure in spite of the economic impact of the covid-19
Conducted by eMarketer

Survey period 2019 and 2020

Advertising spending - additional information
Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Advertising can utilize almost any form of media to meet its needs. Mediums including print, television, radio,
Age group n.a.
cinema, outdoor, mobile and digital have all been targeted by advertisers. Global advertising spending has been
constantly increasing (with the exception of 2020) since 2010, and is forecast to round up to nearly 650 billion
Special characteristics includes advertising that appears on desktop and laptop computers as
U.S. dollars in 2021. Due to advances in technology and consumer preferences, not all mediums are as heavily
well as mobile phones and tablets and other internet-connected devices, invested in as others. As of 2020, the internet was considered the most important medium for advertisers,
and includes all the various formats of advertising on those platforms; accounting for 51 percent of total media ad spend in 2020. Internet expenditures are projected to record a
excludes SMS, MMS and P2P messaging-based advertising growth of 15.4 percent in 2021.

Published by AdColony

Publication date May 2021 Digital advertising spending worldwide – which includes both desktop and laptop computers as well as mobile
devices – stood at an estimated 378 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. This figure is forecast to constantly increase in
Original source the coming years, reaching a total of 646 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. Mobile internet advertising is a heavily
invested sub-sector of the digital advertising industry. Mobile internet advertising spending is forecast to
Website URL visit the website
increase from 276 billion U.S. dollars in 2020 to nearly 495 billion U.S. dollars in 2024. Following this pattern,
mobile advertising spending in the U.S. is also forecast to grow in the coming years. Mobile ad spending in the
Notes: * Forecast.
U.S. is projected to nearly double between 2019 and 2020.

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68 References
Internet advertising spending worldwide from 2007 to 2023, by format (in million U.S. dollars)
Global internet advertising spending 2007-2023, by format

Source and methodology information
In 2019, search advertising spending stood at 104.8 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. This amount is projected to
Source(s) Zenith grow to about 137 billion U.S. dollars by 2022. Display advertising, which reached 160 billion U.S. dollars,
accounted for the largest ad spend share in 2019.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2007 to 2020

Digital ads in selected countries worldwide
Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

In 2021, the United States spent over 186 billion U.S. dollars on digital ads , which was more than what China,
Age group n.a.
the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany spent combined. The United Kingdom was the leading European
country in terms of digital ad expenditure . In the first half of 2020, the UK spent roughly 3.7 billion GBP (4.8
Special characteristics current prices
billion U.S. dollars) on search advertising, specifically.
Published by Zenith

Publication date July 2021

Digital ads in the United States
Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

Website URL visit the website

In 2019, retail-related products and services made up about 22 percent of all digital ads in the United States ,
Notes: * Forecast. meaning the retail industry accounted for the largest share of the total digital ad spend that year. Other
significant industries on the list included automotive, financial services, and computing products & consumer

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69 References
Change in digital advertising spending worldwide from 2016 to 2022, by format
Digital ad spend growth 2016-2022, by format

Source and methodology information
Since 2016, digital advertising spending has been slowing down, with growth decreasing year-on-year for all
Source(s) Dentsu Aegis Network formats. In 2020, when the world was hit by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, only two formats managed
to keep positive growth rates: social media and paid search. The latter's growth rate even increased as
Conducted by Dentsu Aegis Network compared to the 2019 value. Digital display (non-video), video, and classified advertising spendings decreased
that year.
Survey period 2016 to 2019
The future of digital advertising
Region(s) Worldwide
Global marketers seem to agree that digital campaigns are very important to their overall promotional efforts .
Number of respondents n.a. Regardless of which business type they represented, be it direct brand or a traditional business with or without
an e-commerce component, the vast majority of global industry professionals considered digital media and
Age group n.a.
formats as being crucial to their work.
Special characteristics n.a.
With this in mind, projections show that display advertising on social media will lead over online video , with
Published by Dentsu Aegis Network expenditures on social close to double the amount devoted to video in 2020. After display, search is expected
to take the second spot, with global ad spend surpassing 114 billion U.S. dollars that year. Classified has been
Publication date January 2021 and will remain the smallest format in terms of advertising investments.

Original source Global Ad Spend Report January 2021, page 15

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. Figures for periods prior to 2019 come from previous reporting.

Back to statistic

70 References
Digital advertising spending in selected countries worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)
Digital Market Outlook: digital advertising spending in selected countries 2021

Source and methodology information
According to a global estimate, China would have a total digital advertising spend of 103 billion U.S. dollars by
Source(s) Statista; Statista Digital Market Outlook the end of 2021, right behind the U.S. with 190 billion dollars. An overview of all Digital Markets can be found
here . Statista’s Digital Market Outlook offers forecasts, detailed market insights and essential performance
Conducted by Statista Digital Market Outlook indicators of the most significant areas in the “Digital Economy”, including various digital goods and services.
Alongside revenue forecasts for more than 90 markets worldwide, Statista offers additional insights into
Survey period October 2021 consumer trends and demographic structure of digital consumer markets.

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date October 2021

Original source Digital Market Outlook

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Digital Advertising uses the internet to deliver marketing messages via various
formats to internet users. This includes web banners, video pre- or mid-rolls,
search advertising as well as online classifieds and advertisements in social
networks e.g. Facebook. Our data is based on ad spending coming [...] For
more information visit our Website

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71 References
Mobile advertising spending worldwide from 2007 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)
Mobile advertising spending worldwide 2007-2023

Source and methodology information
In 2020, mobile advertising spending reached a record 223 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. This figure marked an
Source(s) Zenith increase of over 17 percent compared to the previous year, and according to the latest data, spending will
surpass 339 billion by 2023.
Conducted by Zenith

Survey period 2007 to 2020

Mobile advertising: small screen, big benefits
Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

With smartphone adoption and mobile usage at an all-time high, companies are devoting larger budgets to
Age group n.a.
mobile advertising than ever. This leveraging of the mobile revolution is particularly visible in the United States,
the leading mobile ad market in the world . In 2020, U.S. marketers spent a record 120 billion U.S. dollars on
Special characteristics current prices
mobile promotion, up from around 99 billion the year before. But what makes mobile such an attractive digital
Published by Zenith ad channel? Apart from their massive audience reach, mobile devices and apps also offer great targeting and
personalization opportunities.
Publication date July 2021

Original source Advertising Expenditure Forecasts June 2021

What are popular mobile ad formats?
Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.
In the United States, search and social media are the formats with the largest mobile advertising spending . This
distribution reflects today’s mobile usage trends and patterns, as smartphones have become a vital tool for
information, communication, and entertainment alike. In 2021, Instagram advertising revenues hit 18 billion U.S.
dollars in the U.S. alone, signaling social media’s pivotal role as an advertising destination. In addition to that, ad
spend on mobile gaming is also making giant leaps worldwide.

Back to statistic

72 References
Mobile app install advertising expenditures worldwide from 2017 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global mobile app install advertising spending 2017-2022

Source and methodology information
In 2019, the advertising spending on app installs amounted to 57.8 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. Driven by
Source(s) AppsFlyer mobile user addition in developing countries in Africa, India, China and Indonesia, global app install ad spend is
set to grow to 118 billion U.S dollars by the end of 2022
Conducted by AppsFlyer

Survey period 2017 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by AppsFlyer

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast. Figures for periods prior to 2019 come from previous reporting.

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73 References
Distribution of mobile in-app advertising creatives worldwide in 2019, by format
Mobile in-app creative ad share worldwide 2019, by format

Source and methodology information
In 2019, the majority of mobile in-app advertising creatives were videos. Approximately 60 percent of ads
Source(s) Various sources (Apptica) incorporated into apps were videos, while banners accounted for 33 percent of created mobile ads.

Conducted by Various sources (Apptica)

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics based on measurements on Apptica platform; broader industry metrics

may vary

Published by Various sources (Apptica)

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

74 References
Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising market size worldwide from 2017 to 2027 (in million U.S. dollars)
Global DOOH ad spend 2017-2027

Source and methodology information
The graph show data on global digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising market size from 2017 to 2027. The
Source(s) The Insight Partners source projected the ad spending on DOOH would increase from 6.7 billion U.S dollars in 2019 to 15.9 billion in
Conducted by The Insight Partners

Survey period 2017 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by The Insight Partners

Publication date May 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast.

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75 References
Estimated cost of digital ad fraud worldwide from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Digital ad fraud losses worldwide 2018-2023

Source and methodology information
It was estimated that the costs related to digital advertising fraud worldwide would grow exponentially within
Source(s) Juniper Research; Statista the four years between 2018 and 2023, from 35 billion to 100 billion U.S. dollars. >In the United States, the were
believed to reach13.8 billion U.S dollars in 2020. With the growing digitization of processes, including those in
Conducted by Juniper Research; Statista advertising, comes a growing risk of fraud. Today when more and more ads are traded programmatically, fraud
detection processes are not yet fully developed, and so the bulk of advertising ends up being served to bots
Survey period 2018 instead of potential customers.

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a. Fraud in advertising – costs and concerns

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

On the one hand, programmatic advertising is very convenient, owing to the automation of buying and selling
Published by Statista processes of online ads. However, such systems can increase the likelihood of scams. In 2019, close to 20
percent of ad impressions served programmatically in the United States were fraudulent . India recorded the
Publication date May 2019 highest programmatic ad fraud rates at that time. Unsurprisingly, nearly a quarter of global marketers
expressed high concerns about ad fraud, with a further 49 percent being apprehensive about the issue. Until
Original source effective tracking tools and stricter regulations on online ad publishing are put in place, ad fraud will remain a
significant problem for advertisers and media buyers.
Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. ** Forecast. An exponential development of the values was

assumed to estimate the annual values between 2019 and 2023, which were
provided by the source.

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76 References
Most creative agency networks worldwide in 2020 (index score)
Most creative agency networks worldwide 2020

Source and methodology information
Ogilvy was named the most creative agency network worldwide in 2020, having accumulated 2,186 points in the
Source(s) WARC presented creativity ranking. Ogilvy is in based in New York and owned by WPP. BBDO Worldwide, part of the
Omnicon Group, ranked second, with 1,409 points.
Conducted by WARC

Survey period 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WARC

Publication date December 2021

Original source WARC Rankings Creative 100/ Networks

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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77 References
Leading PR agencies worldwide in 2020, by fee income (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading PR agencies worldwide 2020

Source and methodology information
In a ranking of global PR agencies by annual fee income for 2020, Ketchum, Inc. placed fifth, with an estimated
Source(s) PRovoke fee income of 500 million U.S. dollars. That year Edelman was the front runner of PR agencies, with fee income
surpassing 840 million dollars. The largest five of 2020 were all based in the United States. First non-U.S.-based
Conducted by PRovoke firm was Brunswick - a PR and lobbying agency - from the United Kingdom.

Survey period 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by PRovoke

Publication date May 2021

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Free income estimated by the source. The source provides the following
information: "Revenue numbers for many agencies include subsidiaries-
including research, advertising, and specialist PR firms - many of which
operate under separate brands but nevertheless report into the listed PR
agency." Fig [...] For more information visit our Website

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78 References
Leading digital agency networks worldwide in 2019, by revenue (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading digital agency networks worldwide 2019

Source and methodology information
According to the most recent data, the leading digital agency network worldwide in 2019 based on revenue was
Source(s) Advertising Age; Accenture Accenture Interactive, with a result of nearly 10.3 billion U.S. dollars that year. Deloitte Digital ranked second,
with a revenue of 7.86 million dollars.
Conducted by Advertising Age

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Advertising Age

Publication date May 2020

Original source Agency Report 2020, page 1

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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79 References
Global revenue of the Publicis Groupe from 2008 to 2020 (in billion euros)
Revenue of the Publicis Groupe 2008-2020

Source and methodology information
The French agency network Publicis Groupe reported a global revenue of approximately 9.7 billion euros in the
Source(s) Publicis fiscal year 2020. In 2019, the Publicis Group generated a global revenue of 9.8 billion euros, an increase
compared to 2018's revenue of 8.97 billion euros.
Conducted by Publicis

Survey period 2008 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Publicis

Publication date February 2021

Original source Publicis Groupe Full Year Results 2020, page 4

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures for the years prior to 2020 come from Publicis's earlier publications.
Figures have been rounded. Source released new accounting practices that
reflect new values for 2017 and upcoming years: "For comparative purposes
and in accordance with IFRS, 2017 figures have been restated to reflect th [...]
For more information visit our Website

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80 References
Interpublic Group's revenue from 2006 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Interpublic Group's revenue 2006-2020

Source and methodology information
In 2020, the U.S. advertising giant Interpublic Group's global revenue was approximately 9.06 billion U.S. dollars.
Source(s) IPG This marks a decrease from the previous year, when Interpublic reported 10.2 billion U.S. dollars in global
Conducted by IPG

Survey period 2006 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IPG

Publication date February 2021

Original source Interpublic Group Form 10K For Year Ending December 31 2020, page 7

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures have been rounded.

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81 References
Omnicom Group's revenue from 2006 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Omnicom Group's revenue 2006-2020

Source and methodology information
In 2020, the U.S. advertising network Omnicom Group generated a global revenue of 13.17 billion U.S. dollars,
Source(s) Omnicom the lowest figure recorded since 2010. Here you can find out which of Omnicom's operating sectors generates
the most revenue.
Conducted by Omnicom

Survey period 2006 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Omnicom

Publication date February 2021

Original source Omnicom Group Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures have been rounded.

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82 References
Revenue generated by WPP from 2006 to 2020 (in billion British pounds)
WPP: annual revenue 2006-2020

Source and methodology information
In 2020, the British agency network WPP generated a global revenue of about 12 billion British pounds. This
Source(s) WPP represented a decrease of almost one billion British pounds compared to 2019 results. Since 2006, the global
revenue doubled its result.
Conducted by WPP

Survey period 2006 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WPP

Publication date April 2021

Original source WPP Annual Report & Accounts 2020, page 224

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Figures have been restated for the impact of the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue
from Contracts with Customers, as described in the accounting
policies.**Prior year figures have been re-presented in accordance with IFRS 5
Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, as described in
the [...] For more information visit our Website

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83 References
Number of acquisitions carried out by selected advertising holdings worldwide from 2016 to 2019
Number of acquisitions carried out by major ad holdings 2016-2019

Source and methodology information
In an annual study of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions in the marketing services sector worldwide, it
Source(s) JEGI; Clarity was found that Havas, headquartered in Paris, France, bought six agencies in 2019. Dentsu was the leader with
12 transactions that year, however, compared to previous years, the company has significantly slowed down
Conducted by JEGI; Clarity with their M&A activity.

Survey period 2016 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Clarity

Publication date January 2020

Original source Global Marketing Industry M&A Report 2020, page 9

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Data on selected holdings for periods prior to 2016 can be accessed in the
Excel file download.

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84 References

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