Acute Cholecystitis Cp2 Surgery by Helmy

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Anatomy of gall bladder

• Related to inflammation within the gall

• Acute:
- Acute bacterial inflammation of the gall
bladder with or with out stones.
- Types :-
1. Calculous (obstructive, commonest)
- complication of cholelithiasis
2. Acalculous (non-obstructive)
Acute cholecystitis
• Common organisms responsible:
1. E. Coli
2. Streptococci
3. Salmonella
4. Klebsiella
5. Others: Clostridium

~~bile stasis precipitates infection

• Pathogenesis (Calculous)


Obstruction of bile flow mucosal erosion

Stasis destruction of cells

by toxic bile salts

Bacterial proliferation release inflammatory

mediators (Pg I2 n E2)

Necrosis and perforation

• Acalculous cholecystitis
– Usually associated with major illness like
polytrauma, burns, major surgery
– Distension of gall bladder
– Features are like thrombosis, necrosis
and edema
• Often have history of biliary colic
• 4 F : fat, forty, fertile, female
• severe constant epigastric or RUQ pain
• anorexia, nausea and vomiting are
• Low grade fever (except in clostridial
• If the stone moves to CBD, obstructive
jaundice and cholangitis may occur.
• systemic signs – low grade fever (<38.5 ºC),
• Murphy’s sign +ve (sudden cessation of
inspiration with deep RUQ palpation)
• Boas’ sign (area of hyperasthesia bw 9th and
11th ribs posteriorly on the right side
• Guarding and rigidity @ upper abdomen
• Vague mass (consisting inflammed GB,
omentum, inflammatory exudates)
Differential Diagnosis
1. perforated peptic ulcer
2. acute pancreatitis
3. hiatus hernia
4. right lower lobe pneumonia
5. myocardial infarction
6. appendicitis
• Full blood count
– WBC high

• Liver Function test

– mildly elevated bilirubin, ALP
– sometimes slight elevation AST, ALT

• X-Ray Abd
– view any gall stones (radio opaque)
– TRO perforated ulcer (air under diaphragm)
• U/S abdomen (Diagnostic test)
• Thicken gallbladder wall (>3mm)
• Pericholecystic fluid
• Distended gallbladder
• Present of gallstone / cystic duct stone
• Sonographic Murphy’s sign (pain on inspiration after
placement of USG probe over gallbladder)
Principle of Treatment
Conservative followed by cholecystectomy
->90% subside

-4 principles:
a)NBM and intravenous fluids (hydrate the patient)
c)Antibiotics - Use broad spectrum as Ceferoxime
d)Antiemetics , if severe vomiting, NG suctioning
may be required
• Inflammation subsiding, NG tube removed,
fluids followed by a fat free diet

• lack of improvement with conservative

treatment ––> operate within 24-48 hours

• Subsequent management- monitoring of

vital signs and USG done to look for local
1. Empyema
2. Perforation
3. Mucocele
4. Gallstone ileus
5. Gangrenous cholecystitis
6. Cholecystoenteric fistulas
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