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VP Business Planning and

August 4th & 5th , 2021

IPR Meeting
Commingling Project – Gate 1
Business Case Presentation
​Executive Summary

Business Cases Layouts

The suffix “R” stands for “Reused”
• For business case
Waste 1 development, the W1R,
Crusher W2R & W3R
Presa de relaves
Capex/Opex infrastructure
was charged to
Open Pit
• The study uses the permits
Camp obtained in ITS-06 (for
Waste 1) and MEIA1 (For
Waste 2) 
Waste 2R • Waste 3 might reuse
Waste 2 infrastructure from existing
Primary Crusher
StockPile 6

Waste 3R
• Subsequent material
Crusher handling optimization to be
Waste 1R addressed as part of PFS
stage – Gate2

2 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential


Ad hoc mechanized systems are dimensioned just to meet the need of

Commingling and assure safety in their operation
Quebrada Boulevard Slot
Before the Mixing Point
Antamina • For Cycloning / dewatering alternative the following is required:
Crusher W1 Ore • W1R System (83 Mtpa of capacity) close to W1-Ore
Crusher • W3R System (16.8 Mtpa of capacity) close to old Pile 6
which can be implemented by reusing the current crusher
after W1-Ore.
These two systems are assumed to start in 2029.
Tailing • Filtering alternative needs three systems:
• W1R System (83 Mtpa of capacity) close to W1-Ore
• W3R System (16.8 Mtpa of capacity) close to old Pile 6
(potentially same reused system).
• W2R System (83 Mtpa of capacity) starts in 2035.
W3R Point
Crusher After the Mixing Point
Pile 6 Zone
Waste Line Mixing Comingling Line
Before Mixing Point Point After Mixing Point

W2R crusher is Cycloning / Dewatering 25 Mt tailings

proposed in Quebrada W1R 83.2 Mt
S1R : 83.2 Mt
Antamina due to the 33.4
W3R 16.8 Mt S2R : 41.9 Mt
foreseen high truck S2R 8.5

traffic heading to the Spreader Filtering 50 Mt tailings

W1R 83.2 Mt 100
W1R, W3R and W3R 33.6 Mt 25
S1R: 125 Mt
Waste1-Ore crushing 100
Spreader W2R 83.2 Mt S2R : 125 Mt
stations 25

3 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

SIGIA Chapter 4: Process
Responsible: GOLDER

4 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

Conceptual Alternative 1
Waste Rock and Filtered Tailings

5 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Process: Conceptual Alternative 1

Tailings 66.2
​Pump System 4195 45.0% Legend:
Throughput (ktpd)
78.8 Solids Percent (%)
​Concentrator 1.6
78.8 ​Filters
61.9% 77.2
​Current TDF

​Belt Conveyors
Description  Unit  Nominal
Thickening Plant 
Total tailings dry mass tonnage required for mixing t/d 77 200
Total tailings dry mass tonnage required for mixing t/h 3216
Solids concentration (thickener underflow) 60.0 a 65.0 308.8
Tailings discharge flow in underflow m /h

Tailings / Waste ratio - 1/4

Viscosity cP 10
Yield Stress (Sheared) Pa 10 Waste Rock Mine
Thickener type  - High Rate Thickener
Thickener diameter  m 49.0
Thickener quantity  - 2
Filtering Plant 
Solids concentration (filtered cake) % peso 86.0
​East Dump
Tailings flow m /h
1529 ​Belt
Filtration rate kg/m2/h 325 Conveyors
Waste 1 & 2
Filter type  - Filter press 
Filters quantity  - 14 (12 op.+ 2 s. b.)

6 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Process: Conceptual Alternative 1 - General Arrangement

Stockpile 7 The infrastructure considered in
conceptual engineering includes:

Alternative 1:

• Tailings thickening.
• Filtering tailings.
Mechanical • Filtered tailings management.
arrangement of • Waste management.
system • Commingling handling.
• Electrical power supply.
• Facilities and infrastructure.
Corredor Dyke
Conveyor belt
Waste 1 Alternative 1 considers the mix of filtered
Conveyor belt tailings to around 86% solids (by weight)
Waste 1
with waste (Waste 1 and Waste 2). For
this alternative, it is only considered to
use the tonnage of tailings required
according to the mix ratio and the
Concentrator capacity of the Waste 1 and Waste 2
transport systems, the rest being sent to
the current TSF.
Stockpile 5
It is considered to use waste stockpiles
Ore Conveyor
(Pile N ° 5 and Pile N ° 7), which allows
Belt (Existing) to manage the variability of the waste
load for the mixture with tailings that will
be sent to the dumps. Each of the
stockpiles are connected to each of the
Conveyor belt conveyors.
Waste 2 Recovered water Tailings feed pipe
transport pipe

7 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Filtration Plant - Alternative 1

Thickening Plant General Arrangement - Alternative 1

Recovered water

• The location of the thickening

and filtering plant was
determined considering that the
level of the plant must be above
Water pumps
the level of the 4165 TSF, this
consideration is based on the
Filter feed pumps fact that the ECO-ESTABLE
Centrifugal tailings
pump project plans to start operations
in 2028.
Seal water tank
• The process will begin with the
thickening of the tailings, to
handle the required tonnage
(122,918 tpd) for which 02 high
rate thickeners (HRT) of 49 m in
diameter will be used.
• The Yield Stress at the
discharge will be 10 Pa with a
Tailings thickener
solids concentration between 60
to 65% solids, considering 62%
as an average.

Flocculant Plant

Tailings distributor

8 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Thickening plant - Alternative 1

Filter Plant General Arrangement - Alternative 1

Compressor room for

dry air
Transformers Electrical room

Pressure compressor • After the thickening process,

Cloth washing water
the tailings filtering process
will continue. This process
Tailings filter presses
will begin with the discharge

of the tailings to the feed
tanks for the filter presses. 2
tanks with agitators of Ø =
16 m, H = 14 m, will be
used. From the tanks the
Recovered water
tailings will be sent to the
filter presses with centrifugal

Electrical room
Filter feed tank
Seal water tank Recovered water
Filter press feed pumps

9 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

Conceptual Alternative 2
Waste Rock and Paste Tailings

10 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Process: Conceptual Alternative 2

Tailings 67.8 Legend:
​Pump System 4195 45.0% Throughput (ktpd)
Solids Percent (%)

77.2 ​Current TDF


​Thickeners ​PD Pumps

Description  Unit Nominal
Thickening Plant
Total tailings dry mass tonnage required for mixing t/d 77 200 Waste Rock Mine
Total tailings dry mass tonnage required for mixing t/h 3216
Solids concentration (thickener underflow) % peso 78
Tailings discharge flow in underflow m /h3
Tailings / Waste ratio - 1/4
Viscosity cP 500
​East Dump
Yield Stress (sheared) Pa 80 ​Belt
Unit area m2/t.d 0.033
Waste 1 & 2
Deep Cone Thickener
Thickener type  -
Thickener diameter m 36.0
Flocculant Dosing g/t 10.0
Number of thickeners type DCT - 4.0
Type of transport of tailings at the point of mixing with waste - Pipelines

11 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

Paste Thickening Plant General Arrangement - Alternative 2 
The infrastructure considered in
Stockpile 7
conceptual engineering includes:

Alternative 2:
Conveyor belt to
Waste 1 • Tailings thickening (paste tailings).
• Tailings management.
• Waste management.
• Commingling handling.
• Electrical power supply.
• Facilities and infrastructure.

Corridor Dyke Alternative 2 considers the mixture of

paste tailings thickened to around 78%
solids (by weight) with waste (Waste 1
and Waste 2) . For this alternative, it is
only considered to use the tonnage of
tailings required according to the mixing
ratio and the capacity of the Waste 1 and
Concentrator Waste 2 transport systems, the rest
plant being sent to the current TSF.
It is considered to use waste stockpiles
Stockpile 5 (Pile N ° 5 and Pile N ° 7), which allows
to manage the variability of the waste
Conveyor belt
load for the mixture with tailings that will
Waste 2 Conveyor belt to be sent to the dumps. Each of the
Waste 2
stockpiles are connected to each of the

12 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Paste Thickening Plant - Alternative 2

Paste Thickening Plant General Arrangement - Alternative 2 

The location of the thickening plant
is the same as for Alternative 1.
Recovered water tanks Flocculant plant Seal water tanks
The process will begin with the
Repulping tanks with thickening of the tailings (122 918
tpd) for which 4 deep cone
thickeners (DCT) of 36 m diameter
will be used, the Yield Stress in the
discharge (underflow) will be
around 100 Pa with a solids
concentration of 78% (by weight).
Tailings piston pump
It should be noted that the
thickening system will have shear
Tailings distributor box thinning pumps and transfer
pumps, the shear thinning pumps
will be used for shearing and
Tailings thickener recirculation of the paste tailings,
on the other hand, the transfer
pumps will be used for the
Tailings piston pump transport of tailings. in paste when
the thickener needs to be drained.

Tailings pipe to Waste


Tailings pipe to Waste

Tailings feed pipe Reclaimed water pipe

13 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

Conceptual Alternative 4
Waste Rock and Cyclone Tailings

14 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Process: Conceptual Alternative 4

Tailings 145
​Pump System 4195 45.0% Legend:
Throughput (ktpd)
145 Solids Percent (%)
45.0% 65.2
​Concentrator 30.1%
Description Unit  Nominal 75.0%
​Current TDF
Mixture of cyclone and dewatered tailings 
Cyclone station 
Dry mass tonnage of tailings - feed from concentrator plant to cyclone
t/d 145 000
Dry mass tonnage of tailings - feed from concentrator plant to cyclone
t/h 6041 34.9% A ​Belt Conveyors
Tailings / Waste ratio - 4/1
Underflow / Overflow % 55 / 45
Total Rated Dry Mass Tonnage (Underflow) t/d 79 750
Total Rated Dry Mass Tonnage (Underflow) t/h 3322
Solids concentration (Underflow) % weight  75.0
Solids concentration (Overflow) % weight  30.1 308.8
Cyclone batteries - 4 Pit
Number of cyclones per battery - 9 (7 Op – 2 stand by)
Cyclone diameter mm 650
Mixture of cyclone and dewatered tailings 
Dewatering screens
Total rated dry mass tonnage to dewatering screens t/d 79 750 Waste Rock Mine
Total rated dry mass tonnage to dewatering screens t/h 3322
Concentration of solids (Discharge from dewatering screens) % 86.0
Total Rated Dry Mass Tonnage (Oversize) t/h 2990
Screens opening mm 0.3
Number of screens for drainage - 8 (6 Op - 2 stand by)
Type of transport of tailings at the point of mixing with waste - Conveyor belts

15 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Process: Conceptual Alternative 4 - General Arrangement

The infrastructure considered includes::

Stockpile 7
Alternative 4:

• Tailings cyclone.
• Fine pumping.
Conveyor belt to
Waste 1 • Cyclone tailings management.
• Waste management.
• Commingling handling.
• Electrical power supply.
• Facilities and infrastructure.

Alternative 4 considers the mixture of

Reclaim Conveyor
Waste 2
cyclone and dewatered tailings with waste
Corridor Dyke
Cyclone Plant rock, considering obtaining classified
Conveyor to Waste 1 Reclaim Conveyor tailings around 86% solids (by weight). For
Waste 1 this alternative, the total of tailings is used,
allocating the classified coarse material for
Stockpile to plant mixing with waste and the fine material
Waste 1 sent to the current TSF. It should be noted
Stockpile to that 100% of the tailings generated in the
Waste 2 Tailings Feed Pipe concentrator plant are used for
classification; However, only 49.5% of the
Stockpile 5 total is used for mixing tailings with waste
rock (tailings classified as coarse at 86%
to Waste 2

Overflow Tailings Pump Station


16 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Chapter 4

Cyclone Plant And Dewatering Screens General Arrangement - Alternative 4

• The process in the cyclone plant
will begin with the reception of
Cyclone overflow
tailings in the tailings distributor
box, coming from the 4165 pump
Electrical room
station. From this box the tailings
will be distributed to two cyclone
Conveyor Belt to
Waste 1 Cyclone batteries
feeder boxes. Each box will feed
Transformers two cyclone clusters, with 9
cyclones (7 in operation and 2 in
tailings box stand-by). In total there will be 4
Overflow tailings
pumps cyclone clusters.

• After cycloning, in order to further

Conveyor Belt to
Waste 2 reduce the humidity of the tailings
Electrical room discharged by the cyclone
underflow, 8 dewatering screens
(6 in operation and 2 stand-by)
will be used to dewater the sand,
Compressor room
from where it will be discharged
Cyclone feed pipe
onto conveyor belts. The
dewatered sand will have a solids
Seal water tank
concentration around 86% (by
Cyclone feed boxes
Cyclone water tank Water pipe for Tailings feed pipe

17 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

​Key Findings

Alternatives – Absorbed and Installed Power (kW)

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 4

Absorbed Installed Absorbed Installed Absorbed Installed
Power (kW) Power (kW) Power (kW) Power (kW) Power (kW) Power (kW)

Cyclone Plant - - - - 9276 15 251

Thickening Plant 2918 5651 5570 11 032 - -

Tailings filtering plant 18 678 32 690 - - - -

Tailings transport system 2405 2871 4686 9221 2111 2610

Waste conveyor system 9606 13 199 9606 13 199 8699 12 379

Total (kW) 33 607 54 411 19 862 33 451 20 087 30 239

18 Source: Antamina PDN – Confidential

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