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ROLL NO. 17 TO 22

• In the 21st century , the world is continuously evolving. Many people purchase their daily needs from
• People purchase the items and put them in the trolley and wait in the long , frustrating line.
• So a thought struck to us , that if almost all the things are being digitalized why cant the shopping carts
become digitalized.
• The same work of scanning the barcode could be done while shopping itself , which is way better than
waiting in the line.
• In the digitalized cart , the customer just has to scan the barcode in front of the RFID reader and the
bill will be shown on the LCD screen. This will make shopping easier , faster and ENJOYABLE!

• The billing trolley is user or consumer friendly which will help customers to
scan the barcode of the product.
• As there will be no need of standing in line , the customers will not be
frustrated and will have a hassle free experience.
• The use of this trolley is very easy and self explanatory , this will allow the
older generation to use it easily.
• As we all are threatened by the pandemic , this system will make sure that
there is less contact involved and will avoid crowding near the billing

• VSPE software to convert physical USB port i.e , in this case the RFID
scanner , to virtual port.
• Proteus software for the simulation of Arduino UNO , RFID virtual port and
the LCD display.
• Arduino IDE for writing the code.
• Instead of Arduino IDE we can use code blocks in which there is Arduino.

• First we will connect the RFID reader to the laptop via USB.
• Then we will convert the physical USB port to a virtual one by the help of
VSPE software(Virtual Serial Ports Emulator).
• Then we will simulate the Arduino UNO board , LCD screen display , RFID
virtual port.
• We will use the library of Proteus in order to take the simulations of the above

• Then the connections will of RFID port , LCD display will be made.
• The coding will be done simultaneously on the Arduino IDE.
• The coding will include the interfacing between the RFID port and the Arduino UNO board.
• It will include the interfacing between LCD display and the Arduino UNO board.
• The code will also contain the necessary details of the product(like Name , Price) which will
be displayed on the LCD after scanning.
• The code will also contain the format of spacing of the display on the LCD screen.

• First a message will appear on the LCD display(WELCOME TO OUR

• The customer has to scan the product b swiping the barcode in front of the
RFID reader.
• The LCD will display the details of the product.
• When the customer scans one more product , the price will be added and the
total price will be displayed on the LCD screen.

Author: Himani Pangsa, Shipra Aggarwal
Title: “An Analysis of Li-Fi based Prevalent Automated Billing Systems in
Shopping Malls”


• Smart Trolley: The smart trolley mainly consists of microcontroller, transmission medium and
scanning system. When RFID/barcode tags are brought near the RFID/barcode reader. The data is read
by the microcontroller which is matched from the product details in main database and displayed on
LCD screen. If some item is placed or removed from the cart without scanning then buzzer will beep.

• Classification methods of smart trolley: Comparison regarding microcontrollers is made. It can be

concluded that Arduino consumes less battery than others, Raspberry Pi is computer on chip which is
beneficial as its computing time is faster than others. PICI6F877 is cheapest from all but works on
C/C++ only. AmtelAt89V5 is similar to PIC microcontroller but have low power backup as compared
to others. LPC2148 cost is low and consumes less power than Arduino.

• Classification according to transmission medium: Some of the transmission mediums used by

researchers are LI-FI, Zigbee, WIFI. It can be concluded that LIFI is quicker and more compatible than
WIFI and works on light fidelity whereas WIFI covers more area than LIFI as WIFI covers 20-100m
and LIFI covers 10m. ZIGBEE power consumption is low as compared to WIFI. Bluetooth is
economical from all as it came built in android phones.

• Classification based on scanning system: The scanning systems used by scholars for scanning product
can be classified as follows: Barcode, RFID, NFC (near field communication). It can be concluded
that RFID doesn’t require line of sight and it is highly secure and more than one tag can be read at
once whereas barcode needs line of sight. However, barcode is cheap as compared to RFID. NFC is
generally used in smart phones as it is inbuilt and doesn’t require line of sight.


RFID/Barcode Tags on the product can be scanned by the respective RFID/Barcode reader.
The product data is read by the microcontroller which is compared to the product data stored in the
database. This information is displayed on the LCD screen.

• Selection of a better microcontroller(PIC16F877: programmer friendly compared to other

microcontrollers) which can be used in the cart.

• Choice of a better alternative among transmission mediums(LIFI) and scanning medium(RFID).



Author: T.R. Lekhaa, S. Rajeshwari, J. Aiswarya Sequeira, S. Akshayaa

Title: Intelligent Shopping Cart Using Bolt Esp8266 Based on Internet of Things
1. In the first step customer selects the item, each item has a unique barcode tag. After that
item will be scanned with help of the barcode reader. After the item is scanned, the barcode reader reads
the particular item data from bolt ESP8266, because the bolt ESP8266 has already stored in the
supermarket items details.

2. Displaying Process: After completing the item scanning and then continue to execute the displaying
process. This means that particular scanned item details like price and weight will be display on LCD.
3. Transmitting Process: After completing the scanning and displaying process. Then execute the
transmitting process. In this process, when the customer finishes their purchasing, after then transmitting
the purchased items details from bolt ESP8266 to bill counter PC.


i. Start the process

ii. Initialize the system
iii. Customer place the item in the trolley
iv. Search for the barcode tag
v. Check the barcode tag of item
vi. If the tag is scanned, then barcode reader read the data from memory

vii. Display the data helping with LCD screen

viii. Automatically price will be added in the bill


ix. If any item is removed, the removed item price will be subtracted from total price amount and then
process will be continuing
x. Press the key button to send the bill data to PC at the counter
xi. Print the total bill amount
xii. End the process

i. This embedded system creates consumer shopping easier. The exited system and proposed system
main motive is reducing the consumer shopping time, avoid the much time spent at the billing
counter and the customer knowledge about their total bill amount during the purchasing.
ii. Bolt is advanced version of IOT platform. Bolt does not use any transmitting sensor and device,
because it transmitting the information to other device through the Wi-Fi network.

• We are learning the Arduino software for coding.

• For the simulation we are learning Proteus.
• We learned the basics of the Protues by the help of Sawant sir during the RME lab.
• There are various uses of Arduino software which we are reffering to.(like Security system
using Arduino).
• During our research we also came across different projects which used the same tools and
principle.(like parking using Arduino , security for doors using Arduino , attendance system
using Arduino and RFID reader).

• Arduino UNO:
• This is the main
All rest components
Will be connected
To this.

• Arduino:

1. Power USB Arduino board can be powered by using the USB cable from your computer. All you need to do is
connect the USB cable to the USB connection (1).

2. Power (Barrel Jack) Arduino boards can be powered directly from the AC mains power supply by connecting it to
the Barrel Jack (2).

3. Voltage Regulator The function of the voltage regulator is to control the voltage given to the Arduino board and
stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor and other elements.

4. Crystal Oscillator The crystal oscillator helps Arduino in dealing with time issues. How does Arduino calculate
time? The answer is, by using the crystal oscillator. The number printed on top of the Arduino crystal is 16.000H9H. It
tells us that the frequency is 16,000,000 Hertz or 16 MHz.

(5, 17) Arduino Reset You can reset your Arduino board, i.e., start your program from the beginning. You can reset the
UNO board in two ways. First, by using the reset button (17) on the board. Second, you can connect an external reset
button to the Arduino pin labelled RESET (5).

(6,7,8,9)Pins (3.3, 5, GND, Vin) 3.3V (6) − Supply 3.3 output volt 5V (7) − Supply 5 output volt

Most of the components used with Arduino board works fine with 3.3 volt and 5 volt. GND (8)(Ground) − There are
several GND pins on the Arduino, any of which can be used to ground your circuit. Vin (9) − This pin also can be used
to power the Arduino board from an external power source, like AC mains power supply.

10. Analog pins

The Arduino UNO board has six analog input pins A0 through A5. These pins can read the signal from an analog sensor
like the humidity sensor or temperature sensor and convert it into a digital value that can be read by the microprocessor.

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