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Future Activities

BING4102/Writing 1

Niki Raga Tantri, M.Pd.
Afriani, S.S., M.Hum.
Dalam inisiasi 3, kita akan
membahas kompetensi
menulis rencana kegiatan dan
mempelajari kompetensi
kebahasaan Future Tenses.

Gambar 1
1. Menulis Rencana Kegiatan

Bagian 1

Introduction My name is Rivozanov. I have a lot of plans. When I was a kid my dream is
to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes, I
want to be a president, an army, doctor and other interesting dreams. But
now I have grown up, I know my life plans. 

Body/ content 1 Recently, I almost finish my studies in university. I will obtain Bachelor of
Science Information degree. After I graduate, I will work in one of the
biggest oil company such as Chevron, Petronas, Exxon, etc. I want to be
the staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working offshore because it
gives me challenge to work over there plus they will pay me higher to work
in the office. 

continue to the next slide….

1. Menulis Rencana Kegiatan
Bagian 2
Body/ content 2 All of this is just the beginning of my plans. After I work for 4 or 5 years, I
will have a lot of money by that time, I will quit my job and start a business.
I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have the other business such as
futsal court or restaurant and anything that have a good prospect. By that, I
will make more money compared than I work in the company. 

Body/ content 3 After I run my business, I am going to marry a beautiful woman. I will start
to make a family and planned to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl. I
will live in a big house which having a garden outside or maybe a pool so my
children can play inside my yard because if my children play outside, it will
be a little risky. I just do not want anything bad to happen to my family.
Also, if I have a lot of savings, I will go to Makkah for ’umrah’ or ‘hajji’ with
my family. 

Conclusion/ I think that is all I can say about my future plans. It is just a simple plan
closing for a simple man like me.

(Adapted from: )

Text 1 end.
2. Future Tenses

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Budiman, R. Setyo, K. 2014. Writing 1. Tangerang Selatan:
Universitas Terbuka



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