Developing A Story Based On Pictures: BING4102/Writing 1

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Developing A Story Based on Pictures

BING4102/Writing 1

Niki Raga Tantri, M.Pd.
Afriani, S.S., M.Hum.
Dalam inisiasi 4, kita akan
menyoroti kompetensi
menulis mendeskripsikan
gambar dan mempelajari
kompetensi kebahasaan
degree of comparisons.

Gambar 1
1. Menulis Karangan Berdasarkan Gambar

Bagian 1 These pictures show two different views of

a tree in autumn. In the left hand picture
we can see the leaves of the tree with the
sun shining on them. The colors in this
photo are amazing – the leaves are gold,
orange, yellow, and brown. They remind
me of a fire burning, because the colors

and shapes of the leaves look just like the
flames of a fire. This is obviously a very tall
tree because the view in the photo looks
up into the branches of the tree, and we
can see more and more branches up high
in the distance. It’s obviously a bright,
clear day, and it is also likely to be rather
chilly because clear, sunny, days in autumn
Gambar 1 often mean cold weather!

continue to the next slide….

1. Menulis Rencana Kegiatan
Bagian 2

In the picture on the right hand side we can see a carpet of gold-
colored leaves that have fallen from the tree. The sunlight is
Body/ content

making the leaves look as if they are glowing. On the left hand
side of the picture, we can see part of the tree trunk, and at the
top we can see a couple of large branches, covered in autumn
leaves. The sun must be to the left of the tree because the trunk
is casting a shadow on the wall and also on the ground between
the tree and the wall.
Both these pictures make me think of a wood where I used to
play when I was a child. In the autumn, we used to gather up the Gambar 1
leaves and throw them at each other. There is something rather

sad about the beautiful season of autumn, because although the

woods look stunning as their leaves die and fall to the ground,
we know that winter is coming, and the tree will soon be bare,
with no leaves until the new ones grow in spring.

(Taken from: )

Text 1 end.
2. Degree of comparisons

• The dog is faster than the elephant.

• The horse is the fastest.
• The horse is bigger than the dog.
• The elephant is the heaviest.
• The dog is more energetic than the

Bagan 1
Terima Kasih
Budiman, R. Setyo, K. 2014. Writing 1. Tangerang Selatan:
Universitas Terbuka


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