Unit 2 Fluid Dynamics:: Dr. Naveen G Patil Assistant Professor Ajeenkya Dy Patil University

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Unit 2

Fluid dynamics:


Course content

Fluid dynamics:
Models of the flow, Reynold‘s, Transport Theorem,
merits and demerits of RTT, The continuity
equation, Momentum Equation (N-S equation) ,
Energy equation, different form N-S equations,
Physical boundary conditions, Forms of governing

What is Fluid dynamics???

It is branch of applied science which deals with the movement of the fluid (gas
or liquid ) with some velocity. Rotation of the fluid with some vorticity.
 It should posses the lower viscosity
 Fluid dynamics can be either laminar or Turbulent flow.
Examples of Fluid dynamics concepts

1. The motion of the clouds

2. Fluid dynamics is used in measure the forces acting on aircraft

Control volume : The closed region of volume is drawn finite spacing is
known as control volume. The area surface which is covering the control
volume is called as control surface

Infinitesimal fluid element: If the small volume of fluid element (dv) is taken
out from control volume (V)
Control volume (V) Infinitesimal fluid element with volume (dv)
Fluid dynamics

What is volume of the fluid

elements dV

dV=Infinitesimal fluid element

V = control volume
Models of the flow

Basic models of fluid flow depends on basically on

following principle
1. Based on law physics
a. Law of conservation Mass (Continuity equation )
b. Newton's law of motion (F=ma)
c. Law of conservation of energy
2.Apply these physical principle to suitable model of the
3. From this application extract the mathematical equation
which embody such physical principles
Lay out Models of the flow
Basic modes of fluid flow motions
Substantial derivatives

 Substantial derivates helps to determine the predict the motion in

fluid dynamics or model of the fluid flow.
 Let us considered the motion of the infinitesimal fluid element
moving the flow through Cartesian space.
 The unit vectors along x, y and z axes are i, j and k respectively.
 The velocity vector field in Cartesian coordinates space
Continued ….

Fig 1. Fluid element moving in the fluid flow for substantial derivates
 Where the x, y and z components of velocity are given
 In generally fluid flow will be unsteady flow, where u, v and w
are function of t
u=u(x, y, z, t)
v=v(x, y, z, t)
w=w(x, y, z, t)
 The scalar density flied also consider
ρ= ρ(x,y,z,t)
 At time t1, the fluid element is located at point 1 as shown in fig 1. The
density of at this point and time of the density of the fluid element
ρ1=ρ(x1, y1, z1, t1)
 The same fluid element has moved to point 2 at time t2 can be obtained by
using Taylors series
ρ2=ρ(x2, y2, z2, t2)

 Dividing by t2-t1 and neglecting the higher order terms in Eq 1, hence Eq 1

will become
To determine the the left side apply the limits
between 1 to 2 point
lim 2  1  D 
t2  t1 Dt
t2 t1
Convective accerlation: Convective acceleration is defined as the rate of change
of velocity due to the change of position of fluid particles in a fluid flow.
Integrals basic concepts

Single Integrals ( f ( x) )

Double Integrals ( f ( x) )

Triple Integrals (  f ( x))

Four Integral (   f ( x) )

Model : Finite control volume fixed in space

Let us considered the control . At a point on the control surface in the flow is V and vector
elemental surface area (as defined is dS . Also let dv be an elemental volume inside the finite
control volume. Apply fundamental physical principle mass is conserved
Net mass flow out of CV through surface S (B)= Time rate of decreases inside control volume (C)
 The mass flow of a fluid across any fixed surface (say, in kg/s) is equal to the
product of (density x area of surface
ρVn ds= ρV* ds

Now considered the Eq 1 .The mass constrained within the elemental volume dv is ρV. The
Total mass inside the control volume is

The time rate of mass increases in the control volume V

Eq 2

The eq 2 derived on the basis of finite control volume fixed in space that leads to
specific integral form
Model 2: Finite control volume moving with
the fluid

Let us considered the finite control volume is moving in space with definite or
identified amount of mass inside it, but volume of the control volume is
changed. Considered the small control volume dv inside the control volume.
The ρ is local density of the fluid hence the mass of the m= ρ.dv. But FCV is
moving in space
It is derived on the basis of the finite control is moving in space
with some fixed mass buts volume is changed.
Model 3 : Infinitesimal fluid elements is fixed
in space
 The total mass of the fluid in the infinitesimally small element is
ρ(dx dy dz). Hence the time rate of increases of mass inside the
element is given by

 OR

The PDE is derived on the basis of the infinitesimal fluid element is fixed in
 Model 4: Infinitesimal fluid element is moving in space
The PDE form continuity equation is derived on the basis of infinitesimal
fluid is moving in space with fixed mass and volume is changing inside it
Overview of the different model flow
Introduction to Reynolds Transport Theorem
 Imagine a system and a coinciding control volume with a control
 Reynolds transport theorem states that the rate of change of an
extensive property N, for the system is equal to the time rate of
change of N within the control volume and the net rate of flux
of the property N through the control surface.
 It is a three-dimensional generalization of the Leibniz integral
rule which is also known as differentiation under the integral
 The Reynolds transport theorem establishes a relationship
between control mass and control volume of the systems
RTT continued…

Reynolds Transport Theorem

 The theorem relates the rate of change of a property associated with a CV to the material or
particle rate of change of that property.
 Consider a CV bound by the CS through which a fluid flows, described by the flow field Vector
(V) (x, y, z, t) relative to co-ordinates (x, y, z,t). As per the definition, CV is fixed in the flow field

 N is a property associated with flow field in CV. N could be either mass or momentum or energy or
concentration of a species dispersed in the fluid. The theorem states:
where η is the specific property, N/M, where M =
mass of fluid in volume dv

Note that if the property is mass, η=1

If the property is momentum, η= (V) (x, y, z, t)
If the property is kinetic energy, η =1/2 V2
Limitations of RTM
Equation doses not involve the viscous term hence it

is suitable for fluid flow

Navier introduces the N-S equation the fluid flow
Continuity equation

Let us considered the infinitesimal fluid element in 3-D space with Cartesian
coordinate . Having the fluid properties ρ, υ T, t velocity u(x, y ,z,)
Les us considered fluid is entered to with face BCDA with a velocity u and a
density , and leaving from face FGHE
Where the x, y and z components of velocity are given respectively
In generally fluid flow will be unsteady flow, where u, v and w are function of t
u=u(x, y, z, t)
v=v(x, y, z, t)
w=w(x, y, z, t)
The scalar density flied also consider
ρ= ρ(x,y,z,t)
Rate of increases of mass in fluid element=Net rate of flow of mass into fluid element
Rate of decreases of mass in fluid element = Net rate of mass leaving from fluid element
Net rate of mass in the fluid element=Net rate mass accumulation in control volume

  u
(  utdydz )dx __ (   ) dx(u 
t x
dx) dydz

Net rate of mass =   u  u 

 dx  dx  dydz
along x axis  t x 

  v  v 
Along Y axis  dy  dy  dxdz
 t y 
  w  w 
 dz  dz  dxdy
Along Z axis  t z 

Net volume for rectangular parallelepiped=    u   v   w  dxdydz

 
 t x y z 
Eq 1
Below conditions are Substitute in Eq 1
In case of a steady flow= 

Incompressible flow (ρ )= constant

Types forces on fluid flow

Newton's second law :

Fundamental physical law
Fx =Max

Body forces
Surface forces

Body forces: A body force is a force that acts throughout the volume of a body.
Gravitational forces, electric field forces, magnetic field forces , centrifugal force,
Euler forces
Surface forces: The forces which acts on internal and external part of the body or
on the surface of the materials Ex: Frictional forces, surface tension, adhesive
cohesive forces , Air resistance
Wkt Form Fundamental physical

Eq A

From above equation Fx is force and ax is acceleration components.

Let us considered the moving fluid elements experiencing the two

kinds of i.e body force and surface forces .
Total net force acting on the fluid will be
Net forces (Fx) = Body forces + surface forces
Fb + Fs
N- S equations

Let us considered the flow of the infinitesimal fluid in

Cartesian coordinate along X, Y and Z directions.
Momentum equation
(N-S equation)

Fig 1 . Infinitesimal fluid elements with body forces and surface forces
Body force calculation
Let us denote the body force per unit mass acting on the fluid
element with by fx
Body force on fluid = ρ fx (dxdydz) [ρ=m/Vol]
element acting in x directions

Surface force calculations

When the fluid is flowing the forces taking in account is
Shear (τxy ) and normal stresses (τxx) in a fluid are related to the time rate of change of
the deformation (also called as rate of shear
The concept will explains by the Newton's law of viscosity
Navier stokes equation or N-S equation of Momentum equation
 The central equation of the dynamics of Navier-Stokes Equation
(NSE)Newtonian fluids.
Newton's law of viscosity  is defined as the rate of shear stress is
directly proportional to the shear strain

 The Navier-Stokes Equation is the vector equation (or three

scalar equations) with four unknown fields:
 Three Cartesian components of the velocity field and
 The pressure field.
N-S equation

 The surface forces are acting on the infinitesimal fluid elements as shown in
fig 1.
 The surface forces on X direction or on xy plane will be written as (τij)
 From fig 1 the surface force acting on ABCD the only forces in x directions
due to shear stress  yz dxdz
due force of pressure acting the face ABCD is denoted as P,
 Considered surface EFGH is given as sherar stress acting on that face is
written as 
 yz  ( yx )dy
Calculation of the pressure force acting fluid
 The force of pressure acting on the on face ABCD
i. e is P=F /A i..e . P*dydz
 The force of pressure acting EFGH fluid element face is (apply
Taylor’s series to get value of very adjacent point) [ P  ( p dx)]dy * dz

 Net pressure force acting on the fluid element along x

direction =
[P  (P  dx)]dy * dz
( dx)dy * dz
The Net surface forces acting on x directions
 Then total forces (Fx) acting x direction is sum
Body force + surface forces (i.e. shear +FOP)
Surface forces Body force

Eq B

 Let considered the right hand side the equation mass of the fluid
is fixed i. e m =(ρ* dx dy dz)
 The time rate of changes of velocity (u) is called as momentum
or acceleration ax=Du/Dt Eq C
Combining Eq A, Eq B and Eq C, then after
simplification we got as
Du p  xx  yx  zx Along X directions
       fx
Dt x x x x

Eq A Dv p  xy  yy  zy Along Y directions
       fy
Dt y y y x

Dw p  xz  yz  zz
       fz Along Z directions
Dt z z z z
Navier stokes equation in Non Conservative form
Non conservative

WKT from basic fluid mechanics relationship between shear

stress(τ) and velocity flied (u, v and w)
u v   2
 xx  2  yy  2  zz
x y
u v
 xy   yx    (  )
y x
Eq B
v w
 yz   zy    (  )
z y
w u
 zx   xz    (  )
x z
N-S equation

Navier stokes equation in Conservative form

Energy equations

 The basic principle for energy is conserved. The basic

physical principle for energy equation is basic first law of

 Let us considered the flow of the infinitesimal fluid in

Cartesian coordinate along X, Y and Z directions

Eq A
Ρf. V dx dy dz
Calculation of the pressure force acting fluid (
consider regarding surface (pressure plus shear and normal stress) acting on fluid
element is calculated by along x, We can just considered the forces acting along x with
velocity ABCD.
Hence the rate of work done along x direction with velocity u is due to pressure forcec
i. e is P=F/A= u. p dydz
The force of pressure acting EFGH fluid element face is (apply Taylor’s series to get
value of very adjacent point) (up 
 (up )
dx)dy * dz
 Net pressure force acting on the fluid element along x direction =

 The net rate of work done by the shear stress in the x direction on faces

 Considering the all the surface forces shown in Fig 2. The rate of work on the
moving fluid element due to forces
 In total the net rate work done on the moving fluid element is sum of the
surface force contributions in the x, y and z directions, as well as the body
force contribution. This denoted by C

Eq B
B Term derivation

 Let us consider the B term in Eq i.e the net heat flux of heat into the element.
This heat flux is due to
(i) Volumetric heating such as absorption or emission of radiation
(ii)Heat transfer across the surface due to temperature gradients, i. e thermal
conduction. Define . as the rate of volumetric heat addition per unit mass ρ
dx dy dz q
Volumetric heating of element=ρq dx dy dz Eq A
 The heat transferred by thermal conduction into moving fluid element across
the face ADEH is q. dydz
. x
q heat transferred in x direction per unit time per nit area by conduction ( The
heat transfer
 The heat transferred out of the element across face BCGH is [q.  ( qx )dx]dy * dz
The net heat transferred in the x direction into the
fluid element by thermal conduction is

Eq C

Term B will adation of Eq A and Eq B

Eq D
Considered the thermal conductivity of the in Fq C

The physical significance of the first law of thermodynamics is Internal Energy

1. The internal energy due to random molecular motion ‘e’ (per unit mass).
2. The Kinetic energy due to translational motion of the fluid element . The
kinetic energy per unit mass =KE= ½ mV2= V2/2
Let us considered for the total energy = internal
energy + KE
Considered the term A from Eq A

Eq E
The total energy equation Eq B , Eq C Eq D and Eq E
substitute in Eq A

Eq F

This is non conservative form energy equation

It is substantial form of the

Split the term e and V2/2

Eq G

Add the above equations is noting but u2+v2+w2=V2

Eq H

Subtracting equation H from Equation G

Eq I
WKT from basic fluid mechanics relationship between shear
stress(τ) and velocity flied (u, v and w)
u v   2
 xx  2  yy  2  zz
x y
u v
 xy   yx    (  )
y x
Eq J
v w
 yz   zy    (  )
z y
w u
 zx   xz    (  )
x z
Substitute Equations I in Equation J.

Eq K
Different forms of Governing equations
CFD software

Design Modeling : Inbuilt -ANSYS – Design Modular

– now (
other modeling software: CATIA, Pro-E, CRIO, Solid
Meshing : Inbuilt – ICEM CFD-
Other meshing: Uni graphics etc GAMBIENT
Solver: Fluid flow-FLUENT
CFX-Turbo machines
Post Processing :CFD post, Field view, Techplot,
Paraviw etc..

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