Armenian Presentation

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t of the Armenian
Aureliana, Cayden, Melanie, Zoe
Research Question

Why should the Turkish government publicly acknowledge

the Armenian Genocide? 



Genocide into Context

Importance? Universal?

• “The claim of “uniqueness” is intended to set apart from other historical

events, to distinguish in the flow of history, just the singular event that has

potential of transforming a culture, or altering the course of history, in a

profound or decisive way” (Milchman and Rosenberg 10).


“In the Shoah, the practice of mass-murder and genocide, which

had previously occurred in history, was inextricably linked to the
very development of science and modern technology. One of the
crucial distinctions between the death world created by Nazis, and the
orgies of mass- murder before and even after... , was the technical
efficiency and organization of the Holocaust” (Milchman and Rosenberg
Historical Response to the Genocide

• What was it?

• Pros?

• Cons? 

Our team’s suggestion is to advocate the acknowledgement of

the Armenian genocide because the government’s use of

extreme denial and the opposite views clearly show things in the

country need to change.

Governments extreme denial 

The Armenians are a Christian minority within a Muslim majority, they were

subject to regulations and denial of government support. As a minority they

were compelled to pay taxes and denied of anything that had to do with the

government (Adalian). 
Governments extreme denial continued 

 According to a professional writer and academic, because millions were

killed, the government spent lots of money hiding and denying its existence

(Parini 1).

According to a writer for a scholarly website who specializes in conflicts,

politics, and societies, the word "genocide” is a taboo, punishable by death

in Turkey (Khan).
Opposite views
• Laure, a historian that lives in Turkey, stated that the Turkish government

put up a statue, which transforms the victims of the genocide into the

guilty party, to try and rewrite history while portraying the people behind

the genocide as heroes (Marchand 112).

Opposite views

Dov, a professor in international law, says that Armenians have been striving

for decades to obtain recognition and reparations for the genocide, by the

international community, and by Turkey. This has proven to be a struggle due

to the countless obstacles they must get through (Jacobs 276).


Kasymov, who has an M.A. degree in international peace studies, stated that

the Young Turks created a false perception among Muslims that Armenians

posed a deadly threat. However, there was no proof that this claim held any

truth (Kasymov 10).

• Denial of genocide

• Armenian suffered

• Better solution
Works Cited
Bloxham, Donald. “Rethinking the Armenian Genocide.” History Today, Vol. 55 Issue 6, June
     2005, p.28. History Reference Center.
     Accessed 21 September 2019. 
Jacobs, Dov. “Jumping Hurdles Backwards: The Armenian Genocide and the International
     Criminal Court.” International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 14 Issue 2, 2014, pp. 274-
     290. Advanced Placement Source. doi: 10.1163/15718123-01401009. Accessed 21
     September 2019. 
Khan, Adnan R. “Genocide Denial.” Maclean’s, vol. 120, no. 42, Oct. 2007, pp. 32-33.
     =ehost-live. Accessed 14 October 2019. 
Work Cited cont'd.
Marchand, Laure, et al. Turkey and the Armenian Ghost: On the Trail of the Genocide.
     Montreal, 2015. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).
     d54f0b8fe86e@sessionmgr103&vid=5&format=EB&rid=1. Accessed 21 September
Parini, Jay. “A Witness to Genocide.” Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 55, no. 37, 2009,
     pp.B11–B13. EBSCOhost,
     40924615&site=ehost-live. Accessed 09 October 2019.
“Turkey Condemns France, Italy over Armenian Genocide.” Ahval,
Accessed 05 November 2019.
Michlman, Alan, and Alan Rosenburg. "Two Kinds of Uniqueness: The universal Aspects of
the    Holocaust." New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers and scholars.
NYU Press, September 1996. Pp. 10-13

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