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Thesis format for Research Paper

 
 Title Page
 
 Declaration
 
 Certificate
 
 Acknowledgements
 
 Abstract
 
 Abbreviations
 
 Tables of Contents
 
 List of Tables
 
 List of Figures

Thesis Chapters (Five
 Chapters)
 o Introduction
o Review of Literature
o Research Methodology
 o Results and Discussion
o Summery, Conclusion and Recommendation
 
 References / Bibliography /
 
1. Title - the research topic
• The topic is the subject matter of a proposed study.
• Shows the central idea to learn about or to explore.
• The title should give a definite and concise indication
of what is to come.
• Titles should almost never contain abbreviations.
• Should be brief and eliminate unnecessary words;
– “An Approach to …., A study of …”, and so forth.
• consider a title no longer than 12 words, it should
be clear and short and it should enable the
researcher to understand the concept of the study.
• Title page needs to show your name, the
name of your department/faculty/college,
the name of your advisor(s) and date of
delivery under the title.
• The title page has no page number and it is
not counted in any page numbering;
The effect of working Capital Management on
The impact of Capital Structure on firms profitability
The impact of COVID 19 on Remittances in Ethiopia
The impact of COVID 19 on Audit and Assurance
Assessment of Credit risk management practice in
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Assessment of Branch performance of Dashen Bank
Challenge and prospect of E- Banking

I, (put your name here) ,the under signed, declare that this thesis entitled: “put your title here”
is my original work. I have undertaken the research work independently with the guidance and
support of the research advisor. This study has not been submitted for any degree or diploma
program in this or any other institutions and that all sources of materials used for the thesis
has been duly acknowledged.
Certificate of Approval of Thesis
Certificate of Approval of Thesis
School of Postgraduate Studies
Select Business and Technology College

This is to certify that the thesis prepared by (put your name here), entitled “put your title
here” and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters of Arts
in Project Management/MBA/MSc in Accounting and Finance complies with the regulations of
the College and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Name of Candidate: _____________; Signature: _______________Date: _____________.

Name of Advisor: _____________. Signature: _______________Date: _____________.

First of all ‟All praise and thanks be to God", who has given me unspeakable g ifts, the strength,
continuous and unbroken support towards my entire carrier and personal life as well.
I also would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my advisor…….. for his
guidance during the thesis preparation and enabled me to get the opportunity to research in the
area of financial inclusion and providing me with insightful comments and invaluable

There are more people I need to acknowledge…………………….) who gave me valuable

comments. My thanks also goes to all my family for their prayers and affection, all my friends
and all ……..instructors and staff members for their material, and moral support.
Ultimately I need to say ‘thank you’ to the particiapting institutions who gave me suchgreat
support, and the respondents, without whom this research would have not beenpossible.

Finally, to any others I have omitted to mention, my grateful thanks goes to you.
. Abstract
• It start with motivation or justification
• Is a short informative summary of the entire document
• Provide brief information about the whole problem to be
• The abstract of proposal should contain the following points:
• Title or topic of the research
• Statement of the problem and objective
• Methodology of investigation
• Expected result (if any)

The abstract of final paper (research report) should contain
the following points in addition to what is mentioned for a
 Results of the study
 Major Conclusion
 Recommendation


In order to examine opportunities and challenges adjacent to the growth and development of
interest free banking in the case of selected Commercial Banks, operating in Harar, Ethiopia. A
descriptive study was conducted on three commercial banks namely Commercial bank of
Ethiopia, Oromia International bank s.c, and Dashen Bank. The population of this study
consisted of branches of those commercial banks located in Harar city based on their IFB
deposit mobilization and number of IFB accounts depending on the information obtained from
the IFB divisions on the above banks. Data were collected from a total of 393 respondents by
means of structured questionnaires which were distributed to branches and were filled by
customers, staffs and Managers of those selected Banks. The results revealed that the main
challenges in implementing IFB system included lack of awareness by customers about IFB
services, institutional, need for special regulations and lack of specialized human resource. T he
study concludes that Islamic banking service will bring additional capacity in the economy in
connection with additional resource for banks, investment opportunity, reaching unbanked
customers and employment opportunities in the country through effective mobilization and
allocation of capital. Based on the above conclusions it is recommended that banks need to
create awareness for public acceptance and training of staffs, employ good marketing
techniques, governing body need to establish clear set of legal framework, and compliance with
shariah issues should be adhered.

Key word: Interest free banking, Interest free banking window service, banks of Ethiopia,
opportunities and challenges.

CBE Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

DB Dashen Bank
DBE Development Bank of Ethiopia
FYC Foreign Currency
IAIB International Association of Islamic Bank
IB Islamic Banking
IBF Islamic Banking and Finance
IFB Interest Free Banking
NBE National Bank of Ethiopia
NIB Nib International Bank
OIB Oromia International Bank
OIC Organization of Islamic Conference
PHUB Peace Be Upon Him
PLS Profit and Loss Sharing
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
SSB Shari’ah Supervisory Board
VAT Value Added Tax
Tables of Contents
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Sample size ................................................................................................................40

Table 3.2 Analytical Model .......................................................................................................42

Table 3.3.: Summary of Description of Independent Variables and their Expected sign .............43

Table3.4. Reliability Statistics ...................................................................................................47

Table 4.1. Best Level of Ranking descriptive.............................................................................49

Table 4.2. Response Rate ..........................................................................................................50

Table 4.3 Demographic Response of Respondents .....................................................................50

Table 4.4 Assessment of benefits of digital finance ...................................................................52

Table 4.5. Assessment of enabling policy and infrastructure ......................................................60

Table 4.6. Descriptive statistics .................................................................................................75

Table 4.7 Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test ...............................................................77

Table 4.8 Data stationary or not checkup by unit root test ..........................................................78

Table 4.9 Multicollinearity( VIF) test ........................................................................................81

Table 4.10 Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test ...........................................................82

Table 4.11 Heteroskedasticity Test: White.................................................................................82

Table 4.12 Correlation Matrix between explanatory variables ...................................................84

Table 4.13a Fixed effect regression result with absorb................................................................86

Table 4.13b Fixed effect regression result with out absorb 87

List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Conceptual frameworks ............................................................................................... 36

Figure 4.1: Ethiopian MFIs Saving Trend, ................................................................................... 72

Figure 4.2: Ethiopian MFIs Loan Trend and Loan per Borrowers ............................................... 73

Figure 4.3Normality Test- JB ....................................................................................................... 80

Figure 4.4 RamseyRESET Model specification test result Using STATA 14 ............................. 84
Chapter One
1.1 Background of Study
• The introduction provides background
information for the research proposal.
• Its purpose is to establish a framework for
the research, so that readers can understand
how it is related to other research.
• The introduction needs to create reader
interest in the topic,
• include a statement sufficiently interesting to
encourage readers to read farther and see
the significance in the study
• The statement is an important problem that
your study intends to address.
• establish the problem that leads to the study,
1.2. The research problem/Statement of the
The research problem in a study begins to
become clear when the researcher asks: “what
is the need for this study?” or “what problem
influenced the need to undertake this study?”,
“Why does this research need to be conducted?” .
If a researcher is unable to answer these questions
clearly then the statement of the problem is likely
to be ambiguous
• The purpose of reviewing studies in the
introduction is to justify the importance of the
study and to create distinction between past
studies and the proposed one.
• After advancing the problem and reviewing the
literature about it, the researcher then identifies
deficiencies (the missing parts) found in the
• In other words, the researcher needs to show why
more work is necessary (the proposed work)
• In any given study, authors may mention one or
more of these deficiencies.
• Deficiencies can often be found in the “suggestions
for future research” sections of journal articles
and authors can reference these ideas and provide
further justification for their proposed study.
In summary, when identifying deficiencies in the past
literature, proposal developers might use the
following research tips
– Cite several deficiencies to make the case even
stronger for a study
– Identify specifically the deficiencies of other
studies (methodological flaws, variables
Types of Research Gaps in writing a research
A.Issue Gap
– An issue which is less discussed, or less represented in literature. Very
little is known about this issue. Ex: Corporate Governance, Think-tanks
B. Theory Gap
– A theory or theoretical framework which is less discussed, or less
represented in literature. Theory gap can also exist when current theories or
conceptual models are inadequate in addressing a particular research issue.
–Evaluation model for distance learning outcomes
C. Method Gap
– A research method which is less discussed or less represented in literature
in respect to a particular research topic/issue. Sometimes researchers make
a case for new research methods or approaches to be used for a particular
research issue. Inconclusive/conflicting empirical results can also create
method gaps.
D. Context Gap
– A research context – geographic region – which is less discussed or less
represented in literature, especially in respect to a particular research issue.
E. Level of Analysis Gap
– A level of analysis (meta, macro, meso and micro) – which is less discussed
or less represented in literature, especially in respect to a particular research
1.3. Research Objectives
• The objectives of a research project summarize
what is to be achieved by the study.
• Objectives should be closely related to the
statement of the problem.
• The general objective of a study states what
researchers expect to achieve by the study in
general terms.
• It is possible (and advisable) to break down a
general objective into smaller, logically connected
parts. These are normally referred to as specific
• Specific objectives should systematically address
the various aspects of the problem as defined under
‘Statement of the Problem’ and the key factors that
are assumed to influence or cause the problem.
They should specify what you will do in your
study, where and for what purpose.
• Are clearly phrased in operational terms, specifying
exactly what you are going to do, where, and for what
• Use action verbs that are specific enough to be
• Examples of action verbs are: to determine, to
compare, to verify, to calculate, to describe, and to
• Avoid the use of vague non-action verbs such as: to
appreciate, to understand, or to study.
1.4. Research questions and hypotheses
• From the broad, general purpose statement, the
researcher narrows the focus to specific
questions to be answered or predictions based
on hypotheses to be tested
• Null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis
A null hypothesis
• it makes a prediction that in the general
population, no relationships or no significant
difference exists between groups.
• The wording is ‘there is no difference (or
relationship)’ between the groups.
• Example: There is no difference between the
growth rates of publicly traded firms and
privately held firms
Alternative hypothesis – the investigator makes
prediction about the expected outcome, basing
this prediction on prior literature and studies on
the topic that suggest a potential outcome.
• the ratio of income tax compliance costs to
turnover will be higher for small taxpayers than
for large taxpayers
• Publicly traded firms will have higher growth
rates than privately held firms
1.5. Significance of the study
• describing the significance of the study for
selected audiences,
• Showing the importance of the problem for
different groups that may benefit from
reading and using the study.
• By including this section, the researcher creates
a rationale for the importance of the study.
• In designing this section, one might include:
– Three or four reasons that the study adds to the
scholarly research and literature in the field
– Three or four reasons about how the study helps
improve practice
– And three or four reasons as to why the study will
improve policy
1.6. Scope of the Study
Scope shows the boundary of your research
 It indicates areas that will be covered in your study there by
informing readers to set their expectations accordingly
– Issue Specification
– Space Specification
– Time Reference Specification
1.7. Limitation of the Study
 Limitations refer to methodological issues that you think have
impact on the quality of your data or soundness of your analysis.
• Potential limitations of the study may also be shown in the
research proposal
 Practical weaknesses in the methodologies the
researcher adapted
 Lack of access to the right data
 Lack of up-to-date literature in the areas
  Time and resource constraints
1.8. Definition of Terms
 Clearly define the terminologies that are
employed in this study.
1.9. Chapter structure/ organization of the
research report
• The number of chapters in the report
• The contents of each chapter
Review Literature review
• A literature review means locating and
assessing studies about a topic.
• The literature review accomplishes several
• It shares with the reader the results of other studies
that are closely related to the one being undertaken;
• It relates a study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in
the literature;
• It provides a framework for establishing the
importance of the study as well as a benchmark for
comparing the results with other findings;
Placement of LR
• In a quantitative research proposal LR is
usually placed in a separate section titled
review of the literature;
• For qualitative research articles, the literature
review may be found in a separate section,
included in the introduction or threaded
throughout the study.
• 2.1. Introduction
• 2.2. Definitions and Concepts
• 2.3. Theoretical Review
• 2.4 Empirical Reviews
• 2.4 Summery/Conceptual Frameworks
How to organize a literature review
• Introduction: define the topic and tell the
reader about the structure of the section.
• Body: this is where you show the review;
• Conclusion: End the literature review with a
summary of the major themes and pointing
out the major flaws in methodology, gaps in
the research, contradictions, and areas for
further study and suggest how your proposed
study will contribute to the literature.
Priority for selecting literature material
1.journal articles in respected, journals, especially those
that report research studies.
 Start with the most recent issues of the journals and
look for studies about your topic and then work
back in time.
2.books related to the topic.
3.recent conference papers.
4.Dissertations and
5.others, the web also provides helpful materials for a
literature review.
section is like the heart of the research proposal.
• You must decide exactly how you are going to
achieve your stated objective (specific research
questions and or hypotheses)
• 3.1. Research Design
3.2. Research Approach
3.Mixed Approach
3.3. Sampling Method
•Sample Frame
•Sample Size
Personal Judgment
Budgetary Approach
Traditional Inference

•Sampling Technique
Probability Sampling
Simple random sampling
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Cluster sampling
Multistage Sampling

Non Probability Sampling

3.4. Method of data collection: how the data are obtain from
earlier specified source?
•The researcher explain and justifies how his selection of a
particular method is relevant and appropriate to his study.
1.Primary Data
2.Secondary Data
•Primary Data
Self administrative questionnaires
Schedule (interview questionnaires)
Observation method
Focus group discussion
• Secondary Data
The secondary source of information can be
classified in to
I. Personal document:Biography/Autobiography,diariy, letter
II.Public document:Record and Census
3.5. Method of Data Analysis: once the
information is collected how it will be
processed and analyzed should also explained
in this part.

3.6 Model Specification

Y=a+ß1X1 + ß2X2 + ß3X3 + ß4X4+ ε

Variables Meaning
Y Financial inclusion among financial service
X1 Mobile banking
X2 Internet banking
X3 Agency Banking
X4 Digital payment
ε Error term
ßi Regression coefficients
3.7. Reliability and Validity
Field (2009) explained reliability as “a means that measure (in this case questionnaire)
should constantly reflect the construct that it is measuring”. “Reliability refers to the
consistency and stability of findings that enables findings to be replicated” (Burns, 2008).
“Cronbach’s Alpha is very useful in developing attitude scales and questionnaires as the
alpha level (or reliability) indicates if the items are measuring the same construct. Items that
are not measuring what the rest are can be identified and deleted” (Burns, 2008). Cronbach’s
Alpha Should over 0.70 to produce a reliable scale and any scale less than this alpha
coefficient should be eliminated according to Burns (2008). As the result of this study
indicates Cronbach's Alpha with 0.907 over the minimum criteria, therefore the survey
instrument for this study is reliable and valid.

Table3.4. Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
0.907 29
Source:own survey result 2020
Validity refers to the extent to which the concept one wishes to measure is being measured by a
particular scale or index. According to Kothari(2004), validity aims at establishing the results
which are linked with the condition. It is concerned with the extent that the scale accurately
represents the construct of interest.
To assure the validity of the measurement instrument of the study is conducted based on the
accepted conceptual framework that indicates the theoretical construct and associated with the
measurements valid to evaluate the effects of Digital finance (independent variables) on financial
inclusion (dependent variable).Where possible this should be supported and consideration given
to practical things. So that pre-questionnaire were given for experts mainly Advisor,
selected Banks Digital finance department staffs and selected University Lecturers to
assure the validity of the instrument. As per the comments and the discussion with the experts,
the question prepared for primary data collection for the research objective is found valid by the
3.8.Ethical Consideration
Ethical Considerations

In order to keep the confidentiality of the data given by respondents, the respondents was not
required to write their name and assured that their responses is treated in strict confidentiality.
The purpose of the study was disclosed in the introductory part of the questionnaire.
Furthermore, the researcher tries to avoid misleading or deceptive statements in the
questionnaire. Lastly, the questionnaires were distributed only to voluntary participants. The
researcher has given due attention to respect participants right and privacy. Hence, the finding of
the research presented without any deviation from the outcome of the research. Moreover, the
researcher gave full acknowledgements to all the reference materials used in the study.
•4.1. Research Objectives (Major Issues of
•Present your data using tables, graphs, texts… then interpret and
analyze – show the implication, support with additional data from
interview… and evidences in theliterature
•4.2: Discussion of findings by relating to the
theoretical discussions made in the literature
• Differences and similarities with the other authors findings
•Coherence and cohesiveness of arguments
5.1.Summary of findings: Should answer research questions and meet the objective of the study
5.2. Conclusions
◦ Drawn from the findings
◦ Findings state facts while conclusions represent inferences drawn from the findings
◦ A process of making judgement than reporting fact
◦ Should explain the implications of your findings for the current state of
knowledge of the topic
5.3. Recommendations

 
Suggests way forwards

 
Suggest policy directions

 
suggests corrective actions

 
Suggests further study
 
Always give possible recommendations as they are related to your research

. References
• You must give references to all the information
that you obtain from books, articles in journals,
and other sources.
• Different styles including Harvard and Oxford
• Apply consistent style and proper citation
• Don’t forget listing all materials that you have
cited in your text
• Don’t number the list
• It is not mandatory to have this section.
• If the researcher thinks that having this section
will increase the quality of the research proposal
he is free to do so.
• Staffs to be included in appendix
Detail questionnaires and interview schedules
Detailed statistical procedures
Geopraphical maps
Point to be considered in selecting a
research problem
A subject that is overdone should not be
normally chosen. b/c it will be difficult task to
throw any new light to such case.
Too narrow or too vague problems should be
The subject selected for research should be
familiar and feasible.
The importance of the subject, the
qualification and the training of the researcher,
the cost, the time factor are the few point that
must be considered in selecting a problem.
Important thing in selecting topic
1. Start with what interest you most deeply b/c nothing
contribute the quality of your work more than your
commitment to it.
► Start by listing two or three interest that you would
like to explore.

Abebe Bayu(PhD),

Thank you!

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