ESSD Case Study

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Case Study - Elements of System

and Software Development

By: Lavanya Chamoli
PRN: 21030121095
It is an information system for hospitals to , firstly ,
collect a patient’s data regarding their disease , then
organize and process it to provide useful information
,and on the basis of repeated feedback from the
respective faculty make constant modifications to it ,
then the final output is again used by the doctors to
make decisions regarding the treatment.
Patient Diagnosis System as
Data Collection
As a Transaction Processing System, this system records,
collects, modifies and stores the various tests that the
patients have to take and their results accordingly.
For example: X-ray, Blood Group Test, Hemoglobin Test,
Sugar Level Test, Chest Ultrasound Test, CT scan Test, MRI
scan etc
As well as it keeps record of Patient’s personal info and
his/her past medical records and any particular allergies.
For e.g. - Patient’s name, gender, age and record of past
accidents including fatal wounds, when did the symptoms
first arise, allergic to any food item or medicine, any
congenital disorder etc.
Patient Diagnosis System as
From Data to Information
Like in a Management Information System, here
now the data collected earlier will be constantly
modified and updated (processed) to fit a
particular output format, for e.g. patient reports,
summaries etc. through constant feedback .
With the use of technology the data collected will be
organised, arranged and formatted in form of
tables, graphs and charts. Now again it will be
reviewed by the hospital faculties to determine its
usefulness, on the basis of that it will be filtered,
modified and updated again & again to be of best
use for the target user ( here a specified doctor )
Patient Diagnosis System as
Like in a Decision Support System, here now the
information derived earlier in the form of reports will
be used by the doctors and others related to help them
decide on the best course of treatment for a patient.
This will be done through the use of technologies like
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Here Analytical Modelling of the Information
will be done by feeding lots of information to the
AI and making it recognise pattern in symptoms
and test results, quantity of medicine and
condition of patient, etc. And propose all possible
cases to the doctors, helping them pin point the
disease and prepare the most suitable solution.
For e.g. - the AI can predict what will happen to
patient in case his current dosage of medicine is
decreased or increased, what will be the
adequate amount of a insulin that should be
given to a diabetic patient and in what
frequency in order to reach a certain sugar
level, etc.

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