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CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
Concept of organization
• An organization is a collection of people working together in a coordinated
and structured fashion to achieve one or more common goals.
• Organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or force of
two or more persons.
• “Organization is the form of every human association for the attainment of
common purpose” –Mooney and Railey.
• “Organization is a system of cooperative activities of two or more persons”
—Chester Bernard.
• As an Entity Enterprise as a whole like a company, corporation,
partnership firm, hospital, university, etc.,
• As a Group of people refers to people composed of people who interact
among themselves

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Concept conti….
• “Organization is a process of identifying and grouping the work to be
performed, defining and delegating the responsibility, authority and
establishing the relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work
most effectively together in accomplishing common objectives.” –Louis A
• As a Structure Prescribes the relationships among individuals and positions
that they hold
• As a Process Departmentation-Linking Departments-Defining Authority &
Responsibility-Prescribing Authority Relationships
• Analysis of activities to be performed.
• Grouping activities into various divisions/departments/ sections.
• Assigning activities to various individuals.
• Delegating them appropriate authority.

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Characteristics of organization
• Effective Sharing of Goals A healthy organization shares its
business goals with employees at every level of the organization.
Management shares goals with employees and gets them on board with the
mission and vision of the organization. Employees and managers
understand what is required to reach these shared goals and make every
effort to achieve them.
• Teamwork Another characteristic is teamwork. Healthy companies
know how to develop teams that collaborate to achieve common goals.
Employees and managers readily offer their assistance to each other to
meet corporate objectives.
• High Employee Morale Healthy organizations possess high
employee morale. Employees value their positions in the organizations and
desire to work there for a long time. Productivity is high and organizational
events are enjoyable and successful.

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• Offers Training Opportunities Companies provide on-the-
job training and opportunities for employees to enhance their
work- related skills. Organizations bring in other individuals to
provide necessary departmental and corporate-wide training.
Companies also offer opportunities to pursue certification and
continual education.
• Leadership Good leadership is one of the main characteristics
of a healthy organization. Employees have good relationships
with management that are based on trust. Managers know how
to get employees to function together. When correction is
needed, employees readily accept the constructive criticism
offered by leaders.

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Organizational Behavior concept
• Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of factors that affect how
individuals and groups act in organizations and how organizations
manage their environments.
• The study of human behavior, attitudes, and performance in
• Helps people attain the competencies needed to become effective
employees, team leaders/members, or managers.
• Competency - an interrelated set of abilities, behaviors, attitudes,
and knowledge needed by an individual to be effective in most
professional and managerial positions.
• Organizational Behavior is the study of human behavior in the
workplace, the interaction between people and the organization with
the intent to understand and predict human behavior.

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Organizational Behavior context
 Why Do We Study Organizational Behaviour? 
• To learn about yourself and how to deal with others
• You are part of an organization now, and will
continue to be a part of various organizations
• Organizations are increasingly expecting individuals
to be able to work in teams, at least some of the time.
• Some of you may want to be managers or

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• The formal organization is a goal-oriented entity that exist to
accurate the efforts of individuals and it refers to the structure of jobs
and positions with clearly defined functions, responsibilities and
• Formal Organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities
of two or more persons toward a common objective.
 Merits
1. Well defined rules and regulation
2. Arbitrary structure
3. Determined objectives and policies
4. Limitation on the activities of the individual
5. Strict observance of the principle of coordination
6. Messages are communicated through vertical chain
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• Limited Flexibility
• Slowness of processing
• Communication Barrier
• Quality of decision
• Slowness in Problem detection & processing 

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The Informal Organization
• The informal organization is the interlocking social structure that governs
how people work together in practice.
• It is the aggregate of behaviors, interactions, norms, personal and
professional connections through which work gets done and relationships
are built among people who share a common organizational affiliation or
cluster of affiliations.
• “Informal organization is a network of interpersonal relationship that arise
when people associate with one another.
 Merits
• Work group satisfaction
• Lighter workload for management
• practice Better Total System
• A safety valve for emotions

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• Fill up gaps
• Channel of employee communication
• Encourage improved management 
• Resistance to change
• Role conflict
• Rumor
• Conformity
• Undermine discipline
• Power politics
• Interpersonal and intergroup conflicts 

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