Communication Process: Commercial

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 Communication Process
 Role of a commercial in the process : consumer and co / brand
 Value proposition ( usp) : offer …. Brand not product ……..product category
 Aware : inform / educate ( involvement )
 Attract : see / attention + recall ( fmcg) visibility + recall
 Convince : reason to buy
 Reach the target market
 Persuade

 On what basis do we decide what to communicate

 What you are communicating

 Product : polio drops for age gp
 Healthy Life + dreams + aspirations : zindagi ( emotional …. Transaction … involvement)
 Life + world + future+ success + health
 Unity + country + india
 Low calorie diet, Taste
 Quick ( time) , Easy , convenient
 Nostalgic
 Affordable
 Available : package size

 Colour :
 Obj : recall ? 2 min + colour + hungry
Why do you think this product failed ??
Consumer Response

 Attitude
 Cognitive
 Learning
 Conative : behave immediately
 Belief
 Affective : attitude / belief
 Behavior
 Promotion Objective
 Maggie : raccall
 Byjus: Congnitve :
 Message : racll……

 Appeal : how / approach u adopt to

convey your message
 Positive : affection / bond
 Negative
The other side of the coin ……

 Central route of persuasion Which one do we opt for :

 Involvement
 Peripheral route of persuasion : bond  Complexity of the product + mature
 Competitive eco system

 Behaviour : HI : mature
Promotion objectives

 Primary vs Selective demand stimulation

 When and why ??
 Got milk campaign
 Tetra pack campaign
 Whom are we talking to ? ( TG: women / Men )
 Why should we talk to them ? ( which role needs to be addressed ) men
 What are we saying ?( what is the message) ( cog / cona / affect)
 How do we say it ? ( appeal ) ( rational / emotional )
 Link to Diffusion of Innovation
 Extended problem solving behavior
 Pace of innovation
 Factors effecting spread of innovation ??

 Direct vs Delayed response advertising

Facts we must know to build our arguments
1. Customer experience

 1. Customer experience

2. Employee engagement

 46% of consumers will abandon a brand if its employees are not knowledgeable, and bad
employee attitude is the number one factor that stops individuals from doing business
with a company.
3. Visual Content

 With the explosion of smart speakers is “readable” content is more important than visuals
and design these days
  62% of millennials say they are more interest in visual search than any other new
4. Personalization

 Increased data collection and advancements in technology have already had a huge impact
on the level of personalization that is possible and on what consumers expect from their
interactions with brands.

 80% of consumers said that they’d be more likely to do

business with a brand that provides a personalized
experience, as per a survey by Epsilon.
 no longer limited to automatically changing the name of the person you’re addressing in
your email newsletters
 Improvements in technology such as AI combined with increased data collection and
insights from social media and other sources have made it possible and easy to hyper-
personalize everything from content to design to product recommendations and
everything in-between.
 Starbucks uses a gamified mobile app that draws on data like purchase history and location to get as personal
as possible, allows customers to customize their drinks, and encourages further use with its rewards system –
which skyrocketed their revenue to $2.56 billion:
5. Strategic Marketing Transformation

 Strategic marketing transformation is the term used to describe the process when a business operating
without a strategic marketing plan evolves by changing its fundamental business processes and
 Eg : Customer-Led Storytelling
  92% of people trust their peers over traditional advertising when it comes to deciding to do business with a brand
 But why :

 66 : michell
6. Voice Search

 50% of searches will be driven by voice in 2020 (we’re currently sitting at about 20%
according to Google)
 Enablers : Google Home, Amazon Echo, or another smart speaker
 61% of those aged 25–64 who already use a voice device intend to use it more in the
future according to research by PwC.
7. AI-Based Automation

 Chatbots etc
 Surveys show that:
 Chatbots will power 85% of customer service by 2021
 Top benefits of chatbots are 24-hour service (64%), instant responses to inquiries (55%), and
answers to simple questions (55%)
 63% of respondents prefer messaging an online chatbot to communicate with a business or brand
 By 2022, chatbots will help businesses save over $8 billion per annum
 80% of businesses want chatbots by 2021:
9. Conversational marketing 

 facilitates a one-to-one, real-time connection between marketers and customers:

8 Focus on Customer Retention, Loyalty and Advocacy

 Stat :
 Recurring customers are more valuable than new customers
 Studies have found that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a
new one, so it’s definitely worth putting in the effort to keep your customers happy.
9. Live Video

 The live video industry is expected to be worth over $70 billion by 2021

 Live video is incredibly popular with consumers, and people spend 
three times longer watching live video than they do watching pre-recorded video.
 Live video is great for grabbing the attention of your social audience on Facebook or
Instagram. These types of videos are so attractive to viewers because they tap into
“FOMO” or fear of missing out. When you’re not sure if a live video is going to contain
a tidbit of information that you can’t get anywhere else, or it will mean you’re the first to
find out about some new and exciting news, you’re going to want to watch it.
8. Influencer Marketing

 Influencer marketing is a type of word-of-mouth marketing that focuses on using key

leaders to amplify your brand message to a larger market. Influencers can be well-known
celebrities, but more often they are Instagram or YouTube personalities with a huge niche
following who can help spread the word about your business or product through their
social channels.
 63% of consumers trust influencers’ opinions of products much more than what brands
say about themselves
 58% of people have bought a new product in the past six months because of an
influencer’s recommendation
 Business Associates ?
 Types
 Barter : no finance involved
 Associates
 Fixed fee model

 Nykaa’s strategy

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