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Motivational Words

• Lab 1
‐ Report and Quiz

• Lab 2
‐ Report (Built Up Small project)

• Lab 3
‐ Report (Project with Internet and Data Storage)

• Mini Project
‐ Report (Project with Internet and Data Storage, Data Visualization)
Practical Activities

1. Arduino Microcontroller Hardware and pin layout

2. Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
3. Arduino Sketch
4. Fritzing Drawing Application
5. NodeMCU hardware and pin layout
6. Sensor and Actuator
7. Local and Cloud Servers - Xampp
8. Database - MySQL
9. Web base Monitoring - PHP
10. Dashboard Monitoring - Grafana
Microcontroller Systems

Environment Monitoring and Alert

Power Supply

Input 1 Output 1

Sensors Input 2 Microcontroller Output 2

Input 3 Output 3
Microcontroller Systems
Environment Monitoring and Alert
Power Supply

Input 1 Output 1

Sensors Input 2 Microcontroller Output 2

Input 3 Output 3

Reflect and Respond
What is microcontroller?
Which is the best?
There's no such thing as a 'best' microcontroller... if there was, all the
manufacturers would make that, and there wouldn't be any choice left.

"it depends what you are looking to do."

The microcontroller you really want has the most features you plan to use, and the
fewest that will get in your way.

Even people who've worked with lots of different boards have to spend time thinking
about that.

There are two easy ways to make a bad choice though:

• Pick the one that's cheapest.
• Pick the one that's newest/fastest/biggest.

H.L. Mencken said, "there is always a well-

known solution to every human problem"
NodeMCU v2 (ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU)

What is NodeMCU?

The NodeMCU (Node MicroController Unit) is an open source

software and hardware development environment that is built
around a very inexpensive System-on-a-Chip (SoC) called the 
ESP8266 Family
NodeMCU v2 vs NodeMCU v3


NodeMCU v2 NodeMCU v3 (Lolin)

Buy this Do not buy this
ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU

The ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU kit pinout diagram
ESP8266-01 Pinout

The ESP8266-01 pinout diagram 

End for today
Any Questions
Components to buy
NodeMCU v2 CP2102
ESP 32
Micro USB Data cable
LCD 16x2 w
Ultrasonic Sensor
Wire Jumper
Rain and Soil Sensors

Soil Moisture Sensor Rain Drop Sensor

Active Buzzer
DHT 11

Temperature Sensor
013 3886267

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