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Teacher: “Good morning kiddo’s.”

Students: “Good morning Miss Shelbi!”

Teacher: “Today we have a lot to cover before lunch so let’s go over some of the
lessons we have on our schedule today.”

Student: “ What’s on the menu for lunch?”

Teacher: “We can go over the lunchroom menu for the day once we get through what
lessons we have planned.”
“After we get our morning wiggles taken care of and out of the way we are
going to learn about some historical events that happen this month in the
past, we have some multiplication and division to tackle and last but not
least… drum roll please.”

Students pat on their desks to create a drum roll.

Teacher: “ We are going to be learning how to create a power point presentation for a
project due soon which means more time in the computer lab!”

Students whoop and cheer. Computer lab is their favorite.

“Teacher: “Shall we get out wiggles out and get started?”

Students: “Yeah!”
All the students stand up next to their desks and prepare to shake their
morning wiggles out for better concentration during the lesson.

Teacher: “Alright class, lets all take our seats and get our learning caps on.
We are going to be completing our lesson on how to create a
power point presentation first. Let me get the projector up and running
while you guys get your notebooks and pencils ready for note taking.”

Students rustle about getting prepared to take notes. Projector is on and running.

Teacher: “Does everyone know how to get to the Microsoft Power Point
software application on their desktop? Who can point to it for me?

Student: “It’s the orange app with the ‘P’ on it!” Student points to the screen.

Teacher: “Correct! Good job. Why don’t we open that app and see what happens.”
The opening page shows us all the different options we can choose
from and pre-made templates we can select if needed. We are going to
make our own slideshow for this project so we are going to select the
first option that is labeled ‘Blank Presentation’.”
Teacher: “When the correct prompt is selected, it takes you to a screen that is
built to start a title page. This screen can be utilized by you or it can be
deleted and you can change the format if you didn’t want that slide..”

Students: “How do you delete the slide if you don’t want it?”

Teacher: “On the left side of the screen where it shows what slides you have
added to your presentation, you can right click on any slide that you
want to get rid of or change the layout with the drop-down menu that
pops up after right-clicking. Let me show you.”

Students: “There are so many options for slide themes and colors!”

Teacher: “Yes there are! There are plenty of options to chose from when it comes
to colors, themes, layouts and even backgrounds– all of which can be
found under the Design tab at the top left side of the screen.”

Students: “ This will be fun to create our own.”

Teacher: “There is other options to help build your slideshow as well, there is the
home tab where you can change all the things about your font such as
color and size, you can add shapes to your slides and change things about
them as well like color and effects.”
Teacher: “Lets complete out title page and then we can move on? What should we
name our presentation?”

Students: “Lets name it things to have for lunch.”

Teacher: “Sounds fun to me.”

“Now that our presentation is labeled, lets learn how to add a slide for our
next page. To add a slide all you have to do is click the left side of the screen
under the numbered slides and select the option ‘New Slide’. This will create
a new slide on your screen to be edited.”

Students: “Lets make that slide purple!”

Teacher: “I like the way you think! The slide is now purple. Now to add a text box if
one is not available, all you have to do is go into the ‘Insert’ tab and find where it
says ‘add textbox’. This will give you the opportunity to draw in a textbox
onto your slide so you can type what you want, where you want.”

Student: “Lets add Mondays lunch options onto this slide. First slide of the presentation
means first day of the week.”

Teacher: “Good organization idea kids, lets do that.”

Teacher: “Now that we have our Monday lunch menu added to our
first slide, lets add a couple pictures of the food we have
listed. To add a picture or even a shape you would click on
the ‘Insert’ tab at the top left side of the screen and select
either the ‘pictures’ or ‘shapes’ drop-down menu. From there
select which option you would like and search what you are
looking for.”

Students: “Lets look up pictures of lasagna and add it to the


Teacher: “You got it! Now lets talk about how to add things to our
presentation such as transitions and animations. Both of
those things have their own tab at the top of your screen
and we will go over how to utilize these tools to bring your
presentations to life.”

Students are taking notes.

Teacher: “First, Transitions. The reason to use a transition with your

slideshow would be to give it a more smooth look. When
you click to the next slide on your slide show you want it to
be appealing to the eye of the people you’re presenting too.”
Teacher: “ The transitions tab brings you to a page full of options on which transitions they have available for your
slideshow. They have transitions such as ‘Fade’ and ‘Split’. These options you will have to experiment with on you
own to find which ones you like but make sure to select the option to add your selected transition to each slide to
make it uniform throughout the presentation.”

Students: “ Lets make our transitions using the ‘Shape’ option!”

Teacher: “ Great idea, lets do it. Now on to the animations tab…”

Teacher: “The animations tab gives you guys the option to add moving parts to your slideshow. You can select from an array
of options to bring your text to life. The animations make your text appear or disappear with the simulation
you select. Watch as I select each one to give you guys an idea of what’s available.”
*I select each animation for the text on my slide to show the students what the animations do.
Teacher: “Now that we have selected which animation we want for our text,
there a few more details to go over before we save the slide show to
our desktop. We have talked about how to choose themes, colors,
adding slides, animations and much more but there are a few more
things we can do for our presentations. “

Students? “That’s a lot, how many more things are there?”

Teacher: “Just a few more and if you ever forget a step, I will be available the
whole time to help with your projects. The nest things we will go over
is how to review your grammar and spelling throughout your
presentation to make sure its correct! The tab labeled ‘Review’ has
the option to select the ‘Spelling’ button on the top left corner of the
menu. Once you select that button, the computer will read through
your text and select the things it thinks should be corrected as shown
to the right.

Students: “Miss Shelbi, you spelled Tuesday wrong!!”

Teacher: “Yes I did! Silly me!!

Teacher: Alright kids, one last thing to go over before we learn how to
save our slide show. Are you ready?

Students: “Yes!”

Teacher: “Last but not least, we are going to learn how to present our
slideshow after we have completed it. This is the easiest step of
all! Do we all see that button on the very top left of the page
with the computer icon and the play button on the computer
screen? If not let me show you!

Students: “We see it!”

Teacher: “Perfect! So lets click on it and see what happens.”

Students: “It made the presentation bigger on the screen!”

Teacher: “Good observations students! The point of that button is to

make the presentation the whole screen, ready to present. The
easiest and most fun step of all! What do you think kids? Are
we ready to save our presentation?

Students: “Yes let’s save it!!”

Teacher: “Alright. Now that we have gone over how to create our own presentation, we all know how to save our work
to our desktop with the ‘File’ button in the top left corner. So from here we will save it and Miss Shelbi will
come around and show you how to submit them into the DropBox.”

Teacher: “Since we all know how to create a slideshow to present, lets go over the activity we are going to do with all
this new information we just learned…”

For this activity, each student will get to pick a book that they want to complete a book report on. Except this book report
will be in the form of a slideshow presentation. Their slideshow will consist of a title slide, 5 slides(each representing a
major event in the book), and a conclusion slide. 7 slides in total. Due in the DropBox on 10/30. Presenting to the class in
their Halloween costumes on 10/31.

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