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Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

There are two types of radiometric instrumentation used for
characterizing broadband and spectral irradiance for PV
1. Spectral radiometric measurement
systems( spectroradiometers)
2. Broadband radiometers ( pyranometers and

The basic calibration and measurement

uncertainty associated with this instrumentation
are based on guidelines described in ISO and
BIPM guide.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Spectroradiometers & Broadband Radiometers

1. Spectro radiometers: Used to

measure spectral distribution
of solar simulators and natural

2. Broadband radiometers: Used to

access solar recourses for
renewable applications and
develop and validate broadband
solar radiation models for
estimating system performance

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Spectroradiometer Calibration & Measurement
Spectroradiometer include classic scanning grating monchromator and diode array
spectroradiometer. NIST optical tech. divison provides a calibrated 1000W incandescent
tungsten halogen lamp with tabulated spectral irradiance data( 30 wavelength) for these

500 mm

Fig. shows calibration geometry for diode array spectrometer.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Spectroradiometer Calibration & Measurement

Table: Statement of uncertainty

with spectral calibration (NIST)
Wavelength Value Relative expanded
(nm) (W/cm*-3) uncertainty in %,k=2

250 0.2 1.8

350 7 1.1

655 170 0.9

900 215 1.1

1600 115 1.4

Graph: Response curve
2400 40 4.4

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Uncertainty Analysis
• Historically total uncertainty) was computed as
U*2=Σ (bias)*2 + Σ(2 x random)*2
• Random values were related to variance of measured data sets.
• Biases were estimates of deviations from a true value.
• For uncertainty measurement GUM defines two types of values:
• Type A values derived from statistical method
• Type B values derived by other means such as scientific judgment, experience,
specs. ,comparisons.

• GUM replaces historical factor of 2 with coverage factor “k” and

U*2= Σ(Type B)*2+ Σ(k x Type A)*2
• U is expanded uncertainty and k is in the range 2 to 3 for confidence intervals
of 95% and 99% respectively.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Lab Spectral Calibration Uncertainly
For each parameter Type A and Type B estimates are based on specs. Of spectroradiometer, previous measurements or educated

Table: Uncertainties for 95% confidence interval, Spectroradiometer calibration 250 nm to 1600 nm

Type A (Statistical) UNC(%) STDUNC(%) Type B UNC(%) STDUNC(%)

distance(2/500mm) 0.8 0.4 NIST transfer 1.82 0.91
wavelength precision 0.01 0.005 distance 0.8 0.4
power current (Irr dl/di%)* 0.2 0.2 Stray Light 1.00E-04 0.00005
NIST lamp precision 1.13 0.565 Lamp Alignment 0.1 0.05
detector sig/noise 1.00E-04 5.00E-04 Power Current* 0.2 0.2
sig detection system 1 0.5 shunt
temp sensitivity 1 0.5
002Ώ) 0.04 0.02
observed noise 3 1.5
wavelength 0.01 0.005

TOTAL UNCERT(%) STD UNCERT(%) Effective Degree of freedom >100

Coverage Factor (k) 2
TYPE A 3.6 1.808
Confidence Interval 95%
TYPE B 2.001 1.015
Expanded Uncertainty 4.15%
Combined 4.154 2.077

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Lab Spectral Calibration Uncertainty
An analysis similar to that in previous table can be conducted on wavelength by wavelength

For ex : Fig. compares the measurement of 7 NIST spectral irradiance standards as unknown
sources, using a system calibrated using 8th lamp.

Envelope of estimated standard uncertainties is shown by thick hatched lines.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Lab Spectral Calibration Uncertainty
• Experience has showed that 1% error produces a 9% irradiance error at 300nm
and a 4% irradiance error at 1000nm

• Combined uncertainties are the root sum square (RSS) of type A and type B
standard uncertainties.

• Expanded uncertainties is the RSS of type A and type B standard uncertainties

with the coverage factor k applied to achieve the desired confidence intervals.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

World radiometric ref. and calibration techniques:
• Broadband solar radiation measurements are important in pv module and array
performance monitoring and evaluation.

• The basis for the calibration of these instruments is the group of 7 absolute
cavity radiometers (ACR) denoted as World Standard Group the mean of
which establish the world radiometric ref. (WRR)

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Broadband Radiometer Calibration And
Pyrheliometer reponsivities (Rs,O/P signal per stimulus unit) are derived by direct
comparisons with ref. ACRs traceable to WRR.
Pryanometrer responsivities are derived from the component summation technique by using
G=B cos (Z)+D

G – ref. global irradiance

B – Beam measurment of cavity radiometer
D – shaded pyranometer ( diffuse) measurement

• Responsivity of a diffused pyranometer

Rsd=(U-S) /[B * cos (Z)]

U – unshaded o/p voltage from sensors

S – shaded o/p voltage from sensors
Z – Zenith angle (45 deg.)
B – is measured by ACR

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Radiometer Uncertainty Sources
• Several types of detectors such as silicon cells and thermal detectors such as
resistance thermometers, thermopiles are used for pyrheliometers and pyranometers.

Thermal Offsets
• BSRN have characterized thermal zero
offsets in thermopile pyranometres with all-
black sensors measuring diffuse radiation.
The offsets in the shaded and unshaded
states are different and are a source of
uncertainty in the shade – unshade

• MODTRAN atmospheric spectral radiative

transfer code is used to compute short wave
and long wave direct beam and sky

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Other Spectral Effects
• As shown in previous graph, direct beam has significant energy in short wave
region from 1000nm to 2800nm,therefore for several different water vapour
conc. and direct normal irradiances same shaded signal is possible from the
pyranometer. by varying total precipitable water vapour from 0.5 atm-cm to 3.5
atm-cm,MODTRAN modeling result in differences of about 0.5% in Rs.

Geometric, Enviormental And Equipment Uncertainty

• Additional well known contributors to radiometer calibration and measurment
uncertanity includes: accuracy of zenith angle calculation,non-Lambertian
cosine response of detector surface, temp. coffecients, linearity and
electromagnetis interfearence

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Sensitivity Functions
• Ushade computed from the propagation of error formula for shade-unshade calibration eq. is:
• U*2(shade)=[Ә(U)Rs.e(U)]*2 + [Ә(S)Rs.e(S)]*2 + [Ә(B)Rs.e(B)]*2 + [Ә(Z)Rs.e(Z)]*2
• For component summation, propagation of error formula becomes:
• U*2(SUM)=[Ә(U)Rs.e(U)]*2 + [Ә(D)Rs.e(D)]*2 + [Ә(B)Rs.e(B)]*2 + [Ә(Z)Rs.e(Z)]*2

Shade – Summation
unshade sensitivity
sensitivity functions

Shade - total
unshade total uncertainty
Responsivity Functions
• Responsivity functions derived from calibration data with the offsets embedded in
the result should be used to retrieve the most accurate irradiance from a
pyranometer.Graph shows pyranometer responsivity Vs Zenith angle. Uncertanity
in each pyranometer calibration is summarized in table.

Type A(Statistical) UNC(%) STD UNC(%) Type B UNC(%) STD UNC(%)

WRR Transfer 0.2 0.2 Logger Bias 0.09 0.09

Cos(z)(2°Z bin) 0.01 0.005 WRR Std U95 0.3 0.3
Dif(2.5%d=>0.25%ref.) 0.125 0.063 Cos(z);Z<89 deg;2°bin 1.00E-02 0.005
Temp(2°Z bin) 0.1 0.05 Temperature(2°Z bin) 0.1 0.05
Data Logger Precision 5.00E-03 2.50E-03 ACR Bias(M,wind,T) 0.025 0.013
ACR(wind,T) 0.025 0.013 Temp B(event to event)10°C 0.25 0.125
Temp Chg(10°C) 0.25 0.125 Diff Offset B&W 0.125 0.063
Diff Offset B&W 0.125 0.063 UUT IR OFFSET 0.625 0.625
UUT IR OFFSET 0.25 0.125 Spectral Error 0.5 0.25
EMI/Thermal EMF 0.01 0.005 EMI/Thermal EMF 0.01 0.005

TOTAL UNCERT(%) STD UNCERT(%) Effective Degree of freedom >100

Type A 0.455 0.286
Coverage Factor(k) 2
Type B 0.91 0.872
Expanded Uncertainty 1.84%
Combined 1.017 0.918

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

• The responsivity for a given zenith
angle at the time of measurement,
Rs(m),can be obtained from a fit of the

Rs(z)am/pm= Σ ai.cos*i(z)

• {i=0 to 46 and ai are 46 coefficients for

each morning and afternoon set of Z}

• With this approach, uncertainty of

about +- 1.8% in measured
pyranometer data can be achieved.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

Pyrheliometer Uncertainities
• When ACR and pyrheliometers are pointed at the sun, tracking errors may arise.
The final tally of the pyrheliometer uncertainty components is shown in table. With
deployment to the field pyrheliometer data becomes subject to additional tracking
and window issues deferring data logger specifications, etc. These requires an
additional analysis specific to the deployment for estimating total uncertainty in the
field measurement.
Type A(Statistical) UNC(%) STD UNC(%) Type B UNC(%) STD UNC(%)
WRR Transfer 0.2 0.2 Logger Bias 0.09 0.09
WRR Std U95 0.3 0.3
Temp Response UUT 0.500 0.050
Temp Response UUT 5.00E-01 0.25
Data Logger Precision 0.005 0.0025 ACR Bias(M,wind,T) 0.025 0.013
Linearity(empirical) 0.200 0.100 Temp B(event to
ACR(wind,T) .025 .013 event)10°C 0.25 0.125
Tracking Variations 0.125 0.250 Spectral Error 0.5 0.5
Spectral(window) 0.500 0.500 Tracking Bias 0.25 0.0125
EMI/Thermal EMF 0.010 0.005 EMI/Thermal EMF 0.5 0.005

TOTAL UNCERT(%) STD UNCERT(%) Effective Degree of freedom >100

Coverage Factor(k) 2
Type A 0.802 0.615
Type B 0.851 0.504 CONFIDENCE INTERVAL 95.00%
Combined 1.169 0.918 EXPANDED UNCERTAINTY 1.59%

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

• Sensitivity functions derived from the functional form of the shade unshade
and components summation pyranometer calibaration techniques show that
uncertanities in ignal voltages including thermal offset voltages,affect
calibration result the most.

• Finally empirical comparisions of several solar radiometer instrumentation

sets illustrate that the best measurment accuracy for broadband radiation is of
the order of 3%,and spectrally dependent ncertanity for spectro radiometer
systems range from 4% in the visible to 8% to 10% in the ultra violet and
infrared regions.

Solar Standards & Testing Workshop

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