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Many different types of bacteria can cause a liver

abscess, including Klebsiella pneumoniea. While E. coli

and other bacteria are also frequently identified as a
cause of pyogenic liver abscesses, Klebsiella pnuemoniea Hepatitis B, also known as serum hepatitis, is an incredibly common infection. Hepatitis B also infects
has been increasingly identified as a cause of liver other mammals and birds. Hepatitis is also very tough virus—it is heat resistant, pH resistant and stable
abscesses. However, diagnosis of a liver abscess is only
the first part, as administration of appropriate antibiotics in organic solvents. There are three forms of Hepatitis B infection: chronic, acute and perinatal. Chronic
according to the infectious agent remains the crucial in infections are the most common, accounting for an estimated 800,000-1.4 million people in the US and
fighting infection. Many different infectious bacteria may
cause pyogenic liver abscesses and many of these an astounding 350 million cases worldwide. Acute hepatitis causes jaundice, vomiting and
bacteria have developed anti-biotic resistance including inflammation. Chronic carriers of hepatitis B may develop serious complications including cirrhosis or
bacteroides, enterococcus, streptococcus and
staphylococcus making antibiotic selection more complex
liver cancer. However, infection is preventable by vaccination. It is a very nasty virus that is also very
for physicians. prevalent and preventable.
A liver abscesses are pus filled masses inside or attached to the liver. The word pyogenic refers to a Hepatitis B is a protein coated, incompletely double stranded DNA virus. This is known as the Hepatitis
bacterial infection that creates pus. Individuals with Klebsiella pneumoniae infections experience
fever, chills, jaundice, nausea or vomiting, dark urine and other symptoms. Treatment includes
B virus (HBV). HBV replication is interesting as it occurs through a RNA proviral intermediate. Via
antibiotics, and surgery with a needle or tube to drain the abscess. reverse transcriptase, HBV integrates its RNA genome and DNA intermediate into the host cell’s
Klebsiella pnuemoniae is also a diverse chromosomes helping the establishment of chronic infection.
bacterium that can cause infections including
urinary tract infections, nosocomial HBV interferes with liver function by
pneumonia, and intra-abdominal infections. K. replicating in the cytosol of
pnuemononiae is a facultative anaerobe, gram
negative, lactose fermenting, rod shaped,
hepatocytes. The innate immune
non-motile, and encapsulated. K. system plays little role in clearing HBV
pnuemononiae is found in the normal flora of while virus-specific cytoxic T
humans (intestines, skin), but can be
lymphocytes contribute most of the
pathogenic. Certain antibiotic resistant strains
of K. pnuemoniae that can be particularly liver damage associated with HBV
difficult to handle in a clinical setting. infection. CTLs kill the infected
hepatocytes, causing tissue damage
while also clearing the virus.

Candida albicans is a diploid fungus that is an opportunistic

Also known as the Liver Fluke, Fasciola hepatica is a parasitic
flatworm commonly found in rural areas that eats your liver and pathogen. Candida can infect many different areas of the
blood. This parasite is viscous. Infection, also known as
fascioliasis, typically occurs through ingestion of raw watercress
body, including the skin, nails, vagina and liver. Candida
or other water plants infected with larvae. An average liver fluke is
30mm long (a little over an inch) and 13mm wide. Prevalence of
albicans, the most common of the Candida strains, can
infection is highest in areas that raise cattle and sheep. An
estimated 2.4 million people are infected around the world. Frank
cause many different diseases including thrush, an infection
disease may take only a few days to manifest or as long as a few
years after ingestion of the parasite. Immature flukes migrate
of mouth tissue, and yeast infections of the vagina.
through the intestinal wall, the abdominal cavity and the liver Nosocomial candidiasis is the main fungal infection in liver
tissue into the bile duct. In the bile duct the parasite matures and
may produce eggs. The parasite sustains itself on blood of it’s transplant recipients. Surgical and medical nosocomial
host. The full life cycle of Fasciola hepatica can be seen in the
graphic to the left. candida infections are a growing problem in hospitals.
Candida grows as true hyphae in the human body creating
filamentous structures that can disrupt liver function.

Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus. It has two forms: ovoid (unicellular

Liver fluke infections is diagnosed by the presence of yellow-brown eggs in feces. Fascioliasis is both
preventable and treatable. There are two phases of disease: acute and chronic. Acute symtoms and round) and hyphae (invasive and multicellular). Grown at STP, Candida
include fever, tenderness of the liver and abdominal pain. Chronic symptoms include bilary cholic,
liver tenderness, abdominal pain and jaundice. The liver will be inflamed and bile ducts may be
favors the ovoid form while in environments that mimic human tissue, it
obstructed. Management of Fasciola hepatica infection includes administration of parasite fighting prefers to form hyphae. The genome of the fungus is modified by
drugs (Triclabendazole or bithionol are commonly used), or surgical removal of the parasite.
environmental conditions to express the two different morphologies. The
Sources two forms are expressed due to two different genomes that have external
"CDC - Fasciola." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 24 May 2011. <>.
Han, Steven. "Review of Hepatic Abscess From Klebsiella Pneumoniae An Association With Diabetes Mellitus and Septic Endophthalmitis." Departmentthat
of regulate gene expression. You can think of it as hiding in the
Medicine, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. <>.
"Fasciola Hepatica." Health Information and Advice | Medicines Guide | Doctor | Patient UK. Web. 26 May 2011. as a normal part of the flora like its just hanging out until it has the
resources and conditions it like to grow and multiply, and new genes get
"HBV FAQs for Health Professionals." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 26 May 2011. <>.
Hildalgo, Jose. "Candidiasis." Medscape Refrence. Web. 26 May 2011. <>. turned on that make filamentous structures. The ovoid form is typically
Leher, Martin, and Robert Chase. "Leukocyte Myeloperoxidase Deficiency and Disseminated Candidiasis: the Role of Myeloperoxidase in Resistance to Candida
nonpathogenic, while the hyphae form is more often pathogenic.
Infection." Journal of Clinical Investigation. Web. <>.

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