Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring Edited

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Electronic fetal monitoring

 Conitinuous EFM was introduced in 1960s.

 accurate information
 value in diagnosing fetal distress
 morbidity and fetal deaths
 superior to intermittent methods
Electronic fetal monitoring

Indirect/External Direct/internal
Direct/ internal

 Bipolar spiral electrode.

 Wire electrode penetrate fetal scalp.
 Second pole is a metal wing on electrode.
 Vaginal fluid create a saline electrical bridge that completes the
 Reference electrode on maternal thigh
- eliminate electrical interferences
- 2 wires of bipolar electrode are attached to this.
• Electrical fetal cardiac signals P, QRS, T are amplified by feeding into cardiotachometer for
HR calculation.
• Most reliably detected : peak R wave voltage.
• (t) : time in milli sec between fetal R wave fed into cardiotachometer to calculate HR
• when a new R wave arrive a new HR is calculated.
• This phenomenon of continuous R-R wave fetal HR computation is known as BEAT – TO –
• Also detect electrical cardiac complexes generated by mother.

• Maternal ECG signal is 5 times stronger than fetal.

• But amplitude is diminished than fetal when recorded through fetal scalp electrode.

• In LIVE fetus : maternal ECG is recorded but masked by fetal.

• In DEAD fetus : weak maternal ECG is amplified and shown as fetal HR.

• SPIKING : when fetus experience PAC, cardiotachometer seeks new HR rapidly and eratically causing spiking in

standard fetal monitor tracing.


 Membrane rupture can be avoided

 Less precise
 ULTRASOUND DOPPLER PRINCIPLE is used to detect fetal HR.
 US waves undergo shift in frequency when reflected from moving heart valves and from
pulsatile blood ejected during systole.
 TRANSDUCER : emit US on maternal abdomen, when FHR is best detected.
 SENSOR : detect shift in frequency of reflected sound.
 Coupling gel is used as it conducts US poorly.
• AUTOCORRELATION : reflected US signal from moving fetal heart valves are analysed through a


• Microprocessor compares incoming signal with most recent previous signal.

• US doppler signals are electronically edited before FHR data printed onto monitor paper.

• This is based on that FHR has regularity whereas NOISE is random without regularity.
Fetal heart rate pattern

 NICHD research planning workshop, proposed definitions for intrapartum of FHR pattern
during labour.
 SCALING : vertical 1 cm – 30 bpm(30-240 bpm)
paper speed : 3 cm/min
 Rate
 Beat to beat variability
 Fetal arrythmia
 Distinct patterns : sinusoidal/ saltatory

 Baseline FHR : approximate mean rate rounded to increment of 5 bpm during a 10 min
tracing segment.
In 10 minutes tracing window the minimum interpretable baseline duration
must be atleast 2 minutes.
 Average FHR is considered as a result of tonic balance between accelerator(sympathetic
system) and decelerator(parasympathetic via vagus)on pacemaker cells.
 HR is also under control of arterial chemoreceptors(modulated by hypoxia and
 With increasing fetal maturation, HR decreases

 Continues postnatally

 By 8 years average rate is 90 bpm

 Baseline FHR decreases by approximately 1 b/m/week.

 This is corresponding to maturation of parasympathetic(vagal)heart control.

 WANDERING BASELINE :baseline is unsteady between 120-160bmp. It is suggestive of neurologically

unstable fetus. It may occur as a preterminal event

 Baseline FHR < 110 bpm.

 In third trimester, baseline FHR 120-160
 110-119 in absence of other changes is not considered to represent fetal compromise.
 In 2nd stage of labour – low but normal HR – head compression – occipito
 2% pregnancies – mild bradycardia observed with average 50 min duration.
 80-120 bpm with good variability is reassuring
 < 80 bpm – non reassuring
Causes of fetal bradycardia

 Congenital heart block

 Fetal compromise
 Maternal hypothermia(under GA) sustained fetal bradycarida
 Severe pyelonephritis (not harmed by several hours of such

 Baseline HR > 160 bpm

 Cause :
1. Maternal fever from chorioamnionitis ; typically is not associated with fetal compromise when these are
- associated periodic HR changes
- fetal sepsis
2. Fetal compromise() associated with concomitant HR deccelerations.
3.Cardiac arrythmias
4.Maternal administration of parasympathetic(atropine)/sympathetic
Beat to beat variability

 Important index of cardiovascular function

 Regulated by ANS

 Sympathetic and parasympathetic “ push and pull’ mediated via SA node produces
moment to moment / beat to beat oscillations of HR.

 Normal 6-25 bpm,

 Such HR change is defined as baseline variability.

 Instantaneous change in FHR from one beat to next
 Oscillatory changes during 1 minute
beat or R wave to next R wave.
 Results in waviness of baseline
 Measure of time interval between cardiac systoles.
 3-5 cycles/minute
 When ecg are measured directly with scalp
Increased variability

 Fetal breathing
short term variability-respiratory sinus arrythmia
 Fetal body movement
 Advancing gestation
upto 30 week rest = activity
> 30 week fetal inactivity - diminished variability
fetal activity – increased activity
 Gender doesnot affect variability
 As rate increases, baseline FHR become more physiologically fixed(less variable)
 As rate decreases, there is more variability.
Decreased variability

 Fetal acidemia
 Severe maternal academia(DKA)
 Administration of analgesics drug labour
 CNS depressant drugs(narcotics,barbiturates,phenothiazines,tranquilizers and GA)
 MgSO4
 Decreased variability in absence of decelerations is unlikely to be due to fetal hypoxia.
Absent variability

 Persistent flat fetal HR baseline

 If within the normal baseline rate range and without deceleration – previous insult to fetus
that has resulted in neurological damage.

 Findings can be bradycardia

abrupt baseline spiking
 Congenital heart block : intermittent baseline bradycardia
 Complete AV block is associated with maternal CT disease
 Arrhythmia can be documented when scalp electrodes are used.
 Supraventricular arrhythmias : considered little significant when there is coexistent – heart
failure evidenced by fetal hydrops
 Many SVT disappear in immediate neonatal period
Sinusoidal heart rate

 Fetal intra cranial hemorrhage

 Severe fetal asphyxia
 Severe fetal anemia from Rh alloimmunisation
 Fetomaternal hemorrhage
 Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
 Vasa previa with bleeding
 Chorioamnionitis
 Fetal distress
 Umbilical cord occlusion

 Following administration of Meperidine, Morphine , Alphaprodine,Butorphanol

--- due to narcosis : sine frequency of 6 cycles per minute
 Modanlou & Freeman
1. Stable baseline HR of 120-160 bpm with regular oscillations
2. Amplitude of 5-15 bpm
3. Longterm variability frequency of 2-5 cycles per minute
4. Fixed or flat short term variability
5. Oscillation of the sinusoidal waveform above or below a baseline
6. Absent accelerations
 MILD : amplitude 5-15 bpm
 INTERMEDIATE : 16-24 bpm
 MAJOR : >25 bpm

Pseudo sinusoidal pattern

Sine wave like baseline variation with periods of acceleration
Mild pseudo sinusoidal : epidural analgesia , meperidine
Intermediate pseudo sinusoidal : transient episodes of fetal hypoxia related to umbilical cord compression ,
fetal sucking
Pathophysiology :related to waves of arterial blood pressure , reflecting oscillations in the baroreceptor –
chemoreceptor feedback mechanism for control of the circulation

 Deviations from baseline that are temporally related to uterine contractions

• A visually apparent abrupt increase in the FHR ( onset to peak in < 30 sec)
• At 32 weeks and beyond , an acceleration has a peak of 15 bpm or more above baseline , with a
duration of 15 sec or more but less tha 2 min from onset to return

• Before 32 weeks , an acceleration has a peak of 10 bpm or more above basdeline , with aduration od
>/= 10 sec but <2min from onset to return
 Fetal movement
 Stimulation by uterine contraction
 Umbilical cord occlusion
 Fetal stimulation during pelvic examination
 Fetal scalp blood sampling
 Vibro- acoustic stimulation
Represent intact neurohormonal cardiovascular control mechanism
Prolonged acceleration : >/= 2 min but < 10 min
If acceleration last > 10 min it is a baseline change
• Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease and return of the FHR associated with a uterine
• a gradual FHR decrease is defined as from the onset to the FHR nadir of >/= 30 sec
• Decrease in FHR is calculated from the onset to the nadir of the deceleration
• Nadir of the deceleration occurs at the same time as the peak of contraction
• In most cases the onset , nadir , and recovery of the deceleration are coincident with beginning , peak and
ending of contraction , respectively
Not associated with academia , hypoxia or low APGAR score
Head compression  dural stimulation  vagal nerve activation  deceleration
• Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease and return of the FHR associated with a
uterine contraction
• a gradual FHR decrease is defined as from the onset to the FHR nadir of >/= 30 sec
• Decrease in FHR is calculated from the onset to the nadir of the deceleration
• The deceleration is delayed in timing , with the nadir of the deceleration occurring after the
peak of the contraction
• In most cases the onset , nadir and recovery of the deceleration occur after the beginning , peak
and ending of the contraction respectively
 Magnitude of late deceleration is seldom more than 30-40 bpm below baseline
 Not accompanied by acceleration s

 Maternal hypotension
 Excessive uterine activity
 Placental dysfunction
Interval or lag from the contraction onset until the late deceleration onset is directly related
to basal fetal oxygenation
• Visually apparent abrupt decrease in FHR
• An abrupt decrease in FHR is defined as from the onset to FHR nadir < 30 sec
• Decrese in FHR is calculated from onset to nadir
• Decreese in FHR is >/= 15 bpm , lasting > 15 sec and < 2 min in duration
• Onset , depth and duration commonly vary with successive contraction
It is the most common deceleration pattern observed during labour
 Variable deceleration with “shoulders” of acceleration before and after the deceleration
-- caused by differing degrees of partial cord occlusion
Occlusion of only vein  decrease fetal blood return  baroreceptor mediated acceleration
Complete cord occlusion  fetal systemic hypertension  baroreceptor mediated
Aftercoming shoulder – represents same events occurring in reverse
Mediated vagally
Vagal response may be due to chemoreceptor or baroreceptor activity or both
Partial/complete cord occlusion  increase in after load (baroreceptor )& decrease in fetal
arterial oxygenation (chemo receptor )  vagal activity  deceleration
Recurrent variable deceleration with absent variability are abnormal
Rapidly recurring couplet of accelerations and decelerations causing relatively large
oscillations of the baseline fetal heart rate
Cord occlusion
An acceleration followed by a variable deceleration with no acceleration at the end of
Seen in early labour
Mild cord compression or stretch
Variable deceleration followed by acceleration
Visually apparent decrease in FHR below the baseline
Decrease in FHR below the baseline >/= 15 bpm lasting >/= 2 min but less than 10 min in duration
• Cervical examination
• Uterine hyperactivity
• Cord entanglement
• maternal supine hypotension
• Epidural , spinal or paracervical analgesia
• Maternal hypoperfusion /hypoxia
• Placental abruption
• Umbilical cord knots or prolapse
• Maternal seizures
• Application of fetal scalp electrode
• Impending birth
• Maternal Valsalva maneuver

 Illuminated endoscope is inserted through the dilated cervix after membrane rupture
 Skin is coated with silicone gel to cause blood to accumulate
 Incision is made through skin to a depth of 2 mm with special blade
 Blood is collected in heparinized glass capillary tube
 pH of blood is measured promptly
pH of fetal scalp blood is lower than umbilical venous blood
pH > 7.25 – labour is observed
pH 7.20-7.25 – pH repeated within 30 min
pH < 7.20 - another scalp blood sample is collected immediately & prompt delivery
Fewer Caesarean deliveries for fetal distress

Fetal scalp blood lactate is also used as adjunct to pH

equivalent in predicting fetal acidemia

 HR acceleration in response to pinching of the scalp with Allis clamp – /digital stroke
Vibroacoustic stimulation

 Fetal HR acceleration in response to vibroacoustic stimulation is recommended as a

substitute for scalp blood sampling
 Electronic artificial larynx placed approximately 1 cm away or directly onto maternal
 Response to vibroacoustic stimulation is considered normal if a fetal HR acceleration of
at least 15 bpm for at least 15 sec occurs within 15 sec after stimulation and with
prolonged fetal movement
Fetal pulse oximetry

 Unique pad like sensor is inserted through cervix and positioned against the fetal face
where it is held in place by the uterine wall
 Transabdominal fetal pulse oximeter is also there
 Lower limit of normal fetal oxygenation is considered to be 30
 < 30 % for 2 min or longer – increased risk of potential fetal compromise
 < 30 % in the entire interval between two contraction – fetal distresss

 As fetal hypoxia worsens there are changes in T wave and ST segments

 Mature fetus exposed to hypoxia develops an elevasted ST segment with a progressive
rise in T wave height
 Increasing T: QRS ratio reflect fetal cardiac ability to adapt to hypoxia and appears
before neurologuivcal damage

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