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Industrial Athletes

(Firefighter competition, n.d.)

Athletic Therapy and Rehabilitation

Jessica Smith & Sarah Eckert

Athletic Therapy
 Prevention, assessment,
treatment, reconditioning of
musculoskeletal injuries (The
Canadian Athletic Therapy Association, 2005)
 Traditional roles
 Current trends

(Therapy clinic, n.d.)

 Ergon = Greek for work, nomos = law
(Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)
 Also called human factors (Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)
• Interaction between humans and a system (International
Ergonomics Association, 2000)
• Application of theory, principles, data and design to
optimize well-being and performance (International Ergonomics
Association, 2000)

• Design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products,

environments and systems to fit the needs, abilities and
limitations of people (International Ergonomics Association, 2000)
History of Ergonomics
 1706 - Bernardo Ramazzini, Italian physician (Lagerlof, 2000)
 father of occupational health (Lagerlof, 2000)
 wrote about office work (Lagerlof, 2000)
• Work related musculoskeletal disorders (Lagerlof, 2000)
• Sustained postures (Lagerlof, 2000)
• Repetitive movements (Lagerlof, 2000)
• Attention and application of the mind (Lagerlof, 2000)
 Recognized field during Second World War
(Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)

 1961 - International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (Dul

& Weerdmeester, 2001)
The Industrial Athlete
 Those people whose
jobs require strength,
agility, and stamina in a
variety of industrial
sectors (Robinette, 2007)
 Ie. Emergency services
personnel, health
workers, logging
industry, manufacturing
(Manufacturing, n.d.)
Work Hardening
(Guidelines: occupational health, n.d.)

 Interdisciplinary
 Addresses the physical,
functional, behavioural
and vocational needs of
the injured worker
 Global outcome of
return to work

(Singles firefighter, 2007)

Work related injuries in Canada
(Occupational injuries, 2007)

 In 2005:
• 994,886 claims reported
• 337,930 time-loss injuries
• 2.59% of workers accepted
• $ 6,777,100,000 in

(Money stacked, n.d.)

Breakdown by Industry
(National Work Injuries Statistics Program, 2007)

 Logging – 2,684 (.79%)

 Mining/oil – 3,342 (.99%)
 Business – 10,370 (3%)
 Accommodation/food& beverage – 19,372 (5.7%)
 Government – 20,956 (6.2%)
 Transportation – 24,652 (7.3%)
 Construction – 32,642 (9.7%)
 Retail – 40,261 (11.9%)
 Health/Social Service – 41,261 (12.2%)
 Manufacturing – 80,193 (23.7%)
Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders
(Introduction, 1997)

 Physical
 Work
 Organizational
 Psychosocial
 Individual
 Sociocultural

(Psychologist, n.d.)
Work-related Repetitive Strain Injuries
(Cole et al., 2005)

 5.5% reported new RSI

 Men vs women (4.3 vs 7.2 %)
• Wrist/hand – 36.8%
• Shoulder/upper arm – 20.0%
• Elbow/lower arm – 14.8%
• Lower back – 11%
• Upper back – 4.5%
• Knee/lower leg – 6.6%
• Neck/other – 6.5%
 College/University education
Contributing Factors
(Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)

 Posture & Movement

• Biomechanical, physiological, anthropometric
• Posture
• Movement
 Environment
• Noise, vibration, lighting, climate
 Work organization, jobs & tasks
• Tasks
• Jobs
• Work organization
(Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)

 Sitting
 Standing
 Change of posture
 Hand & arm postures

(Revans, head in hands, n.d.)

(Dul & Weerdmeester, 2001)

 Lifting
 Carrying
 Pulling & pushing

(Heavy lifting, n.d.)

Athletic Therapy in the
Industrial Setting
(Services, n.d.)

 Medical management
 Onsite rehab
 Early recognition and
 First aid
 Wellness & health
 Ergonomics
 Fitness

(Work hardening, n.d.)

Literature Controversies
 Empirical research has thoroughly identified
injury risk factors but practical application for
prevention is lacking (Feuerstein & Harrington, 2006)

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)

It has been found that injured workers that do
not return to work have
 a lower quality of life
 feel they have less control over their injury
 distorted illness perception
(Sluiter & Frings-Dresen, 2007)

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)

Industrial Assessment
• Injury type, rehabilitation prescription, return to work
• Detailed, tasks, repetition
 Pain
• Postures

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)

(Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)
Factors that influence Success:
 Psychological Factors
 Rehab Program Factors
 Workplace

(Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)
Psychological Factors
 Functional perception (Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)
• Light duties
 Attitude (Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)
• Towards job, boss, fellow employees
 Expectations (Andersson, 1981)
• Environment, task requirements, employer

(Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)

Rehabilitation Factors
 Type of measure
 Timing
 Work place knowledge
 Program completion
 Patient satisfaction

(Industrial rehabilitation, n.d.)

(Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)

Work-place Factors
 Change/type of job
 Early-return to work
 Unscheduled breaks
 Public vs private
 Benefit status
 Level of compensation (Community Memorial, n.d.)
 Unemployment rates
(Fialka-Moser,Herceg & Hartter, 2006)
Industry and AT
Injured workers are considered industrial
athletes when the principles of sport medicine
are applied and adapted to them
 Effective Prevention
 Pre-emtive intervention and identification
 Specific Conditioning
 Progressive treatments

(Sevier, Wilson & Helfst, 1999)

Work Harding
 Correcting muscular imbalance
 Functional neuromuscular control
 Strengthening
 Flexibility to decrease injury risk
 Reduce fascial adhesions to prevent future
 Goal of quick return to the work team
(Sevier, Wilson & Helfst, 1999)
Current Applications
• High injury rate noted
• Ergonomic risk factors
• External multi-disciplinary
team hired
• Intervention
– 1-on-1 counseling
– Prevention (Retrieved on March 30, 2008 from
– Intervention html?n=Top/News/Business/Companies/FedEx
– Post- rehabilitative education
(Robinette, 2007)
• Work Factors Indentified
– 125 miles walked annually
– 1,000,000 lbs lifted
– 20 lbs average package Wight (350 daily)
• Warm up drill
– Three minutes
– Increase ROM (job specific)
• Athletic Training Clinics
– Posture, ROM, Strength, Core, lift techniques
• Hydration/ Nutrition
• Newsletter
(Robinette, 2007) (Retrieved on March 30, 2008 from
 Change from 48th/50 to first for WCB costs
 50% reduction in injury rates in first year
 85% in second year
 60% reduction in works compensation costs in
(Robinette, 2007)

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)

 Ergo Risk
 Association of Canadian Ergonomists
 The Industrial Athlete
 Bowing
 Mills
 Factories
 Corporations
 Emergency Services
(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)
The specific application of the assessment and
rehabilitation of industrial athletes will be
covered in lab tomorrow.
Useful Websites
 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
 Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
 National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA)
 Canadian Athletic Therapy Association (CATA)
 ErgoRisk
 Association of Canadian Ergonomists (ACE) 
Questions....and answers!

(Microsoft Office clip art, 2007)

Andersson, G. B. (1981). Epidemiologic aspects on low-back pain in industry, Spine, 6, 53-60.

Cole, D., Ibrahim, S., & Shannon, H.S. (2005). Predictors of work-related repetitive strain injuries in a population cohort. American Journal of Public

Health, 95(7), 1233-1237.

Community Memorial (n.d.). Work hardening.Retreived on March 30, 2008, from

Dul, J. & Weerdmeester, B. (2001). Ergonomics for beginners (2 nd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis.

Feuestein M. & Harrington, C. B. (2006) Secondary prevention of work-related upper extremity disorders: recommendations from the Annapolis conference.

Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 16(3), 401-409.

Fialka-Moser, V., Herceg, M., & Hartter, E. (2006) Vocational rehabilitation and low back pain. In C. Gobelet & F. Franchignoni (Ed.), Vocational

Rehabilitation (pp. 131-136). Paris, FR: Springer.

Firefighter competition. (n.d.) Retrieved March 10, 2008, from

International Ergonomics Association. (2000). What is ergonomics. Retrieved March 29,2008, from

Introduction. (1997). In B.P. Bernard (Ed.), Musculoskeletal disorders and workplace factors: a critical review of epidemiologic evidence for work-related

musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, upper extremity and low back (pp.1-1-1-14). Cincinnati, Ohio: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Guidelines: occupational health physical therapy: work conditioning and work hardening programs. (n.d.) Retrieved March 28, 2008, from

Heavy lifting. (n.d.). Retrieved March30, 2008, from  

References Cont’d
Lagerlof, E. (2000). Preface. In F. Violante (Ed.), Occupational ergonomics : work related musculoskeletal disorders (pp. Viii). London, UK: CRC Press

Memorial Industrial rehab.(n.d.) Retrieved March10, 2008 from

Manufacturing. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Money stacked. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

National Work Injuries Statistics Program. (2007). Number of accepted time-loss injuries, by industry and province, 2004-2006. Retrieved March 29, 2008,


Occupational injuries and diseases in Canada, 1996-2005. (2007). Retrieved March 28, 2008, from

Psychologist. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Revans, head in hands. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2008, from
References Cont.
Robinette, Z. (2007). Training the industrial athlete: fitness training at UPS. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from

Services. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Sevier, T.L., Wilson, J. K. & Helfst, B. (1999). The industrial athlete? Work, 15(3), 203-207. Singles firefighter. (2007).

Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Sluiter, J. K. & Frings-Dresen, M. H. W. (2007). Quality of life and illness perception in working and sick-listed chronic RSI

patients. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 81(4), 495-501..

The Canadian Athletic Therapy Association. (2005). What is an athletic therapist? Retrieved February 29, 2008, from

Therapy clinic. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Workj hardening. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

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