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B-52 Bomber

Dylan O’Connell
About the Bomber
• The U.S developed the bomber with its intent
to serve as a long range, super sonic, strategic
bomber that could carry an unheard-of
payload at the time of completion and was a
significant staple in the U.S military.
• The bomber took over 900 days to build, not
including protypes and blueprints of the
• Once completed, it weighed almost 100 tons
making it one of the heaviest bombers in U.S
• The B-52 bomber took its first flight in the
summer of 1952 and was later introduced to
the public in 1955.
How it was developed

• The Air Force initially ordered 13 of the

B-52 testing model bombers from
Boeing. However, Boeing eventually
built only three, and the United States
Air Force eventually returned them to
Boeing for the testing program. The
remaining ten aircrafts of the contract
were updated and constructed for
warfare under the new B-52B bomber
variant which is almost an exact replica
of the B-52A bomber model, and these
2 models were the first B-52s to enter
active service in World War 2.
B-52 Bomber in Warfare

• The B-52 bomber was used and

specialized for long range air combat
while maintaining a massive payload of
bombs. The huge payload allowed for
the bomber to completely flatten and
demolish large buildings escpially
building on small, German occupied
Blueprint of
B-52 bomber
• “B-52 .” B-52,
• Arab News. “US Brings B-52 Bombers Back into Action as Taliban
Sweep across Afghanistan.” Arab News, 4 Apr. 2010, US brings B-52
bombers back into action as Taliban sweep across Afghanistan.
Accessed 7 Apr. 2022.
• Art, Stock Photos. “B-52 Stratofortress - Airplane Blueprint. Drawing
Plans or Schematics for Boeing B-52H Stratofortres.” B-52 Bomber
Stratofortress, 7 Nov. 2010,

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