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The Outsiders Test??

Things to know:
● Name
● Eyes*
● Main values
● Relationship to Ponyboy
● Characteristics
Johnny Cade
● Johnny*
○ Dark black, scared eyes
○ Gangs pet, sensitive, thoughtful
○ Best friend/family
○ Got beat up, deeply loyal to dally/pony, wants to be southern gentleman, feels like a
○ Gang pet
○ Big black eyes
■ Nervous, Suspicious look in his eyes
○ “Stay Gold”
○ Fighting is bad
○ Jet black hair
Ponyboy curtis
● Ponyboy*
○ Greenish gray eyes
○ Main character, thoughtful sensitive
○ Got beat up, sensitive, loses his best friend, gets slapped by darry
○ Light brown, almost red hair
○ Gang kid
Dally Winston
● Dally
○ icy Blue eyes
○ Johnny's idol
○ Close friends
○ Doesn't care, likes thrill, breaks law.
○ grew up too quickly, out of touch with his emotions
○ Acts like he doesn’t care but when his friends need his help he’s always there (loyal)
Sodapop curtis
- “he's got dark brown (recklessly, dancing) eyes”
- Fiery eyes
- handsome like a movie star
- Caring
- Empathetic
Two-bit/Keith Matthews
- two-bits switchblade— “jet-handled switchblade, ten inches long, that would flash oen at a
mere breathe. it was the reward of two hours of walking aimlessly around a hardware store
to divert suspicion. he kept it razor sharp. as far as i knew, he had never pulled it out on
anyone; he used his plain pocket knife when he needed a blade. but it was his showpiece,
his pride and joy—- every time he ran into a new hood he pulled it out and showed off with
- Called two bit because he always puts in his two bits of humor
- Red hair
- Gray Eyes
- “Wisecracker of the bunch”
- thief– steals anything and everything
- Enjoys stealing
Bob Sheldon (L)

- Dead
- Soc, Randy’s friend
- Cherry’s boyfriend
- blue mustang
- Wants his parents to give him some rules, which is why he gets drunk
- Was the “leader” of the Socs
Cherry/Sherry Valance
● Cherry
● Green eye (like ponyboy)
● Friends call her cherry because she’s a ginger queen
● Sunsets-
Big events/scenes? ● drive-in theater scene (the nightly double)
-Dally is being like a terrible person
● Darry’s slap and Pony running away
● Bob’s murder
Bob was murdered by Johnny in self defense
● Hospital scene (ponyboy and darry’s reunion)
● Rumble -
-Greasers won ● Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry’s resolution
● Darry and Paul -
● Randy’s visit to Pony
● Johnny’s death
- Hospital ● English issue
● Dally’s death
-Suicide by cop
● Courtroom scene
● Church fire
Ponyboy and Johnny run in to save the kids in the church. Dally goes in to protect them. Probably caused by
● Church pre-fire/southern gentlemen/Poem scene
● Two-bit’s switchblade
● Eyes
○ Describe personality sometimes
● Gone With the Wind
○ Southern gentlemen
● Hair
● “Stay gold”/ “Nothing Gold Can Stay”
○ Candles
● Sunsets - everyone sees the same sunset (unless your colorblind)
- shared between cherry and pony—johnny also wanted dally to look at one.
Main themes/discussion topics?
● greasers vs. Socs
○ Class conflicts (rivalry)
■ jealousy/the rat race
○ Definition of greaser vs. Soc
■ Multiple people’s POV
● What is an outsider? Who are the outsiders?
● Effects of death on someone
● Depression/PTSD/childhood trauma <- Parents funeral
● Parenthood
○ Darry
○ Johnny’s Parents
○ Bob’s parents
● Loyalty/Trust
● Responsibility
● Fitting in
● tough/tuff + being a greaser

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