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Term IV - Week 3

Why do we
need plants?
Explica el mundo físico basándose en conocimientos sobre
los seres vivos, biodiversidad, tierra y universo.

Comprende y usa conocimientos sobre los seres vivos,
biodiversidad, Tierra y universo.

Identifica la importancia de las plantas.
Why are plants very important?
All living things need plants

Plants produce oxygen.

All living things need oxygen
to breathe.
Plants also provide...
Plants provide food
for animals, insects
and humans, too!
Plants provide
healthy nutrients.
Other uses of plants...
Wood comes from trees.

We use wood to make furniture and paper .

A lot of proucts come from plants...
Cotton comes from plants.

We use cotton to make clothes.

Plants save our lifes...

A lot of medicines come from

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