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Multicultural Festival - We

are the Global Villagers

Project • Despite the fact that we have different genders,
colors, religions, cultures and beliefs, we are all
objectives living in the same world. The key objective of the
Multicultural Festival is to provide a platform for
the celebration of the rich cultural diversity of
Australia through the participation by members
of multicultural community groups showcasing
their respective cultural traditions and heritage.
It provides an opportunity to learn about other
Background • Background: organize a one-day Multicultural
Festival to achieve the project objectives
, Vision and • 
Mission • Vision: to create memorable events to let every
participant to remember the day of events so as
to promote cultural diversity in Australia.

Mission: to take the strategic initiatives and

achieve the promotion of cultural diversity in
Project Scope table

In scope Out of scope (exclusions) Assumptions Constraints

-Acquire different permit like food safety permits. -Weather -Propose the date on last week of December. It has higher -Time of the event is limit between 9am to 6pm
chance to be good weather and more participants due to council requirement
-Providing electricity like contacting AGL -Parking because of school holidays
-No smoking is allowed at the venue
-Space planning of the venue for each group -Participants equipment like tents, -Assume there are no COVID travel restriction or
marquees lockdown or curfew -Parking space is limited
-finding and inviting different cultural groups participation
-Cannot guarantee profit -Assume there are at least 10+ groups of different cultural -Maximum capacity of the venue is 1500
-communicate with council providing on site support like police and groups so that we can promote the cultural diversity people.
medical, rubbish bins -Cannot guarantee number of

-facilitate management like installing a sound system, stage set up

-marketing the event on social media, radio, paper adds

-sourcing sponsorship
Stakeholder analysis

Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/ by project, requirements, success criteria

(client, user etc.)

Melbourne Local Community Club Provide opinions and listen to the Client Providing criteria and participate in the decision making process
Glen Financial support Sponsor Providing sponsor to support the project
Fan Monitor the logistics of project Internal staff - project manager Monitor the project progress and milestone
Barry Assist the project manager Internal staff - assistant project manager Assist in monitor the project progress and milestone
Hero Marketing Internal staff - marketing Contact and manage the external marketing agency
Alex Facility Internal staff - facility contact and manage the facility management company
Kane Communication Internal staff - communication Facilitate internal and external communication between project team, client and
participation groups
Andy, Keith, Lin Admin work and paper work Internal staff - administration Facilitate the admin work of marketing, facility, communication and different areas
of logistics
The One Marketing Agency Marketing and promotion External vendor - marketing and promotion Provide promotion and advertising support

Performer Dream Facility Management Facility External vendor - facility management Provide facility and equipment support

Risk Management Plan

Risk Type Risk Likelihood (H / M /L) Impact Risk Response (Contingency Strategy) Responsible

(H / M / L)
Financial Over budget H H Do budget plan and F
monitor regularly
Time Delay in project M L Employ extra resources to Ba
fasten the work
Political New Council requirement and L M Try to negotiate with council and fit the new K
limitation requirement
Weather Adverse weather on the event L M Provide shelters for heavy rain (not likely in A
day December)
Fire Fire hazard on event day L H Provide fire extinguisher and evacuation route A
on event day
Social COVID lockdown on event day M H Communicate with Council to get reliable and K
latest news on the COVID situation and prepare
for reschedule of event
Communications Plan

Stakeholder Information required/ to be communicated Frequency Method of communication

Project owner - Brand Creative Event Overall project progress Monthly Individual meeting with Fan
Management Organization
Project sponsor - Glen Quotation of the project, financial budget require, project progress Specific time like opening and ending of the Email, Team meeting with Fan and Barry
at specific time project plan
Project manager - Fan Progress on Marketing, Facility, Communication with participating Bi-Weekly Whatsapp group, email, team meeting
groups and Council
Assistant Project Manager - Barry Progress on Marketing, Facility, Communication with participating Weekly Whatsapp group, email, team meeting
groups and Council
Marketing - Hero, Keith Advertising plan and the tools, effectiveness of advertisement Before marketing plan - daily Email, Meeting with Marketing Agency

After roll out of marketing plan - weekly

Facility - Alex, Andy Facility arrangement progress Bi-weekly Email
Communication - Kane, Lin involvement of participating groups, Council requirement Weekly Seminar, Presentation, Email, Mobile,
Participating groups information of the event, support provided by Brand Creative Monthly Seminar, Presentation, Email, Mobile,
Project Budget

Income Inc. GST Ex. GST

Sponsor - Glen O’neal $75000 $67500
Sponsor - Restaurant (pending) $2000 $1800
Total income $77000 $69300
Advertising and promotion campaign $30000 $27000
Equipment and venue set up $20000 $18000
Invite parties to participate $10000 $9000
Council approval and related licence fee $5000 $4500
Event day expense $5000 $4500
Total Expense $70000 $63000
Contingency (+10%) $7000 $6300

• Name of the project: Multicultural Festival - We are the Global Villagers

• Date and location of meeting: 30th Dec, 2021 10am - 11am
Room 1
Names of attendees: 1. F 2. B 3. H 4. A 5. K
• Project overview: To review and evaluate the project plan
-Evaluation on goals, objectives and deliverables
• goal:
to organize the event - Multicultural Festival - We are the Global Villagers

provide a platform for the celebration of the rich cultural diversity of Australia through the participation by members of multicultural community groups
showcasing their respective cultural traditions and heritage.

to create memorable events to let every participant to remember the day of events so as to promote cultural diversity in Australia.

• What worked well?

1. Facility management is well prepared

2. 12 cultural groups participating and it can achieve the project goals and objectives of cultural diversity

3. Financial Budget is met

What could have gone better?

1. Promotion and advertising did not perform well as the number of attendants are less than expected

2. Communication with participating groups needs to improve. Some participating groups feedback that they cannot receive emails from our staff

3. Financial Budget item “event day expense” is under estimated by $12%

4. Difficult to find new sponsors

5. Promotion of the event was delayed due to poor communication

6. Project planning was delayed due to new council regulations related to event management
Lessons learned

• Prior communication is important, especially for external parties. The facility management agency can
fully fulfil our needs after clear communication
-Marketing plan has to be modified timely, the advertising effort greatly affected by COVID. Should
change to online promotion.
-we have prepare contingency expenses for Budget plan which is an important factor of meeting the
budget (provided that event date expense is over budget by 12%)
-Should allocate extra manpower in communicating with participating groups to avoid
-Always remember to communicate with Council closely as the failure of requirement compliance
would be critical to the succeed of event
-Do not rely too much on sponsor as it is difficult to find new sponsor during economic hardship
-Improvement of communication is at higher priority
Next steps/ Improvement

• While the project was a huge success this year, if it was to grow and
develop then the current venue is not a suitable venue. We would need
to find a larger area to make this event grow in the coming years, like
Federation Square or Conventional Center. This would also mean we
could increase the number of sponsors as the reach shows it would be
worth the return on investment.

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