Ict in Curriculum

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Unit - 1

ICT – Concept and Aspects

Group - 1

Pooja Kannada
Pooja Soni
• “ ICT stand for information and communication technologies and is
defined , as a “ diverse set of technological tools and resources used
to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage

• “ ICT implies the technology which consists of electronic devices and

associated human interactive materials that enable the user to
employ them for a wide range of teaching- learning processes in
addition to personal use.”
Examples of ICT tools
Scope of ICT in education
ICT in Administration
 Its always complicated task.
 Educational administration includes some important parts.
 Teacher students parents communication.
 Co-ordination with authority.
 Staff administration.
 Official records management.
Use of ICT in administration.
 It can relieve in so many ways.
 It helps from collecting to communicating .
 Institute use it in many ways.
 Advantages of using ICT in administration.
 ICT makes administration faster and accurate.
 It helps in effective communication with all part of administration.
 Task like fee collection data management become easy.
 All official records can be storage for long time.
• It enables administrator to be efficient in dealing with multiple tasks at a time .
• It saves time and efforts which results good effective management.
• Helps in the supply of information to parents and guardians for the effective
monitoring of progress of their children.
• Ek promise public communication relationship for better management.
1.2 Concept and Use: Internet and
Browser – Basic and advanced search
 What is internet ?
• The word ‘ Internet’ Consists two words : ‘Inter’ and ‘net’ or network that is inter connected with
each other.

History of Internet:-

 Nikola Tesla toyed “Word wireless system” in the early 1900s.

 Paul otlet searchable storage systems of books and media 1930s and
 During 1950s to 1960s roots are in United States
Transfer control protocol by the Robert kahn and Vinton cerf.
1st January 1983 birth of the internet.
www by tim Berners lee in March 1989.
 From October 29, 1969 which is known that internet that is previous time
known as ARPANET.
 And first message was “ node to node”
 Importance of Internet:-
1) Education
2) Research, innovation , invention and development
3) Information and Knowledge
4) Business promotion
5) Communication
6) Financial activities
7) Tour and Traveling
8) Shopping and Entertainment
 What is browser?
• Some common features of web- browser
• Use of browser
• Some well known browsers.
1. Google chrome
2. Safari
3. Microsoft Edge
4. Mozilla Firefox
5. Opera
6. Internet Explorer
• Basic and advanced search strategies
 What is basic search strategy?
What are advance search strategies?
The search Boxes
Boo lean operators
Refine with select field options
The Refine Result Menu
1.3 Internet Resources: Location and Evaluation
with reference to authentic content
• Internet is world – wide network full of pages
containing lot of information.

• The major challenge is to identify its authenticity and

Internet Resources
Effective evaluation of online materials
requires set of skills
• To effectively evaluate online resources, the reader must be
proper critical analysis of content .
• As well as citing references.

There are certain ways to evaluate the authenticity and

reliability of internet resources.
1. Domain name.
2. Review the source.
3. Verify the source.
4. Accuracy.
5. Currency and Relevance.
6. Also check the following
 Check if the content id recently updated.

An online resources should teach, inform , explain, or persuade.

 Be critical and evaluate the source from all the aspects.

 Publisher’s details are given and responsibility of the content has been taken.

 The content does not contain too much and irrelevant ads
1.4 Legal & Ethical issues in use of ICT
Hacking, Violation of copyright & Plagiarism
1. Hacking
∆ What is Hacking ? – Definition
Hacking means the unauthorised access to or control over computer network
security systems for some illicit purpose.
∆ Hackers can hack-
• User account
• Payment gateway
• Computer System
• Websites
• Smart devices
• Wi-Fi routers and Networks etc.
∆ Recommendations for punishment
Section 43 for damage to system and 66(B) for receiving stolen data under the
Information and Technology Act 2000.
Reason behind hacking
∆ How to prevent hacking?

• Install any updates, firewall or security patches as soon as they’re released

• Use an antivirus on compatible devices
• Replace passwords of account time to time
• Set a strong and unique password for apps and devices
• Download apps from official app stores only
• Avoid clicking on unrecognised links or websites
• Don’t provide any personal information if not required
• Use the “Two step varification” tool
If you’re not paying anything for
a product, then you’re the product.
2. Violation of Copyright
What is Copyright ?
• the mixture of two words : 'copy' and 'right‘
• - type of intellectual property
• - the right to copy
• - a legal right of creative artists or publishers
Copy right in different fields :
- Dramatics
- Musical work
- Sound recordings
- Literary work
- Etc
Legislation :
- copyright act , 1957
- meaning of Copyright in section-14

 Copyright authorities : -
-copyright office
- copyright board
- copyright societies
3. Plagiarism
Where did the word plagiarism originate?

 Etymology of the word plagiarism is from “Plagiarius”.

 Meaning “Kidnapper”.
 First time was used in 80Ad by Roman poet martial.
Different type of plagiarism
1. The Photocopy
2. Potluck plagiarism
3. Direct plagiarism
4. Self plagiarism
 Why Student Plagiarism ?
Not time , poor time management skills
Busy Schedule
Lack of Fundamental Research skills
Lack of Understanding

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