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Produce a CV

Unit 1
What is a CV?

A CV is a brief written summary of a job applicant’s past employment history,

education, and other appropriate information.
Your CV is often the first impression a potential employer has of you. For this
reason, it is often referred to as one of the most crucial steps taken during a
job search.
Purpose of a CV
The purpose of a CV is to:
 get an interview
 tailored to the position applied for
to give an overview of skills, education and experience
demonstrate suitability to a potential employer for a particular job
 to act as a memory jogger when completing application forms
 record up-to-date and relevant information
Make a PowerPoint on : Purpose and
importance of a CV
You must include :
What is a CV?
Reason why a CV might be used when applying for job.
Key information needed for CV.
Core information needed to complete a CV
personal details, e.g. name, postal and email address, phone
 career history with dates including any paid, unpaid and
voluntary work
personal profile highlighting your skills, e.g. communication,
organisation, punctuality, teamwork; qualifications and training
 interests and hobbies, e.g. reading, sports; references
Core information needed to complete a CV

Task2- Collate information required in a CV

A referee is someone who can provide extra information to a
potential employer about your work history, your skills ,
experience and to confirm facts stated in the CV .

This information supports what you have written on your CV

by giving someone else’s word that your claims are accurate.
Purpose of a Reference

The purpose of a reference to:

 confirm facts stated in the CV
 part of the job selection process
getting prior approval to use referees
Who is a suitable referee?

A suitable referee is someone who can comment positively

on skills/qualities in relation to the job .
The best people to be your referees are:
• former employers, especially a mentor or boss
• your teacher/lecturer/tutor.
Who is an unsuitable Referee?

People who may not be best placed to confirm your

skills/qualities in relation to the job. For example-
• family members
• friends
• someone who does not know you
Task3: Make a poster outlining the purpose of
referee in a CV.

Also write who will you chose as your referee and

 targeted on the specific job  Spelling and grammar
 clearly laid out  Not tailored to the job
 Poor format and no use of
 informative but concise bullets
 Contact & email problems
 accurate in content,  Profile was too vague
spelling and grammar.  Lying
Task4: Produce a CV
Produce a CV :
 tailored to meet job being applied for
 use ICT to produce a neat, accurate and professional looking CV;
 use of template no more than two sides of A4
 be positive and emphasise achievements, strengths and successes to make a
good impression
 use of alternate forms of CV, e.g. online

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