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Aviram College Of Education

Project On – MS Powerpoint

 Submitted By – ANIDHA GUPTA

 Roll No.- 12
 Class - B.Ed. 1st Year
Objectives / SYNOPSIS Of The project

 About Ms-PowerPoint
 Start and customize PowerPoint
 Describe the PowerPoint window
 Select a design template
 Change the font size and font style
 Save a presentation
 View a presentation in slide show view
 Quit PowerPoint and then open a presentation
 Display and print a presentation in black and white
 Use the PowerPoint Help system

 What Is Ms-PowerPoint..??

Defination :-
Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful slide show
presentation program. It is a standard component of the
company's Microsoft Office suite software, and is
bundled together with Word, Excel, and other office
productivity tools. The program uses slides to convey
information rich in multimedia.

 In The Next Coming Slides We Will Learn About PowerPoint

And How To Work In It And What Is Consists Of
Starting PowerPoint

 Click the Start button on the

Windows taskbar, point to All
Programs on the Start menu, point to
Microsoft Office on the All Programs
submenu, and then point to Microsoft
Office PowerPoint 2003 on the
Microsoft Office submenu
 Click Microsoft Office PowerPoint
 If the PowerPoint window is not
maximized, double-click its title bar
to maximize it
Customizing the
PowerPoint Window

 If the Language bar appears,

right-click it to display a list of
 Click the Close the Language bar
 If necessary, click the OK button
in the Language Bar dialog box
 Click the Getting Started task
pane Close button in the upper-
right corner of the task pane
 If the Standard and Formatting
toolbars are positioned on the
same row, click the Toolbar
Options button on the Standard
toolbar, and then click Show
Buttons on Two Rows
Choosing a Design Template

 Point to the Slide Design button on the

Formatting toolbar
 Click the Slide Design button and then point
to the down scroll arrow in the Apply a
design template list
 Click the down scroll arrow to scroll through
the list of design templates until Profile
appears in the Available For Use area. Point
to the Profile template
 Click Profile
 Click the Close button in the Slide Design
task pane
Entering the Presentation Title
And Subtitle
 Click the label, Click to add title,
located inside the title text
 Type Strategies for College Success
in the title text placeholder. Do not
press the ENTER key

 Click the label, Click to add subtitle,

located inside the subtitle text
 Type Presented by and then press
the ENTER key
 Type Lakemore Academic Skills
Center but do not press the ENTER
Changing the Text Font Style ,
Size And To Change Font To Italic

 Triple-click the paragraph, Presented by,

in the subtitle text placeholder, and then
point to the Italic button on the
Formatting toolbar
 Click the Italic button

Changing Or Increasing Font Size

Position the mouse pointer in the

paragraph, Lakemore Academic Skills
Center, and then triple-click
 Point to the Font Size box arrow on the
Formatting toolbar
 Click the Font Size box arrow, click the
Font Size box scroll bar, and then point
to 32 in the Font Size list
 Click on number representing numbers.
Example – 32, etc.
Adding a New Text Slide
with a Bulleted List And Entering a Slide Title

 Click the New Slide button on the

Formatting toolbar
 If necessary, click the Show when
inserting new slides check box to
remove the check mark, and then
click the Close button on the Slide
Layout task pane
Entering a Slide Title
 Click the title text placeholder and
then type Get Organized in the
placeholder. Do not press the
Typing a Single-Level Bulleted List

 Type Time management skills help

balance academic, work, and social
events and then press the ENTER
 Type Create a schedule each week
that accounts for all activities and
then press the ENTER key
 Type Plan two hours of study time
for each one hour of class time but
do not press the ENTER key
 Point to the New Slide button on
the Formatting toolbar
Adding a New Slide
and Entering a Slide Title

 Click the New Slide

 Type Listen Actively in
the title text
placeholder. Do not
press the ENTER key
Ending a Slide Show
with a Black Slide

 Click Tools on the menu bar and

then point to Options
 Click Options
 If necessary, click the View
tab when the Options dialog
box appears
 Verify that the End with black
slide check box is selected
 If a check mark does not show,
click End with black slide, and
then click the OK button
Using the Scroll Box on the Slide Pane to Move to
Another Slide

 Position the mouse pointer on the scroll box

 Press and hold down the mouse button
 Drag the scroll box up the vertical scroll bar until Slide: 1
of 4 Strategies for College Success appears in the slide
 Release the mouse button
Starting Slide Show View

 Point to the Slide Show Slide Made By

button in the lower-left
corner of the
PowerPoint window
above the status bar
 Click the Slide Show
Closing PowerPoint

 Pointto the Close

button on the
PowerPoint title bar
 Clickthe Close
Starting PowerPoint and
Opening an Existing Presentation

 With your USB flash drive connected to one

of the computer’s USB ports, click the Start
button on the taskbar, point to All Programs,
point to Microsoft Office, and then click
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 on the
Microsoft Office submenu
 When the Getting Started task pane opens,
point to the Open link in the Open area
 Click the Open link. Click the Look in box
arrow, click USB flash drive, and then double-
click College Success
Starting PowerPoint and
Opening an Existing Presentation
Checking a Presentation
for Spelling Errors
Starting the Spelling Checker

 Point to the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar

 Click the Spelling button
 When the Spelling dialog box appears, point to the
Ignore button
 Click the Ignore button
 When the Microsoft Office PowerPoint dialog box
appears, point to the OK button
Starting the Spelling Checker

 Click the OK button

 Clickthe slide to
remove the highlight
from the word,
Displaying a Presentation
in Black and White

 Clickthe Color/Grayscale button on the

Standard toolbar and then point to Pure Black
and White in the list
 Click Pure Black and White
 Click the Next Slide button three times to view
all slides in the presentation in black and white
 Pointto the Close Black and White View button
on the Grayscale View toolbar
 Click the Close Black and White View button
Displaying a Presentation
in Black and White
Printing a Presentation

 Ready the printer

according to the printer
 Click the Print button on
the Standard toolbar
 When the printer stops,
retrieve the printouts
of the slides
Obtaining Help Using the Type a Question For Help Box

 Type bullet in the Type a question for help

box on the right side of the menu bar
 Press the ENTER key
 When PowerPoint displays the Search
Results task pane, scroll down and then point
to the topic, Change the bullet style in a list
 Click Change the bullet style in a list
 When the Microsoft Office PowerPoint Help
window is displayed, double-click its title bar
to maximize it
Obtaining Help
Using the Ask a Question Box

 Click the Show All link

 Drag the scroll box down the vertical
scroll bar until Change the bullet color
is displayed
 Click the Close button on the
Microsoft PowerPoint Help window
title bar
 Click the Close button on the Search
Results task pane
Quitting PowerPoint

 Click the Close button on the title bar

 If prompted to save the presentation before quitting
PowerPoint, click the Yes button in the Microsoft
PowerPoint dialog box
Uses Of MS-PowerPoint

 Microsoft PowerPoint is a software application that is particularly used to present data and information by using text,
diagrams with animation, images, and transitional effects, etc in the form of slides.

 However, there are various uses of PowerPoint in every field. Actually, the uses of PowerPoint depend on the ability,
creativity, and imagination of users.

 1. PowerPoint in Education

 Teachers can use PowerPoint to teach subjects lessons and chapters of any book. They can create or delegate to produce a
complete presentation of a book. It gives the opportunity to the teacher to cover a topic in the different t slides.

 2. PowerPoint in Business

 Business is all about creating a plan, marketing strategies, execution, and making methods to follow and integrate.
PowerPoint helps people in business to create a plan, structure related to the business or organization.

 3. PowerPoint for Housewives

 Housewives can easily invest their time in learning PowerPoint presentations. They can create slide shows in which they can
generate numbers, calculations, alphabets, or all kinds of lessons they want to teach their kids in slideshows.

 4. PowerPoint in Governance and Citizen Services

 PowerPoint documents can be printed so whenever the citizen visits any government sector they can easily find or access
government services through the file or document.

 5. PowerPoint for Job Seekers

 Through PowerPoint, job seekers can create digital resumes or multimedia resumes and it will become a unique way of
presenting skills and knowledge in front of interviewers.
 Tips To MS-Powerpoint HELP SYSTEM


 Start and customize PowerPoint

 Describe the PowerPoint window
 Select a design template
 Create a title slide and text slides with single- and multi-level bulleted
 Change the font size and font style
 Save a presentation
 End a slide show with a black slide
 View a presentation in slide show view
 Quit PowerPoint and then open a presentation
 Display and print a presentation in black and white
 Use the PowerPoint And Powerpoint Help system
Project Completed

Thank You !!!

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