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Culture and Communication
What is effective global communication?
Global or international communication is the development and sharing
of information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in
international settings and context.
Whether you need to connect from Barcelona to Bangkok or Boston to
Beijing, instant contact has become the norm and expectation.

Why is it important?

Introduction Changes in global economics, technology, immigration policies, and

transportation have meant that the world seems to be becoming
increasingly smaller.
• Growth of global economics.
• Growth of technology.
• Growth of immigration. 
• Growth of transportation.
• Growth of tourism. 

However, there are many issues due to miscommunication.

Global workforce heterogeneity.
That is, many companies have a global presence. domestic workplace is
increasingly diverse, making cultural diversity a critical part of our
everyday lives.
Knowing how to communicate globally helps us to engage in creative
multicultural problem-solving strategies.
Accepting and considering alternative viewpoints helps us expand our
diversity of options in managing intercultural team problems.
Considerations. Technology.
We can now easily connect with individuals from around the world
within a few seconds, and at a very low cost.
Communication skills can help deepen self-awareness and other
Without a basis for comparison, we may never question the way we
have been conditioned and socialized
Culture and Communication.
Communication definitions. A process by which information is exchanged
between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour.

Culture definitions. Culture is a system of beliefs, values, and assumptions about

life that guide behaviour and are shared by a group of people.

To understand how to communicate effectively across cultures, we first need to

understand what elements make up a culture and how communication fits into this.

We will watch a short video about culture and communication. This video will help
you for activity 1.
Activity 1: Page 5. Workbook. (Complete by 4pm today) Write your reflection in Google
Classroom under ‘Activity
Culture - discussion
1. How do you think you learned your culture?

2. How do you think your culture has shaped you? (Influenced your
values, behaviour, attitude, and beliefs)

3. How does culture shape the way we see the world, ourselves, and

4. Do you know a lot about another culture? How?

5. Have you experienced another culture?

6. Do you consider other cultures better, worse, equal to your own?

7. How to do feel when in another cultural setting? Comfortable,

uncomfortable, excited, nervous?

8. Are you open to trying new things and doing things in a new way?
The Cultural iceberg Activity 2. Page 8 Workbook.
Follow the instruction in your workbook and upload
To Google classroom Activity 2.
Culture has been compared to an iceberg. Only a small
part of it is above the water and can be seen. The rest is
hidden below the surface, which can only be guessed,
or learned to understand.
Activity 3: Page 8 Workbook (please complete this activity by 4pm today)

Before answering the 2 reflection questions below, you should read in more detail about culture and how it is
connected to communication. Review in your workbook from pages 4-8.

Think about in your own experience how do you use language in your culture which might be different in another.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, only your observation and experience.

a) How do the invisible aspects of culture influence the visible ones?

b) Why is it important to understand the relationship between the two?

Before next lesson, please take a look at this video. Here is the link.
Take down notes on examples of culture and how communication is different.
There will be some questions about this video in class next week.

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