5 - Descent of The Testis

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Descent of the testis

Gubernaculum (mesenchymal condensation) with genital ligament attach testis to scrotum

Processus vaginalis is an evagination from the coelomic cavity into scrotum

-After complete descent:

Inguinal canal is formed by the

following coats: 1- Internal spermatic fascia from fascia transversalis 2- Cremasteric fascia from internal oblique muscle 3- External spermatic fascia from external oblique muscle

1- the part of processus vaginalis in inguinal canal is obliterated and fibrosed to form vestigue of

processus vaginalis (B)

2- the part of processus vaginalis in the scrotum forms

tunica vaginalis(A)

Testis in abdomen

Processus vaginalis


Testis in scrotum Tunica vaginalis

Vistige of processus vaginalis

Scanning electron micrograph of a mouse embryo showing the primitive gonad (G) , mesonephric duct (arrowheads) , and gubernaculum (arrows).

Stages of descent
1- Internal descent:
- At 3rd month testis descends to iliac fossa - Up to 6th month it remain close to deep inguinal ring

2- External descent:
- At 7th month it lies in the deep inguinal ring - At 8th month it traverses inguinal canal - At 9th month it lies at superficial inguinal ring - It reaches scrotum shortly before birth

Factors affecting descent of testis

1- differential growth of posterior abdominal wall 2- stimulating effect of androgens and gonadotrophins 3- normal herniation under increased intraabdominal pressure 4- role of gubernaculum: - It may become shortened and thickened and pull testis to scrotum - It may keep the path of descent open

Descent of the ovary

- The caudal end of ovary is connected to the labia majora by gubernaculum ovarii - Gubernaculum becomes attached to uterus at junction with uterine tube - The part of gubernaculum joining ovary to uterus forms

round ligament of ovary

- The part of gubernaculum from uterus through inguinal canal forms round ligament of uterus - Attachment of gubernaculum to the uterus prevent extraabdominal descent of ovary to labia majora. It undergoes only internal descent at 3rd month to final position - The cranial part of genital ligament connecting ovary to diaphragm forms suspensory ligament of ovary

Congenital anomalies of male genital system

Undescended testis

Ectopic testis

Congenital inguinal hernia

Due to persistence of processus obliterated and forms hernial sac.



Thus, loops of intestine pass through the hernial sac to scrotum

Congenital hydrocele

Due to accumulation of fluid in the tunica vaginalis leading to cystic swelling around testis

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