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• growing population need more fresh water
• More water is needed for
industrial growth
agricultural growth
• Unpredictable rain fall – water scarcity
• Less ground water recharge –water scarcity
• Poor contaminated ground water quality higher
treatment cost
• To over come these water problems grey water
management is the best way to save the water .
Grey water :-

Grey water is defined as waste water generated from

wash basins ,showers and the baths ,sinks (but not from
toilet) which can be recycled on site use such as water closet
,flushing ,landscape irrigation and constructed wetland .
It is all waste water that is discharged from house,
excluding black water.
Why reuse grey water :-

• grey water recycling can save up to 35 to 40 % of water

consumption within a residential building.
• convential plumbing system dispose of grey water via
septic tank or sewers. The many drawbacks of this practice
include overloading treatment system, contaminating
natural water with poorly treated effluent.
• even grey water disposal system has less negative impact
than septic disposal
• save approximately 70 liters of the potable water per
person per day
Water saving potential:-

• each person water requirement is 135-150 liter/day so

the grey water generated will about 72lit/day . we can
recycle about 60lit/day which cost around Rs. 21/- .

• Each person can save Rs. 21/- day .it will reduce
water financial saving on price of water.
Environmental benefits:-
• Reduce the generation of waste water so reduce the
• Reduce ground water and surface water pollution
• Sustainable development
• Treated water is valuable for the landscaping and plant
especially in the low rain climate.
• It is rich in phosphorous ,potassium and nitrogen
making it good nutrient fertilizer.
Advantages of grey water recycling-

• save water and money

• increase the life span of septic system
• less strain on public sewage treatment system
• reduction in energy used by municipality
• groundwater recharge
• Reduction the power consumption
What grey water contains:-

• Grey water generation is depend on living standard of

people and it is result of personal hygiene ,detergent
used, cosmetic used as well as dirty cloths .

• It contain soap , shampoo , toothpaste , food scrape

cooking oil ,detergent and kitchen waste
Source of grey water

Sr source Quantity / day/person

1 Bathing 20 - 30 lit

2 Kitchen 5 - 10 lit

3 Washing cloths 15 - 20 lit

What is Gw treatment :-

Grey water treatment is removal of unwanted

suspended material from the grey water collected and
disinfecting the same to make it useful for different

There are various way to treat the grey water , ranging

from very simple method to complex fully automated
treatment ,depending on what you want to use the water
Methods of grey water recycling

1. direct use system –

o The grey water generated in home is needs to be use

very quickly since bacterial growth is very fast in this
o It is not recommended to use grey water on fruit or crop
science there is a chance the plant will ingest the
harmful pathogens when the are watered.
o This water can be directly collected from the bath or the
sink or use can fit a valve to the external pipe so it can
be used as needed.
2. Biological method (sand filter method)-

Filtration is done by sand, this sand filter removes the

large practical's .
Grey water can be filtered by using very simple soil
box containing 4 layers ,the top layer is 2 feet deep of
humus rich soil next to this layer there is very fine
sand which is sit on layer of courser sand finally there
is the layer of pea-shingle at bottom.
Most of the filtration is done in the top level .
Sand filter method

Grey water is used for the wet land where the water is
retained at a level close to the surface. Allowing aquatic
plant such as reeds and bulrushes to flourish . Sub surface
wet land are considered better for the treating grey water
as it lower the chance of odours .
bacteria both aerobic and the anaerobic treat the grey
water in addition the roots of the plant absorbs dissolved
organic matter ,helping speed up the process.
Use of grey water for wet land
4 biological system-

Grey water with the food debris in it need to be treated

anaerobically using a septic tank .

The water come out from the other end of the septic tank
can be then treated with the soil box filter or using for wet

Water is passed from 4 layer and removes its suspended

partials and other impurities.
Biological system of treating grey water
5.Mechanical filters-
it is the relative simple method .so this system contain a
grey water pump that pump water away from variety of
grey water source including washing machine shower
and sink .when water enter into the pump unite it can
pump water vertically to where it is required .
The water is then treated into the storage tank normally
chorine is added in it .
This water can be used for the cisterns of toilet or
washing purpose .
Grey water can also be treated by using expensive
mechanical filters such as micro filtration system using
Grey water recycling by mechanical method
Uses of the grey water

1) using grey water for flushing toilet –

about 3rd of house hold water is used for flushing

toilet but reclaimed grey water can be used to fulfill this
purpose saving valuable potable mains water.

once the grey water was gone through the complete filter
process and treated with chemicals to kill all micro
organisms it can be pumped form source back to the toilet
via a header tank, and uses as appropriate .
Use of grey water for toilet flushing
2) Grey water for watering plant –

the grey water can be used in combination with an

irrigation system to water the garden automatically. This
is good to have in a place because it targets specific
areas of your garden so it is more environment friendly
way to care for it .

this water does not need to be treated with chemicals as

any organic material remaining in the water absorbed by
the plants .it can not be recommended to use this type of
water with home grown vegetables.
Use of grey water for watering plant
3) Using grey water to wash the cloths –

reclaimed grey water can also be used for washing

cloths again this has to be treated to a similar level as
the water used for toilet .
Recycling of grey water for different domestic work
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