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Creative Project

Ben Baughman, Jayden Upton

Introduction ● Comic book strip -16 slides

● Pixton

● Topic: Underage drinking/ alcoholism

● We chose this topic because underage drinking

is very prevalent in our society. Underage
drinking can lead to car accidents, and risky
Overview of ● Why is this an issue
○ Brain is still developing

Topic/Problem ●
○ Can cause damages
2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
○ More than 6 million 12-20 reported current
alcohol consumption
○ Steady decline for consumption, binge drinking,
and heavy consumption in 12-20 yr olds since
○ Started to level off in 2020
● Older you get, more likely you are to drink
○ 2019 survey found 2% of 12-13, 19% of 16-17,
and 36% among 18-20
● Risks for alcoholism
○ 2017 NSDUH, first drink before 15 can increase
likelihood by 6.5X
○ If parent or others around you use/abuse alcohol
○ Availability of alcohol
Overview of Topic/ ● Inherited Alcoholism
○ While no one gene determines alcoholism,

Problem cont. multiple combinations of any of hundreds can

amplify the risk
○ Behavioral genes can influence alcoholism
■ Such as depression and schizophrenia

● Environmental influences can be a good

○ If parent uses/ abuses alcohol
○ Aggressive behavior in childhood
○ Lack of supervision
○ Poor social skills
○ Experimentation
○ Poverty
○ Availability
Related Criminological ● Modeling Theory
○ Used when trying to explain violent or

Theory ○
maladaptive behavior
Says that individuals learn these behaviors by
observing others
● Modeling Theory in underage drinking/
○ Most people who take part in underage drinking
often do so because those around them do it
○ Parents, caretakers, friends
○ Want to see what it’s like and to fit in
Sources The fight against underage drinking: Stats on teen alcohol
use. (2021, November 9). Retrieved
December 11, 2021, from

Genetics of alcoholism. Addiction Center. (2021, October

20). Retrieved December 11, 2021, from

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