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What to do next:

R- Register.
U- Use the products.
L- Learn how to present.
E- Earn by sharing the business.
S- Set your goals.

Guide to Newly Registered


1. Invest on the following

business tools:
A. Alliance In Motion Global Business
Guide Booklet By: Cora Anier-Quizon, AIM VIP
Team Leader
B. Alliance In Motion Global Company Policy
C. The Natural Healers Book by: Dr. Butch Villena
D. DVD of Dr. Ed Cabantog, Dr. Butch Villena, et al.
On Product Presentation and Mr. John Asperin’s
DVD On Opportunity Plan Presentation (OPP)
E. DVD of Testimonials, MLM Books, CD’s
F. The Secret (Law of Attraction) DVD- Rhonda Byrne
G. The Power (Audiobook) by Rhonda Byrne
H. Planner for your daily activities
I. Business Center Owner List (BCO)
J. List of Affiliated Schools & Clinics
K. Clear book, brochures, sample products, and price

2. Remember your AIM Global username, password, and

user ID
3. Apply for an Automated Teller Machine Cash Card.
For Members Abroad:
A. China Trust Bank – Processing Fee: USD 11.00
 Fill out a scanned China Trust Application Form.
 Attach an authorization letter with your address,
authorizing your sponsor to apply China Trust
ATM Card on your behalf.
 Scan your passport and another valid I.D Sign the
paper three times (3x)
 E-mail all of these to your sponsor for submission
at AIM Global Head Office.
 Processing period is four (4) hours.

For Members in Africa:

 Go to any AIM Global office and fill out the
ATM Application Form of our bank affiliates.
 If you have an existing bank account with our
affiliated banks, just submit your account details and
pay the
required processing fee.

For Members in the Philippines:

A. Banco de Oro Cash Card (PHP200.00)
 Fill out a BDO Cash Card Application Form.
 Attach your 2x2 I.D Picture and photocopy of your
(2) valid ID’s. Sign the paper 3x.
 Processing period is 21 working days.
 To claim your ATM Cash Card, present your claim
stub at the head office.
 Activate your ATM Cash Card at the nearby
Automated Teller Machine.
B. For those who have personal BDO Savings Account,
request the I.T at the Head Office to encode your account
number on your AIM Global web page.

4. Have your official AIM Global ID processed at the Head

Office, either through your respective sponsors or at the
business centers.

5. Attend series of training seminars several times.

A. Opportunity Plan Presentation (OPP)
B. New Distributor’s Orientation (NDO)
C. Alliance Success Achievement Program (ASAP)
D. Essential Skills of a Powerful Networker (ESPN)
E. Intensive Product Demo by Dr. Butch Villena
F. Technical Training by Mr. Joshua Tagle
G. Leadership Training by Life Coach John Gay
H. Leaders’ Summit
I. Other Special Training Seminars

 Refer to the posted official schedules at AIM
Global Facebook Page.

Payment System Options:

A. Pay in cash at the AIM Global Head Office or at any of
its Business Center Offices.
B. Pay in check at the AIM Global Head Office. (The
Global Package Business Kit and the Registration Code
will be released after the clearing period.)
C. Deposit cash payment at AIM Global bank account.
D. Pay using credit card: Visa or Master Card + USD 11.00
for additional marketing materials.

6. Payout System:
A. DAILY- through Banco De Oro Cash Card (Applicable in
the Philippines)
 To get your income, click Encashment on your personal
AIM Global webpage (Data Tracking Center or DTC).
You can withdraw your payout at 7:00PM of the next

Note: If you click Encashment on a Friday, Saturday or

Sunday, payout can be withdrawn on Monday night.

B. WEEKLY- Through Paycheck or China Trust ATM Card

 The cut-off period to click Encashment is from Friday (of
the current week) to Thursday (of the succeeding week).
 Paycheck is given on Wednesday of the following week.


D.MONTHLY – Through BDO Cash Card/China Trust ATM
card or Paycheck for your Unilevel and Stairstep Payout.
Note: Deductions
 Withholding Tax
 10% if the Registration Code comes from the
 5% in other countries
 Bank Service fee for every transaction-
 PHP 50.00 (Philippines)
Note: In other countries, Bank Service fee depends on the
charges of the banks in each country.

 Get the corresponding Activation Codes of the
products and the Global Package Registration card,
when you reorder or buy from any Business/Satellite
 Encode these immediately on your personal AIM
Global webpage to earn points.

 Activation Codes of the products reordered from
the Head Office or Business Center Offices will be
automatically “stored” on your webpage.
 Click E-store to credit the points to your accounts.

Points to Remember on the Marketing Plan:

1. Maintenance:
A. Binary Earnings – No maintenance
B. Unilevel and Stairstep Income – with personal
monthly maintenance which is one month in advance
 Start encoding your personal monthly
maintenance on
your personal monthly maintenance on your
second month with the company.
 This can be two (2) Blister Packs of C24/7 Natura-
Ceuticals or a combination of any of the product equal
to 0.3334 positional points. (See Price List)
 Automatic monthly maintenance can also be a
combination of two (2) Gift Checks (GCs) except
the Sodexho certificates.

2. Gift Certificates:
A. For every 5th pair, instead of USD 33, you get AIM Global
B. For every 25th pair, instead of USD 33, you get four (4)
Sodexho certificates which you can use in all
accredited/affiliated establishments. (Applicable in
the Philippines)

3. Direct Referral Points

Your Direct Referral points are automatically credited to
Binary points, Unilevel points (commissional), and
Stairstep points (positional).

4. Indirect Referral Points

If a member is a “spillover” from your upline or sponsor,
his/her points are automatically credited to your Binary
points and Unilevel points but not to your Positional points.

5. Flushout
 This is one of the company’s safety measures in
the Matched Sales bonus in the Binary Plan.
 Encode only up to six (6) members from 12:00 AM-11:59
AM, and six (6) from 12:00NN- 11:59 PM (Philippine
Time Zone) to avoid flushout.
 Be sure to coordinate with your uplines before
encoding new members.
 Memorize the components of the products.
 Master your business.
Master your skills through repetition.
 Listen and learn.
 Practice several times to master your presentation.
 Be sure to make daily schedules a week or a month in
 Talk to at least three prospects per day.
 Learn how to present if you want to become successful in
this business.

12 Tried and Tested Recruitment Techniques:

1. Inside Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs):

 Have a conversation about the business with the one
you are with.
 Request the bus driver to play your DVD about
the product/business.

2. Flyers:
 Give away flyers anywhere, anytime.
 Say, “Excuse me, big
business!” (Not “Extra income!”)
3. Business Kit Display:
Always have a photo of your products ready for display
to Arouse curiosity.

4. Business Proposal:
Write business proposals to cooperatives, organizations,
etc., requesting an appointment so that you can
promote AIM Global

5. DVD Presentations:
Form small groups and play your AIM Global DVD. Lend
your DVD for at least two days, and be sure to follow up
your Prospects within 24 to 48 hours.

6. Home Party:
Arrange home parties with your group for OPPs
(Opportunity Plan Presentations). Contribute in shouldering
the food

7. Exhibits:
Join school, church, or sports activities where you
can display products for sale.

8. Advertisement:
Advertise through text messaging, newsletters, e-mail, and
social media networkers like Facebook, Twitter, Tagged,

9. Business Cards:
Always have available and updated business cards
for prospects.
10. Brigade Invitation Cards:
Invite your prospects to attend big business
presentations, Sponsored by either the company or your

11. Text
Send daily invitations through text messaging to
your prospects.

12. Evaluation Forms

Invite friends to listen to your presentations and have
them evaluate or rate your performance.




-Launched in March, 2006
-MLMIA (Multi-Level Marketing International Association)
Member and awarded as the No. 1 MLM Company in
-Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) Registered.
“Network marketing is a people- helping-people business.”

The Board of Directors:

A. Dr. Eduardo Cabantog
 President & C.E.O. a.k.a “The Visionary President”
 Medical Doctor
 Formerly with clinics at the Makati Medical Center
and Ospital ng Maynila (Hospital in Manila)
 Currently a full-time businessman doing medical
 Awarded as one of the Ten Most Outstanding
Entrepreneurs in 2010.
 Awarded as the Top Asian Business Leader
in 2013
 2014 Top Direct Selling C.E.O. in the World at the poll

B. Mr. Francis Miguel

 Chief Finance Officer Finance a.k.a “The Mentor of
all Mentors”
 Computer Engineer
 Has earned over USD 2.20million in more than 14 years
in MLM industry.
 Bulacan’s Most Outstanding Businessman Awardee
in 2012.

C. Mr. Raymond John Asperin

 Chief Marketing Officer a.k.a “Mr. Excitement”
 Physical Therapist
 Started MLM business when he was still a student.
 Has earned over USD 2million in more than a

NATURE’S WAY Manufacturing Company

 AIM Global’s partnership with Nature’s Way, the No. 1
Manufacturing Company in U.S.A., began when the latter
advertised in a newspaper that it was looking for a local
company which will exclusively distribute its unique product.
Nature’s Way was impressed by AIM Global’s distribution
system and because of this; it acquired the sole
distributorship of Complete Phyto-Energizer. AIM Global uses
network marketing system, which is a word-of-mouth strategy
wherein networkers are the ones compensated.
 Has been in existence for over 45 years in Springville,
Utah, U.S.A.
 Debt-free
 Has over 700 product lines
 NASDAQ traded (National Association of Securities
Dealers Automated Quotations)/NYSE
 Products are USFDA & FDA Approved (FR #83809), HALAL
& KOSHER Certified
 Has 200 medical doctors, herbalists, and scientists who
continuously conduct clinical research and development on
 Frost and Sullivan Awardee in 2004
 With direct processing/plantation practices and
careful harvesting method
 Products have High ORAC value (Oxygen Radical
Absorbance Capacity)- high antioxidant content
 GMP Certified (Good Manufacturing Practice)


Why food supplement?

AIM Global chose food supplements because:
 The market is significantly huge since 80% of the global
population prefers food supplements while only 20% opts
for synthetic medicine.
 The nutrients that we get from the food we eat are not
for our body’s daily needs. Food supplements supply the
gaps in the nutrients needed by our body to have a strong
immune system.
 Many factors affect our health. These includes:
A. Processed Foods- Chips, cold cuts, fast-food, French fries
are considered carcinogenic. Potatoes should only be
steamed or boiled. Even the food we cook at home are,
of the time, cooked with seasoning. On top of that,
studies show that 20% to 90% of vegetables contain
B. Stress- Due to too much work, insufficient sleep, conflicts
at home, etc.
C. Air, water and chemical pollution
D. Unhealthy lifestyle- alcoholism, smoking, night life, etc.
E. Synthetic medicines- In the U.S.A., the side effect of
synthetic medicine is one of the Top 10 causes of
 Food supplements build brand loyalty. Most of the time,
people don’t mind the cost. They are more concerned with
benefits that health products can provide.
 It brings repeat purchases since these products
are consumable.
 “Prevention is better than cure.” It is better to take food
supplements even when a person feels well. Stage 1 or 2
cancer is usually asymptomatic. Symptoms usually manifest
at Stage 3 or 4.
 Statistics show that the odd of acquiring cancer in a lifetime
is 1 out of 3 among women and 1 out of 2 among men.
Therefore, it is recommended that we take food supplements
even if we’re feeling well or not.
 AIM Global’s Board of Directors also believes that the
current business trend lies in the distribution of health
 According to Paul Zane Pilzer, one of the world’s renowned
economists, “The wellness industry is the next trillion
dollar industry starting 2010.” “The greatest
entrepreneurial opportunities will be through product

There are many food supplements in the market today. Why

 The company chose C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals because of its
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – the product has a total of
140 components. Why take other food supplements if you
can take C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals, which already has
everything that you need?

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals

1. 22,000 antioxidants and phyto-nutrients
 Antioxidant means anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-
hypertension, anti-cholesterol, anti-asthma, or protection
against different kinds of diseases.
 Phyto means plants that benefit our body.

2. 29 Vitamins and Minerals

 Studies show that vitamins are more effective if taken
with minerals because of their synergistic effect, meaning
one functions more effectively with the other.

3. 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend

 This fruit blend is prepared using a unique flash glancing
method to preserve over 3,000 phyto-nutrients. It contains
naturally-occurring fruit nutrients that help protect our body
from different kinds of diseases.
 We’re used to bringing fruits to our friends and loved ones
when they are hospitalized. This is because we all know
that fruits are considered the best sources of good
 According to studies, 90% of the nutrients in every fruit and
vegetable are in the seeds and in the peel. Through
nanotechnology, all components of C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals
are encapsulated into one.

4. 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend

 This concentrated blend contains 3,000 phyto-nutrients. The
broad spectrum of nutrients in this mixture is essential to
health, vitality, and energy. Studies show that anyone who
consumes 5-10 servings of vegetables a day is complete on
nature’s ultimate insurance policy. By taking C24/7 Natura-
Ceuticals every day, you are ensured of 10 servings of
veggies daily.
 Some people are skeptical when it comes to taking food
supplements, “I’d rather eat fruits and vegetables.” The
question is, “Are these still fresh?” More often than not, these
fruits and vegetables have pesticides. Some unscrupulous
crop growers even wipe eggplants with a small amount of
gas to make them more aesthetically appealing.

5. 18 Amino Acids
 These are the building blocks of protein and are very good
for bodybuilders.
 These are also anti-aging by preventing arthritis, rheumatism,

6. 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend

 It is a simple whole food blend providing the body with
compounds, one of which is chlorophyll- the green
pigment of a plant considered to be a good source
of antioxidant.
 It is nutrition-sufficient as it is also known as “Super food”.
That is why astronauts took spirulina tablets when they
went to the moon.
 Studies suggest that spirulina increases antibodies,
(infection-fighting proteins), and other cells that improve
immunity. They help ward off infection and chronic
illnesses such as cancer.

7. 12 Myco Defense Mushroom Blend

 Mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides which help
prevent cancer.
 Vitamin C in the vegetable capsule improves the body’s
ability to absorb mushroom nutrients at least 3x better
than other brands, thus, enhancing the activity of the
immune system.

8. 12 Digestive Enzyme Blend

 According to studies, the mother of all kinds of diseases
is constipation. The number of times that we eat should,
ideally, be equal to the number of times we should have
to move our bowel. It is recommended that we eliminate
an arm length of feces daily.
 Our stomach is said to be the “Graveyard of dead
animals” as we normally eat meat for lunch and dinner. It
is recommended that we limit our meat consumption to
(2) matchbox-sized meat cuts per month.
 This special enzyme blend helps restore most of the
natural enzymes of whole foods in the diet. The special
therefore, are custom made, to break down food into
nutrients that the body can easily digest and absorb.
Thus, it helps us alleviate digestion-related discomfort
and reduces the possibility of getting sick easily.

9. 12 Specialty Nutrients
 C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals helps enhance memory.
 It is good for declogging arteries or veins. It also helps
eliminate the numbness of the arms and legs because it
contains Vitamin B Complex. These components are very
supplements for healthy blood circulation.

10. 10 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)

 This is a highly concentrated source of EFA, made up
of unique ingredients:
Flaxseed, a source of Omega-3, and
Sunflower seed, a source of Omega-6, which most people lack
in their diet.
 EFA helps in the proper functioning and development of
the brain and nervous system.
 It is much-needed to promote a healthy heart condition.

11. 100% Excipient-Free & Vegetable Capsule

 C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a vegetable capsule.
 It can easily be disintegrated into our system in
15 minutes or less.
 It doesn’t contain fillers.
Nine more additional components have been added to
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals:

 5 Anti-Aging Anti-Oxidant Enhancer

Cysteine HCI (98%)
Concentrated Grape Skin Extract
Green Tea (95% EGC Polyphenols)
Co-Enzyme Q10

 4 Longevity Polyphenols
Japanese knotweed
Premium Red Wine Extract
Grape Seed Extract (95% Polyphenols)
Concentrated Red Wine Powder

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals has been enhanced with:

 The antioxidant effect of each component is enhanced
because of the synergy, the effective combination of its

 It is a powerful complex of natural alkaline
ingredients designed to enhance the alkalinity of this
 It protects and neutralizes our digestive system from
possible acid damage, thus preserving the stomach acid’s
purity and

Recommended Dosage: 1to 9 V-caps a day (Not recommended

for children and pregnant women)
Complete Phyto-Energizer


 16,000 antioxidants and phyto-nutrients

 29 Vitamins and Minerals
 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
 18 Amino Acids
 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
 12 Mushrooms
 12 Digestive Enzymes
 12 Specialty Nutrients
 10 Essential Fatty Acids
 100% Excipient Free Vegetable Capsules (V-Caps)

Note: Complete Phyto-Energizer is highly recommended for all,

especially for children, pregnant and lactating women.
Health Benefits of C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals/Complete Phyto-

Helps normalize sugar, cholesterol level and blood pressure

Rejuvenates the skin

Detoxifies the body

Inhibits tumor growth

Improves vision

Alleviates anxiety and stress

Prevents allergies

Enhances memory and sexual vitality

Helps prevent cancer of any origin

Reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiation

Protects against heart disease and its complications

Promotes healthy blood circulation & cell regeneration

Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis and


Enhances, nourishes strengthens, and balances the immune

Kiddi 24/7 NutraGummies

 Fortified with 14 vitamins and minerals

 Helps increase immune system
 Contains 26 organic fruits and vegetables,
namely: Acai Extract (whole palm fruit)
Apple Cucumber
Apricot Grape
Asparagus Green Bean
Beet Orange
Blueberry Papaya
Broccoli Pear
Pineapple Tomato
Cabbage Plum
Cauliflower Pomegranate (Seed)
Celery Spinach
Cherry Strawberry
Cranberry Brussels Sprout

 It is a synergistic formulation of several longevity
polyphenols found in:
Stalks, vines, seeds, and stems
Red wine extract and red wine powder
 It has concentrated resveratrol, the biggest discovery
since antibiotics, according to Dr. David Sinclair.
 Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes that prolong life span
by 30%.
 It repairs damaged cells and has been recently proven to be
a very effective antioxidant based on an extensive research
and development on two laboratory mice.

The first mouse was injected with longevity formula while

the other one wasn’t.

The Result:
Mouse #1- became stronger, had a better physique, and had
a longer lifespan.
Mouse #2- became very sickly, and has a shorter lifespan.7

Health Benefits of RestorLyf:

Protects Mitochondria, the powerhouse of every
cell Prevents pulmonary hypertension
Has a positive impact on obesity
Reduces levels of inflammatory compounds
Increases the levels of Adiponectin, a hormone that
regulates fatty acid catabolism
Promotes sensitivity to insulin
Helps prevent neurological disorders like strokes, ischemia
and Huntington’s & Alzheimer’s diseases
Recommended Dosage: 1 to 2 V-caps a day
(Note: RestorLyf is not recommended for children and for
pregnant and lactating women).

Liven Coffee
 The first alkaline Coffee-Ceuticals in the world
 Known as “Everything-in-One” coffee
 Made from premium Arabica coffee beans with 1/3
of Complete Phyto-energizer capsule
 Made healthier with phyto-alkaline powder
 Has caffeine which is 0.001 (almost none)
 Available in four flavors: original, latte, cappuccino
and Burn
 Sugar-Free Liven alkaline coffee is also available. It is
sweetened with Stevia, an all-natural herbal sweetener.


 The first Choco-Ceutical in the world

 Has a combination of cocoa and 1/3 of all the components
of Complete Phyto-Energizer capsule
 Fortified with Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) or food for
the brain, which boost memory
 Good for the young ones and the young “Once”
Whitelight L-Glutathione

 This is the world’s first Glutathione sublingual

spray, administered under the tongue.
 Glutathione is known to be a master antioxidant
 The substances are more effectively absorbed as compared
to capsules or tablets
 Glutathione helps boost the liver and strengthens the
immune system. According to studies, we produce
glutathione but it is depleted as we age.
 It is a powerful antioxidant because it decreases the
production of melanin, consequently causing a lighter
complexion. The whitening of our skin is the only side
 It contains 2,500mg of Glutathione with 1,000mg of
Vitamin C which is essential for the efficacy of glutathione.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 4 puffs, 3x a day
Perfect White

 Has cysteine peptide- one of the most advanced anti-

aging and skin whitening ingredients which is 3 to 5 times
more potent than any other glutathione
 Helps in removing dark spots, blemishes, wrinkles,
facial creases and pigmentations
 Has anti-aging and “botox” effect which makes one look
10- 20 years younger on regular intake
Recommended Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets a day

 A premium and high- potency source of Omega-3 fatty acids
 PCB and mercury-free, molecularly distilled
 Has no chemical solvents, sugar, starch, artificial
colors, flavors and preservatives
 Helps normalize cholesterol level and blood pressure
 Helps in the prevention of Coronary Heart Diseases and
its complication
 Helps support healthy eye and brain function
 A very good source of Vitamin E
 Fish oil = 1,000mg
Recommended Dosage: 1 -2 soft gels a day, best taken
with C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals or Complete

VIDA Cardio-Ceutical Drink

 It is enriched with LycoVera Nutra-Blend, specialized
combination formula of Carotenoid Lycopene and
 Studies show that consumption of 30mg-270 mg of resVida
resulted in 62% to 91% immediate increase in artery dilation
within an hour
 It helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary
heart disease by preventing the hardening and clogging of
bad cholesterol
Recommended Dosage: 1-2 sachets in 500ml of Water
per day

Vida Maxx V-Caps

 Vida Maxx V-Caps is a food supplement with Veraflow
Nutra- blend, which is a specialized combination formula
containing Fruitflow & ResVida
 It also helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and
coronary heart disease by preventing the hardening and
clogging of
bad cholesterol
 It is a vegetarian capsule
Recommended Dosage: 1-2 capsules per day

Natura-centials Herbal Toothpaste

 It is the first product under the Personal Care division
 It is considered as all-in-one toothpaste
 It contains at least 1/3 of Complete Phyto-energizer and
the following:
Bee Propolis- inhibits oral bacteria & fungal
infections; reduces inflammation and prevents plaque
Piper Betel Extract- anti-plaque, antiseptic and
breath- freshener
Tea Tree Oil- antiseptic; effective for Yeast infections;
natural cure for bad breath, gingivitis, and inflamed gums
Myrrh Extract- antiseptic and antispasmodic
Aloe Vera Extract- cleans and soothes teeth and gums;
fights cavity, cracks at the corners of our lips, gum
abscesses, candidiasis, etc.

Natura-Centials Deep Cleansing and Whitening Bar

 It is 100% natural bar soap which is dermatologically
tested and no chemical added.
 It has bamboo charcoal ingredient that detoxifies
and removes skin blemishes
 It has peppermint essential oil which is anti-aging, and
which refreshes and energizes us
 It has Lumin8 derma complex which is made in Spain
and tested in Japan as skin whitener

Natura-Centials Feminine Wash

 World’s 1st natural feminine wash with negative ions

 100% no harmful chemicals and dermatologically
Elemi oil- Antibacterial, antimicrobial
Helps prevent ITI and infections at the urinary bladder
Aloe Vera- Disinfectant, germicidal, antiseptic and
anti- aging
Guava Leaf Extract- Anti-inflammatory, blocks allergens
and prevents itchiness
Negative Ion Strip- Antifungal and with 6300
negative ions/cm3
 Women’s most intimate area deserves better hygiene.
Natura-Centials feminine wash has a powder fresh

Natura- Centials Masculine Wash

 World’s 1st natural masculine wash with negative ions and

100% no harmful chemicals and dermatologically
 Ingredients:
Aloe Vera- Disinfectant, germicidal, antiseptic and
anti- aging
Akapulco Extract- Antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial
and antiviral
Peppermint Essential oil- anti-aging, refreshes and
energizes us
Negative Ion Strip- Antifungal and with 6300
negative ions/cm3
 Men deserve better intimate hygiene and with
Natura- Centials masculine wash, they get superior
all-day protection from bacteria and foul odor


In the initial years of our life, we forget our health while going
after wealth.

In the later years of our life, we spend our wealth to take care of
our health.

-A.J. Reb Materi, Our Family


 Health is a very important issue. If you have good

health, then half the life’s battle is on.
 Health is not actually everything in life, but if you
don’t have good health, everything else is nothing.
 Just because you are not sick doesn’t mean you
are healthy.
 The greatest wealth is having good health.
 To some, health is not value until sickness comes.
 Prevention is better than cure.


How to be a MILLIONAIRE?

 Win the lottery?

 Kidnap someone for ransom?
 Run for Congress?
 Marry a rich and dying old man/woman

The Best Ways:

 Start a Business!
 Save and Invest!
 Live Simply!

If the only way to be a millionaire is to have a business,

what business can you establish now with a small capital
and with the potential for enormous income?
-Network Marketing has been proven to be one of the
simplest and fastest ways of earning huge amounts of money.


(* Global Package price may vary, depending on the
approved products per country.)
Unlike traditional businesses, the one-time, lifetime capital
for our AIM Global business is definitely reasonable if a
person wants to earn a potential income of USD $600.00/day
and get the following benefits:

1. Alliance In Motion Global Products

Products worth 80% are based on the approved items in
a given country.

NOTE: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

requires every MLM company to abide by the Anti-
Pyramiding Law (RA 5601); that is, if someone invests, at
least 73% of the investment or an equivalent amount
thereof must be returned to him or her through products
and services.

2. Free Web Page

DTC-Distributor Tracking Center

3. Lifetime Discount of 25% - 50%

4. China Trust Bank ATM Card (USD$11.00) or other affiliated
5. Business Kit
It has general information about the company, the
products, and the business. It comes with a free DVD and
6. Opportunity to help others through ALIVE Foundation

1. Retail Profit: 25%-50%

Take advantage of the 25%-50% discount on your reorders:
Example: 1 Blister Box of C24/7

Suggested Retail Price (SRP): USD $36.00

Member’s Price: - $28.00
Your Retail Profit: $ 8.00
No. of Customers: x 2
USD $16.00
Days: x 20
Earnings per month: USD $320.00
2. Direct Referral Bonus USD $11.00 (Unlimited)

$11.00 YOU $11.00


Note: Entry C is a spillover to B. Since you are the sponsor, you
still receive the $11.00 Direct Referral Bonus (DRB).

For every Global Package (USD $275.00) sold as a member to

a friend or relative, you will earn USD $ 11.00

3. BINARY PLAN (Matched Sales Bonus)

a.) Recruit-to-Recruit

(1,200 Registration Pts. = 1,200

Registration Pts. )

Earn USD $33.00 for every pair of on your left sales force; another
on your right.

A B A + B = $33

C + F = $33

C D E F D + E = $33

b.)Recruit to Product Reorder

(1,200 Registration Points = 1,200 Reorder Points)

Earn USD $33.00 for every pair of (1,200 Registration pts) on your
left sales force and sales volume (1,200 Group Reorder Pts.) on
your right.

Registration Pts. 1200

A Registration Pts. 1200

Registration Pts. 1200
C Reorder Pts. 1200

A + B = $33.00 C + B = $33.00
c.) Product Reorder to Product
Reorder (1,200 Reorder Points = 1,200
Reorder Points)
Earn USD $33.00 for every pair of sales volume (1,200
Group Reorder pts) on your left sales force, and sales volume
(1,200 Group Reorder Pts.) on your right.



PTS. 1200 PTS. 1200


Reg. Points A 1200+ Reg. Points B 1200 = $33.00

Reorder Pts. A 1200 + Reorder Pts. B 1200= $33.00
Reorder Pts. A 1200 + Reorder Pts. B 1200 = $33.00

Safety Nets of the Company

 For every 5th Matched Sales (5th pair), instead of USD $33.00,
you get a product or combination of products.
 Flushout System- Earn only from a maximum 8 pairs per
cycle. Per day, there are two (2) cycles: 00:00am -11:59am
12:00pm-11:59pm Philippine Time (UTC +8)
4. UNILEVEL PLAN: 5%-10%



Earn 5.0% of Product SV


5.0%-10.0% of Product SV based
On Commissionable Reorder Points.

Note: Earn 5% from your Indirect Referrals

and earn 10% from your Direct Referrals.

 This monthly compensation plan is

based on reorders of your 1st to 10th
level downlines even from only one
active leg or sales force.
 In order to earn your monthly
unilevel income, you need to have
accumulated personal reorder points
of 0.3334.
Group Positional Points Accumulation
This monthly compensation plan is a long-term business
opportunity wherein a member can be promoted according
to the accumulated group sales volume requirement
(Product Reorders):
1. 10% up to infinity as Silver Executive,
once you accumulate 10 points.
2. 20% up to infinity as Gold Executive, once you accumulate
100 points.
3. 30% up to infinity as Global Ambassador,
once you accumulate 1000 points.

No demotion
No Pass up
No time frame
No reversion

30% Global Ambassador = 1000

Gold Executive = 100 pts.
Silver Executive = 10 pts.
Distributor = 0

As a Global Ambassador, earn 2% rebates based on Group
Reorder Points down to your 5th level downlines, who are
also Global Ambassadors.

Profit Sharing
This is given to the elite Global Ambassadors on a yearly
basis based on certain requirements.
(See printed Company Policy)


 Starter Business Package

1 Global Package Account/Slot (USD 275 x

 Entrepreneur Business Package

3 Global Package Accounts/Slots (USD 275 x

 International Builder Business Package

7 Global Package Accounts/Slots (USD 275 x


1ST Month 2 USD $55
2ND Month 4 USD $66
3RD Month 8 USD $132
4th Month 16 USD $264
5th Month 32 USD $ 528
6th Month 64 USD $1,056
7th Month 128 USD $2,112
8th Month 256 USD $4,224
9th Month 512 USD $8,448
10th Month 1,024 USD $15,840
11th Month 2,048 USD $15,840
12th Month 4,096 USD $15840
TOTAL USD $64,405

If everyone does this every month, each person can earn as much as
USD $64.4k in a year!

On Money Matters

A. Objection: “USD $275 is a lot of

money.” Response:
 If you look at it as a capital for a
business, it’s a
minimal amount. After all, this is a one-time, lifetime
investment. Once you invest, you won’t shell out any
money anymore unless you want to add more
accounts in the near future.

 Unlike in traditional businesses where a big portion

of your earnings is reinvested to buy more stocks or
to pay for the utility bills, at AIM Global, you don’t
have other expenses to think of since the company
takes care of these.

 Anyone can do this business anytime, anywhere.

Since this is an online business, you can monitor your
business transactions online through your webpage.

 If your problem today is lack of money, most likely,

five years ago, you had the same problem too. If you
still find it hard to shell out USD $275 this time,
surely you will still encounter the same problem five
years from now.
 If you won’t be able to come up with USD $275,
forget about having your own house and lot. This is
because one square meter of a lot could cost USD
$275. Also, forget about driving your own car
because a car tire alone costs a little less than USD
$275. Don’t even dream of going abroad because USD
$275 won’t be enough to cover all of the expenses for
this. In other words, investing USD $275 won’t lead
you to bankruptcy. Instead, the amount can give you a
fortune. So, I suggest that you join in order for you to
attain your dreams in life.

 If a loved one is rushed to the hospital, most likely,

you will do everything to produce the required amount
because life is at stake. It’s actually the same in this
business. You must go out of your way to come up
with USD $275 because the quality of life of your
loved one is at stake. This business can make a
difference in the lives of the people you love.

 It has been observed that most Filipinos save money

for mobile phones and other gadgets. The Chinese
on the other hand, always think of ways on how to
increase their income. Investing money on business
rather than on gadgets is a wise decision.
B. Objection: “My mobile phone is definitely cheaper than
the amount of the package.”

 How many years have you been using your mobile phone?
If you add your “load” expenses from the time you
it until now, it would be more than USD $275. You
probably have the latest mobile phone yet, you have no
load! How come you could easily spend a lot of money
for a mobile phone, yet you cannot produce USD $275 for
business that has been proven to give a huge income?
Could you not produce USD $275 for this big
business and for a better future?

 You should have that great desire to improve

your financial status.

C. Objection: “I will think it over.”

 Has anyone become rich by just merely thinking about
it without doing anything?

 As they say, it’s impossible for someone to win the

lottery unless he buys a lottery ticket first. The point is,
you still have to do your part.
D. Objection: “I will save money for it.”

 May I know how old are you now? (Say, your prospect is
36 years old) You mean to say that by this time, you still
haven’t saved USD $275 yet? How many more years will
take for you to save USD $275?

E. Objection: “I don’t have much money.”

 If a person really wants
something, he will do
whatever it takes; but if he isn’t interested, he
makes excuses.”

 Take it from PJ Felismino, a college dropout, who

borrowed money, sold some of his clothes, and even
volunteered to wash his neighbor’s jeep just to raise
$275. Now he lives a good life. He owns a condominium,
drives his own cars, and spends for his family’s
vacations here and abroad.

 Some look for friends and borrow certain amount of

cash from them:
 8 persons = USD $35 each;
 16 persons = USD $18 each;
 32 persons = USD $9 each;
 64 persons = USD $5 each;
 275 persons = USD $1 each.
F. Objection: “Can I do this alongside with another
MLM Company?”

 I haven’t seen someone driving 2 cars at the same
time. You have to choose which company is better and
on it. “No one can serve two masters at the same time.”
– Matthew 6:24

 Even horses have blinders to keep them focused.

G. Objection: “I don’t want to get rich. I’m already contented

with my life.”

 Have you asked your loved ones if they are contented
with the kind of life you are giving them? Let this be
the instrument towards the fulfillment of your dreams
and that of your loved ones.

 If you won millions through lottery, would you claim

your prize? (Yes, of course!) That’s the point. You
want to be rich not because you are greedy or
anything like that. The reality is that everyone wants
to get rich.
H. Objection: “I’d rather be employed in order to have a
stable monthly income.”

 Allow me to discuss with you the difference
between Linear Income and Residual Income.

Linear Income
The earnings received by employees twice a month
is a
linear income. Let’s say you’re able to make both ends
meet so to speak; still, it will require 100% effort on
your part as an employee.
This only means: No work = No pay!
Ex. A doctor- No patient, no income! So no matter
how diligent you are, you will still receive the same
amount any time.

Residual Income
The profit received by the likes of Donald Trump and
Henry Sy who earn even when they are asleep is
income. They live by the principle of J. Paul Getty, the
first billionaire in U.S.A.:
“I would rather earn 1% out of 100 people’s effort,
than earn 100% out of my own effort.”
Among the Chinese people, this simply means: Each one
of them would rather earn USD $1 from 100 individual’s
effort, rather than earn USD $100 from one’s own effort.”
(Law of Leverage means duplicating your time, effort,
and yourself through others.)

On Company Stability

A. Objection: “What if AIM Global is just like other unstable

fly- by-night binary MLM companies?”

 One of the best features of our company is its “Safety
Net”. AIM Global has product movement and a
flushout system with two cycles daily!

 The company has leaders with integrity. There’s a

balance of profit since there are several “company
accounts or slots”.

 Our marketing plan has been proven effective since

2005. We are competitive and stable.

 No one can tell as to how long a company would last.

It’s the same way with life’s uncertainties.

B. Objection: The Company is very young. I would rather

join other companies which have been in existence for
several years already.”

 AIM Global was also recognized by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) of the Philippines as one of the Top 1,000
Highest Tax-Paying Companies in the country. AIM
Global is the only MLM Company on that list.

 The company is young, but imagine, In April 2010, AIM

Global celebrated its 4th Anniversary. So far, it’s the only
company that I know which was able to fill the Smart
Araneta with over 18,000 attendees! It even had a “Part
II Celebration” at the Ynares Gym in May 2010 because
there were so many distributors who couldn’t be
accommodated due to seat limitations.
This time, the company started booking its events at
the Philippine Arena, the biggest arena in Asia.

 We are gearing up for globalization. The company is

continually improving its operations and is strictly
complying with the requirements for global

 For several years now, the company has already created

over 800 millionaires to date. Furthermore, the
company generates USD $28 Million worth of sales
yearly since 2010.

C. Objection: The Company is over 8 years already. Its market

is much smaller now.”

 There’s no such thing as saturated market. Every day,
countless individuals still look for means to earn.
Simply put it this way, the market is still huge. Our
increasing roster of millionaires is proof of this.

 It’s better to join an MLM Company which has been

existing for years wherein its products and marketing
plan have been proven safe, effective and stable. In
other words, tried and tested methods.

About the Products

A. Objection: “How can we be assured of the products’

quality and efficacy?”

 Our partner, Nature’s Way has been a manufacturer
of high quality herbal products since 1969. Nature’s
would never put its business at great risk by
claiming that its products are safe and effective if
these aren’t true.

 The sales volume speaks for itself. During its first

year, in 2006, Nature’s Way required AIM Global to
generate approximately USD $450,000 worth of sales
in order for the company to remain as the sole
distributor of Complete Phyto-Energizer. AIM Global
produced USD
$3.1 Million in just one year! As of this writing, the
company maintains an average daily sales volume
of approximately USD $160,000- $180,000!

B. Objection: “I am taking a lot of medications.”

 All the more reason to taking our supplement. It
will neutralize the negative effects of the synthetic
medicine and it will protect your vital organs,
especially your liver. It would be best to take them
an hour before or after taking your medicine.

C. Objection: “I don’t feel well every time I take C24/7 or

Complete Phyto-Energizer.”

 You may experience some healing manifestations. It
means that your body is being “repaired”. You may
feel uneasy; you may feel tired; you may develop body
aches; or, you may even have fever. Your body works
its way through years of toxins and diseases
( Our medical
consultants recommend continuous intake as the pain
or discomfort will eventually disappear and the healing
process will take place.
D. Objection: “I don’t think it’s possible for all of
the components to be encapsulated into one.”

 Nature’s Way utilizes Nano (one billionth of a unit)
technology; it’s the same patented methodology
for DVDs, lap tops, i-phones, etc. Before, only one or
a few could be stored in VHS tapes. Now, 50 movies or
more can be downloaded in DVDs or external hard

E. Objection: “All food supplements are the

same.” Response:
 I believe food supplements are good and beneficial to
one’s health. Grape seed, spirulina, and wheatgrass
are all beneficial to our health. What makes C24/7
Ceuticals and Complete Phyto-Energizer unique is that,
they already have everything that our body needs.

F. Objective: “It’s very expensive.”

 Nowadays, taking food
supplements is a
necessity. But
if you will take different food supplements like
Vitamin E, Vitamin C for your liver, heart, eyes, etc. It
will be more costly. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a lot
cheaper considering the fact that it is an all-in-one
food supplement.
On Personal Matters

A. Objection: “I’ve been there. It was all a waste of money,

time, and effort.”

 May I ask, have you done more than enough to
achieve your goals?

 Be it in employment or business, everybody has to do

his part. As they say, “What you sow is what you
reap!” In this business, never let a day pass without
sharing the products and the business to at least 3

 You also need to be aggressive and persistent. If

a person rejects you, talk to someone else.
Remember this:
“Some will join;
Some won’t join;
So what? Next!”

Example #1:
In a deck of cards, there are only 4 aces. If on your
first flip, you don’t get an ace yet, try again because
chances are, you might be able to get an ace soon.

In multilevel marketing, you might be disheartened

after experiencing rejection. It could be discouraging
but don’t give up, go on! Be focused and committed.
Do the business with all your heart. Soon it will be
harvest time. It may be a bit slow for now, but keep
your wheels steady. Before long, you’ll get there too,

Example #2: DIAMONDS

If I give you a bucket of crystals with diamonds,
and say that you can have all the diamonds that
you can find, will you stop searching?
In network marketing, never give up because many
have succeeded in this system. You may be just like

Example #3: FERRARI

If you could choose between a Ferrari and a rusty
old car, which would you drive? (Ferrari!)

AIM Global has many success stories of people’s

lives changed for the better in just a few months.
Give it a try!


When Sylvester Stallone was still a no body he dreamt
of becoming a Hollywood Actor. After he wrote a
movie script, he offered it to a producer on the
condition that
he would be the lead actor in the movie. The
producer was willing to buy USD $1million but denied
the chance to be the lead actor. Sylvester also
rejected the producer’s offer. Eventually, the producer
agreed that Sylvester would be the lead actor and but
he would be only paid $35,000! Surprisingly, the
movie was a hit, and it even received numerous
awards and positive feedback from people
everywhere. The movie earned millions and had
sequels later on. The movie’s title is ROCKY.

Therefore, be like Sylvester- be persistent in this

business! You will eventually receive the desires
of your heart by doing so.

Example #5: Walt Disney

Walt Disney dreamed of having a Disneyland theme
park. He didn’t have much money so he proposed
to several financers. Believe it or not, he was
rejected 302 times! He didn’t stop pursuing his
dreams, though. Now, who doesn’t know about

Consistency is also important. It should be a habit for

you to share our products and business to anyone,
anytime, anywhere, although you don’t have to be
pushy. If after the presentation, he opted to do the
business, thanks be to GOD! But if not, nothing is

At the end of the day, the decision would still be

come from him. Decision is the only catalyst for
Your decision today will change your tomorrow.
B. “It’s not my cup of tea. I’ve never been good at sales.”

 I understand how you feel. When I introduced this
business to my other friends, they felt the same way
until they found that through this business, their skills
could be improved. The techniques are incredibly
simple and yet amazingly effective.

 Here are some ordinary Filipinos (show the Business kit

Folder) who became extraordinary millionaires through
AIM Global. Some used to have a good paying job as
professionals, but most of them did not even earn a
college degree. They didn’t know anything about sales
either, but why did they succeed? It’s not about forte but
it’s the belief that this business will change their lives
for the better.

C. Objection: “I know it already. When the time comes and no

one wants to be part of the company, I’ll no longer earn.”

 The Binary Plan has 3 sub plans. In case you and your
business partners stopped encouraging people to do
business, you’ll still get the rebates through
product reorders. Our USD $33 Matched Sales
Bonus can be: person matched to person, person
matched to sales
bonus and a sales bonus matched to another.
(See Marketing Plan)

 Our marketing plan is designed for a long-term business

opportunity. You also earn from 2 Major plans: Unilevel &
Stairstep, even when you stop encouraging people to do
the business. These plans are based on reorders or
repeat sales, since the products are consumable.

 More often than not, people claim to be all-knowing.

It’s a buzzword in this industry – “AKNY” or “Alam Ko Na
Yan!” (I know that already!). In our most polite manner,
we can say a joke, “If you know this already, how come
you are not a millionaire yet?”

D. Objection: “I see, it’s a networking business. It’s a

scam.” Response:
 Networking, per se, is not a scam. It’s a word-of-mouth
advertisement, or it is sharing something good to other
people. In fact, in the early days, Jesus Christ chose 12
apostles to send them to different places to spread
the Good News. The rest is history.

 It only becomes a form of fraud if you don’t get anything

in return after investing a certain amount, or if the value
of the products and services you received is not
commensurate to the money you shelled out. In our AIM
Global business, once you invest, you will receive a
for-money package in return. On the other hand, even
if you don’t do the business, you won’t regret anything
because the package is worth it.

 According to the Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC), for an MLM transaction not to be considered as
a scam, a person should receive tangible products
equivalent to 73% and above of the investment.

 As for our Global package worth USD $275, almost 100%

have been given back to you because aside from the
products and services, you will also receive a transferable
Scholarship Certificate, which entitles the recipient, 25%
to 100% discount. You can also avail yourself free
medical check-up.

E. Objection: “I will still consult my spouse.”

 It’s good to consult your spouse. However, it would be
better if you let him/her see the business also because
not, he or she might just discourage others are
called dream stealers.

 Don’t let other people run your own life. You’ve got to
see who is talking. If the other person who is
discouraging you to join isn’t successful yet, don’t
listen to him or her. As they say, “If you want to learn
how to
bake, you have to listen, watch, and learn from a
baker.” So if you want to be rich, you’ve got to listen,
learn, and be with rich and open-minded people.

 You may invite your spouse to attend the presentations

at the Head Office before deciding.

F. Objection: “I’m busy. I don’t have much time.”

 Of course I know you’re busy and you don’t have much
time. That is why I am sharing this business to you so
that you can eventually enjoy time freedom. In fact, you
can do this on a part-time basis. You can lend the back-
to-back DVD to your friends and follow them up a day
or two after. If they don’t feel like joining yet, lend it to

 You also have sponsors, whom you can ask for help
in assisting your guests/invites just in case you won’t
be able to go to the office.

 If you’re busy making your employer wealthier, think

twice. One more thing, if you decide to join, I assure
you that you will earn 100% if you follow this system:
1. Learn everything about the business.
2. Don’t stop unless you have sponsored at least 2 people.
Then, teach the 2 to follow the same system.
Take Note:
According to the National Statistics Office (NSO), our
acquaintances total about 500 by the time we reach 30. If
a person isn’t able to convince at least 2 people, it’s
possible that he has a problem with integrity.

 Good thing I was challenged into doing this

business. If not, I’ll never experience the good life I
am enjoying now. The business is indeed a
blessing to us. I believe you too can prosper
through this.

G. Objection: “You are hard-working, that’s

why.” Response:
 I had always been a hard-working person but my life
hadn’t changed for the better not until I joined
Alliance In Motion Global.

 Hard work is one of the keys to being successful,

but we also have to check if the business or work
we are currently engaged in is worth our time and

H. Objection: “I’ll study the matter

first.” Response:
 It would be better to clarify things now. We were
not taught nor encouraged to be entrepreneurs. So,
encourage you to be open-minded and I will help you
realize that this is a big-time and legitimate

I. Objection: “I don’t know how to present.”

 Everybody started from scratch. I didn’t know how to
present either when I started in this business, but just the
same, I decided to be equipped. The key is that you must
have a good learning and listening attitude. Attend series
of training seminars several times. You can tell your
friend the story of a beautiful movie you watched, but
you’ll never earn a penny from doing so. However in this
business, a few minutes of sharing with a friend will
make you earn thousands eventually.

J. Objection: “Network Marketing is too difficult.”

 What is not difficult, anyway? Compared
to some jobs that
we know, network marketing is easier.
All you have to do
is to keep on sharing the beauty of the products and the
business. Again, if they buy or join, thank God and if
not, nothing is lost.

 When I was employed, I used to wake up at 5AM to get

myself ready for work. Now, I have the freedom of
K. Objection: “I already have something similar with what you
are selling.”

 What do you mean by this? (You need to find out why
he can’t buy, so you would be able to address his real
concern). As far as I know, Dr. Dean Morris is the only
master herbalist who was able to formulate a food
supplement with 140 components, in each capsule.
Based on what we have discussed, can you see how this
product and this business will benefit you and your

NETWORK MARKETING: A one-of-a-kind business

 Network Marketing gives people the opportunity,

with very low risk and very low financial
commitment, to build their own income-generating
asset and acquire great wealth. –Robert T. Kiyosaki

 The network marketing business will make you

attain your dreams.

 It can help you buy all the things you need

because you’ll definitely have financial freedom.

 There are so many who testify how remarkably

fast it is, to prosper here for it only requires a
small capital, yet it gives big profits.
 It helps those who are employed to have
extra income.

 It gives you the opportunity to help other

people health wise and wealth wise.

 It can help you save for the rainy days.

 This industry can give you the opportunity to go

to different places, here and abroad.

 It gives you the opportunity to make friends with

people from different walks of life globally as
this can also be done online through Facebook.

 This can give you freedom so that you’ll have

more time spent with your loved ones.

 This business can give you the opportunity to

develop self-confidence as you will eventually be
trained to become a speaker.

 This industry can give you the opportunity to

make a difference in the lives of so many people.

“I will bless you and you will be a blessing.”

 Genesis 12:2

A. Mr. Jun Espinosa/Mr. John Asperin

 What is an extra income?

- Extra income is an additional source of earnings
aside from the original source of income.
- Mr. Nestor Gonzaga’s salary (original source) used
to be over USD$500 per month. Because of AIM
Global business, his income is now about
USD$10,000 per month! He is doing this business
full time. Can you consider that as extra income?

 What is a big business?

- It brings about big profit.
- I t requires big capital, thus, it is very risky.

 AIM Global: Big business or small business?

-It is a big business because it provides big
income, though it doesn’t require big capital.
-Since we consider it a business, we should be
able to “close” not less than 3 accounts a day.

 Network Marketing: a career or a job?

-We need to convey verbally and non-verbally that
we are doing AIM Global business as a career,
through the tools that we use and by the way we
walk, talk, move, dress, etc. In short, walk the
We have to prove that this business is really
big- time.
-You don’t have to be extravagant but
be presentable and convincing.
-You have to get use to dressing, talking, and
walking like a millionaire (The Law of Attraction).
-Some say, “If you are a networker, you are
desperate or you don’t have any choice. You are in
the industry, where people belittle and ridicule
you.” Prove them wrong. If you believe and feel that
your dreams are a few steps within your reach,
consider this as a career.

“Your initial impression is your closing.”

Convince your prospects from the very start:

 With the clothes that you wear.
 With the things/tools that you use.
 With your words and actions.

 Before the meeting, look for a nice venue. Be there

ahead of time; an hour or at least 30 minutes
earlier. Be on time.
 You have to do this with all your heart and soul.
Let’s be professional network marketers.
 Network Marketing: An opportunity or a chance?

- Seeing it as an opportunity is knowing what

it is all about. It is more of a chance that we
should take. Treat this as your last and only
chance. Make the most out of it.

 Why did you join AIM Global?

- I want to be wealthy!
“Everything should start and end with a

 What is my deepest reason?

- We do this business for a lot of reasons; we
want to drive a brand new car, live in our
home, pay the bills, send the children
and siblings to good schools, etc.
- We should have the will to persevere.
- It should not only be for yourself, but also for
your loved ones.

 What to do before bringing your prospects to

OPP’s or Opportunity Plan Presentations:
- Before accompanying your prospect to the
OPP proper, give him key idea about the
products and the business so it would be
easier for him
to understand these.
- Remember, the foundation of any business
transaction is trust. Therefore, be able to
your prospect where you are going to
bring him or her.
- Give more quality time in doing your AIM
Global business, to have more chances of
getting rich. Don’t be scared to present our
capital, USD$275. In fact, you are doing
your client a favor.

“Success is measured, not by the number of

times you fall, but by the number of times that
you stand after each fall.”

B. Pastor John Gay

 God has the right timing! He knows what’s best, and

when the best time is.
 Balance between life and work is essential
because everything in life requires balance.
 Your words and my words have power.

“The blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds

no sorrow with it.” –Proverbs 10:22

 This business should be done from within.

 It’s better to acquire money from this business to do
God’s work instead of always asking for financial help all
the time. As they say, “You can’t give what you don’t
Wrong belief:
X Being poor
X Being rich is ungodly.

 Know that God wants us to be wealthy.

 God wants us to live in prosperity so that others may also
be blessed through us. It is just a matter of believing
in God’s words and promises.
 AIM Global network marketers are investors as we let
our money work for us.
 There is a system to be successful and through it,
our wealth is guaranteed. You don’t have to reinvent
the wheel.

1. Know the System

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the
Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give
you hope and bright future.” –Jeremiah 29:11

 Learn to submit to authority.

 Positive thinking is a system.
 God provides all our needs.
 Character is more important than money.
 Be right within yourself and people will be attracted
to you. Negative attitude attracts negative vibes and
vice versa.
 Studies show that when you have a positive attitude
the morning, it means that you are attracting
good things to happen to you on that day.
Therefore, as
soon as you wake up in the morning, be pleasant
right away.
 Thank God for the gift of life.
 Thank God for the gift of wisdom.
 Thank God for the gift of safety.
 Thank God for the gift of great health.
 Thank God for the gift of prosperity.
 Thank God for the gift of a wonderful family.
 Thank God for making you the most blessed
and highly favored all the time.

Remember to:
“Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will
be successful in carrying them out.”- Proverbs

2. Believe in the System

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on
your own understanding; In all ways, acknowledge HIM
and HE will make your path straight.” –Proverbs 3:5-6

 God is indeed a faithful and loving God! He is true to

His words and His promises. Entrust unto Him
everything. Try to do your best and He will surely
take care of the rest. Just believe.

3. Speak the System

“So shall my Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it
shall not return to Me void. It shall accomplish what I
please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
–Isaiah 55:11

 Speak it out!
 Declare it!
 Be careful with what you say because everything
you utter is important to God.
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not lack.”
“I have a millionaire mind.”
“I earn USD $1 million a month.”
“I am a money magnet.”
“I am blessed indeed.”

4. Do the System

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best fruit
in the land.” – Isaiah 1:19

 Be generous. The generous ones will be given more!

When you give away something, it comes back to
you a hundredfold! God loves a cheerful giver.
Always declare: “I am a giver, not a taker.”
 Be focused. You won’t be able to do two things at
the same time successfully. Example: In any circus
exhibition, when the performer needs to tame the
lion, he waves a 4 legged stool on its face. The lion
can’t focus on the 4 legs of the stool; because they
have a paralyzing effect.
 Money placed in the hands of the wrong people
spells disaster, but money placed in the hands of the
right people spells excellence.
 Begin with the end in mind. Let your desired
result inspire you to go on and on.
 Purpose is something that connects with God.

“Raise your level of expectancy. It’s your

faith that activates the power of God.
Let’s quit limiting Him and start believing
Him for bigger and better things to
Remember, if you obey God and you are
willing to trust Him, you will have the
best this life has to offer. Make a
decision that from this day forward, you
are going to be excited about the life
God has planned for you! God will take
you to places you’ve never dreamed of
and you will be living your best life ever.”

-Joel Osteen, author of “Your Best Life Now”

It’s Your Attitude that Counts…

If you think you are beaten, you are,

If you think you dare not, you
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,

For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It is all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,

You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can even win the prize.

Life is a battle does not always

go To the stronger or faster
For sooner or later the man who will win,
Is the man who thinks he can!


If you will keep the right attitude, God will take all your
disappointments, broken dreams, the hurts and pains, and He’ll
pay you back with twice as much peace, joy, happiness, and
Sometimes you simply have to choose to see the bright side of
situations. When things don’t work out as you planned, rather than
complaining, look for something good in your circumstances. Fill
your mind with good thoughts. Our thoughts and expectations
wield tremendous power and influence in our lives. We receive what
we believe. Therefore, dare to believe for greater things.
-Joel Osteen, author of “Your Best Life Now”

The Money Drum

By: Mr. Francis Miguel, “The Mentor of all Mentors”

A water drum under a dripping faucet will eventually be full. But if

the water drum has a leak, will it ever be full? Due to crises in the
global economy, our ordinary salary cannot cope up with the
rising cost of living.

Basic Skills in Networking Marketing

A. Prospecting – Continuous and deliberate search for

people who may or may not join you; people who may or
may not buy your products
*The lifeblood of network marketing is new prospects.
*Prospecting is a numbers game.

1. Benefits of Prospecting
a. It saves you time.
b. It increases your sales and income.
c. It replaces your lost customers.
2. Methods of Prospecting
Personal Observation
Office Leads
Spouse’s Contacts
Public Affairs or Activities
Endless Chain
Cold Canvass
Through Your Associates
Names on Listings
Group Organizations

3. Qualifying Your Prospects

Look for people with:
Means – Have the
capacity to pay
Authority – Have the
right and power to decide
Needs – Have ailment or people who want additional
source of income

B. Inviting – Act of requesting a prospect to attend a

certain presentation
Law of Leverage:
Ratio – Invite 10:2 Attend/Join
Invite 20:4 Attend/Join
How to Invite a Prospect
By: Mr. Jurgen Gonzales

According to studies, each individual knows 200 to 300

people. These people are considered your potential
customers or business partners. Before inviting, it is
very important for you to take note of the following:

 Write down 100-200 names of people you know.

 Categorize your prospects.
Warm market (those who you know)
Cold market (those who you are not so familiar
 Highlight your top ten prospects.
 Identify at least three prospects in your list that
you will contact each day.
 Avoid explaining over the phone to your prospects.


1. Family
2. Friends
3. Neighbors
4. Relatives
5. Church Members
6. Colleagues
7. Club Members
8. Former Officemates
9. Classmates
10. Store Owners
11. Your barber
12. Your doctor
13. Your dentist
14. Postmen
15. Teachers
16. Students
17. Bankers
18. Travel Agent
19. Barangay Officials
20. School Heads

The Right Attitude:

 Help your friends because they need the products and
this business.
 Do not think it is very complicated; just do it.
A successful invitation is being able to set an appointment
without explaining the marketing plan. There is a
difference between invitation and presentation.
Do not judge or qualify your prospects.
Give everyone an equal opportunity.
The keys to a successful invitation are courage,
enthusiasm, and action.

How to Invite New Prospects:

Listen to your prospects when they talk about their
family, occupation, and recreation.
F – Family
O- Occupation
R- Recreation
M- Message
From here, you will get the message and basically be able to
figure out how Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. will be able
to satisfy their needs.

Setting an Appointment

The goal is to set an appointment not to make a sale.

1. Be enthusiastic; be friendly.
2. Tell them why you thought of them.
3. They must know you are meeting them to discuss
4. Schedule the appointment right away. Suggest a date
and time.
Example: “When are you free? Friday or Saturday?”
“Would 3:00pm be okay with you?”
5. Get a commitment.
Example: “Can I count on you?”

C. Presenting – Act of introducing your product and

business to a prospect

Before the Presentation:

6. Reconfirm the appointment on the same day or one day
prior to it.
7. Dress for business and be presentable.
8. Get all business tools ready.
Conducting the Presentation
1. Begin on time. Do not wait for latecomers.
2. Be excited.
3. Show your belief in the plan.
4. When the presenter is finished, the referrer should
say something about the business.
5. During the coffee break, keep conversation on the
business. Ex. “What aspect of the business interests you the
6. Make him/her fill out an Evaluation Form.
7. Set the date for the next meeting.

D. Closing – Act of putting an end to your presentation and

then making your prospect realize the importance of
what you have discussed with him or her
(See script on Closing Techniques)

E. Follow up – Act or an instance of reviewing new

developments; an action that serves to increase
the effectiveness of a previous presentation

The 24-hour / 48-hour Rule:

1. Follow up prospects and keep their levels of
excitement high within 24 to 48 hours.
2. Offer them choices.
3. Share your dreams with them or better yet, dream with
4. You may visit them in their homes.
5. Meet their family and friends.
6. Invite them to the next orientation.

A. Wanting to prosper in life

 Who wants to have a better life?
 Who wants to be a millionaire?
[not everyone raised his/her hand]
 You know what? There’s someone up there, looking at
us. If you didn’t raise your hand, it means you really
want to become millionaires. But if you did, He’ll give it
to you because you asked for it. So this time, I’ll give you
another chance…..

B. Do everything to have $275 as soon as possible

 Who are interested in the products?
 Who are interested in the business?
 Who are interested to join?
[Some will raise their hands]

Question & Answer:

 When do you intend to
start? [Once I have the
 What will you do to have
$275? [Save up for it]
 Is it only now that you intend to save? [No I’ve
been planning to save.]
 You see $275 isn’t really a lot of money. Not all who
became millionaires in the business had that amount on
hand when they first saw this opportunity. However, they
did everything to come up with $275 for they knew it will
change their lives for the better.
 This is a people-helping-people business. We need to
help our business partners (downlines) earn, for us to
earn. There are instances when we put people under our
business partners account (spillovers). I suggest that it
is really best to position yourselves now so that there’s a
great chance for you to be given spillovers.

C. Do this on a part-time basis if you are employed.

 We won’t recommend that you resign from work
right away- not just yet. At least, have this as an
source of income. However, the longer you keep on
being just employed, the longer it will take for you to be
wealthy (or wealthier).
 If you are earning say $500 per month, how would
you feel if this business gives you an additional
income of
$100 per month? Or $100 per week or $100 per day?

D. You have the choice.

Here’s a noteworthy insight from Cris Puntanar, a former
employee, and Loida Dela Pena, a former Sales Representative.
Both of them are already Elite Global Ambassadors of AIM

When we eat in a restaurant, we often bring home the leftover

bones to our dogs. We do this because we know they will
surely eat these. But if they were to choose between the meat
and the leftover bones, they would definitely choose to eat
meat rather than just the bones that is, if they have the
It’s the same thing with our lives. If we choose to be
employed, no matter how hardworking we are, our salary will
still be the same. But if we choose to do AIM Global business
on a part- time or full-time basis and exert effort in building
our organization, we would definitely have the chance to make
it really big in this industry.

Life is not a matter of CHANCE; It is a matter of CHOICE!

-William Jennings Bryan

E. Some still hesitate to even try despite the fact that there are
many who have testified that AIM Global is indeed a life-
changing opportunity.
 During his special performance at AIM Global’s 3rd year
Anniversary, Martin Nievera remarked:
“AIM Global networkers are better off than most of
the actors in the country.”

One great example is Joseph Lim, AIM Global’s Elite

Global Ambassador, who started doing network
marketing business when he was still in college. After
graduation, he decided to do this business full time. He
has a big group in Bicol where more than 50 distributors
have brought their own cars. At present, he enjoys the
fruits of his labor. He travels abroad for free, and now
earns an average income of $60,000 a month!

F. Many will discourage you, according to Mr. John Asperin.

 You have to choose who to listen to. If you really want
to prosper in life, you have to listen, be with and talk to
those who are already successful in life. Your
environment directly impacts your attitude and the
actions you take. In school, haven’t you noticed that
students who excel group together? It is the same
with students who are below average, etc. The result,
more often than not is that, they imbibe the qualities
of the people they always associate with.

As someone said, “Tell me who your friends are, and I

will tell you who you are.” “Birds of the same feather flock

G. Time is Gold.
 If were you, I would start the business right away.
It’s better to be ahead of the others rather than be
left behind.
 Most Filipinos are still skeptical about this scheme,
when they have seen ordinary people living extraordinary
lives just by doing this one-of-a-kind business. Usually,
they regret not joining right away.

H. It can also happen to you.

 In life, we often think that we can never be rich. The
truth is, we just have to know what they know and do
they do so that in time, their results will be our
results too.
 Isn’t it that many disabled people can earn a living in
spite of their condition? What more with people with
no disabilities?
Mr. John Asperin’s Principles in Life:
 While you’re still young, grab every opportunity that
comes along your way. Do it while there’s still time.
 It’s not your fault if you were born poor. However, it is
fault if you die poor.
 If you don’t have money, the more reason you should join!
 Foreigners believed in us and joined us so, all the more for
the Filipino people to do the same.
 Don’t let anyone interfere with your life. Your success is
in your hands.
 I believe in the saying “Your decision today will create
your future!”

“The wise man makes his own decision; the fool follows
public opinion.”
-A Chinese Proverb


By: Mr. Arnel Limpin

When you have no appointments………………. INVITE!

When you have no money………………………… INVITE!
When you have no momentum………………….. INVITE!
When you are frustrated with your team……….INVITE!
When your team doesn’t invite……………………INVITE!
When your team doesn’t sell………………………INVITE!
When your team complains………………………..INVITE!
When your team loses the dream………………..INVITE!
When your team has no excitement…………….INVITE!
When your team misses the meeting…………...INVITE!
When the market drops…………………………….INVITE!
When somebody quits………………………………INVITE!
When your big guy disappears……………………INVITE!
When you’re down…………………………………..INVITE!
When you think of your family……………………INVITE!
When you want to help somebody……………….INVITE!
When you have to be at a party…………………..INVITE!
When you go shopping……………………………..INVITE!
When your car breaks down……………………….INVITE!
When you get a traffic ticket………………………INVITE!
When you go to the dentist………………………..INVITE!
When you want to win………………………………INVITE!
When your team wants to win…………………….INVITE!


Starting Your Business with a Dream

Your success is as good as your dream. If your dream is clear,

your success is almost sure. In defining your dream, your
goals should be SMART.
SPECIFIC. You should be definite with your target
income, goal, etc. What do you want the business to
provide for you and your family- new clothes,
dream car, new home?

MEASURABLE. You should be definite with the

quantity or the amount of what you want to have
in life. How much will it cost you? How much do
you need to earn monthly?

ACHIEVABLE. Work on steady growth that is

attainable or easy to accomplish; set goals that
you can carry out successfully.

REALISTIC. Goals can be achieved if they are easy

to visualize. You have to see your dreams as they
really are. Write down the things you want to

TIME-FRAMED. When do you want to achieve your

goals? When do you intend to achieve the position of
Global Ambassador? Write down your plans and
work on them.

Alliance in Motion Global focuses on empowering its

distributors to achieve financial independence and
economic stability by maximizing the wealth of
the market through its breakthrough products and

Helping other people become successful in this

business, developing their talents, and helping
them realize their dreams will enable you to attain
your own and make your future brighter.


Goal 1 – To earn a total $5,654 in 4 months.

Goal 2 – To get 4 direct referrals on my first
month. Goal 3 – To assist my partners to get 4
direct referrals each


1 1

1 1

1st Month 1 1 1 1 4 Direct Referrals = $110

2nd Month 4 4 4 4 Indirect Referrals = $264
3rd Month 16 16 16 16 Indirect Referrals = $1,056
4th Month 64 64 64 64 Indirect Referrals = $4,224



Plan of Action:
Invite at least 20 people to be able to close four (4) Direct
 Call them over the phone.
 Lend them DVD copies of the Back-to-Back Product
Presentations of Dr. Ed Cabantog, Dr. Butch Villena,
and the Opportunity Plan Presentation (OPP) of Mr. John
 Text them or give them flyers or brochures.
 Set an appointment with them.
 Meet them in person.

The Three Levels of Commitment:

1. I will try.
2. I will do my best.
3. I will do whatever it takes to make my business succeed.

 If you want to be successful, you have to set your goal
first. Have this question in mind: “What do I want to
 You should not learn only.
 You have to apply everything that you have learned in
this business.

= 20%

ATTITUDEthat you like!
Every moment of the day is a decision that you make.

The decision that you make determines the result that you

get. Nothing motivates anyone better than getting the best


Remember: “The worst regret that we have in life is not the wrong
deeds we’ve done, but for the right deeds we did not do before.”

Reasons Why I Chose AIM Global, Inc.


 AIM Global is a proud member of the Multi-Level Marketing

International Association (MLMIA).
 Awarded as the No. 1 MLM Company by the Multi-
Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA) in
 Awarded as the Best Company of the Year and given the
Vision Excellence Award at the Asian Networkers Convention
Expo in 2014.
 Its President and CEO, Dr. Eduardo Cabantog, was awarded as
one of the ten (10) Outstanding Entrepreneurs in 2010 and
the Best of the Best in the MLM industry by the MLMIA in

 AIM Global’s Board of Directors goes to different

places here and abroad to introduce the products and the
business to thousands of distributors.
 AIM Global offers Transferable Scholarship Certificates.
 AIM Global offers Medical Reimbursement & Annual
Free Medical Check-up.
 AIM Global offers free Annual Trips to the Philippines, U.S.A.
and Europe with visa assistance to qualified distributors;
free trips to Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.
 AIM Global has over 200 Business Center Offices all over
the Philippines and a number abroad.
 AIM Global belongs to the Top 1,000 Highest Tax
Paying Companies in the Philippines.
 AIM Global provides its business partners free webpage to
monitor their transactions and the network’s growth
online, anytime, anywhere.
 AIM Global offers a Payout System on a daily, twice a
week, weekly, and a monthly basis.
 AIM Global has Safety Net features which keep the
company stable.

 Its food supplements have the most number of components
– over 140. Unique indeed!
 Nature’s Way, a manufacturing plant since 1969, entrusted
to Alliance in Motion Global, the exclusive distributorship of
its unique product C24/7 Naturaceuticals worldwide.


“Success in the MLM industry is not in finding the right person,

but in becoming the right person.” – Dr. Forrest Shaklee, Founder
of Shaklee

“Wages make you a living, Profits make you a fortune. Wages

are fine; Profits are super fine.”
“Network marketing is definitely the big wave of the future.”

-Jim Rohn, America’s Business Philosopher

“If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support
others in achieving theirs, then the network marketing business
is definitely a business for you!” –Robert Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur &

“Losers often lose simply because they are unaware of the joy
of winning. They quit so many times that they have become
accustomed to failure. Therefore, NEVER GIVE UP, NO MATTER
WHAT!” –John Maxwell, Author, Speaker

“It does not matter how slowly you go; so long as you do not

To God be the Glory!

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