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➢ Parents are usually the first people a child learns to trust. Parents and families
are the most important people in children's lives.

➢ The many different relationships people form over the course of the life span,
the relationship between parent and child is among the most important.

➢ Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological
➢ Meeting the child's needs to age of 18 or sometimes longer. Guiding the child
toward the goal of becoming a
competent adult.
Meaning of Parenting

. The term parenting is used in different context. In human context, the term
parenting is used in the context of biological parents. In this parenting, government
and society also contribute

 Parents is a process of educating a child form birth till adulthood or adolescence.
It often done by parents. When the
 parents are unable to do such parenting or they don't want to do so, then in that
case, such parenting is done by the close relatives, grandparents or orphanages.


The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviors, feelings, and

expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child. The relationship
involves the full extent of a child's development.

> Parenting - It is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional,
social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

> Parenting styles - It means a psychological construct representing standard strategies

that parents use in their child rearing.
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Objective of parenting

The following are some of the main objective of parenting-

I. To fulfill the physical needs of the children by parents,

II. To provide safety to the children.

III. Culture values skills etc. are to be provided continuous and this process go on till they obtain legally the

Aspect of Parenting
In the entire process of parenting, we can includes the following aspects :

1) Social development and emotional support.

2) Physical look after.
3) Social Skill & Etiquettes.

4) Moral and spiritual development.

5) Financial assistance.

6) Expenditure on education and insurance.

7) Medical care, providing security and shelter.
8) Introducing with ideals & values system.

There are mainly four categories of parent child relationship.

1. Secure relationships:
This is the strongest type of attachment. A child in this category feels he can
depend on his parent or provider. He knows that person will be there when he needs support.

2. Avoidant relationships:

This is one category of attachment that is not secure. Avoidant children have learned that depending on parents won't get
them that secure feeling they want, so child learn to take care of themselves. Avoidant children may seem too independent
and usually do not build strong relationships.

3. Ambivalent relationships:
Ambivalence is another way a child may be insecurely attached to his parents. Child notice what behavior got their
parents' attention in the past and use it over and over. Children are always looking for that feeling of security.

4. Disorganized relationships:
Disorganized children don't know what to expect from their parents. Children with relationships learn to predict how his
parent will react, whether it is positive or negative. Child also learns that doing certain things will make their parents do
certain things.

1. Authoritarian Parents: - The parent is demanding but not responsive.Authoritarian parents are rigid in their rules; they expect absolute obedience from the child without any
questioning. Authoritarian parents are strict disciplinarians.

2. Authoritative: - Authoritative parents show respect for the opinions of their children. Authoritative parents are both responsive and demanding; they are firm, but they discipline
with love and affection, rather than power.

3. Permissive/Indulgent: - Permissive (indulgent) parents have little or no control over the behavior of their children. Indulgent parents are responsive but not especially
demanding. They have few expectations of their children and impose little or inconsistent discipline. There are empty threats of punishment without setting limits. Role
reversal occurs.

4. Detached: - Detached parents are neither responsive nor demanding. They may be careless or unaware of the child's needs for affection and discipline.
Characteristics of a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship
• Flexible/Adaptable
• Connected
• Appropriate boundaries
• Open Communication
• Discipline
• Safety.
• Unconditional Love.
• Mutual Respect.

• Flexible/Adaptable
Good parents must be flexible and adaptable. They have ability to
recognize and accommodate the child’s need. Help the child by giving clear
directions, offering opportunities to choose and negotiate.

• Connected
Parents should have ability to differentiate the child's worth from his or her behavior, and create a reward-oriented
environment in which consequences are positive outcome. Respond to a child’s problems or feelings with.

• Appropriate boundaries
The parent- child relationship includes various boundaries. Healthy boundaries consider that what the parent and the child
want in a positive way to find a mutually agreeable solution or limit.
• Open Communication

The way the parent and child communicate sets the tone for the relationship. The healthy parent- child relationships use
positive communication that separates the child’s worth from behavior.

• Discipline

For healthy parent child relationship discipline also very important aspect. To finding the solution of conflicts and behavioral
problem helps to encourage the strong relation rather than punishing children in an attempt to teach.

Safety is at the core of bonding and self-regulation.

• Unconditional Love.
Unconditional love is a direct result of the trust that was built.
Factors Influencing Parent-Child Relationship

• Family structure
• Social and community support
• Relationship History
• Emotional system
• Temperament
• Parenting Experiences
• Intellectual Capacity
• Education (formal and informa
• Cultural context and experience
Method to Improve Child - Parent Relationships

1. Play games with Child.

2. Casual conversation.
3. Bring the child to new places.
4. Rewarding
5. Tell your child You Love them
6. Be Available
7. Eat meals Together
8. Listen and empathise
9. Spend one on one time with Children
Duties and rights as a parent

• To protect your child from harm.

• To provide your child with food, clothing and a place to live.

• To financially support your child.

• To provide safety, supervision and control.

• To provide medical care.

• To provide an education.

I have conducting the class on parenting process Today discuss in

parenting process are Introduction of , Meaning of parenting,
Definition, Objective of parenting, Aspect of parenting, Type of
parent child relationship,
Parenting style, Characteristics of a healthy parent- child
relationship,Factors Influencing parent - Child relationship, Method
to Improve child parent Relationship, Duties and rights as a parent.

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2. Bhasker Nima. (2015). Midwifery & Nursing ". 3 ed. New DELHI Emmess medical publisher
3. Bobak, Jensen. (1993). Maternity & Genecology Care, (5th ed.), Mosby:
4.D.C. Dutta. Text book of obstetrics, 6th ed. New Delhi:Central book
5. Laurie n. Sherwin, Mary Ann Scoloveno, Carol toussie (1999). Muternity Nursing (3rded.). Appleton &
Lange Stamford, Connecticut
6. Reeder, Martin, Konaik-Griffin (1997). Maternity Nursing. (18th ed.).
Lippincott Raven Publishers
7. Sadhana Gupta, (2011). A Comprehensive Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1st ed. Jaypee Brothers
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8. Dorothy R. Marlow, Textbook of Pediatric nursing, Saunders publisher, 6th edition,
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