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ISO TS 10020:202X

Quality Management Systems —

Organizational Change Management —
Process Reference Model

ISO/TC176 SC3 WG28


The intention of this presentation is to:

• provide a summary of the purpose and contents of
ISO TS 10020:202X, ‘Organizational Change Management’

Note: Although this Technical Specification is intended to address these

concepts in relation to quality management systems and standards, they
can be readily applied to other management systems, standards, and

ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28


This document defines a generic process reference model for organizational

change management that can be used by any organization when undertaking any
form of organizational change management. It comprises process descriptions
that define the organizational change management processes.

Supporting informative diagrams describing the processes are defined.

Since change management is a key approach to risk-mitigation in organizational

development, this document follows a risk-based approach. Risk-based change
management is a best-practice approach to strategizing and managing
organizational change, as it allows changes to be prioritized and focussed on the
most important needs and opportunities.

ISO/TC 176/SC3/ WG28

Main contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• 1 Scope
• 2 Normative References
• 3 Terms and Definitions
• 4 Organizational Change Management Concepts
• 4.1 Introduction
• 4.2 Organizations and stakeholders (interested parties)
• 4.2.1 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
• 4.3 Conditions under which organizational change is likely to take place
• 4.4 Process perspective of organizational change management
• 4.5 Multi-Layer process model
• 5 Governance process
• 5.1 Introduction
• 5.2 Governance process
• 5.2.1 Purpose
• 5.2.2 Outcomes
• 5.2.3 Activities and tasks
• 5.2.4 Documented information
ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28
Contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• 6 Management processes
• 6.1 Introduction
• 6.2 Change Scenario process
• 6.2.1 Purpose
• 6.2.2 Outcomes
• 6.2.3 Activities and tasks
• 6.2.4 Documented information
• 6.3 Interested Party Identification process
• 6.3.1 Purpose
• 6.3.2 Outcomes
• 6.3.3 Activities and tasks
• 6.3.4 Documented information
• 6.4 Intervention Definition process
• 6.4.1 Purpose
• 6.4.2 Outcomes
• 6.4.3 Activities and tasks
• 6.4.4 Documented information
ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28
Contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• 7 Implementation processes
• 7.1 Introduction
• 7.2 Issue Identification process
• 7.2.1 Purpose
• 7.2.2 Outcomes
• 7.2.3 Activities and tasks
• 7.2.4 Documented information
• 7.3 Affected Interested Party Identification process
• 7.3.1 Purpose
• 7.3.2 Outcomes
• 7.3.3 Activities and tasks
• 7.3.4 Documented information
• 7.4 Affected Interested Party Intervention process
• 7.4.1 Purpose
• 7.4.2 Outcomes
• 7.4.3 Activities and tasks
• 7.4.4 Documented information
• 7.5 Change Management Reporting process
• 7.5.1 Purpose
• 7.5.2 Outcomes
• 7.5.3 Activities and tasks
• 7.5.4 Documented information
ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28
Contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• 8 Measuring affected interested party intervention progress on the change matrix
• 8.1 The change matrix
• 8.2 Rating the change matrix position
• 8.3 Aggregation of affected interested parties change matrix positions to higher levels
• 8.3.1 The change matrix cell aggregation problem
• 8.3.2 Change matrix cell aggregation models

ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28

Contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• Annex A (normative) Process documentation items
• A.1 Overview
• A.1.1 Governance process documentation
• A.1.2 Overview
• A.1.3 OCM Policy
• A.1.4 OCM Strategy
• A.2 Management Processes Documentation
• A.2.1 Overview
• A.2.2 Change Objectives and Strategy
• A.2.3 Interested Party Profile
• A.2.4 Interested Party Communication Record
• A.2.5 Intervention Requirements Specification
• A.3 Implementation Processes Documentation
• A.3.1 Overview
• A.3.2 Change Plan
• A.3.3 Affected Interested Party Profile
• A.3.4 Affected Interested Party Intervention Plan
• A.3.5 Affected Interested Party Intervention Status
• A.3.6 Affected Interested Party Intervention Change Matrix Position
• A.3.7 Change Scenario Status Report
• A.3.8 Change Plan Status Report
• A.3.9 Change Management Special Needs Report
ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28
Contents of ISO TS 10020:202X
• Annex B (normative) Generic sections definition
• B.1 Generic elements applicable to documents
• B.1.1 Document specific information
• B.1.2 Introduction
• B.2 Generic elements applicable to records
• B.2.1 Record specific information

• Annex C (informative) Statement of conformity to ISO/IEC 33004

• C.1 General
• C.2 Requirements for process reference models
• C.3 Process descriptions

• Annex D (informative) Mapping between the ISO TS 10020 requirements and ISO 9001 requirements
• D.1 General
• D.2 Associations between the requirements of this Technical Specification and ISO 9001 requirements

• Bibliography
ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28
Benefits of using ISO TS 10020:202X
• This document aims to provide organizational change management
practitioners with the information required to manage and perform
organizational change management in any organization.
• It is intended for, but not limited to change sponsors, change agents, change
team members, project managers, particularly those responsible for
governing, managing and implementing organizational change.

ISO/TC 176/ SC3/WG28

ISO/TS 10020:202X will provide:

• Processes that can be used to govern, manage and implement organizational

change management for any organization, project or smaller activity.
• Generic process descriptions that define the organizational change
management processes.
• Supporting informative diagrams describing the processes are provided. 
• Documentation items produced by these processes are described in Annexes
A and B.

ISO/TC 176/SC3/WG28
For more information

• To obtain a copy of ISO TS 10020:202X


• ISO TC 176 homepage


ISO/TC 176/SC3/WG28

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