Presentation of EDUC 112

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“Brain Storming”
Instruction: Individually, student will be given a
piece of art paper and a marking pen.
All they need to do is to write their thoughts or
ideas about the topic. Afterward, paste those
ideas on the board.
They will be given 3 minutes to do the task.
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to;
A. Identify the 6 philosophical thoughts on
B. Differentiate the philosopher’s thoughts on
education accurately; and
C. Appreciate the importance of knowing the
various philosophical thoughts on education.

Instruction: Student will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will

be given flashcard that consist of philosopher’s name and its
method. In the board, the teacher prepared the contribution o-f
each philosopher. All they need to do is to paste and identify
where those given terms and names correspond. The winning
team will be rewarded. They will be given 5 minutes to do the
(The Empiricist Educator) ( Learning Through Experience)

(Utilitarian Education)
(Building a New Social Order)


(Social Reconstructionism) ( Critical Pedagogy)
Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses learning by
doing and by interacting with the environment.
Human development had gone through an evolutionary series of
stages from the simple to the complex and rom the uniform to the
more specialized kind of activity.

Reconstructed experience past ideas, discoveries and inventions.

Education is not based on eternal truths but is relative to a particular

society living at a given time and place.

Emphasizes the reformation of society.

System must be change to overcome press ion and improve human

Acquire knowledge about
the world through the JOHN LOCKE
senses learning by doing (The Empiricist
and by interacting with the Educator)

Human development had gone

through an evolutionary series
of stage from the simple to the HERBERT SPENCER
complex and rom the uniform (Utilitarian Education)
to the more specialized kind of
experience past ideas, JOHN DEWEY
(Learning Through
discoveries and Experience)

Education is not based on

eternal truths but is GEORGE COUNTS
relative to a particular (Building a New Social
society living at a given Order)
time and place.
Emphasizes the
reformation of THEODORE BRAMELD
( Social Reconstructionism)

System must be change

to overcome pression PAULO FRIERE
and improve human (Critical Pedagogy)

How their philosophical thoughts help teachers and

student in teaching and learning process?

What is the importance of the various thoughts of the

philosophers on education that helps to provide a good
equality of education?
PHILOSOPHER Year Methods Concept
- Acquire knowledge about the world
through the senses (learning by
JOHN LOCKE 1632-1704 THE EMPIRICIST doing and by interacting with the
EDUCATOR environment)
- Induction method (comparison,
reflection, and generalization).
- Concrete experience
- Learning is an active not passive
agent of his/her own learning.

- Human development had gone

through an evolutionary series of
UTILITARIAN stages from the simple to the
HERBERT SPENCER 1820-1903 EDUCATION complex and rom the uniform to the
more specialized kind of activity.
- Individual competition leads to
social progress.
- Socio-emotional learning approach.
- Reconstructed experience ( past ideas,
discoveries and invention).
- Education is social process and is related
LEARNING THROUGH to the society it serves.
JOHN DEWEY 1859-1952 EXPERIENCE - “Genuine situation of Experience”
within this experience, the learners have
a genuine problem that stimulates
- Develop possible and tentative solution
that may solve the problem.

- Education is not based on eternal truths

but is relative to a particular society living
BUILDING A NEW SOCIAL at a given time and place.
GEORGE COUNTS 1889- 1974 -School are considered as instruments for
ORDER social improvement.
-The teacher and school are the agent of
-School ought to provides an education
that afford equal learning opportunities to
all students (Ornstein, A. 1984).
- Emphasize the reformation of society.
- Active problem- solving as a method teaching and
SOCIAL learning.
THEODORE 1904-1987 RECONSTRUCTIONISM - Education is not a privilege of the few but a right to be
BRAMELD enjoyed by all regardless of race and social status.
- Examine present culture and resolve inconsistencies,
controversies and conflict to build a new society not
just change society.

- System must be change to overcome pression and

improve human condition.
CRITICAL - Education and literacy are to vehicle for social change.
PAULO 1921-1997 PADAGOGY - Teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which
FREIRE the child must invent a reinvent the world.
- Teacher must see their selves as the sole possessors of
knowledge ( banking method of education).
- Community of inquiry
- Democratic relationship between teacher and students
is necessary in order for the conscientizations process
to take place.

INSTRUCTION: Using the same group, each
group will be given a material needed. All
they need to do is the differentiate the
philosopher’s thoughts on education
accurately using a diagram. Make the diagram
more appealing. Students will be given 5
minutes to do the task.

A. Enumeration

1. Give the 6 philosophers name

2. Give their philosophical contribution on education precisely.

B. Multiple choice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

3. He is known for his concept of “survival of the fittest”.

a. John Locke
b. John Dewey
c. Herbert Spencer
2. The following are the Paulo Freire’s philosophical thoughts on education, except;
a. system must be change to overcome oppression and improve human condition.
b. critical pedagogy is problem posing education
c. acquiring knowledge through the senses- learning by doing and by interacting with the
3. John Dewey philosophical thought on education
a. building a new social order
b. Social Reconstructionism
c. Learning through experience

4. Theodore Brameld philosophical thoughts on education

a. The empiricist educator
b. Utilitarian education
c. Social Reconstructionism

5. The following are John Dewey’s philosophical thoughts on education except

a. Simple ideas become more complex through comparison, reflection, and generation- the
inductive method
b. acquiring knowledge through the senses- learning by doing and by interacting with the
c. schools intimately related to the society that it serves.

Search in advance the Historical

Foundation of Education. Write your
answer in your notebook .
Prepared by:
Shella M. Albert,
Christeine joy O. Aberanda
April Joy Abrilla

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