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Physical Assessment of Post-

Partum Mother

to maintain the health of the mother and baby

physically and mentally, detect problems,
treat or refer if complications occur in the
mother or baby, provide insight into personal
health care and family planning services
The Important of Physical Assessment of
Post-partum Mother

• to make sure the mothers is recovering well from labor and birth
• to monitor whether the new moms are at risk of serious and
sometimes life-threatening health complications
• to make a postpartum care plan
• Get a complete postpartum checkup no later than 12 weeks after
giving birth
How many times does a postpartum
mother should control their physical
The postpartum mother should control their physical health for four
 in 6 hours - 3 days after givimg birth
 on day 4 to 28 days after giving birth
 on day 29 - 42 days after giving birth
What should
be assessed?
• Blood Pressure
The normal blood pressure for postpartum mother iscould be elevated due to pain or excitement but is
generally in the normal range.[3] A significant decrease (> 20% below baseline) in blood pressure could be a
sign of postpartum hemorrhage or septic shock.[4] Conversely, high blood pressure could be a sign of pain or
• Paravaginal Bleeding
The normal paravaginal condition for postpartum mother are the contraction of the uterus is due to a
substantial reduction in myometrial cell size; it constricts the blood vessels
• Perineum condition
The normal perineum condition for postpartum mother is Once the ovarian function resumes, rugae start to
appear in the vagina, usually by the third week in females that are not breastfeeding.
• Infection sign
The normal condition related to infection for postpartum mother isThe patient may develop perineal edema,
lacerations, tears, or undergo an episiotomy in the immediate postpartum period that may lead to discomfort
and pain.
• Uterus Contraction
The normal uterus for postpartum mother isThe pregnant term uterus (not including baby, placenta, fluids,
etc) weighs approximately 1000 g. In the 6 weeks following delivery, the uterus recedes to a weight of 50-100
g. Immediately postpartum, the uterine fundus is palpable at or near the level of the maternal umbilicus.
• Fundus High
The normal fundus high for postpartum mother is 14,13 m
• Temperature
The normal temperature for postpartum mother is < 38 C
• Swollen face
The normal face of postpartum mother is melasma
• Breast condition
The normal condition of breast of postpartum mother is looks red,
swollen, painful and full of milk about 1-2 days after delivery. Then on
day 3-4, after the swelling is reduced, the breasts will look slack
 Bladder
The normal function of bladder for postpartum mother is The result is normal if residual urine <200 ml.
 Digestive
The normal function of digestive for postpartum mother is There is brisk diuresis in the first two weeks after
childbirth, and it is not uncommon to have a urinary output of 3000 cc/day
 Wound Healing
The normal wound healing process for postpartum mother is The average of perineal wound recovery period of
binahong group is 6 days, while the red betel group is 4.69 days
The normal head condition of postpartum mother is After childbirth, a mother can expect to have some physical
changes and symptoms, but they are usually mild and temporary
 Tired
The postpartum body condition is The physician should be aware of the physiological changes associated with
the postpartum period.
Back pain
The normal back of the postpartum mother condition is Postpartum back pain mostly occurs while performing
activities that involve body movements,3 such as walking, lifting, bending, and/or carrying the new baby, and
may be relieved with rest, exercise, and home treatments. The type and severity of pain depend on the
underlying cause.
 Emotion
The normal emotion of postpartum mother are For most women, the first
weeks and months after childbirth is a time of emotional upheaval. Intense
feelings of joy, exhaustion, fatigue, confusion, loneliness, disappointment,
anger, fear, and happiness are all common
 Husband and Family support
The role of husband and family for postpartum mother areWhen both partners
support each other, they strengthen their bond and their sense of teamwork. A
partner's support is especially important for the mom and baby during this
busy time. A woman who feels supported by her partner during and after
pregnancy may feel happier and less stressed
• The postpartum period is the period after delivery of conceptus when
maternal physiological and anatomical changes return to the
nonpregnant state. The postpartum period, also known as
puerperium, starts following the expulsion of the placenta until
complete physiological recovery of various organ systems. The
postpartum period divides into three arbitrary phases, i.e., acute
phase - the first 24 hours after delivery of the placenta, early – up to
7 days, and late – up to 6 weeks to 6 months. Each phase has its
unique clinical considerations and challenges
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